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i DID see people on tiktok saying that we shouldn’t care about palestine because they’re conservative and anti lgbt and a whole bunch of shit and. for real? for real? THAT is touch grass. THAT is go outside and touch grass. zero compassion zero consideration for real people ZERO brain function in fact. like you know there ARE gay people in palestine? like if texas was getting air raided would you say fuck texans, theyre all republican? actually dont answer that lmfao we already saw it happen with the power outages. people will generalize and people will condemn without nuance or scrutiny. no sense of value for human life. who gives a shit about other people lol
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COVID is slowly becoming a "third world" disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can't get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.
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So, India is dying.
Look, I know a good number of you are from the US and things aren't amazing there either, but my country is literally on the brink of collapse. So I'd love it if we could talk about that for a minute.
If you can't do anything else, please just read and reblog.
A second COVID wave has taken out the healthcare system. There are no more hospital beds. There's an oxygen shortage. There's a critical vaccine shortage. The Central Government has thrown its hands up and is passing the baton to the State Governments to do what they can.
There are over 16 million covid cases. A record 330,000 new cases reported yesterday - comparable to the US at its peak. 187,000 dead as of today.
There is no plan.
Mass cremations are taking place. The cremation grounds are running day and night and they are short on wood. People are watching their loved ones die while waiting for a hospital bed, and then they're unable to give them the proper burial rights.
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Hospitals are overwhelmed. Patients are being confined, two to a bed. They're the lucky ones.
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We are on the verge of people dying in the streets.
This is the second-most populous country in the world. The largest democracy. A country that encapsulates over 15,000 years of recorded human history and has endured everything from famine to invasion to colonisation.
We might be at the end. This might be the thing that does us in.
People are dying.
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People are dying.
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People are dying and there is no plan.
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More good news? Variants are popping up. A double mutation strain has shown up. It is resistant to current vaccines. This will not go away. This is the devastation they warned of when the anti-maskers were out protesting the minor inconvenience of covering their face in public.
My country is on the verge of an emergency state. Our government has failed us. This is as dire a situation as it ever could be.
Look. I don't do much with my life. I write fics, some of you have read them and that's pretty much it. I spend my days with my head in the clouds because that's where I like to be.
But two days ago, my grandmother tested positive, had to be taken to hospital and the ambulance caught fire.
She barely made it to the urgent care she needs.
So, here I am, using whatever meager platform I have to cobble this request together. Because I have to do something.
If you can, donate.
Or spread the word.
Help. Please.
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On the Front Line of Mexico’s Forever War Against the Cartels
The end of 2021 will mark 15 years since the start of Mexico’s “guerra contra el narcotráfico,” a war against drug trafficking that officially began in December 2006, when thousands of soldiers were deployed to topple the cartel terrorizing the state of Michoacán. The war soon spread and plunged the entire country into a downward spiral of violence that continues today. 
 The current war in Michoacán is between the powerful Jalisco New Generation Cartel or CJNG, led by a notorious kingpin known as El Mencho, and an alliance of groups known as the United Cartels. Some communities also rely on citizen-led militias to battle the cartels. 
 VICE News reporter Keegan Hamilton and producer Miguel Fernández Flores traveled to the epicenter of the conflict in Michoacán, meeting cartel members on both sides and seeking to understand if anything will or can change for the better.
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Living in a city with superheroes
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“Derek Chauvin is the Minneapolis police officer who killed George Floyd. I don’t have to say “allegedly” killed, because I saw it. Floyd was alive, and then, eight minutes and 46 seconds later, he was not, and the only intervening event that happened was Chauvin’s knee on his neck. Chauvin’s trial started this week, and soon a jury, comprised mainly of white people (of this we can be almost certain), will tell us whether they think killing a Black man should be a crime. In a reasonable world, this trial would be perfunctory. Hell, in a reasonable world, there wouldn’t even be a trial: Chauvin would have accepted some kind of plea deal. That’s what most people do when they are caught on camera killing someone. But we don’t live in a reasonable world—we live in a white one. Chauvin is white, and he’s a cop. And his victim was Black. In most situations, that’s all you need to get away with murder. Chauvin’s attorneys will likely argue that something else killed Floyd during the nearly nine minutes Chauvin was suffocating him. They will claim that Floyd had some underlying health problem that made him more vulnerable to vicious police brutality than the average Black man or that something happened before the video that justified the brutality caught on camera. They will declare that Floyd’s death was “tragic,” but fundamentally Floyd’s fault. Somehow. […] The process of stacking the jury in Chauvin’s favor started this week. For those new to the art of jury selection, it’s a deeply flawed process. Citizens are summoned to the courthouse, via mail, and unless they can come up with a good excuse for why they can’t show up, they have to appear, usually for a couple of days. If a trial starts during that period, some of them may be randomly selected to fill out a questionnaire. The answers to that questionnaire are given under penalty of perjury, but people rarely check. Then, these prospective jurors are questioned, one by one, by the attorneys in the case (and the judge if they choose to do so). After the questioning, called the “voir dire,” lawyers are given the option to exercise what’s called a “peremptory challenge.” These challenges allow lawyers to strike potential jurors on the suspicion of bias, except that lawyers don’t have to explain or prove why they think a particular juror is unfit to serve. Lawyers can strike jurors for any reason, or no reason at all. Peremptory challenges give lawyers wide discretion in shaping the jury and can be abused. Technically, for instance, you’re not allowed to strike a juror just because of their race. But as long as the striking lawyer can give a facially race-neutral reason, the exclusion of that juror will stand. So, you couldn’t strike a juror for being “Black” but you absolutely could strike a juror for listening to rap music. […] But prosecutors had video of Officer Betty Shelby shooting Terence Crutcher to death on a highway in Oklahoma in 2016, while surrounded by other police and helicopter support, and she was acquitted. They had video of NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo choking Eric Garner to death in broad daylight in 2014, and he wasn’t even charged. They had video of LAPD officers beating the hell out of Rodney King. And those cops were acquitted by a jury of their “peers.” It only takes one white person who thinks the cops should be allowed to hunt and murder Black people to hang a jury. The jury system is set up by white people, and one of its primary functions is to let white people go free when they kill Black people. Maybe that system will fail this time, allowing justice to be done. But I wouldn’t count on it.”
Elie Mystal at The Nation on the Derek Chauvin Trial and how Chauvin could end up acquitted or a hung jury (03.11.2021). 
Elie Mystal wrote an excellent article for The Nation on the Derek Chauvin Trial explaining the jury system could end up letting Chauvin off for murdering George Floyd, which would trigger nationwide riots that make last summer’s look like a high school baseball game. 
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This take pops up every couple of weeks on twitter and it’s joined “the island was purgatory and they were dead the whole time” as my least favorite ‘I didn’t understand the point of the show and so I’ve decided to insert my own’ TV opinion.
Chernobyl is not about condemning communism. All of the heroes are also communists! It’s about condemning liars and governments who will lie and let people die to protect their own mythos and interests. The whole thesis of the show is ‘when you lie so much, it becomes harder and harder to tell what’s a lie and what the truth ever was, and when that happens then people get hurt or die’. 
If anything, considering it came out right at the beginning of the Trump administration and when everyone started abusing the term “gaslighting” it’s way more a veiled condemnation of what was then current-day America than one of communism. 
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The Assasination of Gary Webb
The Iran-Contra affair
The fact that Bin Laden was trained by the CIA
Nixon's chief of staff admitting that the war on drugs was to jail leftists and black folk
MK Ultra
The whole Oliver North scandal
The patriot act
The supported cues in Latin America supported by the CIA
Those are just the ones at the top of my head.
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