thetanningguru · 9 months
Glycerin in Tanning Lotions - Benefits, Side Effects, and Best Tanning ...
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thetanningguru · 10 months
Как использовать бутылки с безвоздушными насосами
Инструкция по использованию крема в безвоздушной упаковке. Объясняется, как перевернуть бутылку вверх дном, чтобы лосьон попал в верхний тюбик, и затем его можно выдавить.
Безвоздушные насосы относятся к типу насосных механизмов, используемых во флаконах с лосьонами и кремами, которые позволяют предотвратить попадание воздуха во флакон при дозировании продукта. К основным характеристикам безвоздушных насосов относятся: Вакуумное уплотнение – во флаконе создается внутренний вакуум, который удаляет воздух из флакона по мере использования продукта. Вакуум помогает…
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thetanningguru · 1 year
Tan, Don't Burn
Tan,, don't Burn! - Can We Start to Trust Sun Science (again)?
Can We Start to Trust Sun Science (again)? Is the modern science of sun exposure finally catching up with ancient knowledge and common sense? A new report, “Severe Sunburn as the Overwhelming Risk Factor for 3 Common Skin Cancers: New Prevention Strategy”, contains statistics and some advice that would mean earth breaking shift of the present norms, IF they were accepted and implemented by…
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thetanningguru · 1 year
Are You Taking Advantage of the Full Spectrum of Sunlight?
Sunlight is essential to human life, and it’s the energy source for photosynthesis and nourishes plants, animals, and humans. Sunlight also benefits our health, providing essential vitamins and hormones contribute to our overall well-being. The solar spectrum consists of wavelengths between 300 nm and over 1 mm. These different wavelengths can penetrate the skin to varying depths of our bodies’…
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thetanningguru · 2 years
What is Optimal Vitamin D?
What is optimal Vitamin D? Read about my painful experiment to find my optimal Vitamin D level.
What is an optimal Vitamin D level, and is the amount of 25 (OH)D in the blood really relevant in relation to your health? In this post, you will learn about my experience from an experiment a couple of years ago (spoiler-alert … >140 ng/ml is NOT optimal!) Further down on this page, you will also find the information from one of the authority sites on Vitamin D, Grassrootshealth, about the…
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thetanningguru · 3 years
Stupid Artificial Tanning Intelligence
Stupid Artificial Tanning Intelligence
Artificial Stupidity about sun exposure, created by the Medical Industrial Complex, destroys real human knowledge. AI (Artificial Intelligence) took the great leap into content creation when OpenAI released GPT-3 API in 2020. The number of software providing authors with an interface to GPT-3 is increasing almost every day. However, they all draw their “Intelligence” from the same 175 billion…
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thetanningguru · 3 years
Cancer - Cases and Deaths 1990-2000-2020 What Do You See?
Cancer – Cases and Deaths 1990-2000-2020 What Do You See?
Describe in the comments how you interpret the statistics in this image.
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thetanningguru · 3 years
IARC MONO55 burn 1920x1080 w txt
See on Scoop.it - Tanningnews
https://www.academia.edu/45631774/Sunlight_a_Carcinogen_Combatting_Cancer_or_Crushing_a_Competitor The decision in IARC’s Monograph 55 to classify sunlight as a most dangerous carcinogen contains severe contradictory evidence and environmental fraud. Its consequence of public sun-avoidance contributes to as many premature deaths as smoking. Was the classification of sunlight as a carcinogen meant to combat cancer or to get rid of a competitor to the medical-industrial complex? https://www.thetanningguru.com/sun-scare/classifying-sunlight-a-carcinogen-combatting-cancer-or-crushing-a-competitor/ It is difficult to believe that the owners’ greed for corporate profit can have such extreme negative consequences for public health. (8 million premature deaths every year according to Swedish research). Still, it happened without anyone in a high enough position reacting and demanding an investigation into this fraud committed mainly with the decision in IARC’s Monograph 55 to declare sunlight as a carcinogen. Maybe it will happen someday, but until then, humans will continue to be deprived of the eternal method of healing and growth by sunlight. Still, snakes, fish, and vegetables can enjoy the benefits of full-spectrum light independent of time of the year and distance from the equator.
