thespokentruth28 · 3 months
I like it and how it elaborates on to her. It seems the dlc just elaborates on things more explicit and in regards to Faith goes a lot more into her true former self as Rachel and her real thoughts rather than her fabricated Faith persona... And how she got turned into it.
Faith was always in far cry 5 meant to portray a very tragic character with a big victim complex, caught up in a cult via the feeling of "acceptance" and "belonging" and then later slowly brainwashed and exposed into extreme ideologies at a young vulnerable state with minor self consciousness or agency to what she was doing and zero intentions of becoming what she ended up as. Evidence clearly points towards that in far cry 5 aswell and in all of her backstory roots while still showing how such innocence and fragility can be taken advantage of and turned into a weapon... She was clearly groomed and manipulated into what she is rather than purposely becoming it and the dlc just elaborate further on that narrative of her - a disturbing but yet very realistic example to how people are preyed into cults in real life. She shows all the objective textbook definitions in far cry 5 of what would define a brainwashed person as she never really provides any constructive or actual good arguments to join Joseph or the cult. Just naively "join Joseph because he is my savior and is the best person ever" without really delving into his ideologies or why he is the best person - very typical example to a brainwashed person who roughly only follows him because she dosent knows anything else.
Undoubtedly Rachel over a long time clearly became powerful, dangerous and got a sense of control with her bliss, seems confident and smug at times and yeah again obviously became good at her thing with it as firstly this is the only thing she knows and has ever learned, but also that it is all the bliss that makes her feel that way and purely with the bliss she is powerful - without her bliss to cling on, (both in terms of her own mindstate but also what she is capable of) and once her mind becomes clear from it to an extent, everything quickly comes crashing down to her and she quickly falls back to her own fragile, naive and doubtful self with her remembering and the reality sparks on her mind which is also ultimately what's happening in the final fight with her in far cry 5.
Biannual rewatch of the Collapse DLC. I get the distinct impression that the writers didn't. Quite understand Faith and defaulted to stock abused cult princess tropes. Obviously every Herald is a lot more volatile and vulnerable around Joseph than they are around the Deputy but Faith I think winds up reading much more. Hapless and naive. What was interesting about Faith in FC5 to me is she always seemed like she was a little more aware of her circumstances than she wanted to admit to herself. More than that she was a talented manipulator and extremely lucid, even holding Joseph at arm's length to avoid jeopardizing her own power/repeating the mistakes which got her predecessors killed. I think there could have been something interesting done if it had dove a little more into Joseph's cognitive dissonance on the subject, on his mental insistence that she remains his sweet innocent (dependent) Faith its clear that she's playing his own game back at him, telling him what he needs to hear to ensure her own survival
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thespokentruth28 · 4 months
How do you view the cutscenes from different angles like showed in the top and bottom picture?
Anyway looks good!
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thespokentruth28 · 9 months
I mean Joseph directly killed his newborn daughter at "gods will" so I wouldn't put it past him as long as it is at the expense of "gods word".
Also he is very implied to be at least indirectly responsible for the killings and discardings of several young girls who became "Faith" who weren't good enough or lost their devotion. We don't know about their age but they were young so very possibly kids.
Several npc's also tells about how they lost their son, kids or daughters to things related to the cult(bliss and sacrifices)
OK GUYS, I have a genuine question here.
What would Eden's Gate do with the children of the families that they either captured or that joined? Because I don't think they've just killed them. I mean, Jacob's probably an exception to that rule, but I don't think Joseph would allow them to kill children.
Was it ever actually explained that they killed the children? Or were we ever told what happened to them?
This has been eating me alive for the past two weeks btw!
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
Ive never got the impression that they had any sort of rivalry between them and i don't think the dlc alludes to that neither at all... As the oldest brother Jacob is just more respected especially by the younger brother but that's basically it.
We never see them interact with each other in any way and not really any objective or definite information to say anything definite... That's why I am missing with them in far cry 5: none of them connects and never interacts with each other or gets to talk as a family in the story but are completely separated from each other. They don't really say anything about the death of each other - only a small eulogy from Joseph.
Lorewise you could make it work either way i guess because there is really no definite lore to confirm anything. Personally there was never anything that made feel that they had some sort of rivalry and it is clearly suggested that Jacob was always protective of his brothers.
I've seen a kind of collective notion that John and Jacob would have a sort of...rivalry?
