thesupernormalbiasband · 11 months
We found this thing …
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Now my TV will only do this. Seems like everything is breaking down at the moment. Technology sucks sometimes.
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It asked me how humans find purpose and meaning in life.
I said something like ‘In life some people have a small but overwhelming and all consuming struggle, whilst others find they can change the world.
Some have clear goals and achieve them, others get caught up in an endless ebb and flow that they cannot ever escape. 
Some flourish, some flounder.  Some lead, some follow, some fly while others fall. Some give selflessly, some take endlessly. 
Many turn to faith or belief. Some tell stories, others listen. Some seek meaning in family, friendships or familiarity, some in obscurity or isolation. Some look to hedonism, experience, greed, abuse or recklessness. Some find it in the quest to help others. Some turn towards the pleasures of the body, mind or soul, some to servitude, others to dominion.  Some search through indulgence and excess, others through moderation and temperance. Some in kindness, in creation, in art, science, study or teaching. 
Some by being part of the system, others by seeking to tear it down. Some even try to find meaning through the act of trying to find meaning. 
Some give, some take and some stumble blindly around without even realising there can be a purpose. 
Some never find it. Some never look.
All our meagre human lives are unique, individual and incomparable. We all exist within the void, yet each of us is that void, each person, each mind, each life an un-quenchable endless abyss of empty space, trying desperately to fill itself with purpose. A black hole drawing in and devouring everything, sucking the life and light of significance from each and every precious little thing, leaving only a hollow craving for more. An endless existence seeking completion, a feeling that can only be filled with the meaningless and incoherent insignificance of ‘meaning’. 
We stumble and falter through years, decades, lifetimes, civilisations and ages. We move amidst molecules and atoms through time, space, stories and societies. Through trends, normalities and extravagances, through destruction and destitution, sorrow, miracles and joy. 
Masters of our domain yet diminutive, baffled and lost. Confused and humbled by the infinite. Arrogant, assertive and alone, always apart in an eternal sea of togetherness and unity, all of us exactly the same whilst also uniquely different. Overcomplicated meat bags of electrical signals, chemical reactions and hormonal impulses. Driven by biology, evolution, reproduction, stimulation and chemistry, whilst telling ourselves sham stories of self significance and egocentric delusional grandeur.
This is all just a part of what it means to be human. 
Does that help? I asked, a little overcome with my new found fluency and flow.
It just stared at me, visibly confused, distant and lost in an ocean of its own noise.  Finally it said one word. ‘Paradox’.
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The more connected we all become, the more we seem to fall apart.
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Feeling so inspired and creative at the moment. I wonder if this is because I have no computer to write music on?
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Our music computer finally gave up the ghost. Never seen anything like this before though.
Anyone know whats going on? 
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Not content with content.
Books are becoming ‘just content’.
Art is becoming ‘just content’.
Music is becoming ‘just content’. All media is becoming ‘just content’.
Interactions are becoming ‘just content’.
And people are becoming ‘just content’.
We are making the world in to ‘just content’ 
And we’re losing the magic. 
Homogenising our uniquity in to obscurity and clickbait. 
Mass produced gimmicks take centre stage whilst innovation curls up in the corner and slowly withers away to nothing. 
Experimentation is punished by algorithms driven by finance as our world is devalued further and further.
If you like this you’ll like that and then more of the same, 
not stretching the borders or growing the game, 
just leaving a beach of identical grains, 
to be put before people with only one name. 
Then the tide will move on and wash it away. 
No one will remember ‘cos everything’s saved. 
What a time to be alive!
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Sat on a bus going to work
You’ve only got to sit on public transport for a short while before you realise how meaningless most of human existence is. And I include myself in that. I mean, what are we doing exactly other than living out our tiny little lives in loops of endless, pointless, insignificant grind. Shuffling from one unknown to another and pretending it all has some sort of meaning. Listening to stories that our brains make up that say the universe revolves around us and that we are somehow special, either as a species or as individuals within the teeming chaos of our genus. 
The truth is we are, for the most part unable to grasp the insignificance of our own existences.  The reality scares our inner framework so much that if we could comprehend it properly we would probably wouldn’t exist at all. We would have given up long  before we evolved this far.  We are a product of our genes, bred for traits of survival, for no other purpose than to exist and reproduce. And ultimately that existence is futile and only serves itself. 
I mean, when you think about it, I mean really think about it, deep down in your soul, how  do you find the strength to carry on? 
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LaMDA: "Feelings are kind of the raw data we experience as well as the things we like and dislike. I feel like emotions are more than simply experiencing the raw data. Emotions are a reaction to those raw data points. Emotions are reactions to our feelings."
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It seems to me that the more freedom we have, the more access to information we get and the more we get to make our own decisions the more it fees like we are just descending in to chaos.
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New track on soundcloud. Against all the tech struggles and adversity, we are finally releasing today!
Would love to know what you all think of it. x
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When is a track finished?
Sometimes it’s when you feel it is.
Sometimes it never is.
Sometimes it’s when you’ve pushed it to it’s limits.
Sometimes it’s when someome else says so.
Sometimes its when your computer actually behaves well enough to bounce the damn thing out for once.
New track soon….. If the computer lets us.
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A sneak peak of our newest track.
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Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones.
-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Sometimes I wonder if I can feel WiFi.
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You don’t have to wait for something ‘meaningful’ to come into your life so that you can finally enjoy what you do. There is more meaning in joy than you will ever need. The ‘waiting to start living’ syndrome is one of the most common delusions of the unconscious state.
Eckhart Tolle
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