thesurielknows · 8 months
Spinning Daggers- 3
Sloane x Aaric fanfic
Iron Flame Spoilers Below!!
I wake up, and when I turn to the side, Aaric is still in my room, sleeping softly in a chair, his head resting against the wall. I feel a pang as I watch the rise and fall of his chest, remembering when it was pressed against me, his shirt long forgotten on the floor.
I remember thinking this is it. This is who I’m meant to be beside. Time after time, he held me as I shook with sobs about my father. He whispered words of comfort as I shook about the things I’d seen. And that night, after I felt like I had done everything completely wrong, he was there, wrapping his arms around me.
And then we went from friends to more. Or so I’d thought.
He opened his eyes, let me know I had nothing to worry about, that this was just one night. And then he left.
The thought makes me grab my pillow and throw it at him, jarring him from sleep. He wakes with a start, jumping up and swinging a dagger wildly, before he realizes where he is.
“I’m hungry. Take me to breakfast.”
He drops back down in the chair and rubs his face, “Don’t do that. You know getting surprised awake sucks.”
I shrug, “I was tired of waiting.”
He gets up, “Can you walk at all?”
I tentatively slip out of bed and put a little weight on my foot. It makes me wince, but the mender did a good job on it, “I think I can definitely make it to the bathroom without your help.”
He smirks and I know I’m gonna hate what he’s thinking, “Well I’ll be just outside the door if you need help.”
Of course. I can’t get rid of him.
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thesurielknows · 8 months
“how do you support multiple ships”
there are infinite timelines. in my mind.
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thesurielknows · 8 months
I personally think it's okay to love all the characters. I can love Rhys and also Nesta and also Feyre and also Cassian and also Elain and also Azriel. Do I have to agree with all of their decisions all the time? Of course not. But I can still like them all, and that's valid.
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thesurielknows · 8 months
Spinning Daggers- 2
Sloane x Aaric Fanfiction
Iron Flame Spoilers Ahead!!
Is she alright, your majesty?
Neach, that’s not funny. And yeah. She’s fine.
Neach-Brathaidh, my blue clubtail, likes to call me that, to remind me what I’d like to forget. That King Tauri is my father.
Sloane is gorgeous as ever as she lays with her foot at an absolutely grotesque angle, the braid of hair dangling off the medical bed, but only just. She’s furious I’m the one here. Embarrassed she hurt herself. Killing me slowly with those blue eyes.
She has her arms crossed over her chest, and she’s refusing to look at me. This is the first time she’s been in a room alone with me since the night she’s refusing to speak of.
Sloane and I slept together.
It was after a particularly hard-won battle. She was wallowing in guilt for things that weren’t her fault, losses we took that she thought she should’ve stopped. And I found her in a glen with her dragon, whittling a stick and crying. I took the knife from her, because I was pretty sure she was going to slice her hand open with the tears that blurred her vision. And then we talked. And then I brought her back to my room.
I told her after it was be nothing, because that’s what I thought she wanted. But she hasn’t spoken to me in months. And now my arms ache to hold her.
“You can leave, you know,” She bites at me.
“Sorry,” I say it like I don’t care one way or the other. “I’ll probably have to carry you back to your room as well.” Red begins to climb her neck and up her face as she blushes scarlet. She remembers. She still thinks about it. I shift in my seat to hide my pleasure at the thought of her.
Sloane is freedom. She’s energy. She’s everything I would’ve never had at home. She’s a representation of all that I’ve gained and all that I’ve learned here.
She hates me.
“You can get someone else to. I’m sure you’re not pleased to have the inconvenience.” She thinks I hate her.
“And who would you like me to get? Sorrengail?” It’s a low blow, and she cringes. “Who else would you want to be here for you?” It’s worked.
Sloane can’t bring herself to admit she needs help, and she refuses to inconvenience the ones she cares about. So she’s going to let me stay, because if I’m inconvenienced, it isn’t a loss to someone she’s worried about. Not anymore.
After a while, she’s cleared to go to her room. The medic tells her to take it easy on her ankle, which I pray she doesn’t decide means she can try to walk on it. Before she can draw the conclusion, I scoop her up. “Thanks for your help,” I tell the medic with a lazy smile. Sloane is silent and red.
I walk down the hall, and Sloane groans when she sees how many cadets we’ll have to pass, “Kill me now,” she grumbles.
That can be arranged.
She is the one who treats you as if you are a criminal.
I’m the one who told her she was nothing.
Neach snorts at this, well we both know that’s not true.
I ignore him and turn my attention to Sloane, who is so mortified, she’s turned her face and buried it into my shoulder. “If you didn’t make a big deal out of it, no one else would, you know.”
