thesmilegiver · 5 months
I stumbled upon a website that allows you to blend any colors evenly no matter how opposite on the spectrum they are.
sharing the knowledge
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very helpful art resource
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thesmilegiver · 7 months
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thesmilegiver · 9 months
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The difference between this set on a druid class and a demon hunter. Dang it, I want that crop top style for my druid too. What the hell blizzard D: Its literally the same exact damn outfit. Everything is the literal same other then my Druid has glasses on and the demon hunter has a blindfold. The rest of the set is the exact same. I truly dont get why they cant just make it an option that once you get the top to drop, to be able to have both styles.
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thesmilegiver · 9 months
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My birthday present to myself last year.
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thesmilegiver · 11 months
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Fixed the mog on my in game stand in. I really like how it looks!
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
I wanted to use Tumblr more, but given how there are still some shady things here? I cant say I'm gonna be around too much here either. For Tumblr being so crack down and chasing basically anything nsfw off their site, they do still allow nudity in ways that I find disgusting. If you are going to crack the whip, it has to apply to all, not just a selective audience. I'm not very active on Twitter either anymore. I do have a bluesky and plan to use that more and more. So if you want to find me, and have that? Just look for thesmilegiver. Cuz i'll be there.
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
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The moment I unlocked the Kul Tirans, I totally made myself in game. And no, I don't regret it at all.
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
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I've been starting to level my one rogue, Julive. She never icly wears battle gear, but I love this set so when I level her, I wear it.
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
Tumblr be like "No porn. No suggestive content. No inappropriate content." Yet Tumblr live...
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Ah yes. The entertainment I want to see. anal. Tumblr you may have a bot issue. I'm not even gonna bother clicking any of these. Lord knows its probably scammers. And even if they aren't, its just...shitty regardless. Not hating on the pretty ladies. But for a site that got so upset and literally went straight cutthroat no nsfw, someone being live with the name anal4000 listed in entertainment on tumblr live is a bit fucked up.
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
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All my socials that I have that I feel comfortable sharing. I got into bluesky thanks to an invite code I was able to get. Huzzah!
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
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I'm posting this most places, so others can follow me on sites. I'll be moving here from Twitter. But if I post adult content, it'll most likely be on my Ko-fi or my Furaffinity account.
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
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A lot of hard work and playing PVP, and I finally was able to unlock this look from getting to honor level 30. Now Aqua's druid form has the true 'blue' look in game. Which makes me SUPER happy.
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
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This was a fun little gif I made featuring Aqua and her boyfriend Bari.
Someone decided to say shit to Aqua about her eating too many sweets.
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
I keep saying I'll make a comeback here and then die off the face of the earth.
For that, I do apologize. I do plan to come back here, just my activity used to be more high on twitter before Elon decided to fuck it up pretty much beyond repair. I'm also trying to get a blue sky (is that what is?) invite or waiting on the wait list that will never send me an email like it says it will to just about anyone trying to get in.
I'm still playing wow frequently so you'll see me in game, usually in the mornings after work, or on my days off. I finally managed to unlock the Vulpera (had them for a bit now), Zandalari Trolls, Kul Tirans and Nightborne. (The last three I unlocked all in one day. I was on a mission haha!). But I was able to make myself in game, which made me super happy. The Kultiran females are something I click with heavily.
Outside that things have just been kind of a challenge mentally for me lately. I'm trying to get back into things I love and draw and rp more again. Things caught up with me the last few weeks to month and had dragged me down after I had already been down for months prior. So I'm trying hard to improve on myself again to get back to where I want to be.
I'm not unhappy with my job. If anything I adore the hours and I want to stay where I'm at. Just as many places, as I'm sure many of you struggle with this same thing, management can be a bit...lacking in more then one way.
But yeah, things aren't too bad right now. I just gotta get myself back on my feet and get things going. ^^
I do plan to start posting here more frequently and will start to stray away from twitter or x or whatever the fuck its called.
If and when I have mature or adult themed artworks, I may just post them to my Ko-fi.
Thanks for those who have stuck around all this time. I truly appreciate you all, and look forward to posting again and being active once more.
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thesmilegiver · 1 year
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I made someone to more or less represent me in game on WoW. You cant use the name Thesmilegiver because its too long. So this is Tsmilegiver. Her IC name is Cas, and she's an artist in the game. And I've worked into her story about being a worgen.
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