thetomboylolita-blog · 11 years
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thetomboylolita-blog · 11 years
To My "Ghosts" -- The Finality of Letting Go
I see you have moved on without me. Good for you, truly. For my part, it's a relief I can finally have closure, even if I had moved on long ago and never looked back since. There is beauty now from the pain back then because enduring you to the end of my last life chapter metamorphosed me to someone I never thought I could and would be. I hope you won't be as... Bad—to put it lightly—with the new people in your lives, who you now call friends, as you were with me. Then again, the rational—and rather detached and maybe a bit (what an understatement, a bit?) brutal—part of me is always assured karma will bite you hard again if you still kept your old... Ways, concerning your treatment towards people. Even if I had eventually forgiven you again secretly, it was only for my peace of mind and heart, not because you sincerely deserved it. Should we cross paths again, I'll have you know I'm not who I once was (at least when around you). I'm not "her" anymore. Everything about me now is woman, the person you had hurt was just a girl. I've moved on without you and I'm staying that way for reasons you should have been already aware about (though I won't be surprised if you're still oblivious). I know I'm replaceable and forgotten to you, as I can easily see, but that's okay. Because it confirms the fact we can never go back to what we had, in spite of all we've been through together, and I already accepted it. I'm not hurt at all, I know I'm tougher than that. I don't need and want the memories. It's just a fictional story to me and nothing more, so I'm throwing it all away. You screwed up your chance and I know well enough to never give you another one. Goodbye to you and thanks for everything.
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thetomboylolita-blog · 11 years
*ahem* Well, I do have my needs. -SHOT-
And you see nothing BECAUSE THIS IS MINE. -BRICKED-
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Hi guys~ some of you may or may not know….i made 2 Chrom mouse pads purely out of fun….and i really enjoyed the process…
BUT GOOD THINGS ARE MEANT TO BE SHARED~so… i have planned to do a giveaway~!
And as you can see from the photos the material is pretty soft so yeah…@u@ squish or imaginary squish away~!
How To Enter:
1.) Like+Reblog this post
2.)Please only onereblog for each person
3.)Ask boxes should be open so i can contact the winner
Winners will be drawn on 3rd of June~!
Good luck~ and may the best person win Chrom’s ass @3@
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
▌▌ Seasons of Tonari No Kaibutsu-kun ↷  TNK
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
Oh damn...
XD Why do I have a feeling I'm FINALLY gonna post up my fandom pairings list because Fire Emblem Awakening is spurring me to? DON'T DO THIS TO ME, DAMN IT. :P And just so you know, it isn't just FE exclusive. I'm talking about all of the fandoms I'm in, FE or not!
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
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One thing I really LOVE about Katara is that she’s a woman who really OWNS her anger. 
Like, girls are taught to never get angry. Never be rude. Don’t yell. It makes you unlikable. It’s not lady-like. 
And Katara just says fuck you to that. She’s sweet, and mothering, and caring, and nurturing almost all the time. But when she’s angry? She’s ANGRY. And she OWNS it. 
She yells at people, she threatens people. Sometimes she’s vain and jealous on top of it all too, and she owns up to that. It takes a special kind of courage and strength to look someone in the eye and honest to god YELL at them. 
Especially the fight above. Paku is an elder, a man in charge. He’s in a privileged position of power over her. And Katara doesn’t take that shit anyway. 
God damn A+ Female empowerment right there. 
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
:P This is true, wahahahaha!!!
converting people to your fandoms and watching them spiral into insanity just like you did
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
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He built a box, and she painted our last initial and their wedding date on it. They put in two unread love letters to each other about why they fell in love, a nice bottle of wine from the year they started dating, and nailed the lid on the box. They promised that if things ever get too hard and their love starts to fade, they will open the box, drink the wine, and read the letters they wrote to each other, reminding them of how much their love means and to never give up.
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
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Stamps by =mistressmaxwell, *jones2000, ~foxlee, ~novedestin, *YourInnerDemons, ~Ishdakitty, *kiss-the-thunder, *shadowvixen, and ~Ame-Yuku
Submitted by -Anonymous
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
To Make an OC Blog or Not...
