thetonhq · 2 years
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“Tres tristes tigres tragaron trigo en un trigal.”
Hidden in one of the corner’s of the room where the debutante’s await their turn, the Dowager Viscountess of Belgrace holds Xiomara’s hands as Xiomara mutters a tongue twister as her mother’s reassurances wash over her. It’s rather bothersome, the level of nerves that sit on her gut at the mere mention of being presented to the Queen. It’s been almost a decade since her first introduction, nine years since she had became a debutante, and yet, the nerves are as strong as that first time.
“Everything is going to be alright, mija. You have done this before, you know what to do and how to do it well,” Estrella reassures her daughter, and Xiomara musters a soft smile to share with her mother. She believes her, she truly does, but that doesn’t help with the nerves.
One moment can make or break the entirety of the Season, and Xiomara needs this season to be perfect. She needs the stars to align, for her not to embarrass herself but not shine either. She needs to fade in the background, as always, attract only the attention of those who are truly interested —  be it by her title, or her wit —  and draw out the possibility of a love match. Xiomara has no time to go from suitor to suitor, to find something true amidst those who have heard the title of diamond and become enchanted. Neither does she have time to beg for someone’s attention, if she is deemed undesirable.
One season, that is all she has before she has to lock away her heart and throw the key.
One season, to find a love story like her parents despite the odds stacking against her.
One season, or she will have to settle for a partnership rather than a love story. Not unpleasant by any means, but not what she wants. Not what she yearns for.
One season, this season.
Everything must be perfect, for she has worked to make it so. Her dress is pleasant to the eye, the satin soft and tempting to the touch, the rose gold embroidery gleaming softly under the candlelight. Beautiful, elegant, but considerably simpler than the intricate dresses worn by many of the debutantes more eager to be the center of attention. Gloves trimmed with lace serve as a reassurance as she clasps her hands, the soft satin providing comfort despite the racing of her heart. Her hair has been pulled up, curled and coiffed to perfection, with the customary ostrich feathers held up by an intricate golden hairpiece set with glimmering diamonds. Rather than dangling earrings meant to draw attention to her neck, she has simple diamonds studs, her neck decorated by a beautiful gold necklace with diamonds of a soft pink color. It’s simpler than most, truly, but it draws attention to her delicate neck and does not make it seem gaudy. Xiomara recognizes her plainness, and her outfit is meant to compliment it, rather than to make it seem as if she is overcompensating for not being beautiful.
She is who she is, and she will not be made feel inadequate on a moment with as much importance as this.
She is ready for the introduction, despite her nerves, she always is.
When she is called forth, she smiles once she feels her mother squeezing her arm one last time in reassurance, and moves towards the reception’s room entrance.
The doors’ muffle the voices on the other side, but she hears the beginning clearly, even through the wood.
“Lady Xiomara Grosvenor-Rivera, presented by her mother, the Right Honorable, the Dowager Viscountess Rivera de Grosvenor.”
Just like that, the nerves are gone, leaving behind a calm certainty. She has done this before, knows the Ton’s etiquette better than most. Xiomara knows what to do.
Xiomara glides through the room with the elegant grace of a practiced dancer, back straight and chin up as her expression shows nothing but poise and the kind smile that has become her calling card amidst the Ton.
She stops when it’s appropriate, smile widening slightly as she falls into a graceful courtesy, eyes falling to the floor as she does so and back straight. Then, she waits for the Queen’s verdict, heart racing but mind calm.
Xiomara doesn’t waver, a oak tree in the midst of a storm, tall and unyielding, as she waits for the future to come to her.
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Dice Roll: 17
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Charlotte wonders if she’s grown picky as the seasons have passed. Well, shouldn’t that be her right? A diamond of the first water was to be someone spectacular – someone she wouldn’t mind having close at hand. And more recently important, someone Whistledown might find just as pristine. There could be no mistakes, no disappointments.
Of course, the girl would suffer, but the judgement would ultimately land back on her. The Queen.
