thestumpfs · 22 days
日曜日の雰囲気 (Sunday Vibes) - 9/1/2024
The housewarming party on the 24th was great success! Decent turnout by friends, family, and our HOA lady (lol). Our registry ended up proving very useful, as most of the items on it were bought. ❤️ Gifts included houseplants, wine rack, wine FOR the wine rack, misc. IKEA stuff (including coat hooks and towel racks), blankets and throw pillows.
The bookshelf and glass cabinets are built, and almost all of the figures, acrylic stands, and nendoroids are on display. As soon as that's done, I'll be posting some pictures of my collection here. That definitely won't be the end of it, but that contains the Dragon's Horde so far...
I Was Reincarnated As The 7th Prince is done. I'd give that about a 6.5/10, 7 tops. It's a cute little series that got some genuine laughs out of me, but none of the battles are even remotely exciting because the goofy ahh little protag is so ridiculously overpowered that you know he's always going to win by pulling some bullshit strat out of nowhere (well, the hero rarely truly loses in this genre, but you know what I mean). It also doesn't help that lot of the side characters are genuinely more complex and interesting than he is, so Lloyd isn't particularly likeable. Time to move on! I've joined a Sgt. Frog watch party on Discord that gathers to watch silly alien frogs every Saturday at 6 PM EST. That ending song has no right being that catchy.
How are my fellow Travelers enjoying Natlan so far? That's where almost all my free time is going to be going towards for the forseeable future... @_@ In the process of pulling for Kazuha, I got him as well as C5 Kachina (+ the free Kachina makes that C6). The pika smile must be protected.
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thestumpfs · 1 month
日曜日の雰囲気 (Sunday Vibes) - 8/11/2024
Anime Magic is no longer happening due to some scheduling conflicts, but that's OK because we still have a lot of fun stuff coming up. In addition to the housewarming party on the 24th, I've got some self-care spa time set aside for my b-day weekend in September, and we've got our sights set on reserving the chalet at Sybaris for the dude's b-day in early November.
We got more stuff from IKEA; we ordered a bookcase for our manga and several glass-door cabinets for our figures/acrylic stands, and we're currently in the process of getting that all assembled. Once all our weeb merch is on display, I'll post some pictures. One of the glass-door cabinets has LED lighting built in, so the acrylic stands are going to look absolutely amazing in that and I can't wait to see how that turns out. <3
Bills are easier to pay lately after the dude's promotion to assistant manager a few weeks ago; more than enough to cover the mortgage with enough left over to pay a little more than what's due every month and still set some aside in savings. (Some of that is getting squared away for a new car before the dude's Honda Accord turns into the Shitmobile from Trailer Park Boys.)
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thestumpfs · 2 months
日曜日の雰囲気 (Sunday Vibes) - 7/28/2024
Using the refund money from Wayfair Gone Wrong(tm), I've bought some more IKEA furniture, including an end table and some glass-door cabinets for our multitude of figures, which will be picked up next Saturday. Smith & Noble is also coming over on Tuesday for a consultation regarding our kitchen window and it's frustratingly rare dimensions. (No, seriously, we looked everywhere for blinds/drapes of that size and no dice.) The dishwasher has also finally been fixed! Now The Fucking Dishes and The Fucking Laundry is now just The Dang Dishes and The Fucking Laundry. I Was Reincarnated As the 7th Prince is getting good now that the Assassins Guild has been introduced. I feel like up until now it was The Kid Whose Hyperfixation is Magic (and he's not a very complex or multifaceted character at all) and the episodes were really formulaic, but things are getting interesting now that he's phasing out of the "all I care about is learning new spells" mode. I'm glad I decided to stick with it, because I was starting to get pretty bored with it and was actually contemplating moving on to a different series. As much as I hate being a fair weather fan, the absolute state of Chicago sports has had us seeking greener pastures; my dad-in-law is a fan of Arsenal, so we decided to seek out our local Arsenal America chapter and watched the friendly Arsenal vs Manchester United match at The Globe Pub last night. A fantastically cozy little pub with a great atmosphere, and I swear I can still smell that curry. *w*
God help me, I've started playing Fire Emblem Heroes again. A friend told me that Henry might be getting another alt. Big if true. That's the literal only reason why. I'm not sorry. My boy deserves it.
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thestumpfs · 2 months
日曜日の雰囲気 (Sunday Vibes) - 7/21/2024
Tynamo Community Day was pretty successful - I caught 9 shinies and the dude caught 6 but I can't say we caught any that had stats decent enough to warrant evolution. It was a beautiful day for a stroll down the nearby trail where we get all our Pokemon catching done, though!
Slowly but surely, the physical N64 collection is being rebuilt (while I have the disposable income to do so, being mindful of priorities :P). Best case scenario is finding box+cart+manual for a price that isn't too exorbitant. Used or pre-owned doesn't bother me at all as long as damage or wear is minimal. Barring anything that will prompt us to sell off a bunch of things just like I had to do during the 2008 recession, I plan on keeping everything I manage to buy back.