Which, considering they never interact in FC5, I am assuming it stems from the idea that because John is more...how do we say? more conscious of his looks? More dramatic? how he obviously never gets his hands dirty unless he has FULL control of the situation?
It stands in complete contrast to Jacob who literally walks around with bloodstained shirts and is very much getting his hands dirty...
But like. I would think the opposite? I can see Jacob poking fun at John for being a tad dramatic and very vain sure. But we do know this is the same Jacob that literally put himself between John and their abusive father when they were kids? How despite being a kid himself, Jacob would fight their dad in order to keep him off of his little brother?
Of course, John told his teachers that they were being abused and it wound up with the family getting split up. And they haven't seen each other in years but I highly doubt that kind of brotherly affection would dissipate? In fact I can imagine one of the few genuinely happy moments John has is reuniting with Jacob? Like the only person ever to have ever tried to protect him?
Idk. I wish these two interacted more because I was always super impressed with Jacob for trying to help John. And this idea that they would have an intense rivalry never sat right with me but idk maybe I'm missing something
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
When I see Breaking Bad memes and people making jokes like "lol if only they had universal healthcare" I get it, but I always just go:
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
Someone asked a writer if Faith was fully a victim, plied with drugs and forced into Eden's Gate. The writer said that Faith twists the truth to her advantage. So while she isn't lying, she is not telling the full truth. I don't think the original poster was saying faith was not a victim, I think they were pointing out how she is a manipulator. She lies to your character and tries to manipulate them with bits of the truth, and when she doesn't get what she wants... I just think all the villains in fc5 are very complex, cannot be limited to 'they are victims, nothing else'. Since we don't know most people who knew Faith before the cult, I take Tracey's words pretty seriously when she talks about Faith, considering she is the only one the writers focused on giving insight into Faith's personality.
Hi, I hope you like a long and detailed answer so feel free to skim. ;)
- Yeah i know about all this this but it doesn't really contradict to anything i think. it It is not only this line from her in the fight at all that creates this whole victim complex to Faith but all kinds of things, lore and environmental storytelling in the world. That Joseph didn't forcefully shovelled drugs down her throat or that she wasn't directly forced into the cult doesn't mean she isn't a victim and doesn't mean that she wasn't "plied with drugs" manipulated and "threatened" to be kept in line when she was already in it and possibly started to doubt what she was getting into.
Dean explained that there is always truth to what Faith says, but she is also good at turning the truth to her advantage - it is basically just him saying "i can't tell you that, you have to decide and determine yourself"... I mean it is not like this reveals anything we didn't knew about her and nothing definite... It is basically just "up to your own interpretation" but i think there is more than enough evidence in the game, Book of Joseph, and now especially and explicitly the collapse DLC that makes it easy to put two and two together that there is clearly a lot more to Faith than just being this "manipulator" and that her supposed "manipulation" ultimately is a result of her being manipulated and brainwashed herself.
In the Book of Joseph it is directly stated in his fancy ways that she was given drugs(scopolamine which is inspiration for bliss) to purify her and keep her in line and from doubt so it is only backed up there aswell. Again that it wasn't forced down her throat doesn't mean it was actually willingly or that she wasn't manipulated against her own judgement - i think the scene in the Edens Gate short is a perfect example to that. Nobody touches or forces Sarah in any way but she is clearly manipulated in every way and isn't really given the chance or choice to refuse or to leave the room neither so yeah that is a perfect example to how it can happen at the very start...
- I know about everything Tracey says aswell and what she says also lines up well everytime she provides some actual source information about Rachel. It is also worth noting that Tracey clearly is in grief for what happened even after all this time and feels guilty because she was the one who found Edens Gate at first where Rachel "slipped away from her". She outright states that her vulnerability, too good and trusting personality is what got her into it and that she didn't realized what she was actually getting into...
She explains that Rachel was this naive minded, keeping the peace girl who was always too nice, always agreeing, unable to resist or realize when a fight needed to happen which clearly says that Rachel isn't any way a strong willed person to speak up for herself and clearly confirms her as a naive minded person susceptible to manipulation which is also reasonable to conclude considering her past. It makes completely sense to the victimized arc she is given and backs up that she is not this self motivated manipulator in reality and in the end clearly supports that she was turned and groomed into what she is rather than purposely becoming it. It clearly supports the indications that she is more manipulated and brainwashed herself rather than being this evil "liar and manipulator" as we are tempted to believe based on what we are told by the resistance which is also completely one sided and biased aswell... It further hints that her childlike innocence, her naive faith and general sweet personality she express in the game most of the time is not her acting but who she actually really is - it isn't her "acting sweet" or faking anything but simply her doing the only thing she knows and have been indoctrinated into believing since a young age.
