theveneratedwolf · 1 year
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requested by: anonymous request: reasons/excuses to hug a loved one
Feel free to use and reblog!
"Are you cold? You look like you're freezing."
"You're my little oven."
hugs as greetings
"I missed you."
running into the other's open arms
to calm the other down
"Shh, it's alright. I'm here."
because they need to be calmed down and hugs reduce their anxiety
hugging the other from behind to see what they're doing
as a disguise to tickle them
to whisper/speak in a soft voice to them
*arm around their waist & voice a low whisper* "I have something to tell you."
to study them from up-close
"Do you know that your eyes actually have three different colours?" "You're very close."
because they can't contain their happiness
*indistinguishable squeaky noises from A* B: *barely breathing* "You're crushing me!"
because they just can't help themself
"[Name], I'm eating!" "I know. But you're so soft and huggable!"
*enthusiastically* "I need a hug!"
*sniffling/sobbing* "I need a hug."
because they can't bear the thought of the other being somewhere else than in their arms
"I won't let you go. Ever."
to reassure the other
"I'm not going anywhere."
to convince themself of the other's presence
to feel them
to reconcile
to reach out to the other without words
to recharge positive energy
because physical touch is their love language
because physical touch is the other's love language and they deserve all the love
because they don't know what to say so they resort to hugging
because they see each other so rarely
"No, don't let go yet. Can you hold me a little longer?"
to hear the other's heartbeat
to avoid looking in the other's eyes
because they need them closer
"Mhm. You smell so nice."
because it makes everything more bearable
"You're the best hugger." "That's just the greatest compliment." *hugs them even tighter*
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theveneratedwolf · 2 years
What is the kinkiest thing your muse wants mine to do to them? Bonus points if you’re as descriptive as possible and can make them blush!
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theveneratedwolf · 2 years
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theveneratedwolf · 2 years
Varian grunted at the abrupt change of scenery, but the distraction was immediately soothed as Jaina pressed herself against him again, kissing and touching. Both of his hands grasped her bottom now as he slowly walked them to the nearest wall. Once Jaina was safely pinned against it, Varian wasted no time in resuming the rocking of his hips, grinding himself against her. Breathing heavily, he trailed kisses over her jaw before dragging them down the delectable side of her throat. Varian went to flick her long braid out of the way, then paused, having a better idea.
Against her protests, Varian gently settled her down so she was standing firmly on the floor again. With gentle hands, he untied the binding and began to carefully unbraid her hair. Slowly, lock by lock, he unwound the tight weave until her hair flowed in gentle waves down her back. The more intense crimping was eased out by his fingers as he ran them through it, loving the feel of it.
While Jaina was stunning as a whole, her long hair had always been beautiful. Varian had genuinely mourned the change in its color after Theramore, one of the many things he had mourned, but as she had recovered her vitality, he began to love the changes. Her hair flashed with iridescent colors in the warm sunlight, and shimmered like starlight in the darkness of night.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked as he brushed his thumb over her bottom lip, “Not moving too fast?”
Suggestive under the cut
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theveneratedwolf · 2 years
Tagged by @lady-proudmoore
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theveneratedwolf · 2 years
Suggestive under the cut
“I’m eager to have you more than at my side.”
Varian suddenly felt light-headed, not only from the bliss he felt from her words but also due to a large portion of blood rushing southward. The nibbles on his lip urged him to kiss her again, his tongue slipping between her lips to taste her sweetness. A far deeper, primal growl rumbled through his chest as he pressed her back against one of the taller wooden posts of the palisade. 
Feeling bold, Varian let the arm he had around her waist drift downward until his hand grasped her bottom. He gave it a gentle squeeze while simultaneously rocking his hips against hers with one firm stroke.
The sun had just set on Boralus, and stars were starting to twinkle in the darkening vastness of the sky above. The air was cold, as it always seemed to be in Kul Tiras, making Varian turn the collar of his coat up to keep the chill from nipping at his neck and ears. The smell of loam and herbs reached his nose as he entered the gardens surrounding Proudmoore keep. Grimacing, he skirted the hedge maze as laughter and other noises rose from within it.
