thesmallestshpee · 8 years
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
Idk how active I’ll be on this blog, considering I’ve made an overwatch rp blog and generally have moved away from this dying fandom and the game. 
But Wallace will now be an independent blog with many verses. One being primarily tf2, however. But ill be updating his blogs information and changing it around in the near future when I’m bothered enough to do so. 
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
“It was pretty comfortable aside’s from the plastic feel and you know... the amount of sex that’s been on it. Though I didn’t exactly notice the squeaks, you are fairly audible when you want to be.” Gently, he sat upon the new couch, feeling at just how comfortable it was. He almost wished he could sleep on it, but knowing the preacher, he’s prefer Wallace to sleep in a bed at least. 
“Dearie, do you need help making pancakes?”
“Not a big deal for me. Pancakes are practically like a cake, so I’ll manage.” He said this right as he was about to make himself comfortable with one of the kitchens chairs. 
Then his thought bubble was brought to the couch, and he couldn’t recall if he had been around for the change. Like a curious cat, he motioned himself to go have a look before commenting once more. “Have you thought of buying it a cloth or plastic wrap for it?”
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
“Not a big deal for me. Pancakes are practically like a cake, so I’ll manage.” He said this right as he was about to make himself comfortable with one of the kitchens chairs. 
Then his thought bubble was brought to the couch, and he couldn’t recall if he had been around for the change. Like a curious cat, he motioned himself to go have a look before commenting once more. “Have you thought of buying it a cloth or plastic wrap for it?”
“Where I went wasn’t something I knew you’d approve on, dearie. It was best that I just disappear for a bit.” There’s a bit of a huff in remembrance of that tired and draining night. Where he decided to vanish and not look back, not then, at least. 
But that was in the past. For now, he had Joseph by his side once more. Yet he was still curious as to what had happened after their toll with a certain red-head.
“I’d be fine with anything warm. I just want to relax on something that isn’t a tree for once.”
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
“Where I went wasn’t something I knew you’d approve on, dearie. It was best that I just disappear for a bit.” There’s a bit of a huff in remembrance of that tired and draining night. Where he decided to vanish and not look back, not then, at least. 
But that was in the past. For now, he had Joseph by his side once more. Yet he was still curious as to what had happened after their toll with a certain red-head.
“I’d be fine with anything warm. I just want to relax on something that isn’t a tree for once.”
“Please, don’t ever leave me like that.. not without telling me. And if you do tell me, for God’s sake, take me with you.” Now, home felt like home again,with the peace of knowing that his curly headed teddy bear was back here. He’d been waiting to fill out that empty side on his bed permanently.. But that was too early to ask. “ Please, sit down where-ever you like.  I’ll make whatever you like tonight.” Another suck in of air,  one final peck before parting.
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
For someone who struggled to understand certain emotions, or why people would act the way they did, with Joseph, it all felt natural. Ever since the beginning it all felt right, it all felt comfortable and like he’s finally found a home. A place that didn’t feel lonely or cold to the touch. A place where he wouldn’t be nervous as to what would happen next.
Just a place he knew he’d be welcomed too with open arms. 
That feeling alone felt odd to him, odd, yet comforting.
“It’s fine, dearie.” He reached a hand up to gently wipe away the tears that stained that pale skin of Joseph’s. “I’ve missed you too.”
The smaller Spy couldn’t help but chuckle at how warm and excited the Preacher seemed upon his return. When he saw the small gesture for another embrace, Wallace took a few steps forward and gave him yet another hug. He took this moment to take in Joseph’s scent and to nuzzle his chest like a tiny cat.  
Oh, how he missed this gentle contact. 
“I’m sorry… Joseph. I just had to go away for a while, I couldn’t take what was going on.” He lifted his head to look at him, his face seemingly sad. Though for once, he was truthful. “I’m sorry for abandoning you, I just…” There’s a sigh.
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
The smaller Spy couldn’t help but chuckle at how warm and excited the Preacher seemed upon his return. When he saw the small gesture for another embrace, Wallace took a few steps forward and gave him yet another hug. He took this moment to take in Joseph’s scent and to nuzzle his chest like a tiny cat.  
Oh, how he missed this gentle contact. 
“I’m sorry... Joseph. I just had to go away for a while, I couldn’t take what was going on.” He lifted his head to look at him, his face seemingly sad. Though for once, he was truthful. “I’m sorry for abandoning you, I just...” There’s a sigh.
“ How can you ask something like that? You’re here- I’ll make you more than tea!” His voice was choked with laughter, just a wetness to his eyes that could be blinked back, but still shining. He’d held out his arms for but a moment before retracting it sheepishly, reminding himself that they’d already hugged. It didn’t feel real, it was like catching the tail-end of your favorite song playing on the radio.  He was quick to shut the door behind them,  that grin still on his face, stuck on with the excitement. “ Dear God,  Wally.. I thought I’d seen the last of you.”
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
The embrace felt warm and safe as it always had, something that the Spy missed greatly during his time away. He’s almost forgotten the people who entered his life completely, had they not made a huge impact like the Preacher himself. “Glad to see you don’t exactly hate me.” He said with a bit of a nervous laughter after. 
Though finally peeking his head back to a life he escaped for a months time, there was still a hint of tiredness in the smaller’s eyes. He wiggled his way out of the embrace and straightened his outfit some. “Not exactly late for tea, am I?”
There's a very gentle knock at the door of the Preacher's home. There behind stood a very familiar face to him, one he hasn't seen for some time.
 It’s at first, an ignored noise.  It wouldn’t matter if the cats took down the desk lamp again.. it’d been broken for the eight time now, and he was losing his care for the lesser material things. But with the shift of light never actually happening had him standing, peeking around the corner of the wall at the door. Sure, he’d had visitors. Sure, he regularly expected the Schwans truck to deliver Pâté for his spoiled residents. No one was due for a few hours, if they didn’t cancel their own visit.When he finally took the initiative to open the creaking door, The whites of his eyes made his most noticeable feature of his face, the second most striking his mouth gaping open, quickly growing dry as it spread into a wide smile. That same grin let out an intelligible shout of surprise, excitement, glorious glee as the large arms  came to wrap around the shorter man, pulling him forward through the open door.
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
Coming onto this blog now is just frustrating because idk what to do with Wallace anymore. 
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
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“I’ve seen worse.”
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
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thesmallestshpee · 8 years
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I like being like a chameleon who transforms himself with each role.
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