thesnarkyhomomagi · 1 year
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If the only reason you hate Wendy, Heidi, or Tweek is because they get in the way of your Stan/Kyle/Cartman/Craig pairings then you bet your ass I’m going to side eye the hell out of you.  Relentlessly shitting on characters is not going to make me interested in your ship.
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
So…out of character rn, but what is up with these bots rn?
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
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Currently pretty tired and sleepy…
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
He felt the vines wrap around him binding him. All the magician could do was to speak in conversation, knowing better than to spell cast. If he did it would surely end in a less than savory way.
“I apologize for intruding into your domain. This is one of the only known places to grow such elegant foliage.”
It wasn’t the only thing that Zachary had come for. After all, the cosmic energy held within the domain was known as ‘The Green’.
“As well as observing the cosmic energy of the elements within. After all, you are one of the very few people with a natural connection to the green itself.”
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🌹 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 for @thesnarkyhomomagi​​ 
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❦     -     There was no hesitation in her silent command, vines quickly moved across the floor snagging the stranger who resigned in her domain. There’s a glow in her eyes that signals the use of her powers. A chuckle fell from rose painted lips, the small laughter alone seeming to echo itself. Almost robotic like before she spoke. ❝ Little weed, what are you doing in my domain ❞
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
Hallomeme Would You Rathers
Send in a would you rather to my muse and they will answer and explain why
1. Spend the night in a graveyard or in a known haunted building? 2. Be a ghost or a zombie? 3. Go through a mirror maze with a clown or alone to a vampire’s lair? 4. Be Frankenstein or the monster? 5. Meet a banshee or a kelpie? 6. Eat brains or drink blood? 7. Anger a ghost or be hunted by a werewolf? 8. Fight a giant spider or forty tiny dragons? 9. Dance with the Devil or share a drink with a vampire? 10. Wildcard
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
Reblog this to have people go into your inbox & ask your character questions!
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
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“*sigh* Things are awfully boring around here, is there anything to do or anyone to talk to? There has to be something to do.”
The magician sighed to himself as he took in the silence. It was a bit much for him to bear as he was always used to a much more livelier scene.
(Open call for rp, like to interact and all that stuff)
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
a mess of discord rp quotes, part 1 – sentence starters:
feel free to change titles / pronouns / places where appropriate !
❝  eh .  i don’t feel like giving you the will to live today .  ❞ ❝  surpass your constraints and terrorise their loved ones !  ❞ ❝  with any luck ,  humanity will run you down like they do their own !  ❞ ❝  i’m going to kill you in your sleep.  ❞ ❝  this is the height of stupidity .  ❞ ❝  square up for crocodile tears !  ❞ ❝  i personally don’t respect you enough to care , tbh .  ❞ ❝  if i explained WHY ,  you might have an existensial crisis .  ❞ ❝  it’s a fourth dimension joke ;  you won’t get it .  ❞ ❝  my faith in humanity will never restore and this one of the many reasons why  .  ❞ ❝  no one levels up through complaining ,  contrary to popular belief .  ❞ ❝  i’m an extremely stabby pyromaniac in my spare time .  ❞ ❝  bold of you to assume i have respect for the dead or you .  ❞ ❝  that would imply you have an obsession with corgis .  ❞ ❝  you thought i was referring to you ?  ❞ ❝  no feelings hurt ,  just this chair .  ❞ ❝  in the mean time ,  i’ll stare at you ominously from the wall .  ❞ ❝  man ,  that guy went out like his pizza went in !  ❞ ❝  speaking of ,  did i ever mention the guy who traded his soul for a margherita ?  ❞ ❝  first it’s pizza ,  then it’s a knife in your back .  ❞ ❝  guess i’ll kill ___ for the fun of it now .  ❞ ❝  i hope there are no sentient sponges in here .  ❞ ❝  hmm .  you’re right .  all of you suck .  ❞ ❝  i recommend luring them to the nearest glitter pit disguised as burning acid !  ❞ ❝  dodge ball but with literal meteorites .  ❞ ❝  i had a kickass party and none of you were invited .  ❞ ❝  life is suffering ,  and you’re in denial of it , ___ .  ❞ ❝  being born increases your chance of death by 100% .  ❞ ❝  your inconveniences mean very little to me .  ❞ ❝  it’s hard to understand passive aggressiveness over the internet .  ❞ ❝  i think it involved a homocidal car .  ❞ ❝  did i mention i possessed a fisherman once ?  he really fell for the hook , line and sinker !  ❞ ❝  you’re all disgusting ,  so no surprise there .  ❞ ❝  guess it’s a good thing i’m going to make your boy suffer .   ❞ ❝  frankly i hope ___ dies .  ❞ ❝  the point is ,  you look like a moron .  ❞ ❝  ah ,  the world turning upside down .  my most favourite aesthetic .  ❞ ❝  your lack of preparation means natural selection will kill you off .  ❞ ❝  he’s dead .  i killed him .  ❞ ❝  i sincerely hope you drown in your own blood .  ❞ ❝  oh ,  you’re both adorable .  but ships have a habit of hitting an iceberg and never being seen again .  ❞ ❝  i sure hope he dies due to unfortunate circumstances .  ❞ ❝  you have a sad ,  sad life ,  ___ .  ❞ ❝  sounds like you need to do your homework or give up altogether .  or use a cheat sheet .  me .  i’m the cheat sheet .  ❞ ❝  but you can never rig a dream the way i can .  ❞ ❝  steal my shit and get hit .  ❞ ❝  so ,  ya’ like jazz ?  ❞ ❝  jokes , jokes …  hmm .  i got another one !  YOUR SUFFERING .  ❞ ❝  lol ,  i hurt everyone ?  ❞ ❝  household objects just kind of .  came to life by themselves .  ❞ ❝  reminder that i murdered several people yesterday .  ❞ ❝  you know ,  it’s hilarious how many nerds endanger themselves on a daily basis .  you’d think their high iq would save them from their suffering ,  but nah. it’s their downfall .  ❞ ❝  every button you ever press .  i am counting them .  i won’t forget them .  ❞ ❝  sucks no one died .  sorry .  someone IMPORTANT .  ❞ ❝  siblings are suffocating .  ❞ ❝  was just gonna’ casually drop by like ,  ‘ hi ,  yeah ,  i exist .  your world view is shattered ! ‘  ❞ ❝  i’m a goth kid .  i rule the night .  ❞ ❝  there’ll be widespread panic and not in the good way .  well ,  good for me .  but not them .  ❞
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
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Hmm…why does it feel like I’ve changed all of a sudden? It felt like yesterday I was younger, but now I’m older. That’s kinda weird, isn’t it?
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
Personal Information:
Hi everyone, I’m Pidge and it’s nice to meet you. I’m 21 (same as my muse), and demisexual. I’m really into comics (mainly DC), games, and anime. This blog used to be asktinytitanszatara but now it’s new and changed. It was a long time for me to consider, but I finally did it. So I’m excited to see where this goes.
This is actually my first time RP’ing on Tumblr. I have more experience doing it in Discord, but there’s always a first for everything. While sure, I’m active here I also have a Discord and can RP there as well, just DM me. I’m a fairly approachable person and open to receive DMs. So don’t be shy, it’s chill (I’m the same way lol). On Tumblr I’m very active on mobile and so that’s mostly how I get my notifications. Either way, again it’s nice to meet you all!
(That was awkwardly formal, but whatever)
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
Muse Info:
Muse name: Zachary Zatara, also goes by Zach or Zat
Gender: Male (he/him pronouns)
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship: None (he’s single and ready to mingle)
•Frequent guest at nightclubs, even owns one
•Enjoyer of pizza (on some occasions)
•Easygoing, but an adjusted taste (once you get to know me type)
•Has crashed a car before (it got totaled, but whatever)
•Arachnophobic (afraid of spiders)
Zachary Zatara the nephew of Giovanni Zatara and cousin of Zatanna. A magician in his own right, even if his powers came later in life (there’s nothing wrong with being a late bloomer). Joined the Teen Titans for a brief time and left, but stayed in close contact. He’s above it all, you know? Not too big on spilling open his heart like this. So this is as much as I can say, you just gotta get to know him.
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
This blog is an update from my old account. But the same rules used are the same today. As well as how the rules will update over time if needed.
Please be respectful about stuff.
This blog is inclusive.
