thetalldudenl · 2 years
Proposal Business English Programme
The purpose of this proposal is to inform the team manager accountable for the Business English programme how the courses can be enhanced in quality.
To begin with a compliment, the personal assistance given by the lecturer is absolutely outstanding. All students can easily reach out to the lecturer for some additional help. While I know the CHE in general emphasises personal coaching, the programme has clearly proved to be in line with the CHE vision. On the order hand, I believe the programme could use some new input on a few aspects.
Firstly, the lectures can become even more meaningful when specific words and expressions are highlighted during the classes. It was not always a piece of cake to have several synonyms ready for key words like ‘to improve, to think, to get’ etcetera.
Secondly, the programme is slightly missing out on using some more contemporary and sophisticated ways of educating. Other courses are utilising distinct ways to boost the programme such as a multidisciplinary collaboration with other organisations.
In conclusion, there are several ways in which students can become more engaged in the Business English courses. I recommend looking beyond the mark to make the programme more vibrant. Launching a collaboration with foreign universities, for instance, will be extremely educative and exciting for both my fellow students as well as foreign students.
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
New Words or Expressions
In this blog, I will outline some new words or expressions I recently got to know. 
The first word I would like to point out is ‘’Alacrity’’. I hit on this word when reading a post of a journalist announcing how a bargain on a football transfer was reached. When I jumped in the dictionary, I found this word can be used to indicate something has taken place with speed and eagerness.
Cambridge Dictionary. (2022a, September 28). alacrity definition: 1. speed and eagerness: 2. speed and eagerness: 3. speed and interest: . Learn more. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/alacrity
Losing your backbone
The second new finding is an interesting expression on which there has not a consensus reached been about its meaning. The expressing concerned is ‘losing your backbone’ or, as originally stranded on the expression, ‘I lost my backbone’. I came across this expression when I listened to a song produced by one of my favourite music artists. Since this song has never entered the major music charts, no reliable source has ever put effort in decently explaining the expression. Hence, the beautiful yet unclear expression kept me thinking for a while. It is unclear where ‘losing’ refers to, though the dictionary tells us a backbone could refer to strength. Probably the best way to define the saying is by the following: whenever we go, there is always this silent voice in our brains telling us to be strong and adjust to the environment we are in. However, when you are in a place where you may lose your backbone, you know that it is a place you are feeling at home. Since the artist who brought the saying into life is a Stockholm native, it makes sense he related losing his backbone to Sweden’s capital.
So, what do I make of all this? Well, an official and reliable meaning of the complete expression can neither be found in the dictionary nor on the internet. Hence, I unfortunately cannot show a reliable source explaining this saying comprehensively. However, if you would ask it me, the expression itself is hugely underrated and secretly includes a deep and sophisticated message. In addition, the word kept me thinking for a while, meaning it would feel contradictory to leave this expression out of my blog. I guess this expression is gently reminding me to keep losing my backbone so I can feel confident in every situation.
Cambridge Dictionary. (2022, September 28). backbone definition: 1. the line of bones down the centre of the back that provides support for the body: 2. the most. . .. Learn more. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/backbone Song: Somewhere in Stockholm - Avicii, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WZN3S_j9dQ
When I read this word in a flyer for the first time, I thought for a split second the author suddenly changed the language to French. Although the word seems like it has strayed from the Romance language groups, it has a clear meaning in modern English. According to a trustworthy source on the internet, the word can refer to something that can be described as old-fashioned, unusual, but adorable at the same time.
Source: Quaint - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms. (n.d.). In Vocabulary.com. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/quaint
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Letter to Smolity
Dear Peter,
It feels like it was only a couple of days ago when I touched down at Smolity for the very first time. From day one I truly felt at home. I have said time and time again how this organisation has shaped me as an HR professional. Hence, I am contacting you to express a very personal and thankful message regarding my internship last year.
