thesestrings-of-fate · 17 hours
Hi I’m a newly discovered system and its been causing me a little stress that I (the host?) don’t experience blackouts or full amnesia, but then I read some of your old posts about feeling like everything’s in grayscale and emotional amnesia and was like “:0 that’s like me!”
I was wondering if you would be okay describing what it feels like when someone else fronts? That’s something I’m trying figure out for myself and maybe hearing other people’s experiences would help ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(Also all the comics are amazing keep up the good work 👍)
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so the uhhh. so the person fronting never really feels like they "disappear" or get pushed away it just feels like they Change Into A Different Person . but we still Exist while not fronting but nobody remembers what that's like because w. yeah no i don't get the technicalities of how this works i'm not worrying about it too hard
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Provence Hairstreak (Tomares ballus), family Lycaenidae, found in northern Africa and SW Europe
photograph by @yaylalperen
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Finished the wip. Sorta. I keep fucking with little details but I’m happy enough with this photo to share.
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I’ve decided I need to make a full world map for this silly little story (plus historical maps to show the changes of the world over time to have a more cohesive geography). And I’m tempted to make like a dozen conlangs for it to have an idea of at least two language families.
Not because all of it will necessarily be used, but so I can have a better understanding of the world I’m building and the cultures I’ll be making to fill it.
But I definitely need the map first before I start anything else tbh. That’s my first step.
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I need to get a notebook or something for this original work I’m cooking up in my head. Y’know at least until I can get my laptop fixed
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Not supernatural getting me to want to use charcoal again so my friend gets them for me. And apparently my muse is Dean Winchester
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Work in progress
Why did I leave his face for last
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Falling back into Supernatural I guess
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Have you ever been on TV? Yes, a TV show or movie
Yes, a documentary
Yes, an advert
Yes, the news
I have been on TV for multiple reasons
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As someone who has actually studied the English language there's a common phrase about English that kinda annoys me because while it makes for a funny haha line it's such a gross oversimplification that it actually ceases to be funny. It's the one that goes "The English language is just three languages stacked on top of each other wearing a trenchcoat" or something to that effect.
I'm not going to go into detail as to why that sentence is inaccurate, just take my word for it as a person with a master's in English. I suggest we withdraw this expression from usage and replace it with the much more accurate "The English language is a dirty little slut that loves it when other languages cum big loads in it"
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Related to this, employees need to be informed these forms exist when incidents happen and I hate to hear “this was never mentioned” when I bring it up to them hours later.
Fuckin hell man
On one hand, I hate filling out incident reports. Because it’s stressful. On the other hand, fuck yes I’m having employees fill those out if they’re hurt on the job.
And while I should’ve been able to send it off, I am missing a sheet because I accidentally sent it with the employee. Fuck.
Of course this should have been done earlier with the opening manager, but hey it seems to fall on me a lot when someone gets hurt here. Fuckin hell people.
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On one hand, I hate filling out incident reports. Because it’s stressful. On the other hand, fuck yes I’m having employees fill those out if they’re hurt on the job.
And while I should’ve been able to send it off, I am missing a sheet because I accidentally sent it with the employee. Fuck.
Of course this should have been done earlier with the opening manager, but hey it seems to fall on me a lot when someone gets hurt here. Fuckin hell people.
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where was your first job?
Fast food service (McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, ect.)
Restaurant service (waiting tables, dishwasher, ect)
cashier/bagger at grocery store
life guard
I’ve never had a job
other (put in tags)
(Im currently trying to get my first job and I’m curious what the most common first job is)
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i saw a dumb tweet. here's a poll for people who read a lot of books as kids. there's no moral judgment attached to this poll at all; i do not care if it was your favourite book, that's completely fine, you don't have to lie just because you hate jkr now. answer honestly to the best of your recollection.
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Okay! It was a short-eared owl that attacked my car. My friend pulled up a picture that showed me the underside of the wings and I remembered the patterning even though it was a flash so my mind is now at ease.
Brain keeps saying it was a snowy owl and I’m like no! No it wasn’t! That makes no sense this is August!!
It wasn’t a barn owl though. Its face wasn’t the right shape for that. But definitely not a goddamn snowy owl in the middle of August.
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Brain keeps saying it was a snowy owl and I’m like no! No it wasn’t! That makes no sense this is August!!
It wasn’t a barn owl though. Its face wasn’t the right shape for that. But definitely not a goddamn snowy owl in the middle of August.
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