electricea · 1 month
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@more-than-a-princess sent - What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?, What are things that you don’t wish to see on here? ( Questions for the Mun - Accepting! )
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
I'd say I'm happy to see everyone, but to name a few I'd say.
Truly though, it makes me happy to see everyone just talking about their muses, whether it's posting headcanons or discussing how their muse has developed and evolved, I just love to see people who love their muses!
What are things you that you don't wish to see on here?
Vague posting, callout posts, anon hate, negative posts that read as really hostile or passive aggressive, mentions of self harm or suicide.
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convxction · 12 days
wayward-sword: Clearly I approached this challenge with the wrong assumption. THAT'S DAMN SNEAKY.
isaaccecilbryant: AWW HECK HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO SEE THAT??? Good job hiding it! 🤣 i did give it a good try. I was clicking on everything to see if it’d pop up
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ooc. i mean... it is called treasure hunt, right? 🤭 god did not bless me with the HTML knowledge or it would have been funnier but oh well~ maybe next year, who knows~
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☕+ dog people
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"Look, I'm not saying dog people are inherently annoying." That wouldn't be true; half of his friends were dog people, including an actual fox spirit.
Okay, foxes weren't exactly dogs either.
"Just would it kill them to occasionally be a little more chill about the whole thing? They're dogs, they're cute, we get it."
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chosenshepherd · 10 months
Closed starter for @isaaccecilbryant!
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"Thanks for handling cooking duties - it's never really been my strong suit. Will be nice to have something warm to eat,"
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sentofight · 10 months
"Ah, Date-san." The puppy-eared AI-ball approached him. "Congratulations on living for another year successfully. Aiba said that is a most impressive feat for you to manage. I have prepared a gift for you, as is customary." A large (by AI-Ball standards) envelope is held out to the birthday man. Inside is an itemized bill for things Isaac has done to the man's computer. "I believe today is a good day to revisit the 2,500 yen you still owe me." Ai-Zak stares at the man. He will have his money for that Ruka figure.
"Hm? Ah, pup-ai," very funny and humorous, as always. Date looked down at where Ai-Zak settled on. "What's up? ... " his features darkened to hear the congratulation. "Okay, you could've worded it out differently--hello? consider my feeling--Hey! Who told you that again!? ...tsk... yall don't pull a punch, huh." it was odd that aiba had quickly popped out of his eye when she saw ai-zak. guess she knew she was about to be ratted out for her little comment.
"...It better be nice, pup." he crossed his arms, eyes--well, one good eye squinting down at the aiball. "envelope? ...hoho keeping them dirty secrets in here, eh? Didn't think you super intelligent ....creatures,--" yes, avoid saying 'things' unless he wants his head to 'fireworks' instantly. "er, like digital things more than your average rundown the mill items." still, he took the envelope from the aiball. honestly, he is curios and excited to open it. What could've the aibal gotten him? At least, he did remember to gift him something unless his ungrateful partner who ran away without saying a happy birthday to him. hmph!
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Date paused when he heard what Ai-Zak had said, " . . . . The what now?" his brain turned to a blue screen trying to process the number first then what was the aiball saying. "The who figure now??" hastily, he opened the envelop to see the bill. "WHAT THE ACTUAL--!!? For real!? You could've come to tell me this any other day--but on my birthday? that's low man ... sniffles.... my ...birthday.. of all days man ... I was expecting something sniffles...nicer ... it hurts, man." he pounds his chest, oh so dramatically a couple of tears rolling down his cheek. "This is truly what betrayal feels like ...ugh! My heart... my blood pressure... medic...meeeedic! I feel lightheaded. A chair.. I need to sit down... why the world is spinning around me? Aaah~ What a cruel world. Am I ...dying!? Oh, no~ I'm still young! Ah! If only I can fondle hot rack right now I can at least die ...happily."
and that continued for about three four minutes.
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ace defective, date's birthday | accepting | @isaaccecilbryant
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scmniu · 1 year
"you've got a whole band of idiots downstairs just waiting to catch you." {Ai-Zak warning Mak about everyone he's pissed off}
MISCELLANEOUS SENTENCE PROMPTS (accepting still since I'm slow)
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Oh that definitely is not good to hear. Granted, yes, the prototype rather enjoyed annoying others but then being annoyed enough to try and catch him was another matter entirely. A couple slow blinks whilst the small stubby hands tapped together a few times. It all came from pure nervousness about the situation as hiding could only work so much. Hiding away from the likes of the psyncers could be easier along with Boss perhaps if he went somewhere specific. Their creator however probably could track down the exact location if so desired. Not being good was an understatement.
" . . .do you think they'd find me under the vending machine?" And yet he still wanted to hide away. Plus at least there they'd have trouble grabbing him unless another AI-ball got involved.
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psychcdelica · 11 months
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@isaaccecilbryant sent: ☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!!!!
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Thanks, Stacie! I'll be honest, I won't send this off to inboxes but it's appreciated! I hope you're having a good day :)
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fctedivided · 11 months
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@mysticallities / @isaaccecilbryant
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Back at you, you two are amazing, truly a joy to have in anyone’s dashboard!~
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"Hold still..."
Send "Hold still..." for your muse to treat my muse's wounds! --accepting!
Yuan had a superhuman pain tolerance. That made sense, seeing as he was, in fact, something superhuman. That did not explain why it felt like there was molten iron being poured on his bleeding forearm.
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"Volt's thunder--" he snarled, jerking away from the hands that were ostensibly trying to help him. "What are you doing?"
