thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
Ohhhh, maybe!
Hiii! I found your blog while "scrolling" the electroweb and read youre human!! do you remember how it feels to be human?? it feels different from being a mon??
- Random Mew
I do remember. I miss the hands a lot... And yes it feels different! The senses aren't as strong for example and as a Pokemon when concentrating I can feel the infinity energy inside me in a way...
I will admit I have forgotten one thing over time. How it feels to have legs...
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
Amazing!! I thought that maybe there wouldnt be because, well, alternative universes of the electroweb! Do they have empires there? Human empires?? Mon empired??? Humanmon empires????
(@wingsofachampion) Hiya! Are you from a world like the one where I'm from, with mystery dungeons? -Tropius
Hiii!!! And, right- Ferlick told me the electroweb lets me talk to people of different universes- I wonder if this breaks some multiversal law- but Ronald would be scolding me already if that was the case- but yeah!! theres mystery dungeons here!! wait- not every world has mystery dungeons???
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
ohhh thats so weird. I cant imagine a world without mystery dungeons :P. Hows the human world??? Do they have pokemon there?? Legendaries? Mythicals?
(@wingsofachampion) Hiya! Are you from a world like the one where I'm from, with mystery dungeons? -Tropius
Hiii!!! And, right- Ferlick told me the electroweb lets me talk to people of different universes- I wonder if this breaks some multiversal law- but Ronald would be scolding me already if that was the case- but yeah!! theres mystery dungeons here!! wait- not every world has mystery dungeons???
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
Thats a bit sad to hear- the legs part! And I see! I never head of feeling the energy before- is like mons that can feel life force?? I have transformed into mon that can feel life force and it sounds similar!
Hiii! I found your blog while "scrolling" the electroweb and read youre human!! do you remember how it feels to be human?? it feels different from being a mon??
- Random Mew
I do remember. I miss the hands a lot... And yes it feels different! The senses aren't as strong for example and as a Pokemon when concentrating I can feel the infinity energy inside me in a way...
I will admit I have forgotten one thing over time. How it feels to have legs...
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
Not much people expect to see or talk to a mew, thats why the empires give me a lot of good food whenever i visit!! If your world has empires, visit the Yax one, they have vey good spicy food!! And youre very young, like my friend! :0 I wonder if all humans that go to other worlds are young
I am 32.
Thats young!! And maybe you liked blueberries as a human?? theyre tasty so its understandable. And ohhh! I know what that is! Is! Is... I forget how it was called!!! But its a thing!! I would say Dialga would find it cool but Dialga never finds something cool because theyre boring. Maybe your worlds Dialga is cooler??? Do you know any legendaries in your world??
hi!!! how youre doing?? I read youre a human that got turned into a 'mon thats so cool I know a human but he didnt got turned into a mon, but! how does it feel to be a mon after being a human?? it feels different from being a mon??
- Random Mew.
Ah, right! I'm doing okay- Been taking a bit of time off after that expedition... Um, I don't really- Remember much about what it's- What it's actually like to be human... All I really know is that- That I was one... Sorry- And... A Mew...? There's- No way, right...?
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
(@wingsofachampion) Hiya! Are you from a world like the one where I'm from, with mystery dungeons? -Tropius
Hiii!!! And, right- Ferlick told me the electroweb lets me talk to people of different universes- I wonder if this breaks some multiversal law- but Ronald would be scolding me already if that was the case- but yeah!! theres mystery dungeons here!! wait- not every world has mystery dungeons???
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
There's way!! I'm mew!! Hi!!! Good youre good! kinda seems amnesia is common on humans? my friend also has amnesia! how does it feel?? you cant remember anything like really anything or if you try to hard you can like, remember something?? do you have like, like- i forget how they were called-
Deja Vu?
Deja Vu!! That!! Do you have deja that???
hi!!! how youre doing?? I read youre a human that got turned into a 'mon thats so cool I know a human but he didnt got turned into a mon, but! how does it feel to be a mon after being a human?? it feels different from being a mon??
- Random Mew.
Ah, right! I'm doing okay- Been taking a bit of time off after that expedition... Um, I don't really- Remember much about what it's- What it's actually like to be human... All I really know is that- That I was one... Sorry- And... A Mew...? There's- No way, right...?
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
The electroweb is super weird sometimes!!! I "scrolled" through it and human turn into pokemon??? thats sooo cool :O Gregs why cant you be a mon like me? :D
Unfortunately, I was not gifted with the opportunity.
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
Mew has recommended me to explore the "electroweb."
I would be an Incineroar. That would cover Mew's weaknesses and would make proefficient my protection.
I've got a strange question to ask... What if you suddenly wake up in another world as a Pokemon? What kind of Pokemon do you want to be as and who will your Pokemon partner be? Mine would obviously be Eevee and as for my partner... I'd pick a Kantonian Vulpix.
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
Today we eat at Atl Empire!! :D the food was good but isn't like the Yax Empire, now that was very spicy :o
I don't get why some mons dont like spicy. it's tasty! every food is tasty!! even the hurty food! Gregs agrees with me :3
[The photo attached is a clay plate with some symbols carved on it. A mix of blue and green berries cut into slices, with a cream-color sauce on top. In the corner there's the slight appearance of a steel gauntlet.]
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
People in the electroweb!!! Today I was going through— wait how it was? Tum— Lumb— Rotum— Rotu—
That! I was going through rotomblr and learned something super cool! This :3333!!!! :3333 X3333 :DDDDDD
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
Today Gregs and I went to a dungeon and it was super cool because he told me like "no mew don't stain your hands with 'em i can handle them" and then he got beat up pfff. I helped him! I can help, very easily! Hehe, it's the benefits of being a legendary 'mon!
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
Gregs today fought against his first pokemon! And alone! He was so cool because he was using a sword but he got beat really bad too. Ferlick took a super quick picture— he called it a photo!
[Attached is a photo of a human in a medieval iron armor lying on the floor. Near them is a Tinkaton with some injuries and blood.]
He lose but was kind of cool!!
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
Do people have other rotom friends to enter the electroweb??
The internet.
I know what I said!!! But hii, other rotom friends!
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
Greetings. I am Gregs. It is a pleasure to meet the individuals of the electroweb.
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
Oh wait I forgot to present Gregs!! He's my friend! But maybe he doesn't remember the little funny words, though he should, surely he does!
Bzz. That is not problem. I can be a translator.
Ohhh, like the empire guys!
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thesuperoriginalmew · 6 months
So people just go and talk with this little weird words??? They remind me of the human alphabet! The old one, from the human people, not like Gregs but the others. Hehe. Old little letters.
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