- That Faith got into this with Tracey and "choose to play daddy's little flower princess" when she was at her lowest and the cult were just a little peace group dosent in any way mean that she wasn't later on victimized, gaslighted and brainwashed to keep her in line when she realized and doubted the tests and things she saw on the inside. That they found and she got into this group willingly(as a kid mind you) isn't in any way a contradiction to her obvious victimization later on at all based on many implications in the game. She never says that she was actually forced or kidnapped into this cult in any way not in far cry 5 nor in the DLC... However that doesn't contradict to anything in terms of her being taken advantage of especially later on when she started to doubt and realize stuff which is also possibly here the actual more clear "unwillingness" and direct victimization started as Joseph had to keep her in line when she was hesitant, doubted her path and "tried to run away"...
- People are rarely directly forced into cults but simply lured in the name of "acceptance" and "belonging" and gaining their trust in the start. The it is very hard to get out again especially if the cult leader is determined to keep the person by all means necessary like Joseph clearly was with his "Faith" while Tracey was more "free" to leave and considering Rachels naive and easily manipulated mindset it is easy to see how she went down that road... Things in a cult is a little more complicated than just being forced or not. Especially for a young, vulnerable and naive teenage girl like her you can do a lot with just emotional words and talkings in the start because of her ignorance to anything else and the fact that she has no other happy life to compare to... Basically cult leaders and Joseph promises people what they have been missing and longed for their whole life and then uses their naivety and ignorance to indoctrinate them into his ideologies and into serving "his word" only which is what ultimately matters to him as he serves the "greater good". And it is only possible because these are young and mistreated people who for the first time felt like they were "part of something" and felt a misplaced sense of "love" and "family". So yeah Rachel got into the cult willingly before they became and actual cult without realizing what it was and but clearly didn't became what she became all that consciously and intentionally.
- The ultimate point In the final fight is that we breaks her out of her brainwashed vision and thus she starts to understand the reality more clearly, starts to remember and her real thoughts and doubts sparks on her mind. Even tho it isn't fully the black and white situation she describes that "NONE of this is her fault"(which she also clearly knows), It is clearly not her attempt at manipulating at all as some may be tempted to just assume but simply the reality sparks on her mind and her true Rachel comes crashing down to her... It is also her trying to justify to herself because she knows she is now responsible for bad things but clearly feels the need to explain that it wasn't her intention to became what she became and that her road to becoming it wasn't really in her intentions or in her agency - that she was young and clearly couldn't resist or handle what she was exposed to which is also completely reasonable to conclude considering everything you can learn about her origin and person as explained above.
Sorry for the wall, i hope i gave you a well defined answer. Lastly i think what i explained in my previous post that going into psychological understanding to how brainwashing works and how it affects people is key to fully understanding her story and key to understanding the fact that if someone isn't physically forced doesn't at all mean that they are willing which most definitely applies to cults aswell.
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
Why do you think people refuse to see Faith Seed as a victim of the cult? I'm asking because you're clearly not too uncomfortable with the canon reality that she was one of many women drawn in by Joseph and in the end she was one if the few he selected and manipulated into becoming Faith Seed.
Generally it is simply because a lot of people here are just very biased from what I've seen...
A lot of the players I've seen who are quick to demoralize Faith or blush off the tragedy and victimization to her character are a lot of times "fangirls" of Joseph who at the very same time are very quick to paint him as "misunderstood" by writing several paragraphs pointing out all kinds of flaws and tragedy about him(and John aswell) despite that they in the narrative never are painted as actual victims of this cult or people with a lack of personal agency unlike Faith is... It directly shows off the extreme bias that they just doesn't want to acknowledge Faith's tragedy and victim narrative because it creates some disturbing implications about Joseph and i think that is the main reason they dont like it - that her character and story regarding the "Faith's" shows a fairly disturbing image of Joseph's character.