Listening to the next titles be announced, her gaze shifted over to her familiar patronesses currently sat back and behind her, “Rather long name?” Charlotte murmured.
“I…believe the Dowager is a Patroness of Almack’s as well, Majesty.” Lady Kedley whispered, smiling widely as the older woman and her daughter approach.
“Hmm.” Charlotte sniffs but observes the younger girl closely. There’s grace, and beauty to be certain. Something…plucky in the gaze that she catches only for a moment. Lady Xiomara could prove to be something of value.
The Queen doesn’t exactly smile, but she does offer complimentary words. “Your mother has taught you well, Lady Xiomara, practically with the elegance of a swan.” Her arms rested more heavily on the arms of the throne, “I look forward to seeing you make the most of the Season. As Diamond.” Whispers roll through the hall at the declaration.
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thetonhq · 2 years
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Is the princess ready for this?
Whistledown’s words echoed in Marina’s head over and over, as she stood alone in the crowded receiving room, surrounded, and yet somehow completely isolated from the debutantes and their escorts who swarmed around her. Unlike the other young women, there was no one standing by to fix the ostrich feathers woven curiously into the back of Marina’s hair, so as not to compete with her tiara… no one to encourage her to smile, or to fuss over the way the delicate sheer fabric of her dress fell about her… Her mother stood on the far side of the tall ornate wooden doors she had known since childhood, across a room that had grown impossibly long and full in the few short hours since she and Charlotte had parted that morning…
An ocean of eyes lay between them, and one pair surely belonged to the lady Whistledown (or if not, she would most certainly hear about the event soon thereafter).
Is the princess ready for this?
Marina glanced at herself in the reflection of a nearby window, doing her best to look subtly, so as not to seem vain. Her gown was delicate lace and silks that twisted elegantly across her chest, but was so sheer over her shoulders, it seemed more a suggestion of fabric than the reality. The pure white was frosted with glittering silver thread, detailing small, complicated flowers that cascaded down the length of the empire silhouette. Marina’s thick, tight curls had been twisted up beneath a small diamond tiara, with a design reminiscent of frost creeping across a window pane, and a matching necklace that dripped like icicles down along her collar bone.
If she hadn’t been so frightfully nervous, she might have smiled. If nothing else, she certainly looked the part. A fairytale blending of winter and the promise of spring…
Is the princess ready for this?
All she could do now was step into the light, and wait for the world to answer…
“Her Royal Highness, Marina Georgiana Charlotte, Princess of Wales.”
Marina forced herself to take a deep inhale, and stepped out into the waiting sea of courtiers. Her heart fluttered like a bird caught inside her chest, but somehow, she managed to hold her smile as she crossed the endless length of the room to where her mother, Queen Charlotte, sat waiting.
Time seemed to slow as she slid with all the grace she could muster into a curtsey, lowering her gaze as she bent before the queen.
Is the princess ready for this?
Am I ready for this?
One heartbeat… and then the next… Time froze. Her breath stopped in her chest, as she lifted her eyes to find her mother’s, searching that strangely aloof and yet all too familiar face.
Have I made you proud?
[Princess Marina Roll Result - 19]
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It’s a perk to go first, or at least, Charlotte thought so. It’s the one advantage she can give Marina, and the most favoritism she can show without stirring up gossip for the pair of them.
Her jaw is clenched just a little bit tighter as she waits, hoping and praying her eldest daughter dazzles like she should. Marina has been taught well, and learned even better. For Charlotte’s own pride, and Marina’s own standing, the Princess simply couldn’t make an error.
As concentrated as her thoughts were for her daughter’s presentation, the Queen made sure to shift her expression into something impassable, only smiling when Marina curtseyed and glanced up with perfect, practiced grace. It was too bad she couldn’t be named Diamond, but Princess Royal was so much better. A permanent title, instead of something fading.
“Very good.” Charlotte murmured with an approving nod. Her daughter might tread successfully through the Season after all. 