Firstly, it is much appreciated to have entrusted an abundance of autonomy as a trainee. It felt great to get both fully trusted and supported by the board. Secondly, I could equally not have wished for a better supervisor to guide me sophisticatedly. Jessica was a great visionary, which helped me refining the project from time to time. Thirdly, I am thankful for giving me honest feedback when needed. In my daily life I have noticed my increased ability to be more open about the progress of my work activities and how much it has helped me. Lastly, I would like to boost the trainee experience by emphasising the importance of having information systems easily accessible. This, I believe, will help other trainees to flourish in a short time.
Maybe, one day I will be part again of Smolity. For now, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please, do not hesitate to contact me by reaching out to the email address down below.
Best regards, Timo Jil [email protected]
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Report Personal Learning Experiences
The purpose of this report is to inform the reader about the major learning experiences I gained during my time as CHE student. 
1.1. Leadership and Management
The first learning experience I would like to point out is my increased ability to cope with different visions in a project group setting. In the first year of my studies, I got caught up in a situation where my leadership style taken worked out counter-effective. This affair has taught me how to apply various approaches when working with different people.
1.2. Working with Diversity
Secondly, I learned a lot from a multicultural project during my exchange period in Finland. It was not always easy to collaborate with fellow HR students from India, Bangladesh, Finland, Germany, and Brazil. However, it was worth having gained this experience as working internationally will only become more important in my future profession.
1.3. Courage
I am wrapping up my report by getting into the most important thing I learned during my studies: getting out of my comfort zone. As a reserved adolescent, I would never have expected that I would take a chance to leave my cosy hometown to part take in an Erasmus programme, work closely together with the major of Baarn, and carry out a high-status internship at the Ministry of Finance. All these district adventures resulted from my changed attitude towards new challenged. It has stretched me new skills such as the ability to ask profound questions, attending (business) meetings with bravura, and being open to different life views.
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Step 4, TED Talk 3: The Problem of HR Systems
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C5UQbWzwg8&list=WL&index=76. Date of consultation: August 28, 2022.
My personal response
I had a different expectation before having watched this video. The opening of the TED talk was in my opinion slightly inappropriate since a tense topic like suicide got unnecessary talked about. The video is titled in a way it attracts HR specialists to watch. However, poor assessments, (HR) tools and inadequate measurement systems were mainly discussed, which are relevant topics for a broader group of professionals. Honestly, I identified myself in some parts of the video since inaccurate decision-making has also negatively footprinted my past. Additionally, I appreciate the talk because it involves a lot of critical thinking and evidence-based content. However, in my opinion, the speaker missed out on pointing out smooth and sophisticated parts of HR systems. 
Quote 1: ‘’The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.’’
The presenter displayed this passage on a big screen, indicating it can be frustrating having to endure weak HR practices. However, when having found valid ways to measure someone’s personality, it will be extremely rewarding. Also, I feel like this quote can be converted into a philosophical way of looking at life, where struggling or working hard will pay off later.
Quote 2: ‘’So if you don’t accept a flawed blood test, you should not accept a flawed personality test.’’
I pointed out this quote because it briefly summarises the essence of the video. Many HR measurement systems were discussed during the monologue. Having watched this talk, I would sincerely suggest HR departments to critically evaluate the people analytics systems used, ensuring every eligible applicant or worker has an equal opportunity to make his/her dream come true. 
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Step 4, TED Talk 2: Personal Development & The Unconscious Mind
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1ojZKWfShQ&list=WL&index=78&t=641s. Date of consultation: August 18, 2022.
Personal response
The second TED Talk raised mixed feelings inside me. On one would hand, I would describe the ceremony as refreshing since a new view on personal development got outlined. On the other hand, I am not so sure about some assumptions made by the talker (see quote 2). Also, some recommendations given by the presenter will not help to make the world a better place. The session has taught me to be picky about which information I take fully for granted. Too, I missed some scientific evidence to substantiate why the advice given will make an impact on my life.
The talker argued children are not able to consciously avoid negative influences as important brain functions have not started working yet. However, I missed a robust explanation of why childhood has such a powerful impact on the future lifetime.
Quote 1: ‘’People will never rise above the opinion of themselves’’
I decided to settle this quote because I was flabbergasted by the power of the early years on the life ahead. The citation got highlighted in the presentation to explain someone’s perception is often formed in the early years of life. After that moment, the own perception is formed and can therefore hardly be reshaped again. So, for instance, if during childhood someone has been surrounded by toxic people talking negative about the person, the odds are in favour of this person believing this assertion later in life. 
