thesuperiorbeing · 1 month
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Some more Rainworld Sketches :)
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thesuperiorbeing · 1 month
Grug the imploder, commonly known as just Grug, is most well known for the Great Skelesaur Battle, where he used a hydrogen bomb to eviscerate the enemies. After that he became known as Lord Grug the Imploder, mostly because nobody knew the difference between explosions and implosions. After being crowned Lord, he famously stated "oog? Boonga ooga. Banooflooo!!"
Lord grug the imploder
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thesuperiorbeing · 4 months
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Some classroom doodles of how I see each Rainworld Character :>
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thesuperiorbeing · 4 months
Can't make any art until Wednesday, but here's some past thumbnail art! :>
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thesuperiorbeing · 4 months
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Looks To The Moon as a Human!! (part 2)
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thesuperiorbeing · 4 months
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thesuperiorbeing · 4 months
Minos prime when the COD match gets heated
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thesuperiorbeing · 4 months
i really with people would stop saying they wish people would kill themselves
I get the funny haha joke of the "you should kill yourself NOW" but actually, literally wishing death on someone is too far
Some people are shit, I get it. Some people are absolutely, horrendously, bad or mean. But wishing death on them? That's not helping. In fact I'd argue it's hurting your cause
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thesuperiorbeing · 5 months
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thesuperiorbeing · 5 months
LOOK!!!!! !!!!
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Looks to the Moon as a human!
aaaa how do i use this website
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thesuperiorbeing · 5 months
Nature did this thing so dirty. Don't get me wrong I'd shit bricks if I seen this in real life but God damn it's face it too funny
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i hope i never ever ever see this image while im high or it will also straight up kill me. it would make me so scared my skeleton would run away And id be a boneless scared heap on the ground
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thesuperiorbeing · 8 months
Tumblr didn't save my draft for a rather long post about the Palworld discourse. So here's a shorter recap/thoughts (based on sources mentioned by Castle Super Beast podcast):
- Every Twitter argument so far has been "works cited: crackpipe"
- Actual lawyers say there no legal grounds for lawsuit
- Other devs are starting to be upset... at the "AI made it" narrative because the game has complicated and well executed mechanics and calling it AI is indirectly promoting actual AI
- 3D modelers have debunked the "ripping assets" accusations, pointing how they are heavily referenced at most
- The term "asset flip" went from "publishing an asset pack with minimal changes as your own game" to "anything using pre-made assets" (which btw, means almost every game is an asset flip: don't pay attention to how WoW and FFXIV share same sound libraries for example)
- As for "plagiarism", extremely similar things being accepted has been common since gaming began. A recent example? Vampire Survivors (a very good game btw) has multiple traced Bayonetta art pieces and seemingly traced Castlevania sprites.. and nobody cared because those IPs don't have cult-like fanbases
- A Patreon-exclusive Pokemon mod for Palworld was DMCA'd within a day. Pocketpair is a Japanese company. If TPC had legal grounds for suing, they would have done it already.
- If the CEO having interest in AI discredits the game then you better cancel that FF7 Rebirth pre-order as Square straight up admitted to already using AI for one of their games. And other companies aren't far behind.
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thesuperiorbeing · 8 months
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Pickles Gaming
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thesuperiorbeing · 8 months
The reality behind the Palworld vs Pokemon contreversy
I have been a lifelong Pokemon fan. And one thing I have observed is there are two kinds of Pokemon fans.
One type of Pokemon fan is what I call the sane fans. They acknowledge Pokemon is one game in a long line of monster taming games. They may like or prefer Pokemon over other monster taming franchises but they acknowledge those franchises legitimacy rather than dismissing them as Pokemon clones and rip offs.
The other type is the insane Pokemon fans. These are the people who will insist, despite evidence to the contrary, that Pokemon is the first and only original monster taming game. And accuse any monster taming game of being a Pokemon rip off. If a monster taming franchise looks like it might be become popular they immediately lie about it and slander it. And if it doesn't become a "Pokemon Killer" they deride it as a failure that wasn't as good as Pokemon.