That's why they have a tendency to attempt to twist Faith into this self motivated femme fatale and almost evil born master manipulator who is exactly where she always wanted to be, completely negating that she is a victim of Joseph/the bliss herself to take away the disturbing implications to him even tho it couldn't be more objectively incorrect. Likewise flawedly attempts to gaslight people who view her as a victim and feel she needed to be saved into thinking that they are manipulated by her or that she "tricked them" which is also very incorrect as she objectively and easily can be termed the most tragic, sympathetic, redeemable and not least youngest antagonist of the whole franchise... Generally just swallows the resistance words about her, dismissing every sympathy aspect or everything she says as a lie or her attempting to manipulate you which is a big misinterpretation and also extremely one sided. The whole point is that Faith is equally manipulated herself, manipulated to do the same to others believing she does good.
The argument that people are tricked or manipulated by her if they want to save her, or the argument that Faith's claims and screams about the Father is an attempt at manipulation also makes no sense as it is very much the other way around and achieves the very opposite: Acknowledging Faith's victimized narrative and thus wanting to help her OUT of the cult and redeeming her is very much the opposite of being manipulated by her and it does the opposite of the purpose assigned to her in the cult - "to make people see the god and savior that Joseph is". Again Faith's whole backstory under the surface kinda only makes the cult and Joseph in particular more disturbing as it really showcases how he grooms these young vulnerable teenage girls into the cult, exposes them to abuse, exploation and brainwashing and then discards them when used up. Wanting to save her or feeling sympathy towards her is literally the opposite of being manipulated by her or tempted to join as her actual job from Joseph is to bring people in trust to the cult and Joseph - not showing him more as a disturbing, abusive victimizer which she indirectly clearly does a lot of times and directly a few times.
All this is why people attempts to twist her more into this evil and self motivated "femme fatale" villain as it takes all the above away from Joseph and demoralize her... The players who negates Faith's victimization in favor of Joseph are clearly the ones manipulated and not looking at things from any objective pov...
People can interpretate media how they want and likewise be as subjective as they want but i think it is disturbing that people with this "fangirl" mentality completely and seriously erase a young(barely an adult) victimized female character in a narrative because they doesn't want the several decades older male character to be responsible for obvious disturbing things and highlighted in the exploitation, abuse and manipulation of this young woman in particular and likewise the murder/removal of several other young women before her who were discarded as toilet paper just as the current one is treated if she disobeys Joseph or derails from her "Faith" role as very definitely explained...
In the end I'm very much into looking at things from an objective and factual viewpoint according to what the game actually says even tho i may still find it disturbing. One have to be either extremely biased, directly ignorant to game evidence, lacking in psychological understanding or manipulated by Joseph to NOT view Faith as a victim of both him and the bliss and generally not viewing her as the tragic character caught up in a bad situation without intentions to become what she became. That she was groomed/indoctrinated into extreme ideologies at a young age through fear, brainwashing and isolation to anything outside of the cult. Her true tragedy and lack of personal agency/motivation in what she got into and became is already very present even before taking all the brainwashing and victimization aspects into her character which happened later on because of her young age and fragile mental state combined which made her a perfect subject for Joseph to carve her into exactly what he wanted.
I'm sorry for the wall but this is my detailed take on why some players having a hard time acknowledging her as the victimized character she objectively is.
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
Sorry but i'm pretty sure you are the one misinterpretating her and biasedly just doesn't want her to be the tragic character she is and thus try to twist her into this evil femme fatale type of character despite all kind of things clearly confirms that there is a lot more to her than this "liar and manipulator". You dosent seem to take note in how brainwashing and manipulation affects people especially for a young, broken and naive minded person like her at the time and also seem to just swallow the resistance words about her instead of looking at things more with nuance...
I've always wondered why it is so hard for some players here to accept or aknowledge that Faith is clearly meant to be the tragic and victimized character in the game. It really is pure bias and there is literally more than enough to put together that Rachel was truly a tragic and naive girl who got caught up in a bad situation and indoctrinated at a young vulnerable state. You doesn't really provide any objective evidence to what you are saying - just because she presents a smug behavior at times doesn't mean she isn't a victim at all and likewise hilarious to use John's words about her as objective evidence considering who he is himself and how he tortures and decorate corpses in his bunker like some kind of Hannibal style art. He is clearly very jealous of her in the narrative and doesn't like her...
Rachel is clearly an objectively tragic character and there is no denying that she was manipulated, brainwashed and groomed by Joseph to be the perfect "Faith" and because of her very young age she got into it this is basically the only thing she has ever learned... It is clear she was brainwashed into extreme ideologies as a naive teenage girl and it is clear that she is greatly hooked on to an affected by this bliss much like anyone else in it.