Any and all creeps DNI as well as Minors DNI
I have the explicit right to ignore and not react to any interactions that get sent, this can also include any inappropriate type of stuff.
I apologize in advance about any delays if you do hit me up. You can hit me up in my DMs if you are interested in any plot dynamics.
Shipping is up for debate, I will only do so at my own discretion and if I feel comfortable with doing it.
There doesn’t need to be any long interactions and conversations, I understand that not everyone can do it. I know that I struggle sometimes with writer’s block.
OCs are allowed so long as long as we keep it cool.
I’ve decided that crossovers are allowed, it keeps things interesting and it helps me work on my skills better.
Most of all we’re here to have fun and vibe.
Thank you for understanding how this will be working. I hope that we can get along smoothly.
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
OOC: I feel like switching things up on this account, changing characters or expanding the universe that the blog is set in. I’m not sure just yet, but it’s still a thought I’ve been considering.
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
reblog this if i can tumblr im you, just slamming a muse or plot idea down in front of you
this doesn’t mean that you have to accept or agree with the idea - i’m just a scared little turtle that would like to know if that’s something that you wouldn’t mind so much 
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
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Dear Tim,
Thanks for keeping the contract safe. Although a coffin is an interesting place to well, place it. But regardless I'm glad that you have it in a secure place.
Canoeing huh? That sounds fun, it's more peaceful than white-water rafting. The school did a field trip and we went white-water rafting. People had to hold onto their stuff as we went through the water. But spelunking sounds cool too.
Abby stays with me at Shadowcrest and we usually wind up playing tag. It's more like she'll run out of her cage as fast as possible and I have to grab her to make sure she doesn't get hurt. Yeah, John stays around and he does flush. I once tried playing hide and seek with him. But he forgot that we were playing it and I hid inside one of Zatanna's props forever. The one who did find me was Abby.
I've been taking things a little at a time when it comes to summoning creatures. Wording is everything when it comes to that, or just spell casting in general. A souvenir huh? Maybe bring one of those postcards. It's cheesy for a souvenir I know, but I have fun collecting some.
I await the announcement of your arrival.
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Dear Tim,
Here you go, this letter is inclosed with the contract. This way it’s safe from John trying to change it and get out of it. Of course this is the revised version. My original idea for the writing of the contract was a bit too dramatic. I put in that if he didn’t follow through his soul is mine (it’s too much and I’d just be one of many individuals who want the same thing).
Shadowcrest can be lonely sometimes, then again it’s quite big. At night sometimes it’s cold and echoey. I’m not afraid of the dark, but it’s a bit unnerving walking through the halls at night. Although sometimes John comes over and stays with me.
I actually can’t remember what type of dinosaur it was. Afterall, I wound up conjuring it against my will (people can be so rude when possessing a body).
It’ll be nice to see you again for tea. I’m sure everyone would be cool with you coming to the treehouse. But I’m definitely available in a fortnight.
Zachary Zatara
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Thank you for your letter. I’ve kept the contract in Mary Hunter’s grave, I doubt it’s a place John would think to find it.
I am now on the North Island bus in New Zealand to Tauranga. Father Wind has been whispering to me to visit the Te Moana-a-Toi and so there I must go or else I would never be able to have a peaceful night’s sleep. I suspect I’ll have to be canoeing there for a bit. I suppose it’s not as bad as spelunking or white-water rafting.
It’s nice of John to come stay with you. Does he flush after use?
How about bringing Abby with you everywhere around the mansion? Or you can consider conjuring a smaller dinosaur, an oculudentavis or something.
I’ll let you know when I’m at the airport, or maybe I won’t be taking the plane. These days I’m never quite sure, to be honest.
Would you like a souvenir from New Zealand? A hobbit maybe?
- Tim.
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
"Of course I remembered to get my homework."
Zach shook his backpack to emphasize the point. As well as make sure he didn't forget anything else. He took a good hard look at his options and chose one.
"Let's go into the deli, they have lots of good stuff."
The two went inside and found a table to sit at. Zach put down his backpack and put it next to him. With the heavy load off his shoulders he stretched a little bit. He then went to the counter and ordered something, after paying for it he returned to the table with a bottle in his hand, it was Chinotto.
"John did you want something too? Because we can split my order if you want. It's big enough for two people."