Quote 2: ‘’So I haven’t watched a news report or read a newspaper for pretty much seventeen years now’’.
This quote caught my attention due to the interesting intention behind it. The speaker explained why not keeping an eye on the news will lead to a more satisfying life. And on the surface, the argument sounds reasonable. I believe, however, that if every single human being sticks to this indifferent mindset, the world will never turn into a better place. 
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Step 3, Article 3: Super League
Source: BBC (2021, April 19). Why Super League plan makes financial sense for top clubs. BBC News. Retrieved August 19, 2022, from https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56800611
Predictable incomes are far from normal for professional football clubs. Because of this financial uncertainty, several football giants have agreed to set up a new international championship named ‘The Super League’. This new league is a concept of only twelve football teams battling in a closed competition. The disputable competition makes it easier for football clubs to remain financially strong, eliminate extreme debts, and hold back predators in their hunt to narrow the gap to top teams. However, the announcement of the Super League has caused a storm of criticism claiming the new league negatively influences competitiveness and sportsmanship. On top of that, the FIFA and club fans massively rip off the idea of the Super League gaining a foothold. Advocates insist on saying the current international competition offers too many uninteresting games. 
My personal opinion
Although the Super League does not support equal opportunities in football, I can truly understand a football club considering participating in this league. The outstanding cashflows in modern football businesses have made it extremely tough for boards to remain financially healthy, which is a must in football’s rat race. Important to mention is the high salary demands by the superstars, which perhaps causes football clubs to end up joining the Super League desperately. From what I can see, singing up for the Super League is one of the only few possibilities football clubs can do to meet their financial obligations. If the high earners would bravely lower their wage demands, such start-ups would most likely not come into existence. Overall, the founding of the Super League is just a logical result of the trends in football. 
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Step 3, Article 2: Fired over Zoom
Source: Forbes (2022). CEO Who Fired 900 Employees Via A Zoom Video And Called His Employees ‘Dumb Dolphins’ Had A Mass Layoff—Some Workers Found Out By Seeing Their Bank Account. Forbes. Retrieved August 20, 2022, from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2022/03/09/ceo-who-fired-900-employees-via-a-zoom-video-and-called-his-employees-dumb-dolphins-had-a-mass-layoff-some-workers-found-out-by-seeing-their-bank-account/?sh=7f05c22125fe
Summary CEO Vishal Garg of Better.com has recently fired around 900 employees over Zoom. According to Garg, these 900 people are part of the 15% of workers that had to be dismissed due to financial reasons. Although the CEO did his job by laying off the workforce, the controversial approach had severe consequences for the mortgage lender start-up as reportedly three top executives left the firm. Later, Grag published a message expressing regrets for his inappropriate approach. Other sources claim the CEO is reportedly guilty of more wrongdoing, such as accusing labourers of stealing and calling some of his personnel ‘’dumb dolphins’’. It remains doubtful whether Grag and his Better.com are still credible towards the workforce as well as the external stakeholders. Shortly after his beg-pardon towards his staff, Better.com reportedly sacked around 3,000 employees over the phone.
My personal opinion Although the way this large group of staff got coldly terminated was far from honourable, it might have been one of the few ways Gray could have executed this emotional message. Undoubtedly, the controversy would most likely have been less if the CEO had taken a more empathetical and personal approach. The pandemic, however, made it extremely difficult to organise such massive activities perfectly. During the worst COVID days, there was no ideal way to notify large groups of workers about their termination. For this reason, I personally do not condemn the CEO for his unpleasant video message. If it were up to me, I would have tried to delegate this large-scale dismissal as much as possible. Just like that, the discharge will most likely feel a bit less painful for the affected ones.
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Step 7: New English Words
During my time in Finland, I learned many new English words and sayings by chatting with my fellow international students. Before getting into some of these new words, I would like to point out some other expressions I got to know. Recently I discovered ‘’I am going to hit the sack’’ and ‘’can I quickly ease myself?’’, which I reckon are more complex ways of expressing some daily matters.
