thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
Our Diasomnia boys just going about their business before hearing a soft squeak like scream, only to turn around to see Yuu holding their, now broken, nose while their eyes are tearing up. The culprit, from the Diasomnia dorm, trying to console Yuu before said boys notice.
It's basically whole squad reaction in one! Thank you for your request! Tho like, Malleus would get mad. Really mad.
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,,Now, now don't cry, don't cry...It doesn't even hurt right? Right?"
You could hear nervous voice that was poorly attempting to console you and stop you from crying. It wasn't quite effective. Perhaps, because the said person had just punched you in your nose. You weren't sure what made them change their tone of voice that was quite confident mere seconds ago to this desperate plead.
Though, it hurt. It hurt like hell.
You couldn't stop your eyes from tearing up nor a soft squeak that left your mouth when harsh fist collided with your face. Blood was falling down your face, as you weeped.
That person's hands gently patted your head and you could feel yourself shrinking at their touch, too afraid to pull away in case they decided to hit you once again.
,,You! Get away from our Human!"
A loud and familiar voice resonated through empty hallways, as you heard various footsteps rushing in your direction.
Ah, it all made sense now. That Diasomnia student who punched you began desperately consoling you, because they saw your squad approaching.
You slightly raised your head, yet before you could even saw the faces of your friends, you were turned around carefully, as warm hands gently cupped your face, inspecting the damage inflicted.
,,Are you okay?"
Silver's soft voice was barely audible given Sebek's loud screaming in the background. You couldn't quite make out the words he was yelling in his rant, yet you were almost sure that he was scolding the student.
You only nodded in response. Silver titled your head to the side, carefully assessing your broken nose. He didn't look pleased at all. He gently whipped the tears streaming down your face and began clearing the blood dripping from your wound with a handkerchief.
When he finished, Silver gently wrapped his arms around you pulling you into a warm hug. He patted your head, hoping it would calm you down.
While he was consoling you, the rest of Diasomnia squad was dealing with the aggressor.
Sebek was still yelling, relentless in his scolding. Malleus was indignant that someone even dared to raise their hand at you. At his favourite human. Needless to say, Diasomnia student was shivering in fear. They were absolutely petrified and they regretted their actions. They fell down to their knees and prayed for mercy and forgiveness.
Lilia was whispering with Malleus, trying to convince him not to do anything unpleasant nor rash.
,,I suppose you may be right"
Malleus sighed heavily, as his eyes landed once again on the student kneeling before him. He wasn't swayed with Lilia's idea. However, he knew better than to scare you away. He briefly glanced at your trembling form in Silver's arms.
Lilia's plan was definitely better.
,, Now, now, Little One. Wouldn't you like to serve some retribution?"
Lilia's question made you stop crying. You raised your head from Silver's chest and looked at him questioningly. You looked quite pitiful with face covered in smeared tears and blood.
Lilia approached you swiftly and kneeled down to your eye level. You could see a mischievous glint in his eyes, as soft smile danced on his lips. He whipped a stray tears falling down from your glassy eyes. He titled his head looking at you with anticipation.
,,Remember how I showed you how to properly punch someone?"
Your eyes widen slightly at the implication of his words. Silver only furrowed his eyebrows in response, deciding not to interfere this time and letting you decide for yourself.
,,It would be only fair to return the favor, don't you think so, Little One?"
You supposed that perhaps he was right.
Given how Sebek eagerly agreed with Lilia and how Malleus nodded his head in confirmation, perhaps it wasn't a bad idea.
Yet, you were hesitant.
You've never punched anyone. You often opted for a peaceful solution and you were never the person to pick violence as an option. Yet, this time it seemed quite tempting. You shook your head.
No, you couldn't.
You could get in trouble if someone was to witness this situation. After all, fighting was strickly prohibited. You could easily report the student for punching you and he would get punished. It's not like you needed to get revenge.
,,Someone could see this and we would get in trouble"
You whispered in response, which earned a chuckle from Lilia.
,,Oh, come on Little One~"
Malleus turned around, before he spoke.
,,It's not like I will see anything"
,,See? Malleus is allowing you a small revenge"
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
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does it ever mess you guys up how absolutely shitty marius' childhood and teenhood was, cuz like, i never stop thinking about it
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
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tot men are built different
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
The Lunar New Year calls are so funny this year; allow me to elaborate
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Luke: oh no!! People are giving me strange looks but I just really wanted to wish you well >_<
Artem: Mother wanted to see you and I got scolded because I didn’t invite you :((
Vyn: Grandbabies?? 🥺🥺
Marius: D R O N E
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
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mo yi turns into a cat
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
On the bright side the crowd screamed BITCH for him
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
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Obey Me: Nightbringer // Card Art Icons
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
REBLOG if you have amazing talented artist friends!
