therose202 · 6 years
Daily reminder that Bethesda is trash
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therose202 · 6 years
Hey followers check this out
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therose202 · 6 years
Good ass movie series for an even gooder ass book series
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The world is changing. Who now has the strength to stand against armies of Isengard and Mordor? To stand against the might of Sauron and Saruman and the union of the two towers. Together, my lord Sauron, we shall rule this middle-earth. The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. A new order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fist of the orc.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Dir. Peter Jackson DP Andrew Lesnie
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therose202 · 6 years
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therose202 · 6 years
This is so sad alexa disable my ability to dwell in the memories of relationships I had to leave behind
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therose202 · 6 years
I would argue that there is evidence for Egyptians also being dark-skinned but not black, but that's for a different conversation. This nose thing is ridiculous.
Hey, hi. I have a question wrt your bad Tumblr discourse post. How did Egyptian statues lose their noses if they weren't removed by Europeans? This is an honest question, because I was taught that even in school.
Geez, really? Wow.
Anything protruding on a statue is going to be the weakest point simply because it’s weight without support. Arms, noses, even heads sometimes. Anything outside the central mass, no matter the material. Therefore, it’s more succeptible to getting eroded or broken off over time. Plenty of Greco-Roman statues are also missing noses, and those are statues of Europeans.
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A quick Google search of “greek statue broken” turned up these results and many, many others. Go to any art museum and you’ll see plenty of noseless Greek and Roman statues.
Plus, I’ve seen no conclusive evidence (and by that I mean “not from a blog that also endorses the Dravidian Albino Theory”) that the intentional, racially-motivated nose-breaking happened. Now, they always said in my archaeology classes that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence, so it could have happened at some point, in some isolated cases. But there’s like a 99% chance there was never any widespread conspiracy to make Egyptian statues look less African.
Did Europeans do a lot to perpetuate a popular image of the Egyptians as white? Yes, and that’s really awful. However, it was mostly in contemporary art, not in the defacement of artifacts.
RACISTS/NAZIS/ALT-RIGHT/WHITE SUPREMACISTS STAY OFF THIS POST (a disclaimer I have to add to everything now because if you criticize even the slightest popular Discourse Theory the neo-Nazis jump on it)
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therose202 · 6 years
You don’t stand a chance
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therose202 · 6 years
Vote to end tyranny? How can you be so naive? The Republicans and the Democrats are both shills for corporate lobbyists and big money """donors""". Take them all down, don't just elect a different breed of tyrant.
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therose202 · 6 years
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therose202 · 6 years
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therose202 · 9 years
shoutout to all the kids who used to be smart/”gifted” and “a joy to have in class” and ended up becoming a straight F student or even dropping out because of mental illness
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therose202 · 9 years
me when i push the power button on The Console™ and grasp at controller
me: Let's enjoy video game.
Me a pc gamer: haha this is a funny post but pc gaming is so much more superior to console gaming but still really funny haha :))
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therose202 · 9 years
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im so bat at studying for exams
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i’ll probably just wing it when the time comes
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i usually fly by the seat of my pants anyway
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but i had a pretty fruitful study session today so who knows
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 i’ll just have some drinks at the cavern and forget about it
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oh well bat to the books I guess, hear you guys later
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therose202 · 9 years
When people give Elsa crap for being "too sexy" for Disney
It’s like,
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For gods sake, Ariel had a nude scene.
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therose202 · 9 years
I could not agree more.  This goes for every game in the "Endless" series :P
Endless Legend is really cool and deep and it’s really engaging and everyone should give it attention 
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therose202 · 9 years
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Since I see my last Endless Legend artpost get a few notes every now and again, I’m posting another set.
Art mostly sourced from the Amplitude Art group on Deviant Art. Credit goes to TduCrest for the first 5 posted, aurel-cg made the rest including, I believe, the last. 
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therose202 · 9 years
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Illustration for “Endless Legend”
Copyright Amplitude Studios
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