Especially by now it is only further confirmed that she is clearly a victim of Joseph, hooked on to the bliss aswell and that she is clearly brainwashed and manipulated herself. In the Book of Joseph it is also directly stated in his fancy ways that she was given drugs(scopolamine) to purify her and keep her in line and from doubt so it is only backed up there aswell. Likewise confirmed that she had a lot of doubt about Joseph, the tests she was put through and ultimately fears Joseph more than admire him. Furthermore even explained that she tried to run away/escape at some point early on when she realized what it was, but was apparently drugged to be kept in line and in the end hooked on to bliss which is a big part of her "devotion" to Joseph and compliance to what she does much like anyone else in the bliss. Hell even the lead writer apparently stated that she is more of a victim in the narrative compared to her "brothers".
YES players victimize her character and view her as a tragedy because that is objectively the arc and narrative she is given in the game... Corresponding to her confirmed arc and young age combined, Faith objectively have less personal agency, personal motivation and intentions in terms of what she became. She is also far more redeemable and far younger than any of them and got into it as a literal kid... On top of that lets just add all of the victimization and brainwashing aspects to her herself which is present in the game which is why it is absolutely valid corresponding to her arc why people may feel a stronger desire to pity her or "wanting to save her" simply because she shows far better redeeming qualities and is given exactly that kinda character arc which objectively defines a tragedy of a character caught up in bad destiny. She can easily be termed the most redeemable and tragic character of the whole franchise.
Ekstra lore information:
Tracey explains that Rachel was this naive minded, keeping the peace girl who was always too nice, always agreeing, unable to resist or realize when a fight needed to happen which clearly says that Rachel at core isn't any way a strong willed person to speak up for herself and clearly confirms her as a naive minded person susceptible to manipulation which is also reasonable to conclude considering her past. It makes completely sense to the victimized arc she is given and backs up that she is not this self motivated manipulator in reality and also supports that she was turned and groomed into what she is rather than purposely becoming it. Furthermore it supports that her "childlike innocence", her naive faith and manipulated personality she express in the game most of the time is not her acting but who she actually really is - it isn't her "acting sweet" or faking anything but simply her doing the only thing she knows and have been brainwashed into believing since a young age.
Undoubtedly Rachel clearly became powerful, dangerous and got a sense of control with her bliss, seems confident and smug at times and yeah again obviously became good at her thing with it as this is the only thing she knows and has ever learned, but again the thing is that it is all the bliss that makes her feel that way and purely with the bliss she is powerful - without her bliss to cling on, (both in terms of her own mindstate and what she is capable of) and once her mind becomes clear from it to an extent, she loses everything and quickly falls back to her own fragile and doubtful self and remembers which is also what's happening in the final fight with her...
It is clearly consistent to put together that Rachel herself and mentally is a confused fragile minded girl with a lot of doubts, problems and inner struggle to Joseph and her being "Faith" in the game, but that all of that and Rachel's true feelings, memories and doubts is offset to a great extent because of the bliss. She is "teached" since a young age that she is serving the "greater good" with the bliss and that the bliss is the right way to "help" people from natural doubts and fears similar to how it was taught to her as she is "serving the greater good". She has control over other people in the bliss but it doesn't really change that she is also brainwashed and affected in terms of her mindstate and that the bliss is removing whatever doubts and hesitation she might have about anything or anyone and likewise that it makes her believe everything she does with the bliss is good and pure happiness... The bliss, Joseph and what she is part of is all she knows and has ever learned so she isn't really able to objectify her actions as she never even got to observe an actual real life outside of the cult, and that is even before taking all the brainwashing and victimization aspects which happened later on into consideration but simply that she got into this as a fragile minded teenager in the start which makes her perfect victim for someone to carve her into exactly what they want.
So yeah ultimately she IS very much victimized herself and definitely not just "playing the victim". Really not trying to be an idiot or condescending at all but some players here are extremely biased, take zero note in what the game actually are saying and not least simplify the reality and consequences about brainwashing and being manipulated at a young broken state if they really can't see the obvious victimization to her and her general situation scattered all around... It really sounds like you players who just dismiss her as this evil "femme fatale" just doesn't WANT her to be the tragic character in the game despite all kinds of game evidence and implications clearly hints and says that. She is the literal textbook definition of a brainwashed person and a perfect example to the type of young girls from the streets getting manipulated into cults in real life.
All this is even without taking all the sexual innuendo and disturbing implications of her being sexually exploited aswell into account which there also is some implications or hints about but let's just leave that out of it for now as it is not really confirmed or necessary to bring up and that this post is already more than long enough...