It's been on my mind for the past month. And seeing there are a lot of OCs for the RotG fandom, I wonder if it'll be okay to jump in there. I did my research for my OC. I've been developing my OC little by little. Her profile and story have been conceived on DA and FF.net. And this all happened since last year too. But I guess it's me being doubtful due to paranoia of Mary Sueism and being uncertain on whether this fandom is nice or not. XD And yes, I saw the movie last year. Why else has inspiration been pestering me lately? What a miracle, haha! Anyone out there to give reassurance?
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
;.; This is precious. A very poignant tale! Now, it's really inspiring me to write. I love this, I feel so touched.
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623K notes · View notes
thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
XDDD I can't. I just can't. I'm dying from laughter and this made my day.
Apparently some argues that the Cloti line from the Ultimania means "business partners"
Again, it has been changed to “desire for each other.”
This is the unbiased script made by my friend, Meibito
Night before the final battle: Cloud Yeah… At that time I heard you calling me. You were calling me back from the stream of consciousness in the Lifestream. After all, I promised. That if anything were to ever happen to you, I would come to help. If you wanted to open up a business for example…… Tifa Cloud…? Do you think the stars can hear us? Do you think they see how hard we’re fighting for them? Cloud I dunno… But… Whether they are or not, we still have to do what we can. And believe in ourselves… I’ll find the answer someday. Right, Tifa? That’s what I learned from you when I was in the Lifestream. Tifa Yeah…… that’s right… Cloud Hey Tifa…… I…… There are a lot of things I wanted to talk to you about. But now that we’re together like this, I don’t know what I really wanted to say… I guess nothing’s changed at all… Kind of makes you want to laugh… Tifa Cloud… Words aren’t the only thing that tell people what you’re thinking… Cloud ………… You’re right. Let me just make a slideshow of my business proposal. Cloud and Tifa spend the night on the ground beneath the airship, Tifa leaning against Cloud. Cloud …………It’s almost dawn… Tifa H, huh…? Cloud Sorry. Did I wake you…? It’s almost dawn, Tifa. Tifa Umm… G, good morning… Cloud. Give me a little longer… Just a little bit longer… She leans back against him. This day will never come again… So let me have this moment… Cloud Yeah… okay. This is probably the last time we’ll have together…… …………………………. …………………………… …so about that business partnership we were talking about last night… CANON.
Gonna tag this once she approves XD
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thetomboylolita-blog · 12 years
That moment when you realize...
The NaruHina (Naruto x Hinata) and NaruSaku (Naruto x Sakura) shipping wars in the Naruto fandom are nortoriously bad as the Cloti (Cloud x Tifa) and Clerith (Cloud x Aerith) shipping wars in the Final Fantasy VII fandom. Most are being immature about it while the sane fans are neutral and being respectable towards their ship as well as the opposing party/parties. Meanwhile, as you draw similarity to this, SasuNaru (Sasuke x Naruto) and SasuSaku (Sasuke x Sakura) are like the Clack (Cloud x Zack) and Zerith (Zack x Aerith) of the fandom: either not giving a fuck/being neutral to the shipping wars and being respectable to their ships (as well as others) or also flipping their shit (although, personality and development wise, I wouldn't dare compare SasuSaku to Zerith as the latter is very meaningful compared to the former). Let's not even start with the Fack (Zack x Tifa) fans either, who I now declare as the SasuHina (Sasuke x Hinata) of the fandom because their stance is the same as the Zerith and Clack fans (and the fact that both pairings are considered crack ones is amusing as Hell). *snorts* The only difference is Nomura Tetsuya already made a Word of God claim that Cloti and Zerith are the final pairings (although most don't realize this or they're in denial if they're aware, so they continue on with the shipping wars). Kishimoto Masashi, however, is ambiguous and being a damn troll about his own pairings, subtle hints and character/relationship development be damned! BUT as far as speculation is concerned, in regards of canon, I think we all know which pairings he's aiming for. ^_~ No, I'm not going to give my own answer here, thanks. *zips lips* I'm only a neutral party, DESPITE the fact I know what pairings I ship, so I've been watching/observing the Naruto fandom explode since the NaruHina chapter. I'm not going to say anything because this is all you'll get from me, regarding the NaruHina and NaruSaku wars that have intensified since Chapter 615. And for those in the FFVII fandom who question my shipping preferences? Of course Zerith and Cloti (although I really love Zerith more). Although every now and then, I have my feelings for Clack (surprisingly, as I have a strict no for pairings that aren't canon, regardless of gender, orientation, and relationship status in both parties) while I had/still ship(ped)(?) Clerith at some point.
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