thestarseedworld · 4 years
My Guides
My Solar System of guides, they are a right old mix.  My Gate Keeper, is an ancient being called Eucele, and he has his work cut out with me, I can tell you. He is a powerful being, who resonates with Atlantis. When I say Ancient, I really do mean ancient. He is an Avian Humanoid, half man and half bird. His wings are enormous when outstretched. I have seen him a in dream and meditation. Others see him too, often when I am giving them Reiki Therapy, they will tell me after I have finished about a huge white bird, but not actually a bird, with a gigantic beak, who stands behind me. 
I’m like yes that's my man. 
 He also tells me if I am on track, if things are going well or if something I am about to do, are doing is a good idea. I will see the black shape of him, wings out wide flying. 
  Then there is Fred, Fred the Gardner.  Fred introduced himself to me in a dream. He was a Gardner, creating floral public displays in Plymouth, the UK. Which is where, I live.  Fred was tending his plants, the word Plymouth was being written on Plymouth Hoe, he is creative but also strong. He has appeared whilst I was talking to my friend Ros about him. Ros has Mediumship skills, and he actually followed her into my toilet.
   There was a second dream that I had about him. He was helping me tie up a bear that was attacking me, together we captured it. Fred bound the bear in yards and yards of flower vines and we caged it on the back of a pick up truck. Weird dream I thought at the time, but then I got a message a few weeks ago from M. M had dreamt that I was wrestling a bear and had it caged on the back of a truck.  
Yes, that was right. M and I were not even in the same County as each other. This has become the norm though, we share a lot dream wise. We can discuss them.
  That night, when I went to bed, I could see a black angry bear above me. Growling and wide mouthed, whilst I was lying down trying to sleep. I placed my hands in the self Reiki position on my Solar Plexus Chakra point. I thought of Fred wrapping the bear up with the vines and noticed I felt strong energy moving through me. I was taking it from the bear and absorbing it, my body was absolutely buzzing. I didn't sleep much that night.
Next morning, as I was preparing for my Reiki session with a customer, I could see in my third eye, the shape of a bear wandering around. I growled at it like a bear and it vanished from my sight. I have not seen it since.
   I have seen the outline of a witch with a cape flying in my meditation, I have seen a rainbow warrior native, Eduardo and his Egyptian thistle, King Tut and Cleopatra. Egypt features a lot in my past lives. More on that later. 
There is a sacred black and white cow, ornately decorated for a ceremony, a wealthy old man wearing a hooded cape, Viking Valkyries, and the Nun. There is probably more, but I need to find the time to try and connect with the rest of them.
   The Nun has also been seen by Ros at my house, she appeared stooped on a cobble road. I was sat on the sofa arm chair and Ros could see yellow light spread over myself and my dog, who was lying on the back cushion.  
The thing is, she was not a real nun, she was in disguise...she was actually an agent. She was undercover and her story had come tome in a dream. It was World War II and she was hiding out in a church, helping to smuggle children out of a restricted area, a ghetto I think. I dreamt she was stooped pushing a wheelbarrow of garden waste, inside there was someone hidden, a child. The nun walked right past the guards, I believe Nazi soldiers.  
The children were led under sewers, under ground tunnels, and led to safety but I dreamt she was captured and questioned, but she lived.
   After her visitation, and having noticed her as one of my spirit guides in my own personal solar system, I started doing some research. I found a name and her story made very interesting reading for me.
 Irena Sendlerowa, a member of Zegota, a secret organisation that was set up by members of the Polish Government who were in exile in London. She had permission to enter the ghetto as a Social Worker. Children were taken in Ambulances, through Sewers and underground passages. They were wheeled out in trollies, suit cases and boxes, or through the old court yard! 
Is it her? My pendulum says maybe...either way I am very honoured to have her look out for me. She was pretty and strong of heart. She was quite a woman. The sort that you are lucky to have on your spiritual team.
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thestarseedworld · 4 years
Dreams Drama
Dreams, are weird. I remember when I was a teenager I had a Dream Dictionary. Fat load of good it was too me. The sort of things I was seeing as a child and see now were not to be found printed on any of its pages.  It didn't say in there why I would dream about someone then I would actually see them. Or why I would dream something, then eventually find myself doing it in reality.
 I just used to go with the flow with it, thinking oh yeah, I remember this, but now I have to write it down.  I realised long after I had dreamt them, and these were mostly dreams from last year, that a lot of my dreams were being shared, included and could be seen by other people. It was a case of trying to work out, who had what and trying to work out why. It seems a few were past lives, but I will go into them later.
