i think this is your toaster :)
How do you deal with people saying that you "feel depressed" and call you lazy despite saying they support you, and your mental illness? And when you can't tell them to go away because said person is your dad and you're a minor?
Kid, I am a man whose coping mechanisms include flying around in a red and gold suit of armor shooting bad guys with lasers
There are definitely better people you could ask than me, including but not limited to your school guidance counselor or a licensed therapist, because my advice of telling him something like, “dad, it’s really hurtful when you say that and makes it feel like you don’t really support me,” may not work, but it’s worth a shot
Otherwise, my advice is to go build a robot. Just don’t put an AI in the toaster if you ever want toast again
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The great esGape
Unlike most elemental metals, gallium will melt in the palm of your hand, or at temperatures above about 30 °C. And that’s not the only unusual thing about this element: It also expands when it freezes. In this video series, warm liquid gallium is poured into a glass vial (top), followed by a little clean-up. As the gallium cools back down to room temperature, it starts to bubble up as its volume expands (third video down). Overall, it expands 3%, shattering the vial (bottom). Water is a substance commonly used to demonstrate this sort of expansion, growing about 8% in volume when frozen, but other elements exhibit this behavior as well, including silicon and plutonium. The final two clips have been accelerated 200 times and 10 times, respectively.
Credit: Periodictable.ru (watch the whole video here; GIFs created by rudescience)
More ChemPics and C&EN stories:
Liquid metals take shape
A melting liquid
Rolling out liquid-metal motors
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This is what “defunding” Planned Parenthood actually means.>>
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reminds me of my first encounter with a gyno:
Dr: Ever had intercourse?
Me: No
Dr: Ever had an abortion?
I know you technically could be pregnant without having actually had penetrative sex, but still... it just felt a bit ridiculous
Nurse: Have you had any surgeries? Me: C-section and appendectomy Nurse: Ever been pregnant? Me: ……………..yes.
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“ For every $1 that Americans contribute to public family planning programs, we save more than $7 that would have otherwise been spent on unplanned pregnancies, or from delayed cancer screenings and other health problems best addressed with preventive care. “
How does Planned Parenthood get its funding?
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Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide. An estimated 1 in 5 U.S. women will visit a Planned Parenthood health center in her lifetime. And a number of recent national polls have shown overwhelmingly that the American people support Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood funding comes from:
Medicaid reimbursement, which is a combination of state and federal funds
Title X
Patients who use private health insurance or pay out of pocket
Other government programs and grants
You may have heard some politicians talk about defunding Planned Parenthood. But what does “defunding Planned Parenthood” actually mean?
There isn’t a line-item in the federal budget for Planned Parenthood. And the federal government doesn’t just write blank checks to organizations. When people talk about “defunding,” what they’re really talking about is removing Planned Parenthood from federal programs — specifically, Medicaid and Title X.
Medicaid is government-funded insurance for low-income people. Like many hospitals and clinics around the U.S., Planned Parenthood participates in the Medicaid program. There’s federal funding for Medicaid and also state funding for Medicaid.
When a patient goes to a Planned Parenthood health center and uses their Medicaid insurance, the Medicaid program reimburses the health center for the cost of the patient’s visit — just like it would for any other provider. At least 60 percent of Planned Parenthood patients rely on government-funded health care like Medicaid.
Do your tax dollars pay for abortion services at Planned Parenthood health centers? The reality is no federal money can be used to pay for abortion services except in rare cases of rape, incest, or if the pregnant person’s life is in danger. That’s because of The Hyde Amendment: The Hyde Amendment is an unjust federal policy that prohibits federal dollars from paying for abortion with very few exceptions.  
However, the Hyde Amendment doesn’t keep states from using their own money to cover abortion. Right now, 17 states permit state funds to cover abortion for those who have insurance through Medicaid.  
Reproductive health, rights, and justice activists — including Planned Parenthood — are working to overturn the Hyde Amendment, since it unfairly affects poor women, especially poor women of color, by keeping them from accessing abortion services.
Title X
Politicians have also tried to defund Planned Parenthood through Title X, the nation’s family planning program. Planned Parenthood health centers care for about 1.5 million patients through Title X — roughly one third of the more than 4 million people served by the program.
After Kansas attempted to block access to care at Planned Parenthood, Parenthood and other reproductive health providers, the number of people accessing birth control, cancer screenings, STD tests, well-woman exams, and other care through the Title X program fell by more than 14,000.
So despite what some anti-abortion groups or extreme politicians might say, the only thing “defunding” Planned Parenthood accomplishes is to take away access to lifesaving cancer screenings, STD testing, and other essential health services that Planned Parenthood provides.
For every $1 that Americans contribute to public family planning programs, we save more than $7 that would have otherwise been spent on unplanned pregnancies, or from delayed cancer screenings and other health problems best addressed with preventive care. Medicaid and Title X funds are government dollars well-spent.