I have seen these insane Pokemon fans attack any monster taming game including franchises that predate Pokemon like Shin Megami Tensei and Dragon Quest. When Tem Tem came out they swarmed social media with accusations that Tem Tem was just a lazy Pokemon clone. And now they want people to take them seriously when they call Palworld a Pokemon rip off. Yeah sure.🙄
Palworld isn't even in the same game genre as Pokemon let alone being a Pokemon clone. Palworld is a survival crafting game with a monster taming mechanic. The Pals you tame aren't just used for fighting like in Pokemon. They are also used for chores like crafting, farming, building and gathering resources. The only similarities Pokemon and Palworld shares is a small number of vaguely similar parody designs.
The only thing that has changed is that now that the Pokemon games have declined in quality. Fewer people are willing to take the insane Pokemon fans seriously. When Game Freak released Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and it was a broken buggy mess. That was a wake up call to the Pokemon fandom. They realized that blindly worshipping a billionaire dollar corporation was a bad idea. And so they started trying other monster collecting franchises like Digimon, Nexomon, Cassette Beast, Dragon Quest Monsters and now Palworld.
They realized that they were missing out on a lot of good games by worshipping Pokemon and insisting it's the best just because it's more popular. And that's when Palworld came along.
You want a monster taming game where you fight alongside your monsters. Palworld has it. You want to use your monsters for more than just fighting. Palworld has it. You want a large and challenging open world. Palworld has it. You want to play with your friends. Palworld has it. You want to build a base and watch as your monsters perform tasks. Palworld has it. You want creature breeding mechanics that aren't slow and tedious grinding. Palworld has it. You want deep creature raising sim mechanics. Palworld has it.
Despite all of the attempts to accuse Palworld of "plagiarizing" Palworld. Palworld has improved drastically on the Pokemon formula and has added more interactivity and depth to it. This is why insane Pokemon fans hate Palworld. They can't argue that Palworld has worse gameplay than Pokemon. So instead they make the issue about "originality".
"Originality" has nothing to do with how good or well done a game is. But it works as a distraction from debates about quality. By making the Palworld debate about originality they don't have to discuss how broken and buggy the Pokemon games are. Nor acknowledge any of the improvements and advances Palworld has made to the monster taming genre. Instead the debate becomes about who did what first.
The reality is it doesn't matter who did what first, what matters is who did it best.
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thesuperiorbeing · 9 months
Slug Idea
not sure if anyone's made or came up with anything like this but I'll just throw it out there
Its a slugcat, with a gun. Not the rifle, an actual gun
You have limited bullets but you can make more (you need a rock). It does about as much damage as a spear from Hunter, flips lizards and has a chance to ignore armor. He's about as fast as Hunter.
Maybe for extra challenge, it can be a random, completely different gun every cycle.
Don't know what is lore or goal should be yet but it doesn't involve the void
It doesn't take place in Pebbles' group, and is really far away from them
He has glasses on to protect his eyes. (They do have a purpose. He has night vision and flashbangs are less bright.)
He has headphones. I want them to be more important to his lore than "haha, that slugcat is wearing headphones" but I can't think of anything yet. At the end of the cycle you can set a track of music to play next cycle or just play random music. The headphones by itself lessen your hearing so you can't hear as well, but playing music makes it worse, though the music makes you add some damage to a shot sometimes, increases speed a little and some other buffs
I don't know what color he should be yet, because I keep thinking "orange" but then he'd look too similar to Da Vinki
To try and balance a little more if it's still too powerful, you have an (almost) invincible and relentless creature after you (can be anything, must is usually a lizard*)
The lizard won't fight any other creature unless its stopping it from getting you. The lizard has average speed and when it's nearer to you it starts speeding up. Spits, climbs poles, 100% killing bite and climbs walls. It will do anything to get you. If it does die (the only way for that to happen is it falling into a pit or eaten by Rot), a new creature spawns and will have something to try and prevent that same death again.
There's more I want to give him but I can't think of a good way to explain what it would do
That's it. Sorry it's so long. It's my idea for a Slug and I want to see if it's even good, where I can improve and stuff like that. Thanks
Edit: forgot to mention that his name is currently Gunner, but that's just a placeholder for now
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thesuperiorbeing · 9 months
why are people so horny for the plant demon monster
Also I've realized it's called a Bracken because it's brack-en your neck
Anyways come on people be horny for something better like the Bunker Spider or something/j
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thesuperiorbeing · 10 months
Genuine question
do you think the ancients made guns
if they made guns are there any still left
most importantly
could a slugcat, scavenger, or any other smart creature operate this gun
And no, not the joke rifle. It's got joke in the name it's not canon.
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