To all you crazy fellas who want to have a good time
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I want that too. Very urgent!
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Umm. Lunch was epic. Chinese chicken salad. Best I ever had. Chicken was tender, mandarin oranges were sweet, and the lettuce was crispy. Couldn’t have asked for more. What did you eat?
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Aw yiss!!!
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The avengers dancing Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. XD Thank you google for showing me this.
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Glorious days for Hulk!
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Well. I guess I would run too!
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I want to share THE STORY OF MY DOG - sad with a very happy ending. Read if you love pets/dogs and sorry for my english - it's not my mother language
Guys.. do you know that certain kind of love- that kind of love you feel for your pet? WHen I see my little baby puppy Lucky, I'm nearly about to explode because all of these positive feelings come to my mind.
I love this animal so much, I can't describe it. Each time I hold his little head and he looks into my eyes, waving his little tail, I ask myself if he somehow understands how I feel for him when I whisper to him "I love you. I love you. I LOVE you" all the time.
My grandparents rescued him from death. They found him near to a garbage-station. He was more dead than alive. Bitten by another dog, almost starved. My grandparents took him to a vet as fast as they could. They fed him when he couldn't eat himself, they watched over him the whole night when he couldn't sleep because of the medicine he had to take (when they found him, he had a fever). When I first saw him he wasn't even able to walk on his 4 feet. He stood there, on his two front feet, his back lifted up in the air. He felt so much pain.
I fell in love with him the very first second. I took care of him as often as I had the chance to. We decided to name him "Lucky" because of his luck. If my grandparents wouldn't have found him that day, he would have died a few hours later. My grandparents travel a lot and they already own a dog, which they have rescued from a (I don't know the word in english).. "dog-killing-station" in Nitra. So they couln't keep him.
But my mum and me (we live together) already knew - this will be our dog. Lucky grew and his wounds faded.
Now he's with us. This dog makes me so happy. When I get up early in the morning my heart laughs as soon as I see him. When I can't sleep he comes crawling in my bed and makes me sleep as well as possible. When he can't sleep I pet him until he finally falls asleep.
Lucky is amazing. He has a white heart-shape on his head and his eyes look like cleopatra's. He's the most beautiful dog and he's SO thankful. My word to all you guys who plan to get a dog/cat. DON'T BUY IT! Get it from a organisation which saves dogs. These are the most thankful and nice dogs. AND they are beautiful. Lucky is unique. And he isn't because he's a certain race. He is because he's a hybrid.
Anyway - I really hope that you guys have such a pet too, because it cures every pain, every scar, every wound - may it be on your skin or on your soul.
Lucky - you are the ultimate dog and I love you !! <3
If you read my story and you'd like to see a full picture of Lucky, then let me know. I will be pleased to share with you my love.
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It's like a sign of quality
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Aprilabs break :(
Awesome.. I actually REALLY hurted my something in my hip area. I don't really know what it is. All I know is that I can't walk without pain and even moving my leg hurts. I can't and I shouldn't workout this way. Maybe I'll do ROAR Challenge several times without including legs or something. But I can't follow the AprilAbs Routine in this moment. Frustraaaated D: But I'll never give up! Instead of working out I'll walk the dog (in slow motion but hey), I'll sweat while cleaning the old house of my aunt (she needs my help) and I'll look after workouts which don't include massive leg-action.
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Good Night fellas :)
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Lord Voldemort bitching around
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And she totally kills it.. as usual
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Oh - but I think this one was kind of cool! She actually looks so much better with dark hair
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You know. I've never been that kind of person who judges people after their looks. But however. WHAT THE HECK came to Anette Olzons mind when she wore THAT to a nightwish gig? Was this a new metal trend that I didn't realize? Guess not. Well.. well... just found that picture and I had to post it. After watching "Showtime, Storytime" (already) with Floor Jansen- this picture just looks... "wrong" to me
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Have you ever watched this movie? In the first minutes I thought it was pretty strange - but it turned out to be a really good and mysterious movie! I'd really recommend it to you if you like movies like Shutter Island, Sinister or The Others! Have a nice movie night :)
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So awesome. I always loved "Thank you pain". But I think Vicky sounds more brutal. I also like her clean vocals too. Great choice for The Agonist !
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I read a comment on "War eternal". It said "It's a pity that she copies the style of angela. How she looks, her image" OH dear. This hurted my brain really bad. How could someone compair the looks of Alissa White-Gluz to Angela Gossows? And why the heck can't people just look up Alissas past before judging? The Agonist? She's always been the same crazy and awesome girl - and in my opinion her vocal-tecnique isn't even a little worse than Angelas. It's different. But not worse!
And my biggest question. How can people, hating on a band just because they changed line-up, call themselves "fans"? If you are an arch enemy fan then you TAKE alissa as what she is - the new singer! And if you're not. Then go and fuck off. So annoyed by this -.-
it reminds me of the first singer change in NIghtwish.. and people are STILL crying after Tarja. Even now that Floor Jansen is rocking the whole thing the right way. It is just... sad and annoying.
Keep rocking Alissa! You are awesome! Good choice Arch Enemy!
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