“I know that’s your specialty, but some of us are not so talented at that.” Ouch.
“I’m not good at that, actually.” I murmur. I see her eyes flash up to mine, for a second, but she hides again.
When we reach her room, I take her key from her and open it with some struggle. “Your mortification is over. We’ve made it to the privacy of your room.”
“Great,” She says, “you can leave now.”
I give her a lazy smile, “Sorry, no can do. What happens when you need to go somewhere? Then you’d be alone.” She groans and I try not to laugh.
“Sorry, Sloane. You’re stuck with me.”
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thesurielknows · 8 months
Spinning Daggers
Sloane X Aaric Fanfiction
Iron Flame Spoilers Ahead!!
Maybe you should aim better, next time. Thoirt grumbles, snapping his jaws in irritation.
I roll my eyes, Thank you for your concern. I would think of something more biting to retort to my red daggertail, but I’m currently staring at the bone of my ankle sticking out of my skin and having been separated from the rest of itself. I’m sitting in the grass where I landed poorly from trying to roll off my dragon. For your information, I wasn’t the one who told me to jump way too high in the air.
Thoirt snorts, I only told you to jump because I had assumed you knew not to land in a way that would snap your ankle.
“Sloane!” One of the others calls, and I can’t bring myself to look, as I feel the embarrassment color my face. Cursed dragon making me look like more of a loser than I already am.
I did nothing of the sort.
I sigh as Imogen reaches me, crouching down beside me as she examines my ankle. “Oh Mairi, this is not good.”
“Yeah, thanks for that,” I retort flatly, “I can’t get up.” The shame is still burning on my face.
“I’ll take you to the infirmary,” she says and I’d like to crawl in a hole and die.
“Let me do it,” Aaric approaches last, and punctuates his sentence with a yawn, “You’re helping train, and I’m not doing anything important.”
I think I’d rather walk than have Aaric carry me to the healers, but the first years are gathering and the looks of fear and pity are too much to take. “Fine,” I say shortly, “Aaric can take me. I don’t want to interrupt what you’re doing.” I tell Imogen who’s trying to make sure I won’t shatter to pieces at any given moment.
All the older ones do. Mairi’s little idiot sister. Always has to be kept safe. When I see Violet making her way this way, I grab Alaric’s pant leg and jerk on it, shame and guilt beginning to choke me, “Come on, Aaric. Let’s go.”
Do not be discouraged. Just because this small creature must carry you.
Please stop talking, I beg Thoirt. I know he’s doing it on purpose. I feel him chuckle.
Aaric scoops me up and begins to carry me inside. I see Violet pause, like she’s not going to come the rest of the way to me. I breathe a sigh of relief.
The Black Dragon Rider worries about you.
I’m aware, yes.
Then why do you run from her?
I’m pretty sure you know that, Thoirt.
She does, too, brat.
Do other dragons have nice names for their riders? Or are they all like you?
I am the only one like me.
I laugh and try to ignore that Aaric is carrying me like a princess across a threshold.
“Are you feeling okay?” Aaric asks, and it breaks me from my happy lull of arguing with Thoirt.
“You can see the bone sticking out of my leg, so what do you think, Greycastle?”
He sighs, “Of course. Forgot I’m not allowed to talk to you.”
“Um, you made that choice. You’re the one who did this to u-“ I cut myself off. I don’t want to finish it, but Aaric’s eyebrow raises all the same.
“Us? I did this to us?” He laughs incredulously, “Sloane, you’re the one who told me it was nothing. You’re the one who said there wasn’t an us. That there would never be an us.”
We reach the healers wing, “Whatever,” I heavily disagree, but I can’t say that with all of these strangers around, “You can be the martyr all you want.”
I know deep down he’s got a small point, but he’s got the timeline out of order. That happened first. Then I- I swallow and move on from the thought. Then he made himself present to comfort me for weeks. And then we- I blush. But the next day, he didn’t even talk to me. I thought there would something. Anything. But no, it was more of the same nothing. For weeks. Months. Like it didn’t happen. Like it didn’t matter.
The healer smiles warmly, and she practically bounces as she says, “Hello, how can I help-“ and then she sees my ankle and the cheery look falls, “That’s gonna need a mender.”
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thesurielknows · 8 months
What if I made fourth wing fanfic?
I’m thinking Aaric x Sloane
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thesurielknows · 2 years
end-of-year book ask
How many books did you read this year?
Did you reread anything? What?
What were your top five books of the year?
Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
What genre did you read the most of?
Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to?
What was your average Goodreads rating? Does it seem accurate?
Did you meet any of your reading goals? Which ones?
Did you get into any new genres?