The sofa arrived and looks absolutely perfect in the living room, but the super fancy awesome bed got delayed so many goddamn times that after a failed delivery attempt where they not only ignored all of our contact instructions but got all our contact info wrong as well, I said screw it, I don't want it anymore, give me a full refund. Of all the various places we've ordered furniture from in our homeownership journey, none of them have screwed the pooch as many times as Wayfair did. Never again!
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thestumpfs · 3 months
I didn’t take that many pics of other cosplayers this time, but these were the clear winners in my book. I think box!Kirara and the Miku-in-a-tank stole the show
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thestumpfs · 3 months
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Taokaka prowled Anime Midwest, and she’ll also be at Anime Magic! If you got a pic of me, mind tagging me? :3
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thestumpfs · 3 months
日曜日の雰囲気 (Sunday Vibes) - 6/30/2024
I know I skipped a couple weeks, but not a whole lot has been going on here except for furniture being delayed again (the bed frame is now scheduled to arrive Tuesday while the sofa arrives the 9th), waiting to hear from the higher ups at the dude's job to see if he got promoted, and preparations for Anime Midwest 2024. What I'm hoping for is that the weather will be manageable that weekend so that I'm neither overheating or being rained on in the Taokaka cosplay. So far it looks like low 80s with chance of rain Friday and Sunday... I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince blah blah blah continues to be occasionally funny but otherwise mid. I don't know if I'll commit to all of the episodes, especially since the entire series so far has revealed itself to be The Writer's Thinly Disguised Fetish(tm). I have one friend practically begging me to consider Hunter x Hunter, while another insists I should give the live-action One Piece series a chance because, in his words, "Kuro went from being a C- tier villain to God Tier" (he's my favorite East Blue villain and said friend knows this). I will not be so easily persuaded. Next up is pics from Anime Midwest 2024!
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thestumpfs · 3 months
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In this house we support the Germany national football team
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thestumpfs · 3 months
I have this one Usopp figurine where he’s just straight vibin’ smelling a flower and I got the idea to put him on my perfume tray
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thestumpfs · 3 months
He emerges
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thestumpfs · 4 months
日曜日の雰囲気 (Sunday Vibes) - 6/9/2024
Delivery and assembly of the Big Awesome Fancy Bed was delayed until the 18th. I’m not even mad, I’m still sleeping on a mattress on the floor but it’s a Helix mattress so I’m more than Gucci here. By all means, take your time.
Goomy Community Day in Pokémon Go! I got 15 shinies and Jordie got a bit more than that. That was about an hour and a half of walking 2 km though a local park district looking for little snail dragons. (Now that I’ve typed that sentence out, that sounds like some kind of recreational activity someone on shrooms might indulge in. Shades of the Magical Bike Ride.)
I do a little thing every week simply called Sunday Supper — that’s when I break out one of my recipe books and cook something neither of us have made yet. This week, it was Monster Burgers from the One Piece recipe book. Basically glorified 1/3 lb. bacon cheeseburgers, but you really can’t go wrong with a good ol’ bacon cheeseburger. 8.5/10 will definitely grill up again sometime.
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thestumpfs · 4 months
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She’s helping (she’s really not).
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thestumpfs · 4 months
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Read this in Yae Miko’s voice
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thestumpfs · 4 months
日曜日の雰囲気 (Sunday Vibes) - 6/2/2024
Our first night spent here at the new condo was Memorial Day (5/27) after nearly an entire month spent moving everything bit by bit from the old house to here with what little time we had after work and on the weekends. All the furniture is assembled apart from the sofa (which arrives early August) and my big awesome fancy bed frame (which arrives/will be assembled Thursday - Big Awesome Fancy Bed Frame). I've had that thing saved in my bookmarks for years and diligently saved up for the day I could finally get it and put it in the bedroom when we moved out. I can't wait for it to get here~ *A*
We get Dunkin every Sunday morning (a time-honored ritual of ours) and our local Dunkin is just under a ten minute walk away. Do you think it defeats the purpose of getting in a little extra exercise walking there instead if you're just going to consoom sugary calories and offset your progress when you get back home? We're a bit skint after making the first mortgage and HOA payments on the 1st, so that 6-pack of ramen and the rice cooker should come in handy until our respective direct deposits go through later this week... (slight exaggeration, that's not all we have in the house) any first time homeowner will tell you those first few months figuring out your new budget are rough. I started watching I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability and I lost count of how many times I said "bruh" in just the first episode alone.
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thestumpfs · 4 months
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Highlights from the Fighting Games Crossover photoshoot at Anime Central 2024! (I'm Taokaka)
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thestumpfs · 4 months
Highlights from the Fate/Type Moon/FGO photoshoot at Anime Central 2024! (I’m Assassin Nitocris)
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thestumpfs · 5 months
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First pics of the new condo.
One simply does not move all in one day. More furniture tomorrow!
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