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
Barbatos *seeing Mephisto's future*: I'm seeing you kissing MC.
Mephisto: Do you see the future or have you placed a curse??
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
can I have a fluffy scenario w mr. trappola 😳 mayhaps during summer at NRC and including a smooch or two 😳😳😳
Cold. The chill of a canned drink,pressed against your face. Droplets of water drip down, kissing every corner of your cheek. A refreshing feeling, especially in the summer’s heat.
Turning, you take the offered can.
“Thanks… Ace.”
He shoots you a lopsided grin, before plopping down next to you. Nudging you with his shoulder, his head droops onto yours. An additional weight on your body, along with his insufferable body heat.
As if it wasn’t hot enough.
Elbowing Ace, you try to shove him off. A chuckle, before his arms slide around you, locking you in his sweltering embrace. All you could do was wiggle around in a futile attempt to escape his grasp.
Ace only holds on tighter, swaying from the left to the right, a smirk stretching from ear to ear. A groan escapes your lips, before you submit to his touch. Leaning into his chest, you curl up next to him. Ace tenses ever so slightly. Surprised, perhaps.
“Huh? You’re all cuddly today, aren’t ya? Miss me that much?”
A huff, before you mumble:
Another laugh, a boyish chuckle. Giddy with joy, Ace’s hands move to your hips, twisting you around to face him. Crimson red dusted on his cheeks, almost the same scarlet as the heart over his eye. He looks at you, eyes crinkled ever so slightly.
“Aww, that’s good to know, cutie.”
He swoops in, pressing his lips against yours. A soft feeling, the flutter of a butterfly’s wings gently beating against your lips. Ace moves away just as quickly, holding his fist over his lips. The blush spreads rapidly, rampaging down his neck.
His gaze meets yours. A sheepish smile, before Ace’s palm cups your cheek. His touch felt like the caress of the summer sun. Burning hot, yet it was a feeling all too familiar.
A feeling you were rather fond of.
Leaning in to his touch, you give him a small smile. Your fingers brush against his own, stroking the back of his hand tenderly. Ace gives you another crooked grin, before leaning towards you once more.
“Up for another ?”
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
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~ Tachibana Yuta as Buzen Gou ~
From the Towazugatari /Honoo Single CD Live ver. B Backstage DVD
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
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Precious duo  ☆
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
Just found out these characters have the same voice actors
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William James Moriarty, Tsurumaru Kuninaga - Saito Soma (sadistic mastermind matician vs troll crane sword boi...)
Albert James Moriarty, Shokudaikiri Mitsutada - Sato Takuya (those two...they pretty much have the same personality)
That kind of explains why I was so attracted to/turned on by their voices...
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
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a (rare) confused kasen (+ him trying to act nonchalant...)
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bonus kasen looking from shokudaikiri to manba:
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
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Red, like his eyes
This is the best fanart I’ve made so far 😌 😌
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thesaltwatertaste · 1 year
Roland x fem!vamp!Reader
cw: fem!Reader (reader is only eluded to), third person, sfw, unedited word count: 1.7k ─Roland comes back late after your outing together, Olivier has a few choice words for his comrade
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“Rooooland!” As loud as the slamming door was it wouldn’t top the way Olivier hollered the man’s name upon storming into one of the more intimate storage areas deep within the bowels of the Church.
“Bonjour Olivier,” Roland craned around to see the massively irate man storming in, “Aren’t we-”
Grabbing a fist full of his partner’s uniform collar. Olivier smashed Roland back into the storage area among the Chasseurs items. Snagging the door and shutting it behind the two of them with a loud bang. Dropping his voice but not hesitating to get within his friend’s face as his voice dropped, “What in the hell have you done this time Roland?”
“Oh was my time off not sanctioned?” Roland piped up innocent as could be with a slight tip of his head, “I’m pretty sure I didn’t mix up the days if that’s what you’re-”
“That is not what I’m getting at!” Olivier, seething through clenched teeth searched Roland’s face even for an ounce of remorse for what he’d found his friend to do. Only turning up that endearing smile Olivier felt sick to his stomach and immediately shoved Roland back into the hangers of uniforms, “Why? Just tell me, why?”
Again the bright blond tilted his head like an inquisitive bird, “Why what Olivier?”
Nearly shaking with rage that frothed at the very bounds of what he could control. Olivier’s eyes narrowed on his long time friend entirely sure he knew the man before him. And yet his actions seemed utterly alien to him even now, “Why….why would you fall in love with a vampire.”
Keep reading
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