Also yesterday I went to a "Go green expo" and there was a woman selling Wildtree products which is flavored grapeseed oil (olive oil alternative) and most are vegan so I got the smokey bacon flavor(vegan) and fun fact: 
My mom, who hasn't been vegan as long as I, said it did taste like bacon but I couldn't taste it
Plus I talked to some people who raise chickens and I talked to them about wanting my own rescues and such and somehow I got on the subject of nesting with one of the keepers and chickens are so neat
Like okay, from how I understand it, chickens will get "Broody" which means they want to have youngins and then ( this part wasn't 100% clear to me) other hens will pick up on that and start laying eggs all in the same nesting box and once there's enough the broody hen will pluck the feathers off her chest so her skin is directly on the eggs and with that patch of skin she can heat the eggs up or cool them off and once she starts to sit on them they start to incubate. And the guy was explaining to me that some hens, like the one they had there, will literally not eat or drink and just sit on those eggs 24/7 and they literally have to lock her our of the nest for her to actually go get water or eat and then she tries to claw her way back in. He said even after the eggs hatch for the first little bit she'll still sit in there with them and it'll be her and like 5 chicks all peaking out from under her wings and he said it was so cute and chickens are so cute and I can't wait to have chicken friends 
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hello, nice blog :)
Thank you :)
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I admit going out for food and trying to find vegan options is the god damn devil
but cooking vegan food at home is so easy like omfg if you try to tell me it's hard I'll punch you in your esophagus okay
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Friendly reminder to meat-eaters and vegetarians
Meat = murder
Dairy = murder
Eggs = murder
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I really can not fathom how people can be "ex-vegans" 
Just how do you wake up one day and think "Wow it'd be cool to be the cause for animal suffering and enslavement." 
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Thank you for proving my point. 
Also, you are not origional. 
And to quote you, "Your maturity is outstanding"
Honestly, it really…
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YesI'm theoh so ignorant 
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one here
You fucking self righteous moron
Honestly, it really annoys and bothers me when vegetarians/vegans bash other people just because they eat meat. It’s their life choice if they want...
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I want to cry whenever I see fish in bowls smaller than a typical vase, with dirty water and no filter, swimming in a tight circle hour after hour. Fish are sentient beings! Just because they’re not the cuddliest of companions doesn’t mean you can just disregard their well being.
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you're mad because i'm right
You are the reason animals are dying
There are animals dying this very second 
Because of you
Welcome to the wonderful world of facts 
As long as you support meat and dairy you will be the cause of animal suffering. 
Honestly, it really annoys and bothers me when vegetarians/vegans bash other people just because they eat meat. It’s their life choice if they want to eat a cheeseburger or bacon or fried chicken just like its a vegetarian/vegans life choice to eat veggies, fruit or tofu....
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I find it hilarious when people say they can't afford to be vegan 
Because they literally sell everyday (EASY) vegan staples at the Dollarstore. 
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Honestly, It really annoys and bothers me when meat eaters think eating another living being is someone's "life choice" 
You're right though, there is literally hundreds of other things to worry about 
Like all the animals standing in line at slaughter houses because of you
Honestly, it really annoys and bothers me when vegetarians/vegans bash other people just because they eat meat. It’s their life choice if they want to eat a cheeseburger or bacon or fried chicken just like its a vegetarian/vegans life choice to eat veggies, fruit or tofu. If it doesn’t effect you directly (like a person forcing you to eat meat by gun point or inviting you over for dinner without having an alternative meal for your dietary wants and needs) leave it alone. And the same goes for people who eat meat and bash vegetarians/vegans. There’s literally hundreds of other things to worry and be concerned about besides a persons diet.
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(5) Tumblr en We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/76016616/via/Ourobouros
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if you’re an ethical vegan, i automatically like you.
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I love hunting accidents
go vegan!
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Lol made my day.
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