thetumblestoftumb · 1 month
Starting college (in my hometown) wish me luck but so far this ain't hard
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thetumblestoftumb · 1 month
You ever realize that like
Hold on this is gonna be depressing I think
‼️‼️‼️Melancholy warning ‼️‼️‼️
You ever realize that like. You're never gonna get the past back. Those feelings of sadness and depression are, for the most part, behind you, and so are those feelings of happiness and anger and all of it is just something you'll live to remember and not to experience. Yes it's nice you're not experiencing some of those feelings anymore but you start to miss them after a while.
You start to miss the false simplicity, the things you didn't understand and now do, the things you wish you could've done better, the happiness, the sadness. Your life is a book series and you're starting to miss the simple plot of book one, the new characters and experiences, all the new new things that have faded into regularity.
I'm going to college soon and I'm realizing that I'm going to miss the hellhole that was high school, the friends and the faces that had faded into regularity, but I'm also going to miss the newness of it all. I'm going to miss the dichotomy between the false simplicity of the regularity life had faded into and the striking novelty of everything that popped up - the clear cut line between old and new that was in plain sight daily has been changed. I'm never going to get back the simplicity, however false. I'm never going to get back the novelty of daily high school life, however regularly muted. Yes, college will be fun and I'll still see my friends and have loads of fun I'm sure, but I can't seem to escape the clinging to the past, clutching the memories of how simple life used to be when I didn't know. When I thought the world was easier to understand than it ever will be.
I miss the times when life seemed simple, no matter how complex it ever actually was.
I feel as though I've lost that, that bliss that came from ignorance.
And yet I remain, happy.
What upsets me is, how?
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thetumblestoftumb · 1 month
I went shopping yesterday and mother of christ I understand
I've always hated it but I went with my gf and it's so much fun
She bought me clothes she liked for me to wear and now I dress well
Obvs I was tired because we were there for 5 hours but it was still the most fun I've had in a while
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thetumblestoftumb · 1 month
I got a girlfriend in the mean time also so har dee har har I suppose
That's mean I'm sorry
You'll find someone who loves you 💯
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thetumblestoftumb · 1 month
I'm back with a snese of humor
It's been like a year I think idk
More random shit to come
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thetumblestoftumb · 6 months
Genuinely thought the Isle of Skye was something you invented for a book/show up until now
My parents and I are on the (southern half of the) Isle of Skye for the next few days. Is there anywhere you suggest we go that we likely wouldn’t know about otherwise (ie hidden or secret gems)?
I live in Ireland and will likely be back here relatively frequently; but they both live in the US, so I would love for them to see as many of the best bits as possible while they’re here.
Thank you so much!
I'd take the bus (or a car) north as well -- see the Quiraing, and the Fairy Glen, visit Dunvegan, wander Portree and eat fish and chips.
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thetumblestoftumb · 7 months
(via garfieldminusgarfield, garfieldminusgarfield)
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thetumblestoftumb · 7 months
You're a heater in a cold, cold universe.
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thetumblestoftumb · 7 months
"The road to x may not be well-traveled but it's right fucking there."
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thetumblestoftumb · 8 months
As a Canadian, you can just fuck right off bud
I hate the snow so much, it's way too cold and it makes everything way too bright, I will the god who decided to create snow
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thetumblestoftumb · 8 months
i think a lot of autistic people speak like in anime because they learned it from anime
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thetumblestoftumb · 8 months
can't believe we even had firefighters back in the day. "hey, we're going to give you four thousand dollars every year, a hatchet and some clothes that should stop you from getting burned and in return you'll save that family from a burning home and remain on-call at nearly every moment. capiche?" well why don't you just shove the hatchet up my ass instead. i'm not fucking doing that
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thetumblestoftumb · 9 months
I still feel that the reason most of it looks like this is because rich ppl like to commit tax evasion, and I can explain exactly how
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abstract and modern art haters are sooo snobby like klein literally Created an entirely new pigment and then painted a canvas in a way where the brush strokes wouldn't be visible. the insinuation that people with no skill could reproduce that is so annoying because unless you are skilled at color mixing and painting you definitely couldn’t lmao
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thetumblestoftumb · 9 months
Neil Gaiman has the opportunity to do the funniest thing
just had a dream that i had a dream where i wrote something along the line of 'Neil Gaiman could just post a video of himself doing a forward roll and it would get notes' which got reblogged by Neil Gaiman with a video of him doing a forward roll. then i woke up (in my dream), immediately went on tumblr and made a post about how i had that dream which once again got reblogged by Neil Gaiman with a video of him doing a forward roll. So now i woke up for real and immediately went on tumblr to post this because i really need to know what the fuck this means.
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thetumblestoftumb · 9 months
i like how the word professional only implies that you do it for money. like it doesnt imply that youre good at it, just that you get money for doing it.
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thetumblestoftumb · 9 months
if we have 26 letters in the english alphabet and 170,000 words in the english language we would only need about 4 letters per word to make every word in the english language. like we could replace every word with 4 letters. do u realize how crazy that is that we only need that much. even if we made every letter have to be different from the previous we would still have enough. matter of fact we could remove 4 letters and still have enough even if every letter had to be different per word. if they didnt we would only need about 21 letters in the alphabet. mf why do we have to be like this.
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thetumblestoftumb · 10 months
so i was thinking about how youre supposed to be nice to people because ive been "gifted" my entire life and I think that this has "gifted" me with some sort of innate superiority complex or something because even when i dont want to i just assume the other person knows less than me. it kinda sucks ngl. anyways do you assume they know nothing or assume they are on par with you????
Like if you assume they know nothing it would get annoying for them to have to confirm they arent a fucking idiot but on the plus side you get to teach them stuff which is always nice. on the other hand if you assume they know everything you get to teach them anyways but it gets annoying because you think theyre at least on par with you so if they lack knowledge they might just get annoyed anyways as will i.
maybe you go middle ground and assume they know some things? maybe you ask if they know stuff but that gets annoying for both of you so idk. im at a loss for words. maybe full neutral and test the waters???? idfk
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