thesmallmedic · 5 years
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The spread turned out better than expected with my weird drawings lol using Stabilo products to draw them plus some combustion and refrigeration notes. 
instagram: applefroyo
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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October 27, 2019
Favourite study spot on campus. Nothing beats studying by natural light with a view of the water.
// Another State - Tigers in the Sky //
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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starbucks is the perfect place to get stuck during a thunderstorm ⛈
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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During the summer I’d started to take a bit of a break with film and art history to the point where I’m actually taking some time off from my degree. I think it’s sorta necessary to take time off from something you love to go and explore something else that needs more nurturing and attention. Aka if I’m being honest going through a somewhat academic-existential crisis
Although After my trip back from England I’m slowly going back to talking about films again with friends. And it’s brought back that inner spark and joy that I had died in me for a while. Talking about movies is so precious to me. I hope it just never goes aways. I’m pretty lost without it.
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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reading, drinking coffee and marveling at beautiful architecture — a summer well spent.
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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yesterday i found out that i got the funding to start my phd at the university of sheffield in september. it still really hasn’t sunk in yet and i don’t even know what to do with myself. this is something i’ve been dreaming about and working towards for the past four years throughout my degrees and i really can’t believe that it’s finally coming together. all throughout applying i’ve been aware of how extremely competitive getting phd funding is, and how unlikely it is to get it the first time, so i’d prepared myself for bad news. so much is going to change and i am absolutely terrified, but also incredibly excited to start something new and spend three years doing something i’m so passionate about. i’m going to be a dr (of philosophy) !!
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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[11.18.17: anatomy study session]
Studying in a new language is… well, harder than I thought, but it’s going good so far! I’m typing most of my notes on the computer and also doing some handwritten summaries, I hope I’ll have time to finish all of them before the exams begin.
Just to stay true to reality, I have to say I do not ever study lying down on blankets, because I find it uncomfortable for writing and typing and I get easily distracted; I just took the stuff I’d been using on my desk and layed it around on the blanket in different ways to take the pictures because the white background made it look much nicer.
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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feeling so tired and burnt out :( haven’t been getting nearly enough sleep as i should because of all of my deadlines. can it be fall break now plz
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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i cannot wait to get this beauty up on the wall above my desk so she can stare dreamily off at my books
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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21.10.19 || coffee and books
A new semester has officially begun. I'm kinda excited but at the same time I'm already dreading the upcoming assignments and exams.
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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Day 1/100 days of productivity! Spent all morning in the library researching a new concept which was taught in my international security lecture on Monday! Now on to making and finalising my notes.
Later on I’ve planned to practice my Arabic skills again, going over the alphabet and pronunciation of basic greetings!
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
Crisp autumn air with overcast skies. Cozied up in comfy sweats while drinking a warm fall drink. Windows opened as sounds of wind rustles the leaves. Halloween movies on while soft warm cookies bake in the oven. The overwhelming aroma of cookies mixed with candles and autumn air fill the house.
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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🕊 36 | day 24/31: What are your best study tips?
practice, practice, practice
find other resources to explain things
when in doubt, talk it out
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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I how to create a study schedule I
#1 - write down the time frame you have for your studies. this means the total time frame, even if there might be appointments etc of a few hours (see #7). my example above: 8:30 first time I can get to a desk, then some errands, changing my place of studying etc, 22:00 I need to be done, equals 8:30-22:00.
#2 - figure out how long one study session should be. this one is different for everyone, so listen to your body and find out how long you can concentrate on your work and actually get quality shit done. I can work for 45 mins straight, but then I’ll get distracted. a friend of mine prefers 45 mins, but can deal with up to 60 min high focus. another friend prefers 20 mins and can tolerate 40. you do you, okay?
#3 - figure out how long a short break between two session needs to be. again: this is different for everyone. I only need 5 mins, if I’ll get a bit of a longer break inbetween, sometimes (if I’m having a bad day, less sleep than normal, whatever) I change to a 40min-10min rhythm. you need more or less? then do that, listen to your needs. but do take a break between rounds!
#4 - figure out how many sessions fit into a set before you need a longer break. I can do 2-3 in one set before needing 10-15 mins doing something else. this depends on the time of day, but also my overall condition (enough sleep/food, motivation, etc). little to no motivation? less rounds in a set, but only 10 min breaks. again, listen to your needs.
#5 - figure out how long a longer break between sets needs to be. for me it’s 10-15 mins, depending how many rounds were in one set. the 45-60 min friend needs 15-20, the other one goes with 10-15 too. you do you.
#6 - how much time do you need for lunch and/or dinner? no explanation needed. just a reminder to take care of yourself. your body & brain need the food, you can’t succeed with an empty stomach.
#7 - are there any other to-dos or things to put into your schedule? how much time will you need to get ready to leave/ at what time do you have to leave for an appointment? how much time will the other to-dos need? only include things you have to, not things you could do additionally. keep the focus on your studies, but don’t neglect your chores.
#8 - put it into order: leave some room when planning. example: I’m sure it won’t take me longer than 10 min to register my thesis and I’ll only need 5 min max to get to the library and at my favourite desk, but a) what if I have to wait, bc I’m not first in line? b) what if they just take a while to read my forms? c) what if I meet a friend on the way and want to talk to them for a few mins? so I’ll plan to start at 10, not 09:45, just in case.
additional tip: know what to do during your breaks! refill that water bottle, tea/coffee cup. sort back the books you won’t need anymore. go pee. take out the trash. pick up some clothes from your floor. fold them during the next break. listen to one song. dance to one song. eat some fruit.
last thing: stick to it, but don’t force yourself beyond your boundaries! if you notice you do need a break earlier, just adjust the plan. it’ll be fine.
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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191019 // i have a bad feeling about this recently passed midterm szn D:
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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My bedroom is so full of light that I decided to study here today.
Have a great and wonderful Sunday.
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thesmallmedic · 5 years
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notes on the great gatsby! I need to go on a muji run soon because my go to pen is dying :( …hang in there :)
🎧: Honey – Kehlani
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