The first word I would like to point out is ‘obduracy’. When I once commuted to university, I came across this word by reading an article. Before I got to know this word, I would explain the definition of this word as someone who is annoying. However, the actual meaning can better be described as someone being bitter about some affair. Another word I came across recently was ‘to exile’. This word is a more complex meaning of the word ‘to ban’. I will wrap my last post up by getting into the word that confused me for a long time: ‘adhere to’. At first, I assumed this word refers to the idea of sticky things, as in having sticking fingers, for example. However, after Googling the definition of this word, I found this saying can refer to ‘following the standard of….’.
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Step 6: Experience Abroad
During my exchange period in Finland, I met Luca, who was going to be one of my closest friends during my time in Finland. He claimed that openness and hospitality are considered fundamental values among the locals in Parma – the Italian city where the warm lad grew up.
Luca’s roommate grew up in Bergen, Norway. Generally, there is a broad consensus about Scandinavian people being more reserved and distant towards other persons. According to my Italian friend, his roommate was not prepared to share essential goods such as pans and plates when Luca could highly need these commodities. Also, Luca noticed his roommate never felt like socialising in some way. When Luca offered to eat some pasta together, the roommate expressed he did not feel like sharing a meal – which is nothing more than usual in Italy. After several attempts by Luca to strengthen the chemistry with his roommate, he decided to hold back and respect their cultural differences.
This story reminded me directly of an exciting lecture I attended some years ago. My professor discussed togetherness is highly valued in Catholic, usually Southern countries. However, in more Nordic countries where Protestantism have called the shots for many years, there is usually a strong emphasis on the individual.
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Step 5: Yale Lecture, Israeli-Palestinian conflict
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7g7b3y3xcQ&list=WL&index=39. Date of consultation: July 16, 2022.
Summary The lecture got kicked off by a speaker providing some general information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Besides, an advocacy group named BTI got introduced. This unique interest organisation is looking for ways to break the impasse between Israeli and Palestinian citizens to work on a common objective. BTI and similar organisations are trying to figure out what businesses can do when politics fail to reach its intended goal. However, both regular citizens, as well as politicians on both sides, do not seem interested in coming closer to each other.
There are, however, ways in which Israeli and Palestinian people can successfully collaborate. An organisation named EcoPeace is bringing together Israelis, Palestinians, and Jordanians to provide water for a water-scarce region. However, both the left and the right-wing have criticised the initiative. These and similar kinds of attacks make the future of such industries questionable. Small enterprises will most likely let Israeli and Palestinian people work together peacefully. 
Three common solutions are offered for organisations in the private sector to break the deadlock. These options include acting independently of the political process, reviving the former political process, and acting within and without the political process. 
Why was this lecture relevant to me? The main reason I watched this lecture is because of my interest in the Israel-Palestine conflict. I have learned from this lecture that despite a good intention being adhered to the project, it is extremely tough to accomplish a sustainable collaboration between large groups of Israeli and Palestinian citizens. Furthermore, this lecture taught me the affair is multi-sided. There is, and will always be for the following decades, a large group of nonbenevolent people from both nations who refuse to make a step forward. The lecture showed why it is important to take different worldviews into account when working on a start-up. 
Altogether, it seems incredibly hard to change people’s minds so steps can be made towards an environment where there is a place for multiple worldviews. But there is hope. 
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Step 4, TED Talk 1: Learning How to Sell
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKedDUV8MO0. Date of consultation: August 1, 2022. 
Personal response
I would describe the first TED talk as extremely fascinating. The host aesthetically argued the importance of being able to sell yourself. An interesting assertion was when the speaker emphasised that a good salesperson lets the buyer talk most of the conversation. When I think of salespersons, the first prejudice that comes into my mind is an eloquent person who can get rid of all kinds of objects. However, the talk explained successful sales come from the ability to ask and listen carefully to the buyer. This TED talk showed me how a good salesperson consciously connects the core values of the shopper to the product. Furthermore, it seems like high-quality salespersons speak to the customer in a language that resonates with the customer. 
Quote 1. ‘’People buy people’’. 