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thetonhq · 2 years
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Due to inactivity please unfollow:
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thetonhq · 2 years
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Welcome to Meme Friday at The Ton! 🧣  Each Friday, we’ll post one or two memes for characters to reblog on their accounts. Reblogging the meme specifies that you are accepting asks from it, and that you’re also sending asks out to others. Feel free to reblog and answer memes until end of day Sunday. After that, save what’s left over in your inbox for the next Meme Friday. Enjoy!
Card Suits
The meaning behind each of the cards in a common deck of cards is not a commonly known thing. Send in a card and a suit for the corresponding headcannon related to each one’s meaning.
♥️ Hearts
Ace - How easy is it for any sort of relationship to develop with your muse? 
Two - How often do things go well for your muse in their relationships? 
Three - How cautious are they with newfound relationships of any kind? How about older ones? 
Four - How often does your muse travel? Where do they typically travel to? 
Five - How would your muse react to learning that someone close to them was jealous of what they had? 
Six - How does your muse handle blossoming feelings for another? 
Seven -   How does your muse react to having promises broken?   
Eight - How often does your muse accept invitations from others? How do they react to unexpected guests? 
Nine - What is the one wish your muse wants to come true more than anything else in the world? 
Ten - How does your muse act when their luck is at its absolute best? 
Jack - How does your muse view their friends, both old and new? 
Queen - Does your muse pay back kindness that is offered to them? If so, then how do they go about doing so? 
King - Does your muse often give out advice? How do they react to being given some?
♣️ Clubs
Ace - How frugal is your muse with their money? 
How often do they run out? 
Two - How does your muse react to being challenged? What about hearing gossip, be it about themself or someone they know? 
Three - How would your muse feel about their partner having more money than them? 
Four - How does your muse react to learning things are being hidden from them by those closest to them? 
Five -  How often does your muse rely upon new friends for support rather than old ones? Do they use this as a method to test how much they can trust them?   
Six -   How does your muse handle success when it comes to financial related matters? 
Seven -   How does your muse react when financial success causes issue with their relationships?   
Eight - How does your muse handle difficulties in multiple aspects of their lives at the same time? 
Nine - Does your muse ignore new opportunities that present themselves in their quest for what they desire, or do they take them? 
Ten - How does your muse react to unexpected things happening to them? 
Jack - How far could the one closest to them go before they decide to stand against them? 
Queen - What is the breaking point for a romantic relationship with your muse? 
King - How much trust does your muse place into those older than themselves?
♠️ Spades
Ace - How does your muse think their life will end? 
Two - How does your muse handle tough decisions in life? 
Three - How faithful is your muse in a relationship? 
Four - What is the worst promise your muse has ever broken? 
Five - Does your muse quit in the face of difficulty, or do they push through whatever obstacles come their way? 
Six - Does your muse take the small victories in life, or do they ignore them in focus of the large ones? 
Seven - How does your muse handle loss? 
Eight - How would your muse handle betrayal? 
Nine - When has your muse’s luck been at its absolute worst? 
Ten - What is the worst piece of news your muse has ever had to deal with? 
Jack - What is the rudest thing your muse has ever done? 
Queen - How would your muse react to losing their significant other? 
King - How far into their darker side would your muse go to achieve their goals?
♦️ Diamonds
Ace - Does your muse actively try to improve themselves, or do they knowingly allow themselves to remain in their same habits? 
Two - What does your muse do if they disapprove of another’s relationship? 
Three - How much legal trouble has your muse been in? What caused it? 
Four - How does your muse treat items left to them by another member of their family? 
Five - Does your muse work towards improving their skills in what they do for a living? Do they manage to maintain a happy home life while doing so? 
Six - How often do previous relationships cause problems for your muses newer ones? 
Seven - How does your muse react to road blocks in their career? 
Eight - Does your muse believe in “love at first sight” or do they believe that it only comes with time? 
Nine - Would your muse ever ditch an employer for another without notice? 
Ten - What does your muse define as being “well off” in life? 
Jack - Does your muse use unreliable methods for “high risk high reward” gains or do they go the safe route with things? 
Queen - How often does your muse find themselves being flirted with? 