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electricea-archive · 2 years
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@thuganomxcs​ sent - 3. Who are your longest rp friends? ( Memes for Roleplay Muns - Accepting! )
3. Who are your longest RP friends?
There’s definitely many people that I recognize from my first Ryuji blog - I feel that @tricksheart is someone who’s been in the fandom for as long as I have, if not longer and I almost feel like I’ve known them from the beginning.  I also didn’t really become friends with @cantillat until pretty recently but they had been someone who I saw in the RPC a lot and was always sort of aware of, before actually talking to them.  I also recognize @aplushemporium, back when they had a single muse blog just for Momo and went by another URL.  Likewise, I knew @shymaru when they began as a dual muse blog but then shifted into being a beta design Kiyotaka Ishimaru instead.  There have been many OC’s who I’ve seen on here for a really long time - @lachrymosestorm and @theshytigergirl come to mind as two that I feel I’ve seen on the dash for a very long time now.  I also remember @calamitysshatteredson​ from back in my Final Fantasy days and even if we don’t really talk, they’re the type of person I’ll always follow and support because I admired them so much in those days and thought really highly of them.
Probably my oldest friend has been @isaaccecilbryant​ - I met them before I even started as Ryuji, even before the other Final Fantasy blog who I highlighted.  I met them in the early early days of my blog in the Final Fantasy fandom and it was actually kind of through someone else and I just always remember how they started a thread with me right off the bat and even though our interactions might have begun from that other, third person - we quickly sort of spun off into our own thing and we did our own ship and our own threads together and I’m not really sure how it happened but we got to talking on Skype a lot, so the move to Discord down the line felt like a perfect natural one.  They were there when I was considering making Ryuji, they were the one encouraging me, they may not have been the very first person who I met through RP on here but they’re easily someone who I kept in touch with for the longest and I continue to keep things that way.  We do everything together, we talk at least once a week, we stream shows together, we have a whole server with all of our RP stuff, as well as RPing on here too.  They’re truly just my oldest friend an amazing person and someone who I will always recommend and support and cheer on and I know that they would absolutely do the same.  I’m proud to call them my longest RP friend.
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“I am a citizen of the universe, and a gentleman to boot.” ((Isaac wouldn't let me scroll past DrWho prompts in peace...))
[@isaaccecilbryant | Doctor Who Sentence Starters | Accepting]
With a world-weary sigh, Yuan accepted the screwdriver that was handed to him. The weight in his hand was familiar enough to tell most of his tools apart but he still dragged his finger down to the end to evaluate it.
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"Alright, citizen. Be a gentleman and hand me the 5.5 while you're at it."
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electricea · 10 months
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@isaaccecilbryant sent - 📒 three blogs i couldn't live without 🦄 the best thing that's happened to me in roleplay this year ( My Roleplay Experiences - Accepting! )
📒 - Three blogs I couldn't live without.
@mechahero - They're always a good friend and a wonderful presence. Cannot day enough good things about Lambda - past that, I've had fun talking with them more OOC and streaming with them. Really just a quality mun and muse all around, someone who everyone should check out.
@ama-tcra-su - They're definitely a more recent presence and even before we actually got to interacting and talking, I always felt there was a certain warmth and kindness about them and I'm glad to say that gut instinct has proven correct. I love hearing from them and hearing all of their cute headcanons with Ammy and Ryuji.
@bloodsplatteredmoon - I'm absolutely happy to see them back on the dash again, they're a sweet muse and they write Shinjiro with so much warmth and love - I'm so glad to see them back again and they're a Shinjiro I'd absolutely recommend following and giving a shot.
🦄 - The best thing that's happened to me in roleplay this year.
I don't typically like to pick any one thing because I don't want it to be the sort of 'peak' that defines the rest of my year. I'd say the best thing that's happened is I've felt that especially in this past year of 2023, I've gotten to meet and cross paths with so many amazing different muns from different fandoms, Persona and otherwise. I can honestly say I'm excited to see what's to come and hoping to meet more cool folks and get to know them.
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convxction · 1 year
because i am free you get a shenanigans starter wee~ @isaaccecilbryant
It was strange that he is going to travel yet he didn't need to take anything with him, aside from Falchion, of course. This whole traveling time....worlds? business for Isaac is still tripping him honestly.
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"I guess I am ready then. Shall we go to your world, Isaac?"
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“I can’t imagine this place being used for anything good, not with all that blood all over the walls.” 
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“Yeaaaaah. Somehow I don’t think we missed out on the fresh mutton, this time.”
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ninthcompanion · 1 year
6 and 11!
[ Character Development Questions: Hard Mode - Accepting ]
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
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He tries not to. Kratos has grown not to enjoy sleep, partly because it becomes disorientating to wake up, but partly it's the dreams.
If he's going to dream, it often features people he's lost and either culminates in his losing them again or he wakes up and experiences the pain of the loss anew.
He also dreams of war.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
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At the moment that Anna's exphere was removed, Kratos felt a kind of hopeless fear he had never felt before and has never felt since. Having to defend his son and Noishe from his wife was the worst situation he's ever had to navigate. There was no way to win. There was no way to save them both.
And through his inability to kill his wife, he lost the rest of his family.
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scmniu · 2 years
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Despite having been at work and sitting in front of the usual computer for hours by this point, not a single thing had even been attempted. Let alone finished. Working with one eye now made everything much more difficult and the visor was more of a problem than help. But most importantly: Pewter could hardly think. He now ended up with the habit of panicking by himself about everything that happened and the fear of the work place turning against him. A small sigh as he slouched slightly in the chair , bringing both hands up to be beneath his chin. Though once the sound of small pitter patters reached him, he had sat back upright once more.
" I'm...working on it. Give me three more days. I guess boss sent you to check. "
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