#mother nature
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American Bald Eagle
Outdoors Beauty Blog 馃尀 Archive
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fairytaleprincessart 10 hours
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buriedpentacles 3 days
10 More Simple Ways to Worship Mother Nature
Donate to a wildlife charity or nature reserve
Dance in the rain, celebrate the stormy weather and the benefits it has for the world
Do something for your local wildlife: build a bug hotel or hedgehog hide-out
Learn about ecology and learn about it locally
Keep a houseplant and care for it as a devotional act (super cool of its a native plant too)
Don't mow your lawn - or at least a small patch it
Plant native wildflowers and support local bees (honeybees are not the ones at risk!)
Sit outside and speak to her: pray, sing, meditate, tell her about your day, whisper your secrets. She will listen
Watch documentaries about nature or the universe or ecology!
Cloud watch - see what messages you can find in the sky
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tombxynxtdoor 1 day
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It's been so stormy lately. 馃對馃┑
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somos-deseos 2 days
The rain and fog in Washington will always have my heart. (Pinch together it鈥檚 cool I swear 馃尣.)
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Photography by: Emma Warringt酶n.
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richs-pics 1 day
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A selection of wild and cultivated flower from RSPB Saltholme
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53v3nfrn5 4 months
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Tree roots following the pattern of concrete footpaths
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moodboard-d 6 months
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heatheneldritch 5 months
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Left abandoned, Mother Nature can once again take over.
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cycles-seasons 1 month
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thecursedprince 3 months
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Omega Level Mother Energy 鈿★笍
#XMen97 #Storm
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Outdoors Beauty Blog 馃尀 Archive
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uwhe-arts 3 months
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. . . | uwhe-arts
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juliamstarr 2 months
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chlobody 4 months
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California roads
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53v3nfrn5 2 months
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A spider's web delicately entwined around an impala's horns and face, resembling a dream catcher.
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