theschoolofmagick · 8 years
Mostly for those asking about @theschoolofmagick
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theschoolofmagick · 8 years
Hi, so I've been interested in this kind of thing since I was really little but I was basically told to grow out of it. Now that I found this I just want to know/do everything I can. Do where do I get started and what do I do?
Congratulations on your soul journey! You can follow my personal blog @thenativewitch and look under “tags”, there you can find a bunch of resources for beginners, etc.
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theschoolofmagick · 8 years
Okay y’all! Here are all my answers to the asks I’ve received! Thanks!
{ Also if you are watching this from The School of Magick, I ask that you please follow my personal @thenativewitch because apart from this video, all my other Q&A videos with your asks will only be posted there and not on the SoM blog. }
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theschoolofmagick · 8 years
thenativewitch :
Currently recording/editing SO many videos right now. I also have a ton of messages in my ask box that I will be turning into a q&a video, so watch out for that later tonight; also if anyone else has any questions for me that you’d like me to answer in my video, ask away!
so many videos
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theschoolofmagick · 8 years
Hey everyone! My tarot course, Moon Arcana, is now open and I am taking payment (11$) for the two part course, thirteen lessons in total! Here’s a video with more information on it! If you’re interested in taking the course, please message me your PayPal e-mail or regular e-mail, letting me know which one it is and we can get started!
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theschoolofmagick · 8 years
okay, so I know how to make a sigil, but how do you use it/get it to work?????
Personally, I create the sigil, hold it in my hands while focusing on the energy and result I want it to have, then charge it by destroying it. Depending on what you’re trying to do, I’d look into various destroying methods having to do with elemental correspondences. For example, if you are banishing a bad habit, I’d use fire to destroy it as fire signifies taking action, banishing, purging, destroying all the bad; if you’re looking into being more in touch with your emotions, look into water soluble ink and dip the sigil within water to destroy it with water as water represents emotions, etc. 
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theschoolofmagick · 8 years
Hallo, Just wondering what your thoughts might be on a forest witch that almost constantly dreams of the ocean. It has been confusing me for a long while since I am very much an inland person and do not much like the ocean, though I used to. A common thing to see in my dreams is a great number of whales of various colours and species and I am almost always in the water with them. The ocean is always warm and very calm. I don't know if this might help - I would appreciate your insight.
Hello! I would take a look at my personal life, if I were you. Whales in dreams usually signify being spiritually uplifted, having done a lot of spiritual work or being in a spiritual phase; whales also signify calm and peace, tranquility, all those good things. So it could be that maybe you have gone through a spiritual phase? Or that your guides are telling you that you should practice spirituality or other forms of spirituality? Maybe your guides are trying to tell you that you should incorporate oceanic magic into your spirituality or using the ocean in your practice? There are many possibilities!
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theschoolofmagick · 8 years
Hi, so over the last 5-6 years I have become connected to the emotions of the people around me, I'd like to know if there is a way to hone it or make it stop or anything because it's annoying that it won't stop (I'm new to Magick btw & under 20 y/o)
It’s called empathy or “clairsentience”, you can find information on that here. And I also have a video on it here. And one of the best ways to control it and/or lessen the ability, I find, is to meditate and put up a shield/guard around you and your aura. Best of luck! x
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theschoolofmagick · 8 years
Tarot Reading Course!
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I’m currently writing out the course and all that it entails/lesson plan, etc. Again, the cost is 11$
Please only like/reblog this post if you are interested!!!
…and I’ll message you a link to where you can find the course!  {gif by me}
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theschoolofmagick · 8 years
Tarot Card Classes?
The fee would be 11$ to learn how to interpret various cards intuitively and visually, as well as give accurate readings and more! Would anyone find this interesting?
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theschoolofmagick · 9 years
PSA for @theschoolofmagick. I also wanted to say that if anyone is curious about anything and they feel I may have the answer and have been wondering whether or not I would make a lesson about it, feel free to send me an ask and I will totally make it as a video since a video takes me 15 minutes to record as opposed to writing a four hour long lesson. 💕
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theschoolofmagick · 9 years
Just some observations you do not have to take into account if you do not want to, but the pentagram on the left is very hard to spot. Also it takes me to the introduction which takes me to chapter 1 and it stops from there. Could there be an extra page where you have links to all the chapters laid out? I feel it would help a lot with navigation. However, I love all your information. Make the site as you see fit.
Thank you my dear! I’ll fix those edits tonight!
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theschoolofmagick · 9 years
Hello! I'm so excited to see you have a tumblr now. I discovered the school of magick a couple years ago and to be honest, the webpage was confusing for me to navigate. But I know how to navigate tumblr very well. I just wanted to tell you that I'm so happy you're here and please keep updating. I will hang on to every word and teaching.
Hello my friend! I actually have no idea what webpage you’re talking about? Lol. This is my first “public” page.
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theschoolofmagick · 9 years
Hello there, I know this is the most basic question but do you have any ways of finding out what kind of witch/what type of magic that I am most gifted with? Thanks!!
There really isn’t a way of just knowing unless you really know yourself, which if you did- you’d have known by now! Haha. But really, I’d say experiment with it all and see what you’re most drawn to! Best of luck.
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theschoolofmagick · 9 years
Do you have a master post for rituals by chance??
I do not! I’m sloooowly in the process of typing up my own and will post them here in the future.
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theschoolofmagick · 9 years
Hello! If it's not too much trouble would you be able to assist me in starting off with sigils, how to create, use and charge them (also how to charge them without necessarily destroying them)? Thank you xx
Hey hun! I don’t have much on sigils because I don’t work with them as often as others do, but I have a video I made on creating/charging them and also I have two links for you here and here. Also here’s my video. Best of luck.
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theschoolofmagick · 9 years
Hi, sorry if this seems like a nuisance, but how can I access chapter one? I've read through the introduction, but there's no link to chapter one. Thanks for this blog, by the way! It's an excellent idea for new and old witches alike.
You’re very welcome!
Here’s Chapter 1. And here’s all of Part 1 of the course.
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