thesmallerholding · 7 years
The early bird catches the worm
Its morning the ground is still being kissed by the morning dew, the birds are just starting their songs and the cockerel is starting to crow. I love mornings like today the clouds fill the sky and the sun is peeping through the little gaps trying to say hello, there is a tiny chill in the air and the smell of the allotment brings a smile to my face and I know I’ve got a lot to do so I plan where to start first.
I let the chickens and quails out and fill the drinkers and feeders. I turn some of the ground over so they can hunt for worms (it’s great watching them all chase each other over a worm) while I enjoy watching our flock my mind turns to my next job…… Watering the greenhouses. We’ve got all different types of tomato plants, cauliflowers, Calabrese, broccoli, radish’s the list goes on. Its amazing watching them all grow from a tiny seed in just a couple of days. Everything is growing so quick, that we’ve got a lot to transplant and more flower seeds to sow. Its our second year growing our own and we’ve learnt alot since last year mostly from our mistakes. We did do well last year but we didn’t use it as we should of, so this year we want to grow more and use the produce properly for instance whatever we’ve got over make wine, jams, chutneys and pickle what we can. No waste. The plot has been mucked, we’ve planed where stuff is to go, so now all we’ve got to do nurture these little seedlings untill they are ready to go to their final spot outside. Over this season I will be blogging about our trials and errors, our poultry and waterfowl and hopefully some recipes (if they are a success) Hope you enjoy reading Amey 🌱
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