The speaker argued chances are significantly higher for somebody to sell something if the salesperson makes a good impression. In fact, the speaker claims a seller will not even be able to succeed if rapport has not been built with the customer. 
Quote 2. ‘’You should never ever begin by pitching, selling, preaching, or providing solutions before the person you’re dealing with articulates what they want to achieve or gain or solve’’. 
The second quote which caught my interest has yet again to do with my prejudice toward a salesperson. I have regularly experienced a salesperson who strongly wanted to convince me to purchase a particular product. In these situations, the vendor was talking most of the conversation. This speaker, however, explains a high-performing salesperson would instead ask questions to the interlocutor. 
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Step 3, Article 1: Pullback Elon Musk
Source: Race, M. (2022, July 11). Twitter shares fall as Elon Musk backs out of deal. BBC News. Retrieved August 20, 2022, from https://www.bbc.com/news/business-62121226
Summary Twitter’s shares have dived after Elon Musk announced he decided not to gain control of the social media platform. The wealthy investor claims Twitter did not offer enough transparency concerning the amount of spam and fake accounts currently on the medium. According to a school professor and former adviser, the strategy used by Musk is a way to haggle some billions of the agreed price. Other experts claim the pullback has to do with the shrinking prices on the stock markets, which have also influenced the market value of Musk’s car firm Tesla. A one billion termination fee has been included in the already signed agreement, which will likely affect the chance of an actual pullback coming about. An eased offer will probably be made to let the acquisition take place.
My personal opinion Twitter is one of the biggest social media platforms around the globe. For many different reasons, millions of people depend on Twitter to communicate. Personally, I cannot understand the course of action taken by Musk; it is hard to comprehend why Musk did not make a proper inquiry regarding the spam and fake accounts during the negotiations phase. Moreover, the deal had already been fully verbally agreed upon. The approach taken is in my opinion far from stylist, yet not entirely unexpected. The moneyed businessman has been causing unrest over social media for some time. Besides the question of whether or not the current Twitter owner could have seen the agitations coming, Musk’s unpredictable behaviour is not only indecent towards the current owners. Also, it has likewise brought unnecessary uncertainty to many employees and stakeholders.
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thetalldudenl · 2 years
Step 2: My English Language History
My English language history exists of a wide range of factors, which over the years have influenced my English language skills. Hence, I have decided to divide this first blog into three sections.
My exchange period in Finland In the spring of 2021, I decided to get out of my comfort zone and move for half a year to Kuopio, Finland. During my time in Finland, I had the wonderful opportunity to both study in a foreign country and improve my English daily. Into the bargain, I lived with a native English speaker from Nigeria, who unconsciously upskilled me with some useful English expressions.
Friends and family abroad Secondly, some friends and family living abroad have positively influenced my English language skills. Since my father was in his early twenties, he has been building a vast network of foreign acquaintances and friends. Ever since I can remember, some of them have frequently visited my family’s place for a quick stayover. When the visitors were around, I often played video games, shared meals, and made jokes with guests. Although I could barely speak English back then, I often felt chemistry between the invitee and me. In the summer of 2019, I got invited by some of my father’s acquaintances to participate in an international band tour in Ukraine, which was yet another opportunity to improve my English language skills.
In 2017, I first met my second cousins and their parents from Canada. As strong as the connection was with most of my father’s friends, as strong I could feel the same positive vibe between my second cousins and me. Thereby I could take advantage of having native English speakers around me. Thinking back to these days, I sometimes feel embarrassed about how poor my oral English language skills were until some years ago. For example, I can clearly remember how I incoherently used some expressions and words when chatting with my second cousins.
Spare time My spare time activities are the last aspect that has been playing a crucial role in my English language history. Starting over a decade ago, I became a massive fan of the Premier League football competition in England. As the years passed, I began watching more Premier League games – most of the time provided with English commentaries. At that time, I also started watching many videos from British YouTube celebrities. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, my day-to-day life was completely upside down. Since I did not know how to spend my time, I randomly started reading all kinds of (English) books. And to be clear, reading books was not one of my hobbies before Covid dropped in. Nowadays, however, reading books has become one of my favourite free-time activities.
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