Doom 2016 was better than eternal.
That’s it. That’s the post. I’m prepared to argue. I’m bored and want to talk about doom to strangers on the internet. Isn’t that what this site is for?
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Hello. I am a new user, joining this platform in search of a new community that I can call home. Some years ago, an app called Lolpics was shut down. I had made some of my first online friends, and it was a sad day when it was shut down. I was too afraid to partake in the alternative apps most had migrated to, and my hesitation has disconnected me from that community. This is a beacon, a call. I hope that I can find that same sense of community here.
This concludes my debut. May the memes on your dashboard bring you great joy.
edit: added memes tag, so someone will see the post.
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