   I remember five years ago, climbing aboard my flight to Tenerife in my dream. Someone I recognised, a man who had been a friend of an ex boyfriend came aboard. I knew him by sight. He was wearing a plain blue shirt. My dream came true, he did walk onto my flight and said hello, exactly like my vision. Though thank goodness our plane did not end up in the water in reality as it had in my sleep. I was worried for the rest of the journey though, I can tell you.
    There have been the ones were I see peoples deaths too, including my own. Everyday people, like the little old lady who used to get a taxi out to the hotel I was working at, at that time. She came from home, stayed with us for a few days and went out in her mobility scooter, putting posters up and paying the kids to hand some out locally. She was searching for her cat. She would do this ever so once in a while.
I dreamt of her, out of nowhere. I had a vision of the white light coming down and transporting her slowly upwards.  I knew when I woke up that she was not going to be on this Earth for very much longer. I never did see her again. 
   The Thai cave rescue was an event that I recalled as having had a premonition as the awful events unfolded.  I could see children trapped, everything was fine when they wondered into it, exploring as a group with an adult, but then the water began to rise. I could see one of their mums talking to a camera about her child’s birthday and could see her holding up a Birthday cake. She was waiting for him to be able to come home and eat it.
 I went into the cave in my dream, I could see the children having to inject themselves with medication that the divers had brought in.
 I was diving with equipment and a mask, I was alone, I did not have a child with me. I had been bringing them through the water back to safety out of the cave, but all of a sudden I could not breath. It went black. I knew that the diver had died.
    Then there was my own death. I Cardiac Arrested in April 2017 but I remember in December 2016, thinking and feeling like it was going to be my last Christmas, not my usual Happy Christmas cheerful feeling. Though I never said anything to anyone. My super spiritual friend, did also send me a warning, her message said that she had seen The Black Tower.  The Black Tower? I thought, what is the Black Tower.  The Black Tower was death.  
Some nights before, don't remember how many, may have been a couple of weeks prior, I woke up in a cold sweat in my bed. I was seeing my body as a map of my insides and there was a great big bubble inside me. It was moving travelling upwards, and did so until it hit my heart. I was literally jumping in my bed. I was dreaming I was in a yellow Ambulance that had to stop. I was lying in the back of it being resuscitated. As the electricity from the Defib pulsed through me, I felt myself jump. I did not realise how much of that was about to come true.
    Then more recently, I started dreaming about people and spirits that I was about to meet on my Spiritual journey.  I had a dream, that I had a long line of spirits lined up in a row behind me, I could see a few of them, it was easy to work out who exactly they were, some were great of great historical importance. Others I could see what they were by what they were wearing but not why they wanted to help me. Some came to me in dreams and revealed their stories and some sent messages via friends with Mediumship skills.  The line, then spread out into a circle around me and my guides were plotted on a solar system.  Then I could see the giant clock in a café, that café turned out to be where the psychic development I went to was being held.  
Shared dreams and my development will come next time.
Lisa S
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thestarseedworld · 4 years
Welcome to my mystical world
Here is the start of my journey, of admitting what I am and what I can do.
 Up until now, its been a very private journey, it had to stay secret in my head, it wasn’t normal. Other people were not like it, there was something wrong me.
   But then I died on the 05th April 2017, and to deny and pretend any longer was the real madness. I should have headed the warnings, instead of thinking what can I do? What will be, will be.
   Thank goodness my path deviated from what I had seen in the dream, luckily others stepped in and altered it. I suffered greatly but I also grew. My spiritual gifts leap frogged ahead of my list of priorities. It was stupidity not to use them. Balls to anyone who thought it was crap, they are them, they are not me. They would probably still be dead after all.
 I am different in many ways, but I have now come to realize that there are others out there on this planet just like me. We call ourselves by many names, but they all point to the same thing.
   I have had my gifts since I was a little girl, “Don’t stand on the little people I would warn the big and tall grown ups” they were squashing them.
 I was nervous of everything. I really didn’t like the dark, and I had lots of problems sleeping. I had awful dreams, bad dreams where evil things were happening to people. Rapes, terrorist attacks, and death. The normal kid stuff I don’t remember, they were not memorable enough.