King - What does your muse want to achieve before settling down to live the rest of their life doing things?
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thetonhq · 2 years
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The following characters are on activity check:
Activity checks are triggered when we haven’t heard from you in-character for at least 7 days. You’ll have 24 hours to make an in-character post (or two! or three!) before we unfollow. Please note that memes, tasks, and inspo posts will not count toward activity. If you need a hiatus, please send us an ask.  
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thetonhq · 2 years
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Please unfollow the following accounts:
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thetonhq · 2 years
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+ The Second Son with a FC of Theo James for Heather
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thetonhq · 2 years
hello! would anyone potentially want a pre-existing connection with a simone ashley fc?
Our character skeletons actually have some pre-existing connections! You can find those here to check out. If you would like a connection with a specific character, that would be need to be discussed with the writer. I hope that answers your question! DM us if you have anymore questions.
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thetonhq · 2 years
While acceptances are closed, can we still send applications before the 12th?
Yes! Applications can still be sent in. We won’t be doing formal acceptances until after.
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thetonhq · 2 years
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Applications have now been closed as we begin our first event! We will reopen for applications on 12 September 2022. Hope to see you then!  😉
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thetonhq · 2 years
When are the next acceptances?
Our next round of acceptances will be September 12th!
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thetonhq · 2 years
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The throne room looms, sparkling crystal and fresh wisteria decorates the fixtures to perfection. Everything must be perfect for presentations, after all. The official start of the London Season, a quiet statement from the Crown to show its people that all is well and good within Buckingham Palace and beyond. There may be a war waging on the continent, but now was a time to forget such things, and focus on more trivial pursuits.
She’s always late, just by a few minutes. It is fashionable, and really Charlotte knows she can do just as she pleases. The court bends and dances to her desire, not much more. There was just that one thorn in her side…Whistledown. If the author was lurking amongst the debutantes this year, she hoped to make an impression.
The room hushed considerably as she walked in, her usual ladies Kedley and Sewlyn a few paces behind her. There were new Patroness faces this year, but Charlotte had yet to commit their names to memory. The Pomeranians yipped and circled, only settling once Charlotte took her place amongst the padded throne. The court looked so solemn peering back at her, the Queen thought, but Charlotte kept her own placid expression absent mindedly petting one of the eager canines that climbed into her lap. She waved to the doorman to get the presentations underway.
“Please step forward, miss.” He cleared his throat quietly to the closest debutant, opening the scroll to announce them and their titles.
The time has begun for you to make your grand introduction before the Ton! For our players, head over to the events channel in our discord for further instructions.
Every opportunity in this event, regardless of whether it is your first meeting with the Queen or not, is a chance to earn her favor. Do your best, but be aware that certain things are up to chance. Later, you will be partnered to explore Buckingham Palace.
You will need to roll a die for this first part. Then, reply to this post as if it were an open starter, and tell us how your character has prepared, who their chaperone is (if they have one), and their mindset. You may make your post curtseying/bowing before the Queen, but you may not control her. Once the die is rolled, reveal the outcome at the end of your post.  Good luck! 🍀
Here is our masterpost about the gathering →
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thetonhq · 2 years
most wanted male skeletons?
We would love to see The Proxy, The Prince, The Second Son or The Earl!
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thetonhq · 2 years
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∘₊  ♕  ────   ✒    WELCOME    TO     THE TON!
                   ♚  ───── ✒ England,  ─ 1801.
NOW OPEN – The Ton HQ, a Bridgerton inspired RPG You have been cordially invited by HRH Queen Charlotte to partake in the 1801 London Season. A way to make your mark and get noticed in the most upper crust of polite English society. The perfect time to find your match, rise in the ranks, and spread some ear tingling gossip, the ton and Season provide endless delights.
An 18+ tumblr based RPG focused on character development, inclusive events, and more
thetonhq is a plot and character driven oc rp set in 1801, London. During the social season, the people are preparing for a social season that could change their lives. From secrets to lies, reputations could be ruined from just one stroke of Lady Whistledown’s pen. the plot will be driven by our characters and players with consistent plot drops, events, we aim to create a fun and inclusive environment for our players.