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thetanningguru · 3 years
See on Scoop.it - Tanningnews
Today, April 1st, 2021, the Supervisory Board in WHO presented a review of the decision in IARC’s Monograph 55 to classify sunlight as a most dangerous carcinogen. IARC, The International Agency for Research on Cancer, is the specialized cancer research agency of WHO. The review concludes that the decision is based on severe contradictory evidence and environmental fraud.
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thetanningguru · 3 years
WHO: "The 1992 Decision by IARC to Declare Sunlight a Group 1 Carcinogen is Wrong and a Crime Against Humanity"
WHO: “The 1992 Decision by IARC to Declare Sunlight a Group 1 Carcinogen is Wrong and a Crime Against Humanity”
Today, April 1st, 2021, the Supervisory Board in WHO presented a review of the decision in IARC’s Monograph 55 to classify sunlight as a most dangerous carcinogen. IARC, The International Agency for Research on Cancer, is the specialized cancer research agency of WHO. The review concludes that the decision is based on severe contradictory evidence and environmental fraud. The consequence of…
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thetanningguru · 3 years
Vitamin D - WHO's Preventing the Prevention
Vitamin D – WHO’s Preventing the Prevention
Plusses and minuses with the ongoing “pandemic”. One big plus is that more and more people start to wake up and see the contours of a “bigger picture”. The big minus is that, because of a gigantic cover-up and censoring by mainstream media, too many people still believe the “official narrative”. The “bigger picture” is that the members of a small tribe who managed to create the US Federal…
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thetanningguru · 4 years
Classifying Sunlight a Carcinogen - Combatting Cancer or Crushing a Competitor?
Classifying Sunlight a Carcinogen – Combatting Cancer or Crushing a Competitor?
Sunlight – the Transformation of Perception from Good to Bad Sunlight as a health bringer throughout history.
Since the beginning of time, sunlight has given life to everything on our planet. Without sunlight, nothing would live here.
Our ancestors, in different times and cultures, recognised this and worshiped the Sun as a God.
The healing properties of exposure to sunlight are well documented…
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thetanningguru · 4 years
TECH TYRANNY Corporate Media Censors Information About UV Healing Technology
TECH TYRANNY Corporate Media Censors Information About UV Healing Technology
UV-Light healing threatens Big Pharma
In 1976, the Wolff brothers developed the first UV fluorescent lamp for cosmetic applications, making UV-light available to everyone, everywhere, and at any time.
In 1980, Big Pharma (with strong support from Big Cosmetics) launched a ruthless, vicious, and costly campaign against UV-light.
In 1992, after more than ten years of intensive lobbying and a flood…
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thetanningguru · 4 years
Russia Seeking to Bring Back UV-light Into Russian Healthcare
The President of Russia issued today, 1 April 2020, a decree for Russia to revisit some of the public health protocols from the Soviet times. In a press statement from Kremlin, the spokesperson explains:
“The recent virus scare has made us rethink the direction in which Russian public health care went after the end of the Soviet Union.
Our reliance on products and procedures from the western…
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thetanningguru · 4 years
Why Is There A flu-Season During Wintertime And Why Are We That Much Healthier During Summer?
Why do we have a “flu-season” with viruses running amok wintertime but not summertime?
The Medical-Industrial Complex provides us with an explanation but is it the correct one? Are they maybe deliberately blind for the “elephant in the room” as presented by the statistics below?
Influenza-virus- and UVB- statistics. Sources: GISRS and USDA Summary
The apparent focus for health authorities should…
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thetanningguru · 4 years
Moderation was absent in the vocabulary when the sun-scare campaign was created. Can it be brought back in? This article certainly has some good arguments for that. Vitamin D or sun safety? Moderation might be boring but it’s key to our health https://rplg.co/36d77f50
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thetanningguru · 5 years
We are for healthy tanning
We are for healthy tanning
Why we should Embrace the Sun (and hug sunbeds)
I wrote this “About Us” article for the Russian site ZaZagar.ru (For Tanning), created to share real information about how to use sunlight from the real sun or light-therapy from the lamps in a sunbed, for optimal health, rejuvenation, and wellbeing.
Here is the English version…
Please comment on the articles posted to share your experience of…
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