Just a few questions. (Plus some of my bby Reid)
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This is for the studyblrs that I follow.
1. How can I improve my handwriting?
2. How can I learn to take better notes?
3. Good stationary?????????
4. What are some good study habits?
5. What is your favorite type of coffee/tea?
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i think i’ve drank like 2 litres of coffee . ? . . ! living my best life hahahah y do i do this . . ?
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10/04/18 // every flower blooms in its own time [IG]
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I havent posted on tumblr for so long! But HEYYY YOUR GURL IS BACK! I’ve been a little obsessed with pink notes, so here are some terrifying looking chem notes #ilovepink
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aristotle poetics • dec 21st ❄
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“In March I’ll be rested, caught up and human.” - Sylvia Plath
Time sure flies fast - feels like it was yesterday when 2018 started aND NOW HIXTAPE IS ALREADY DROPPING TOMORROW (i’m ready to be slayed and for my heart to be destroyed - someone prepare a shovel for me please because THE FEELS)
edit: it has dropped now and it’s a work of art - bless the time difference here in germany. i’m not okay because it’s AMAZING.
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writing papers and buying myself some presents ☕️
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june 25, 2017 - accumulated
#ssn june challenge: week 2, day 7 (free day)
i decided to end this challenge with a moodboard compilation of my most favorite “minimalist” studyblr photos that i’ve posted during my time here in the community so far (almost 3 months)! it’s been quite a journey, and i’m very proud of these photos and the progress that i’ve made. check out the original posts here:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
keep on keepin’ on! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
currently listening to: “moments” - giraffage (bohkeh remix)
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lowkey obsessed with my dorm // 8.31.16
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6 Things People Don't Always Tell You About Studying
1. you ace tests by overlearning. you should know your notes/flashcards/definitions basically by heart. if someone asks you about a topic when you’re away from class or your notes and you can answer them in a thorough and and accurate answer, then you’re good, you know the material. 
2. if you don’t understand something, it will end up on the test. so just don’t disregard and hope that this specific topic won’t be on the test. give it more attention, help, and practice. find a packet of problems on that one concept and don’t stop until you finish it and know it the best. 
3. sometimes you just need that Parental Push. you know in elementary school, they would tell you “ok now it’s time for you to do your homework! you have a project coming up, start looking for a topic now!” ONE of your teachers might be like this. be thankful for it and follow their advice! these teachers are the best at always keeping you on track with their calendar. if not a teacher, then have one of your friends be that person that can keep you accountable for the things you promised you would do. 
4. you just need to kick your own ass. seriously. i know it sucks and its hard to study for two things at once. BUT. I DONT CARE IF IT’S HARD. you need to do it and at least do it to get it over with because you can’t keep putting things off. If you do, you will eventually run out of time and you will hate yourself. force yourself to do it. i made myself sign up for june ACT even though there’s finals because if i didn’t, i probably never would. like do i think i’m gonna be ready in one month? probably not, SO I BETTER GET ON IT AND START STUDYING! 
5. do homework even if it doesn’t count. if you actually try on it, then you will actually do so much better on the tests, it’s like magic. 
6. literally just get so angry about procrastinating that you make yourself start that assignment. I know how hard it is to kick the procrastination habit. I have to procrastinate. So I make myself start by thinking about my deadlines way early. I think, “oh i have a presentation in three weeks (but it really takes 2 weeks to do), i’ll be good and start today.” when that doesn’t happen, you say you’ll do it tomorrow, and this happens for like the next four days. I get so mad at myself for not starting when i am given a new chance to do so with every passing day. By that time, you actually have exactly how much time you need for it AND you were able to procrastinate the same way you usually do ;)
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[25/100] {12.4.16} Pro tip: if like me you have a lot of essay subjects to revise for, but you feel pretty confident in your essay writing, just make the plans for your past papers! That way you save time and create something you can easily revise from, all while still using the information the way you would in an exam!
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It really bugs me how the sciences and humanities are pitted against each other, like you are expected to choose only one. I love chemistry but I also love history and writing, but the educational system isn’t set up to be holistic and that makes me sad
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I’m the least creative person ever but I’m so proud of my January spread because it doesn’t look like trash 😂. It’s also super functional which is my main priority. What’s your favourite page in your bullet journal/planner? 💕 http://ift.tt/2m3lv42
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Yesterday was a semi productive day, I revised last terms topics for Japanese and rewrote my class notes. I wish I could have done more but the world had other plans for me. I also organised myself for the next term and wrote out all of the assessment tasks I have. Have a good week
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18.02.2018 // Uhh I’m feeling too lazy to work on my FR>DE localization final assignment but the deadline is getting closer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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