Zach had a smile on his face as he said it. Although he was struggling to get the cap off the bottle. They called his order and he went off to pick it up. He returned to the table with a big sandwich filled with meats and cheeses. It looked like something that was a little bit much for him.
"Whenever I come here with Zee she always gets a salad and I get this sandwich. It's really good! 'hciwdnas tilps ni owt'
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“Oh, yeah, ok…”
Everyone in the classroom stared at Zach as he put his lunch in his backpack. The teacher felt as though glaring at him was the best choice of action.
-Later on, after school ends-
“Hi John…”
Zach sounded out of it after school. It felt like a long day. But this is what happens when you forget something.
“It was a long day, teacher kept on picking on me for questions. Especially on topics we haven’t talked about in class, it sucked so much. PE was fun though we played dodgeball.”
He adjusted the backpack to feel more comfortable with it on his back. Then he walked alongside John down the street. At least it was all over with now. He didn’t have the heart to tell him that the hall smelled like cigarettes for a while.
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“Oi lad, dere yeh are, nearly missed yeh, heh,” John ruffled Zachary’s hair which seemed to be quite the habit these days.
“Didje remember ‘ta bring back yeh ‘omework?” The usual questions Zee-zee asked him to pester the boy with.
“Are yeh ‘ungry?” John checked his battered watch. It was still a little early for tea but Zachary was a growing boy. 
“I kin use a coffee, fancy a cuppa, lad?” There were so many nice cafes along the street, might as well stop by one. 
There was a mom and pop shop, an italian deli with little tables set up by the facade, a gelato parlour and a Starbucks….
….Wasn’t there a Starbucks just five shops ago?
“Cor fokkin’ Christ, I swear yeh ‘mericans mark distances by Starbucks. Pick un,” He pointed to the selection they had up ahead, and if Zachary actually chose a bloody Starbucks, John would choke himself.
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thesnarkyhomomagi · 2 years
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Dear Tim,
Here you go, this letter is inclosed with the contract. This way it's safe from John trying to change it and get out of it. Of course this is the revised version. My original idea for the writing of the contract was a bit too dramatic. I put in that if he didn't follow through his soul is mine (it's too much and I'd just be one of many individuals who want the same thing).
Shadowcrest can be lonely sometimes, then again it's quite big. At night sometimes it's cold and echoey. I'm not afraid of the dark, but it's a bit unnerving walking through the halls at night. Although sometimes John comes over and stays with me.
I actually can't remember what type of dinosaur it was. Afterall, I wound up conjuring it against my will (people can be so rude when possessing a body).
It'll be nice to see you again for tea. I'm sure everyone would be cool with you coming to the treehouse. But I'm definitely available in a fortnight.
Zachary Zatara
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Dear Tim,
Things have been going well lately. I might have to send you the contract that John signed. Just yesterday I saw him trying to find it. I think he was gonna try to find a loophole. Unfortunately for him despite it being a contract written with a crayon on a piece of paper it’s still signed.
But, Zatanna said that she’s gonna come back soon. She promised me that the next holiday we’re gonna visit Italy. Granted I keep my grades up.
The dinosaur didn’t do anything in my hat. But it took me a while to put him back. Then trying to find a spell to send him back to his time.
That’s really interesting about the rock in space. Then again, things are different out there huh? But what do you think was the cause of the strange aura?
As for your next odyssey, wherever you feel I suppose. There’s so many different places out there.
Zachary Zatara
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Send it. I’ll keep it in my dimensional pocket. Italy sounds nice, the land of pasta and pizza. Are you doing alright alone in Shadowcrest?
Chronomancy is difficult, I can’t imagine how it’s like for a dinosaur to be out of time. Was it a brontosaurus or a brachiosaurus? I can’t remember which one was the wrong one. Also I’ve read that dinosaurs actually have feathers on their body, not a thick hide like rhinos and monitor lizards.
I am finally back on the Prime, I was wondering perhaps I could pop by your treehouse for tea. I’m in New Zealand at the moment, and a kakapo is staring at me. A man of the skies came to me in my dreams and I woke up in this forest.
I suppose the maori have an answer.
Assuming I will be done here by next week, would you be available in a fortnight?
- Tim.
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