Sorry for the wall but very much disagree and objectively I'm very sure you are the one misinterpretating her/looks at things far too simplistic and not the other way around...
There's this idea that I've seen floating around for a very long time that Faith is a victim, that she's savable, fixable, a victim of circumstances, of her environment, of Joseph, that I personally think is a gross misrepresentation of her character, and she'd be so proud of herself for fooling everyone into believing it. Her charade worked, on everyone, even after her death. The charade she openly tells Rook about in a Bliss Hallucination worked.
To quote the woman herself: "All my life I dealt with people like you. People who underestimate sweet, innocent Faith. You see what you wanna see... a playful butterfly, a delicate flower... a child with childish thoughts. It's easier to disregard a child. Tracey made the same mistake as you. While you all ignored me, I walked right through every one of you."
You can't save her because she doesn't want to be saved. She is exactly where she wants to be. She is in the perfect place to manipulate everyone into doing or being exactly what she needs them to be. She tricked Eden's Gate into seeing her as a personification of religious purity. She convinced Joseph that she is not only the perfect reincarnation of his wife, but also the perfect person to take care of the most challenging and dangerous tasks and threats to the Project. The only person who ever sees Faith as Rachel, the girl behind the title, is John, who vaguely warns you about how vicious she is while you're escaping his bunker ("Here, you just have to confess. In the east...well, Faith may have created those Angels of hers, but she did treat them very well." I always saw this as him saying "You think I treat people badly? Just wait until you see what Faith does." This is interesting, considering he is also fully aware of what Jacob is doing. We all believe/know he's scared of Joseph, but I think he's also scared of Faith.)
She is the master manipulator of Eden's Gate. She is The Siren. You don't save someone who drags you to your grave with a smile on their face. You run from them. You all see her as the poor, pitiful victim she wants you to see, and she walks straight through you, just as intended.
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
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You still don’t understand. You don’t know what it is you’re doing, do you? Joseph believes he’s our savior. But you’ll be the one who decides what happens. You were the start. You’ll be the end. 
It was always going to happen this way… 
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
the resemblance is kinda uncanny tho
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thespokentruth28 · 1 year
I saw that some players having problems accepting the more explicit confirmation in the collapse DLC that Faith being viewed by Joseph as a substitute and resemblance to his deceased wife by saying that it wasn't mentioned or alluded to in far cry 5 which is incorrect, and again like many complaints here stated about it seem like a misinterpretation on THEIR part rather than the devs on the DLC. After all Joseph probably views Faith as a wife, daughter and sister but it doesn't really change anything and likewise isn't contrary to anything in "Collapse".
Outside of the optional implications based on information, there is this one important cutscene in Jacobs area when Joseph visits you and talks about his wife and the accident that occured: He starts the scene by showing you a picture on his arm of his former wife surrounded by bliss flowers and immediately allies her with the concept of "his Faith" in the way he talks about her. Among other things he directly states about her: "She had Faith that things were going to work out... She always had Faith" and with heavy focus on the Faith aspect of her... I mean I wouldn't even call it subtly alluded to here and I'm pretty sure the developers of the dlc did their research very correctly and I have also read every note and listened to every optional dialogue, so i clearly know the lore aswell.
The whole point with the dlc is just that it shows all things a lot more explicit especially in regards to Faith aswell, and considering that some players didn't got the hint means that it was apparently necessary. You may personally dislike it from a biased perspective as it can bring out some disturbing implications but to dismiss it as objectively wrong or a misinterpretation on the devs part is objectively wrong - most of the things the collapse now shows more explicit were already hinted or alluded to in the main game just on a more subtle level and that goes for a lot of things.
Again i wouldn't even call it subtle and would even go as far as calling it "greatly hinted" based on putting all things together purely from far cry 5.
Honestly for anyone who have a problem with this interpretation: go look up this scene im talking about in Jacobs region and you may understand why Faith being a substitute as Joseph's wife isn't really objectively off in any way.
But yeah ultimately no there isn't anything objectively inaccurate with what they did - They just more explicitly confirms stuff already hinted.
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thespokentruth28 · 2 years
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The rain is coming.
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thespokentruth28 · 2 years
Haha can't tell if they are actually scary or just hilarious to look at especially the brothers...
Anyway nicely done!
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It’s atrociously late, but here have some Halloween Heralds (Werewolf Jacob | Vampire John | Witch Faith)
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