Planned Parenthood also receives money from a few other sources: health center visits, donations and other government grants.
Health center visits
Like all health care providers, when patients use private insurance, Planned Parenthood benefits by receiving the revenue. As a non-profit, the revenue gets used to fund the organization’s operations and programs. The same is true for people who don’t use insurance and pay out of pocket for their health care.
Private donations and grants
Private donations are critical for non-profits, including Planned Parenthood. Some Planned Parenthood health centers use a sliding scale, so patients only pay what they can afford — this is because of grants or programs set up thanks to private donations.
If politicians out to “defund” Planned Parenthood have their way, they’ll block millions of patients who depend on Medicaid and other public health care programs from accessing care. Their ultimate goal is is to shut down all Planned Parenthood health centers.
Many Planned Parenthood patients — nearly half of whom are people of color, and many of whom live in rural areas — would have nowhere else to turn for health care. Defunding Planned Parenthood would cause a national health care disaster.  
Keeping Planned Parenthood funded isn’t only the right thing to do, it just makes sense.
Learn more: https://www.istandwithpp.org/
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Marimos in Hokkaido!!
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Equal opportunity benefits can be far-reaching
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Today, supporters across the country are coming together to say, “Women’s rights are human rights.”
We stand shoulder to shoulder with all women in the struggle for equality and justice. 
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Nature is awesome
don’t try to tell me otter facts i already know all of them. yes i know otters hold hands. yes i know they keep special rocks. yes i know they use their bellies as tiny tables. i know it all
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Currently studying science at uni. The vast majority of my classmates are women.
Science Side of Tumblr, I need your help!  Ladies of the Science Side of Tumblr, I especially need your help!
I had a conversation at my non-science day job that went like this:
A friend who shall be called Diane (not her real name) comes to my desk to chat.  Just one of the many topics we discuss is that her boyfriend is  taking a class in wildlife biology.  She has decided that she has grown tired of hearing about local wildlife and hearing him recite a plethora of scientific names. 
I responded positively to this subject, and told her that I too found the subject interesting.  A third person had heard our conversation.  We shall call her Claire (again, not her real name).  Claire immediately responded, “Girls don’t like that kind of thing.”
“Are you saying that girls don’t like science?” I asked.
“No, not normally they don’t,” she responded.
Before you all screech with anguish, bear with me for a moment.  We all know that this is not true.  As a man, I find this idea upsetting for countless reasons that have all been validly discussed before.  To try to debate the issue is rather moot.  Instead, I’d like a show of hands.
Ladies of the Science Side of Tumblr!  I call you to arms!  Will you rally around me in saying that women can and do indeed love science, of any variety?  Gentleman of the Science Side of Tumblr who know someone who is a girl who also happens to love science, will you stand with me too?  We all like and reblog the pro-women-in-science posts we see so often, let’s all stand and be counted in one place this time.
Reblog this if you are a woman who loves science.  Reblog this if you are a man who knows a woman who loves science.  Let us disprove her beyond all doubt!
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Snail drinking a dew drop from an acorn head 
Fun fact: snails can have up to 14 000 teeth - they are tiny and positioned on their tongue called the radula. 
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Cavitation bubbles live a short and violent life. It begins when a low-pressure void forms in a fluid–for example, when a liquid is accelerated so that the pressure drops below the vapor pressure, which can happen at the tips of a boat’s propeller or when striking a bottle. The bubbles that form expand and then collapse rapidly as the higher pressure of the liquid surrounding them squeezes them down. That collapse of the bubble is so violent that it heats the fluid inside the bubble to temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun, generating both a flash of light and a shock wave. It’s these shock waves that cause much of the damage associated with cavitation in engineering, but they can be used for good as well. Shock wave lithotripsy uses cavitation-induced shock waves to break down kidney stones. (Image credit: O. Supponen et al., source)
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Starry Holidays!
Let’s start it off with a story about a diamond star named Lucy!
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In mathematics there is a concept known as ‘Conformal Mapping’ which allows you convert a given shape to a completely different one by making a transformation.
In the joukowski transform you take all the points on a circle and apply the following transform:
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And the resulting transformed points resemble an aerofoil shape. Pretty cool huh ?
** Conformal mappings are a really cool topic in complex analysis but also equally extensive. If you want to know more about them click here
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#prochoice #birthcontrol
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I believe, that this problem could be solved much easier and much more quickly than our authorities try to convince us. This problem already seems to be endless, because people live in rough and inappropriate conditions for too long.
I like how this kid slams the authorities and acting government! 
Even children can value people’s lives, unlike our government…
#LittleMissFlint #WaterCrisis
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Another Saturday morning comic!
This week’s entry: Meet Eris
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