Turning down another small path, Varian found himself in a quiet part of the gardens. With nothing but the waves and his footfalls for sound, he made his way along the lamp lit cobblestone street, eyes roaming the darkness for that which he sought.
Finally, A flash of white caught his gaze, and Varian smiled. There, leaning against one of the stone walls overlooking the countryside, was Jaina Proudmoore. Stopping, he watched her for a moment, his breathing clouding in cold night air. She wasn’t armored as she had been in Torghast, a startling sight at the time. Now she wore a loose, comfortable tunic and a long dark skirt and cloak. Her hair was still tightly bound in the braid that loops around over one shoulder, but it shimmered in the rising moonlight.
He’d been told she’d been through hell after what had transpired on the Broken Shores. Varian had listened to some of the torment the Jailer had put her through while imprisoned in Torghast. In his opinion, she’d been through multiple hells. More than he realized he knew, and yet she’d come through it all stronger and more powerful than he ever imagined she could be.
Stepping forward, Varian made sure his steps made enough noise so Jaina knew he was coming. He watched as she caught the sound of his footfalls before she turned to look at him. Her movement stopped him in his tracks once more. The delicate sway of her hips, the raise of a shoulder, and the tilt of her head held him transfixed.
Varian had to physically remind himself to breathe before he was finally able to ask, “May I join you?”
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theveneratedwolf · 2 years
Would you say your character is bashful about intimate conversations, or are they the blunt one that makes everyone else uncomfortable?
Varian wouldn't be necessarily bashful, but he would certainly be mindful. If someone like (Young) Anduin were in the room, other vocabulary would be used to make sure anything lewd would fly over his head.
Adult Anduin or someone like Tandred? He would totally go just far enough to mess with them if the subject matter was Jaina/he was talking to Jaina. Otherwise, I would call Varian a very private individual when it comes to intimate conversation or other such activities. Would be reserved exclusively for the person it was directed towards.
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theveneratedwolf · 2 years
Varian found himself both surprised and delighted at her kiss. He’d been prepared to make the first move himself had her response to his declaration been favorable. Yet Jaina had beaten him to it!
It was light and gentle and full of the love blooming between them. Their entwined fingers were glorious, but not enough, nor was the gentle press of her lips against his. It was all that he had hoped for, and yet deeply lacking because he desperately wanted more. 
Gently, Varian slipped his hands out of hers, then encircled her waist with his right arm. His left came up to bury its fingers in her hair at the base of her skull. Leaning down, he made sure she was no longer straining to reach him before pulling her tightly against him and deepening the kiss. His tongue grazed her lips before gently pressing against them. Once more he found himself surprised when he met no resistance, allowing him to easily slip his tongue inside to find hers.
She tasted like stone fruit and honey, and he growled deeply, silently promising there would be more love and cherishing to come.
“He can’t hear you all the way up here darling,” Katherine grinned as she held her hand out to her right. “Pay up.” 
Anduin rolled his eyes as he dug into his belt pouch for a few coins before handing them to her, “How did you know?” The three of them were sitting up on the ramparts along Boralus Keep, watching the couple down below with binoculars.
“I’m her mother, it’s my superpower,” Katherine chuckled as she pocketed the coins and looked through her binoculars again. “Double or nothing she teleports them off to make me another grandchild?” She shook her head a little as Tandred made a gagging noise.
“Another?” Anduin pulled away his own set of binoculars to raise a brow at her.
“You were my first, silly boy,” Katherine gave him a playful nudge with her hip. “No offense, but you came fully grown and I was robbed of the cuddly toe-eating stages that I love so much.”
“I see,” Anduin said as he looked through his binoculars again. “And I’ll take that bet.”
“Mmm, daring young man,” Katherine smirked as she too looked through her binoculars again and waited to see what the couple's next move would be.
The sun had just set on Boralus, and stars were starting to twinkle in the darkening vastness of the sky above. The air was cold, as it always seemed to be in Kul Tiras, making Varian turn the collar of his coat up to keep the chill from nipping at his neck and ears. The smell of loam and herbs reached his nose as he entered the gardens surrounding Proudmoore keep. Grimacing, he skirted the hedge maze as laughter and other noises rose from within it.
