theshorttatortot · 3 years
So... I've seen some people calling Marinette; Stalkernette. Okay but those people also go 'You call Lila; Lie-la so why can't we call Marinette; Stalkernette?' Okay I understand that you think it's not fair but the people who call Lila; Lie-la, (I'm included in that-) have good reasoning for it. Sure Mari likes Adrien, people would be surprised by how many people actually stalk their crush. It's reasonable. Lila's case on the other hand is just kinda stupid. We call her Lie-la for a good reason. She lies to get attention, she lied to get Marinette in trouble and to keep her away from a boy. A FRICKING BOY LIKE THERE ARE OVER 7 BILLION PEOPLE ON THE PLANET ABOUT 4 BILLION ARE MALE!! The people defending Lila will go onto say that she is unloved, doesn't have very nice things, or that her mom is super mean to her. All are false. In an episode where Lila gets akumitized, we see her room. It's filled with lots of nice things, she has a nice laptop which she ends up throwing at a wall out of anger like- just whyyy... With the topic of her mothee, Lila's mother may not be with Lila all the time but when she is there, she is very caring and loving. People also say that Lila is jealous of Mari. I do think that is accurate but lying and turning people against Marinette is not the way to make friends. She could have just been nice and polite and not lied and she could have gotten real friends and not people to use against Marinette. The whole reason I wrote this was because I saw a cartain hashtag... "#Adrien+deserves+better+than+Stalkernette+aka+Betrayalbug" Okay my first thoughts on this... okay um so who do you mean 'someone better for Adrien' Kagami? She in a way told Marinette that Marinette had no chance with Adrien if she was there. Chloe? DEF NOT. Chloe is my favourite Mlb character but im gonna be bluntly honest about her.. Chloe is a bully, narsisist, and she too, stalks Adrien. She tricked him into signing a poster so she could brag to other girl that he was 'hers'. Okay who else-? Lila-? No definitaly not- I already pretty much explained above-. Although I myself think Adrienette is super toxic, I still think that Marinette is the best choice for him out of the main female characters. The hashtag also called Mari Betrayalbug- like how-? Sure she causes akumas without meaning to and when she does it's when she gives helpful suggestions that backfire. Marinette is by far the nicest Miraclous character. She was always there for everybody, she risks herself daily to defend Paris from Hawkmoth WHO LILA WORKS FOR!! ( i forgot to mention it above-) but Mari is the nicest character and the one time she needed them they let her down and believed a liar... I'm not sure who came up with the STUPID hashtag but whoever it was, shame on you and shame on whoever else uses it as well.
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