theromanskull · 13 days
i think the reason my whole school group chat hates my humor is because they’re not autistic. like my jokes in there would do numbers here maybe probably.
bird eating spaghetti
legit got kicked from the group chat for that one
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theromanskull · 2 months
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God, you can see where they bred this for looks and not for actual utility, glad this stint in the community was worked out before it became the new standard of panzer
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theromanskull · 4 months
Ok let me preface that I think that humanity dying is a BAD thing but, the original place I posted was doing a “what if Gen Z had to react to a bill being passed that makes it required that you have to have 1+ children in your life time” which I don’t agree with at ALL (All children deserve parents but not all parents deserve children) but all the people commenting were saying shit like “Oh the government never gave us anything!” Or “we should all just die out anyway!” And that’s crazy to me.
I don’t know about outside of America, but I can tell you that if you DO live in America, you can openly be: Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, atheist, agnostic, straight, bisexual, Gay, trans, black, communist, capitalist, anarchist, zoophile, furry, have the craziest fetiches in the world, and not get put in jail for it, which is WAY more than what I can say for a place such as Russia, China, North Korea, or Afghanistan. And you can thank the soldiers who died in the many wars we fought to protect that right for you. Now America isn’t perfect but with the help of new generations, we can fix it more! We once had slavery and women used to beat for cooking a steak for a minute to long, so we can definitely pull an Honest Abe on the lobbyists.
Humanity is getting better! If the very acknowledgment of our faults are in the public view we are making progress. The issue now is that instead of getting on the battlefield and actually CHANGING the laws around them, people say stupid shit like “I don’t think humanity is going to fix any of this, and instead of helping out fix the planet, I’m going to get infertility treatment and/or kill myself ‘for the greater good’” like, I get the sentiment, but you’re leaving the world’s issue to the few people that survive. If you really hate humanity: fix what’s wrong with it, I’m donating to charities, and I go out and support the homeless, picking up litter and other stuff.
Now when I say that people are saying that they want to kill themselves here, I don’t mean out of depression. If you or a love one is battling depression, drug/alcohol abuse, and/or suicidal thoughts, please, get them help. Life is sacred and no one should EVER want to kill themselves. Stay safe out there my guys!❤
Amore dall'Italia ~TheRomanSkull 15 di maggio, 2024
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theromanskull · 4 months
Life is dumb you know? But I’m lonely and now I can’t even laugh at the end of the world with my lover cuz she A) Doesn’t exist or B) is a whole ass different state! Fuck karma, I bet she’d like that, that whore.
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theromanskull · 4 months
You know, I don't see a lot of people talking about this moment in the TF2 comics right here, seconds after Sniper realizes he's actually from New Zealand. Does anyone else think about how freaking insecure Sniper must have been growing up?
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I know it has a somewhat comedic tone but I can't help but think about poor Sniper as a kid wondering why he was so different but never knowing why. With other Aussies being huge and muscular he must have thought something was wrong with him. And I feel like you can actually see the relief on his face in the bottom panel.
Also, side note, I love the bit about him throwing rocks from a tree which absolutely foreshadows his future as a sniper. His whole thing is shooting people from far away because he was never built to go on the offensive.
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theromanskull · 4 months
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drew this for engie's "bday" 🎂👷 (meet the engineer release date on 9/11 lol)
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theromanskull · 4 months
what’s so bad about the new Fallout Show?
ok so I keep seeing people on YouTube say that the new Fallout Show is bad, so if you agree with them, please… explain it to me in D E T A I L. All I’ve gotten is “New Vegas isn’t cannon!” “All the vault dwellers absolute pussies!” And even a little bit of “Maximus shouldn’t like Lucy!” And I swear if someone says something and when I push back with actual evidence that explains/disproves what you say, you don’t respond I will put you in a vat of FEV and give you a bob myself!
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theromanskull · 4 months
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i did something? I think?
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theromanskull · 4 months
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okey dokey 👍
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theromanskull · 6 months
What is an easy way to find… I don’t know… A bracelet, 3 rings (two silver, one rubber) and a Gamer’s Republic Laptop Charger? Please hurry….
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theromanskull · 7 months
y’all ever tried a new language that is completely constructed? Like Tsevhu (hint hint) if anyone specifically from the Tsevhu community, can I get how to form words?
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theromanskull · 7 months
When PM Seymour gets off script reading tumblr posts it’s like your grandparents starting to ramble while telling you a bedtime story, STAY ON TOPIC GRANDPA
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theromanskull · 7 months
why is the community split into “Medic is a sweet uwu baby! We must ship him with Heavy like Valve intended!” And the correct “RUUUUUUUUN!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD, RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!”
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theromanskull · 7 months
I'm waiting for Bettina Levy, Michaela Laws, ProZD and PM Seymour just do a Collab.
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theromanskull · 7 months
Hi! Just wanted to announce my arrival like the imperators of old
top of the morning fellow humans! I hope you had a good last 24 hours! I’m new to here but Bettina and P.M Seymour introduced me to tumblr. again, I’m new so if I screw up on anything, please let me know
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