theselegacies-blog · 6 years
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♊ — Kai drew out the next moment deliberately, silently, and in a way that paralleled the one before it. Then he offered a late, “Aw, sweet. Thanks.” Looking theatrically skeptical as he did. Though the game got a little derailed as the heretic found himself relating super hard to the others plight. “Kai Parker, but my snooping is supposed to be a secret… so don’t go sharing that with anyone. I’d rather not kill you.”
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""No problem...?" Landon offered warily as they looked at the heretic, trying to understand the man before giving up. The man was an enigma, and Landon wasn't even entirely sure what that word meant so, he decided to accept the fact that he wouldn't get Kai Parker just yet. "I'd rather not die so I'll uh, take your advice. Scouts honor."
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
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❝What do you mean?❞ Similar taste in people? Who could her daddy be so interested in? Hope had an idea but that set a pit in her stomach if she is being honest. If her dad gets interested in someone, will he leave her? Will he no longer love her? She shoves it in the back of her mind for now. ❝Who’s dad interested in?❞
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Kol realized the moment the words had left his lips that he probably shouldn't have said what he did, but it was too late now. Klaus might skin him alive for this, but what did he really have to lose? It would serve his brother right for all the times he'd daggered him and stuck him in that bloody coffin to be forgotten until he seemed it convenient, but in the end, he decided he preferred his limbs in tact. "You'll have to ask your father about that one, little witch."
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
“Right… I mean I heard a little about you… but I didn’t know it was you.” he admitted. “Well not start it… I was their idea..” he stated. “Well I mean… I grew into one, but I used to always be with my friends…” he confessed. Jeremy nodded his head at the females words. “Sure. I’ll keep quiet… but I would find her soon… she can be rather busy with the school..” he stated.
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"Surprise?" the huntress offered with a smile as she tried to defuse the tension in the air between them. "To be fair though, I would have told you sooner if I'd known you were one of those Gilberts."  As in one of the founding families of this mysterious little town, and one of the families tasked with protecting the town from all things supernatural, just like the Forbes family. He could be useful, though she wasn't going to approach him about that just yet. "Noted."
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
(¸.• ♛ → This was so strange. She was going to clarify but then when she saw that expression she knew that the woman figured things out but this was too much, she didn’t know that she was going to have the chance to meet her. “My name is Elizabeth, Elizabeth Saltzman. I’m sorry, I was just…I was just surprised to see you and all, I guess, I just know you from pictures.”
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"Elizabeth?" The name felt odd on her tongue, but looking at the blonde, her daughter, it seemed to fit her just fine. She was caught in a haze as she looked her over, so many questions, so many thing she wanted to say but she was coming up blank. Should she hug her? Give her space? Let her speak or speak herself? She didn't know, but she knew she had to do something. "That's q beautiful name."
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
Sybil moved to pour the woman a drink. “You’re new,” She said. “Who are you?”
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"Old, actually." she mused with a proud smile. "Qetsiyah, and you are?"
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
Jeremy smiled at the female. “I know, I have done something incredibly stupid on a number of occasions… although I suppose some people class getting together with you being one of those too… I know how it ended was incredibly stupid though. “Yeah… but we both know I’m the best one out of them..” he admitted with a wink before laughing. “Yes it is… although you do it again and I will find a way to bring you back and kill you… the world is a better place with Bonnie Bennett in it.” he admitted
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"Getting close with me in a death sentence, what can I say." the Bennett offered with a small smile. She'd meant to tease him, but there was certainly some truth in her words. Her parents had both died, her grandmother, Elena, Caroline, Jo, Ric, Liv, Jeremy, Enzo, all had died at least once, and it was hard to ignore the pattern. Raising an eyebrow at the hunter, she did teasingly ask "Is that so?" At his promise, she did laugh, enjoying the thought, though she wasn't quite sure it was right. "The world is a better place with you in it too, Jer."
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
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To say the witch was suspicious was understatement, but once she saw his gift, she took it, leaving him in her doorway, not paying him any mind. The flowers were beautiful, delicate and magical. They held her attention as she ignored the bearer of the gift, reaching out to let her fingers brush against the petals. She'd always loved flowers as a girl, something the former immortal was all too aware of from their moment together. They'd always reminded her of spring, of new beginnings, of good things to come. Those were the reasons she'd grown a whole garden for her wedding, and just as Silas had left her, she'd left the flowers to rot as her heart was shattered. She hadn't taken time to appreciate them since, the memory just as fresh as ever. Words were the only thing she offered him, not even a glance as she toyed with the flowers under her finger tips. "You aren't forgiven." 
@theselegacies | TESSA
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🏺 — “For so rudely exiting our last conversation.” The once-immortal stood just beyond the threshold of the witch’s abode; shoulders back and chin up in a confident display. In his hand was his peace offering. A simple bouquet of flowers – no more than a couple blooms. Local and self-harvested, imbued with magic that helped them grow in the winter’s chill.
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
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♊  — Kai wiggled an iPhone in the air. “In my defense, I was invisibly watching cat videos on the internet,” he explained, a whimsical edge to his tone, “Then you walked in, and I couldn’t help it. You had this a look on your face…” It piqued his interest almost instantly, thoough he had hoped to eavesdrop on something juicier. No one else came in, though. It ended up being just them. “So far, the glass of water is free of blame. I had expected a twist.”
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The witch lazily watched as the heretic wiggled the phone at her, not bothering to role her eyes as she looked at him. "You know, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt but the general population gets dumber with every generation.." she muttered, trying to think of a way to twist what he'd scene, but she was coming up short. "I just was thinking out loud alone, but as my privacy has been invaded, I guess I'll have to find something else to do."
