therockcoxon · 28 days
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A strange thing about stories -- Though this all happened so long ago and so far away that words cannot describe the time or the distance, it is also happening right now. Right here. It is happening as you read these words.
- Matthew Stover, Revenge of the Sith
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therockcoxon · 3 years
old people really need to learn how to text accurately to the mood they’re trying to represent like my boss texted me wondering when my semester is over so she can start scheduling me more hours and i was like my finals are done the 15th! And she texts back “Yay for you….” how the fuck am i supposed to interpret that besides passive aggressive
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therockcoxon · 5 years
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TiL (click to go to the thread, which probably has more interesting tidbits I missed).
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therockcoxon · 5 years
Adorable murder weapon
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therockcoxon · 5 years
Bill Hader’s knife story is the funniest thing ever
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therockcoxon · 5 years
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therockcoxon · 5 years
How Animals Eat Their Food
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therockcoxon · 5 years
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Rolling Stone Photo Shoot. The gift that keeps on giving
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therockcoxon · 5 years
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#my two moods
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therockcoxon · 5 years
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therockcoxon · 5 years
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The Cast Of “It Chapter Two” Finds Out Which Characters They Really Are
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therockcoxon · 5 years
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Douglas Adams is the best when it comes to describe characters
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therockcoxon · 5 years
Andy Samberg’s John Mulaney impression (x)
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therockcoxon · 5 years
This is very impressive, but it does beg the question: “what does it say about US society that we can’t do without our fucking waffles during a hurricane?”
How Does Waffle House Stay Open During Disasters?
Waffle House is prepared to make you breakfast at all hours of the day in any kind of weather. The restaurant chain is so widely respected for its severe weather preparedness that a former director of FEMA started using their stores as an indicator of how bad a particular storm or disaster was:
The “Waffle House Index,” first coined by Federal Emergency Management Agency Director W. Craig Fugate, is based on the extent of operations and service at the restaurant following a storm and indicates how prepared a business is in case of a natural disaster.
For example, if a Waffle House store is open and offering a full menu, the index is green. If it is open but serving from a limited menu, it’s yellow. When the location has been forced to close, the index is red. Because Waffle House is well prepared for disasters, Kouvelis said, it’s rare for the index to hit red. For example, the Joplin, Mo., Waffle House survived the tornado and remained open.
Annie Blanks recently visited the “Waffle House Storm Center” in advance of Hurricane Dorian’s predicted landfall in Florida.
When any of the stores are in danger of being hit by severe weather, so-called “jump teams” are activated to be ready to deploy wherever needed.
Jump teams are made up of Waffle House contractors, construction workers, gas line experts, restaurant operators, food providers and other associates who are assembled and ready to go wherever needed at a moment’s notice. Their purpose is to help relieve local Waffle House operators and employees who need to evacuate, be with their families or tend to their homes when a storm hits, and help make sure restaurants are able to open quickly after a storm or stay open during a storm.
On Twitter, Blanks shared a photo of the four different pared-down menus that Waffle House prepares for disasters.
(via @LauraVW)
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therockcoxon · 5 years
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Bounty hunting is a complicated profession. Don’t you agree?
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therockcoxon · 5 years
Hey tumblr, long time no see! My page is basically dead right now, suggest tags for me to follow please <3
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therockcoxon · 5 years
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