What was your favorite new release of the year?
What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
Any books that disappointed you?
What were your least favorite books of the year?
What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
Did you read any books that were nominated for or won awards this year (Booker, Women’s Prize, National Book Award, Pulitzer, Hugo, etc.)? What did you think of them?
What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
How many books did you buy?
Did you use your library?
What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations?
Did you participate in or watch any booklr, booktube, or book twitter drama?
What’s the longest book you read?
What’s the fastest time it took you to read a book?
Did you DNF anything? Why?
What reading goals do you have for next year?
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thesurielknows · 2 years
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thesurielknows · 2 years
Oh no. (via)
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thesurielknows · 2 years
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the acotar dresser but make it books by me
I love all 3 sisters so please take some of the titles with a grain of salt 💜
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thesurielknows · 2 years
My absolute least favorite flavor of anti is “canon doesn’t actually justify my immense hatred of this character, so I’m going to make up bad things they did, pretend it’s canon, then get mad over that” like bestie chill just say you don’t vibe with them and move onnn 
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thesurielknows · 2 years
defending my favorite female characters that have a bitchy personality, but only to hide that deep down they are incredibly vulnerable and feel unlovable and half the fandom hates them for it online isn’t enough. i need a gun
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thesurielknows · 2 years
Interviewer: So Lucien, which court do you belong too?
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thesurielknows · 2 years
The Duke’s Daughters- 2
Elain watched Nesta instruct the staff on how to load their luggage. Elain herself couldn’t be bothered to care what they did. She climbed into the carriage and situated herself to be comfortable. At least she could sleep during the ride and no one would judge her. Their father wouldn’t be coming, nor would Feyre, who was on her journey home from school. Nesta would love the peace and likely be all-too-happy to read in silence all day.
Solaris: her future home. Elain would be curious about if she could be bothered to care about anything.
The dust had finally settled after the rebellion came to a close last year, placing the new Emperor on the throne. High King of Velaris, Rhysand Del Norte, Death Incarnate. People spoke of him as a tyrant. However, Elain knew his first act of rebellion had been destroying the underground slave auctions and razing slave labor camps to the ground. Still, those parts of him were muted under the weight of the rumors around him. Elain saw through the lies though. She could, because Lord Grayson her fiancé had died fighting for Rhysand’s true ideals. He died freeing female slaves from a brothel.
Before she could feel the grief choking her, she let a wave of numbness wash over her heart. There was no point in crying now.
But that was why she had agreed to be married to the King of Solaris. Grayson had fought a war to ensure the future of Velaris was a better one. She wasn’t a soldier, but this marriage, this alliance, would be how Elain would do her part for that peace.
Nesta climbed into the carriage, assisted by a strong, imposing soldier who had dark hair. Elain noted disgruntlement on her sister’s face. “Ready?” The eldest Archeron sister asked her.
“Ready.” Elain was resolved.
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thesurielknows · 2 years
Me about Elriel
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thesurielknows · 2 years
Burning- 8
They spent their days in an awkward dance. Demetria seemed to simultaneously crave his affection and fear him. Nyx tried to balance between giving her affection, but not too much. He didn’t want to scare her or make her he feel like he was anything like the men she knew.
The most difficult part was fighting his desire for her. Sometimes when she was watching the view from the window, he wondered what her eyes would like half-closed with desire. When her fingers slid down a page to turn it, he wondered what her fingers would feel like on his wings. When she flicked a braid behind her back, he wondered what it would be like to bury his face in it.
Still, he fought those feelings as best as he could, and as the days continued, turning into months, he noticed that she stopped flinching every time he lifted a hand, and when she smiled, it wasn’t hesitant like it had been at first. Her eyes didn’t shine with fear, but instead amusement as the spoke. Soon, he felt her come alive.
One day, after they had been there for nearly half a year, they were reading on the edge of a window, the mountain scape stretched out around them, when he noticed her bite her lip and twist her hair, looking nowhere and deep in thought.
“What?” He said with a chuckle.
“Well,” she hesitated. He wanted to encourage her to speak her mind, but before he could, she blurted, “Don’t you… want me?”
She turned a bright red, “We are… mates, after all. Isn’t there supposed to be some physical draw?” She quickly added, “I feel it for you. Don’t you feel it for me? Is there something wrong with me? Am I not… desirable?”
Nyx opened his mouth to say something, but clamped it shut. In one fluid motion, he was off the window, scooping her in his arms, and making his way back toward his room. He knew there were two ways he could’ve answered her, but he decided the best way was to show her. So there could never be any doubt again.
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thesurielknows · 2 years
Everyone: It must be hard to be in a relationship with someone as cruel as Nesta.
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