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
Seeing the frown appear on the females face , Jeremy shook his head a little. “No don’t feel bad… I enjoyed it… and I know you are always there…it was nice to just be alone at home , you know?” the Gilbert admitted. “Yeah I know…although be fair most of the tine you had me with you…”he teased. “He remembered how heart breaking it was for him to act like Bonnie was fine, when in fact she was dead. “You always did the stupidest things…especially for me and Elena…” he pointed out.
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“I get it, I just want you to know I’m always here for you - even when you do something incredibly stupid.” All teasing aside, the witch was loyal to her friends to a fault, even when it killed her to do so ( literally ). “You or Damon... or Kai... until no one...” Lifting her spirit the best she could, a smile taking the place of the frown at his last comment, she simply shrugged. “I do stupid things for the people I love. It’s sort of my thing.”
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
“Care?” He repeated but using her abbreviated name. “You are her step sister? I never knew that… I mean I have know Caroline since I was a kid… she is one of my sisters best friends.” Jeremy stated. How odd it was that no one had ever mentioned it before. “Well no I am not… I didn’t attend there… I just helped them when it was set up and stuck with it… Alaric… who opened it with Caroline…he was…is sorta like a surrogate father to me.” Jeremy admitted.
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“Well, I was five when Bill died so I can understand why I never came up much.” Brady offered with a shrug, though she took another note when he mentioned that they’d been lifelong acquaintances. “So you helped them start it up? That’s cool... I just always took you for the lone ranger type.” she mused, pausing for a moment before adding “If you see Care, can you not mention me? I’m trying to surprise her.” 
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
“They were pretty quiet… I spent most of it alone… when you spend months alone, coming back to so many people can be quite the adjustment.” he admitted. “How about you?” He questioned for a moment. “Yes, luckily for us, Mystic falls seems to have this little habit of sticking together to sort these things out..”
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Now that revelation brought a frown to her face as she looked at the younger Gilbert. “No one should be alone for the holidays... you know my door is always open, right?” she offered gently, a small frown painted on her lips as she reached out and put a hand on his shoulder for a moment before pulling it back. “I know a little something about that.” She knew all too well what it was like to be alone for so long and struggle to come back. From death, from the prison world, it was all the same, and it wasn’t easy. “We always survive - somehow.” 
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
As the female moved towards him, he let a small smile cross his lips. “Oh? I never knew your step sister was from Mystic Falls… I Live here… This is my home… I actually work at the salvatore boarding school.” he admitted to the other. He knew how ruthless she could be, and wondered why she would be in town - especially when it was overrun with supernaturals.
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Now Brady believed in coincidences, but the more he said, the weirder it all seemed. He was from Mystic Falls, a small blip on the map most people had never heard of, and he worked at the same school her stepsister helped run? “Yeah, her names Caroline Forbes, and apparently you guys work together...” she said, her curiosity more than obvious. “Never took you as the boarding school kind of guy.” 
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
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🐾 — “Sounds like a bigger problem then you’re letting on,” he offered warmly.  
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“He’s not that big of a problem - for the moment.”
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
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🏺 — “Or the damned. Not that there’s much of a difference.”
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“The damned? What did you do? Jaywalk?”
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
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♊  — “Troubled, stranger?” he cooed from his spot on the counter. He may or may not have been invisible just seconds before, but who could prove such a travesty?  Who would dare, he thought.
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“I’m not the one sitting invisibly on the counter waiting for disaster to strike.” Qetsiyah countered, looking over at the man who’d suddenly appeared. “I’d say that’s some troubling behavior.”
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
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♊  — The sound of her laugh, it was enough to drive him completely mad. Knowing that he was the reason only elevated the feeling. "If you’re nervous, Bon, I’ll take mine off too,” he countered, flashing one of his wild grins. Kai hadn’t expected her to abandon the comfort of the covers. Not so soon, anyhow. He was already elbows deep into dicing the veggies needed for their breakfast before he caught sight of her again. There was no complaint. Leaving that bed left him feeling unpleasantly cold; an instant regret. His head cocked in her direction, halting the movements of his knife as he gazed upon her – lost for the moment. “Anyone ever told you you’re a pretty riser?” He probably had, one time or another. 
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"In the time that you've known me, when have I ever been nervous?" she muttered from the comfort of her bed, enjoying the last few precious moments she shared with it before dragging herself to the kitchen. Rubbing at her eyes, the witch followed after her heretic, eventually leaning on the counter as she watched him work. Then came the unnecessary compliment that made her smile like a fool, but the Bennett couldn't help but roll her eyes at Kai. It wasn't unfamiliar, if anything it was a comfort in this uncharted territory that they were currently in, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to knock him down a peg. "Anyone ever tell you flattery doesn't get you anywhere?" Not a moment later though she's adding "You have, once or twice."
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theselegacies-blog · 6 years
Jo hadn’t meant to be in the girls way, her mind going a thousand miles a minute, too much there to focus on what was right in front of her. She went to apologize, pulling herself to the present to face the girl, but then she said something peculiar. “I’m sorry?” It took a moment, but when it processed, she realized what the girl said. The blonde was one of the twins, one of her daughters, and she didn’t even know her name. 
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(¸.• ♛ → Lizzie was thinking about something else when suddenly she bumped into someone. “I’m so—” But before she could apologize, when she looked up, it was a shock to see her there, she knew her because of picture but that was all. “Holy crap…you are bio mom…”
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@theselegacies (Jo)
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