    There was the time, I woke up to find a man holding a child’s hand stood beside my bed, and the time I dreamt that I was aboard an alien space craft and I was being fitted/chipped with something.  After that dream, I spent nights  gazing out of my window, incase they were coming back.
  I was studious and quiet. I had friends, but not many, just a few at a time. Growing up as an Army Brat I was not settled in a place for very long. Every two years or so, it would be time to move. Friends would be made and then had to be said goodbye too.
   As a teenager I became aware of a black figure that was appearing in my hall way more and more often. It was darting about, jumping and moving quickly. I used to think that it was dancing. I was not afraid of it, just very aware. 
  Then there was the black figures of animals out in the back garden. They were harmless but why were they there? One day I learnt why. The estate that I was living on at that time, age about 14/ 15 was built on farm land.
   I worked, got married and had children. I have three. I lived normally most of the time, but some strange things stick in my mind, and they always will.  
My youngest child was months old, still very new to this world, too young to be talking. I was passing blood and discovered I had fallen pregnant on my contraception and was having a miscarriage.  I was sat in my bed holding my baby, and I could not believe the words that I heard. 
“Baby is dead” did they come from her or someone else in the room?
   My precognitive dreams have been constant. They have been there, week after week. I was so excited when the pre cogs were characters in a certain Tom C movie years ago, because they were like me. They dreamt of future events. The justice system in the film ignores the fact that the path can change and law men imprisons the person seen about to commit the crime, before it actually happens. 
This is what happens, the dreams can alter, the path can change but elements of the dream manifest into reality. Then on other occasions, my dream becomes my complete reality. I have plenty of these I can share with you next time.
 Write again in a few days.
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thestarseedworld · 4 years
Welcome to my mystical world
Here is the start of my journey, of admitting what I am and what I can do.
 Up until now, its been a very private journey, it had to stay secret in my head, it wasn’t normal. Other people were not like it, there was something wrong me.
   But then I died on the 05th April 2017, and to deny and pretend any longer was the real madness. I should have headed the warnings, instead of thinking what can I do? What will be, will be.
   Thank goodness my path deviated from what I had seen in the dream, luckily others stepped in and altered it. I suffered greatly but I also grew. My spiritual gifts leap frogged ahead of my list of priorities. It was stupidity not to use them. Balls to anyone who thought it was crap, they are them, they are not me. They would probably still be dead after all.
 I am different in many ways, but I have now come to realize that there are others out there on this planet just like me. We call ourselves by many names, but they all point to the same thing.
   I have had my gifts since I was a little girl, “Don't stand on the little people I would warn the big and tall grown ups” they were squashing them.
 I was nervous of everything. I really didn’t like the dark, and I had lots of problems sleeping. I had awful dreams, bad dreams where evil things were happening to people. Rapes, terrorist attacks, and death. The normal kid stuff I don't remember, they were not memorable enough.
    There was the time, I woke up to find a man holding a child’s hand stood beside my bed, and the time I dreamt that I was aboard an alien space craft and I was being fitted/chipped with something.  After that dream, I spent nights  gazing out of my window, incase they were coming back.
  I was studious and quiet. I had friends, but not many, just a few at a time. Growing up as an Army Brat I was not settled in a place for very long. Every two years or so, it would be time to move. Friends would be made and then had to be said goodbye too.
   As a teenager I became aware of a black figure that was appearing in my hall way more and more often. It was darting about, jumping and moving quickly. I used to think that it was dancing. I was not afraid of it, just very aware. 
  Then there was the black figures of animals out in the back garden. They were harmless but why were they there? One day I learnt why. The estate that I was living on at that time, age about 14/ 15 was built on farm land.
   I worked, got married and had children. I have three. I lived normally most of the time, but some strange things stick in my mind, and they always will.  
My youngest child was months old, still very new to this world, too young to be talking. I was passing blood and discovered I had fallen pregnant on my contraception and was having a miscarriage.  I was sat in my bed holding my baby, and I could not believe the words that I heard. 
“Baby is dead” did they come from her or someone else in the room?
   My precognitive dreams have been constant. They have been there, week after week. I was so excited when the pre cogs were characters in a certain Tom C movie years ago, because they were like me. They dreamt of future events. The justice system in the film ignores the fact that the path can change and law men imprisons the person seen about to commit the crime, before it actually happens. 
This is what happens, the dreams can alter, the path can change but elements of the dream manifest into reality. Then on other occasions, my dream becomes my complete reality. I have plenty of these I can share with you next time.
 Write again in a few days.
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