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thetonhq · 2 years
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Welcome to Meme Friday at The Ton! 🧣  Each Friday, we’ll post one or two memes for characters to reblog on their accounts. Reblogging the meme specifies that you are accepting asks from it, and that you’re also sending asks out to others. Feel free to reblog and answer memes until end of day Sunday. After that, save what’s left over in your inbox for the next Meme Friday. Enjoy!  
Send me an emoji and I will write a drabble for our characters!  add * for role reversal or send two for both in the same scene!
🤚   - to offer your muse a hand in dance . 
🤕 - to dress your muse’s wound . 
 🎀   - to braid / brush your muse’s hair . 
🗡️ - to point a weapon at your muse .   
👑     - to bow down before your muse . 
☀️   - to kiss your muse’s hand . 
💎 - to try to steal something from your muse . 
🚬 - to light your muse’s cigarette . 
🙄 - for my muse to roll their eyes at yours . 
💐- to gift a bouquet of flowers . 
😴 - to fall asleep on your muse . 
🧥   - to warm your muse by wrapping them in a coat / blanket . 
🌻   - for my muse to suddenly hold your muse’s hand .
❗️   - for my muse to hold your muse’s chin as a way of getting attention .  
🔔   - for my muse to wake yours from a nightmare . 
🎁   - for my muse to cup your muse’s face with their hands . 
⭐️   - for my muse to stargaze with yours . 
💍 - for my muse to tie a piece of jewelry around your muse’s neck or wrist . 
❤️ - for my muse to kiss yours on the forehead . 
👋   - for my muse to tug at your muse’s sleeve for attention . 
🥱 - for my muse to yawn loudly . 
🌸 - to place a flower crown on your muse’s head . 
🦁   - to snarl / growl at your muse .  
🤝   - for my muse to reach out their hand for a handshake . 
💥   - to push your muse aside . 
🖕 - for my muse to flash their middle finger at your muse . 
🌹   - for my muse to blush .  
🌼   - to give your muse a piggyback . 
🌾   - for my muse to catch yours from falling / fainting . 
🟠   - for my muse to pace back and forth . 
🤺   - to challenge your muse to a sparring match . 
 🩹   - to trace your muse’s scars . 
 👁   - to glare at your muse . 
✨ - for your muse to catch mine shirtless . 
🎵   - for my muse to catch yours singing in secret . 
💧 - for my muse to wipe away your muse’s tears . 
🧽   - to wipe / clean blood off your muse . 
😢 - for my muse to be caught crying . 
💪 - for my muse to flex their muscles . 
✊   - for my muse to hit yours . 
😶‍🌫️   - to be caught hiding from something . 
🧍 - to block your muse’s path . 
🌡   - to check your muse’s temperature . 
🚶 - to go on a long walk together . 
⚡   - to take shelter from a storm together . 
👀 - to be caught staring at your muse . 
🧨   - to pin your muse against the wall . 
 ⚔️   - to fight against enemies together . 
🤫 - for my muse to place a finger to their lips, shushing your muse . 
👞   - for my muse to help yours get dressed . 
🤗   - to hug your muse . 
🩸   - to approach your muse soaked in blood . 
🛡️   - for my muse to protect yours from harm . 
☃️ - to build a snowman together .
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thetonhq · 2 years
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Welcome to Meme Friday at The Ton! 🧣  Each Friday, we’ll post one or two memes for characters to reblog on their accounts. Reblogging the meme specifies that you are accepting asks from it, and that you’re also sending asks out to others. Feel free to reblog and answer memes until end of day Sunday. After that, save what’s left over in your inbox for the next Meme Friday. Enjoy!
Let’s play Two Truths and a Lie! Send ‘TTL’ and my muse will tell two real facts about themselves and one lie. Your muse will have to guess which is which! 
Send me two truths and a lie and I / my muse will have to guess which is which!
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thetonhq · 2 years
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+ The Coquette with a FC of Florence Pugh is reserved for Mia
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