Turning down another small path, Varian found himself in a quiet part of the gardens. With nothing but the waves and his footfalls for sound, he made his way along the lamp lit cobblestone street, eyes roaming the darkness for that which he sought.
Finally, A flash of white caught his gaze, and Varian smiled. There, leaning against one of the stone walls overlooking the countryside, was Jaina Proudmoore. Stopping, he watched her for a moment, his breathing clouding in cold night air. She wasn’t armored as she had been in Torghast, a startling sight at the time. Now she wore a loose, comfortable tunic and a long dark skirt and cloak. Her hair was still tightly bound in the braid that loops around over one shoulder, but it shimmered in the rising moonlight.
He’d been told she’d been through hell after what had transpired on the Broken Shores. Varian had listened to some of the torment the Jailer had put her through while imprisoned in Torghast. In his opinion, she’d been through multiple hells. More than he realized he knew, and yet she’d come through it all stronger and more powerful than he ever imagined she could be.
Stepping forward, Varian made sure his steps made enough noise so Jaina knew he was coming. He watched as she caught the sound of his footfalls before she turned to look at him. Her movement stopped him in his tracks once more. The delicate sway of her hips, the raise of a shoulder, and the tilt of her head held him transfixed.
Varian had to physically remind himself to breathe before he was finally able to ask, “May I join you?”
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theveneratedwolf · 2 years
How did they first meet?
What was their first impression of each other?
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
What was their first kiss like?
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Do they share a friend group?
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Who gets jealous easier?
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Who said “I love you” first?
What are their primary love languages?
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Who initiates kisses?
Who’s the big and little spoon?
What are their favorite things to do together?
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Who’s more protective?
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Who remembers the little things?
If they get married, who proposes?
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Do they have any pets?
Who’s the stricter parent?
Who worries the most?
Who kills the bugs in the house?
How do they celebrate holidays?
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Who’s the better cook?
Who likes to dance?
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theveneratedwolf · 3 years
Taking a bath together :3
Note: This is very long. So long in fact that the rest of it will be posted to Ao3 later. It'll also be full-blown NSFW. This one is toeing the line, but still pretty good.
The late afternoon sun was bright and uncomfortably warm in the draenic town nestled safely within the mountains of Talador. Draenor’s equivalent to the cicada gleefully sang their buzzing tunes to the patrons and tourists as they milled about, setting up for a festival that would be starting later in the evening. A sweet yet pungent aroma clung to the air, a pleasant scent to most who went about their summer afternoon.
All it seemed to be doing for Jaina was making her headache worse.
“Only one?” she asked, staring painfully at him.
“Only one,” Varian answered with a slow nod, a hint of annoyance tinged his voice. “The festival has every other place booked solid.”
“Yes, but only one bed?” Jaina emphasized.
“They said it was the biggest suite they had. I’m sure it has a sofa or something else I can sleep on,” Varian said as he rubbed the back of his sore head. “She said it had its own private bath as well.”
“If it’s what we have, we’ll make it work,” Jaina sighed and turned unsteadily in the direction of the lifts. Varian hurried to her side to make sure she didn’t fall.
Earlier in the day, both of them had been with a troop of soldiers scouting what appeared to be an empty ogre warren for hidden Iron Horde encampments in Talador. They’d found them, and done a decent job of clearing it out before one quick orc had detonated a charge in the ceiling of the main cavern.
Jaina had used every bit of magic she had to protect them from the cave-in, and the subsequent collapse of the floor beneath them. Unfortunately, only she and Varian had survived the fall through the deeper part of the caverns.
It had taken them the better part of a day before they found their way out. Even with Jaina’s protection, both had been injured in the fall. Varian had broken a few of his ribs and sprained his left knee, making walking difficult. Jaina had suffered a head injury, concussion, and a dislocated right shoulder. The concussion and spending most of her resources protecting them from the fall had made her unable to teleport out of the tunnels.
The Light had been kind to them once they’d made it above ground. A paved road was only a twenty-minute walk from the crack in the ground they’d pulled themselves out of. Even better had been the caravan of Draenei that had seen them limping towards them and stopped to wait.
A healer traveling with the caravan, though lacking in the skills and power to fully heal them, had been able to mend Varian’s knee, fuse the cracks in his ribs, and partially heal Jaina’s head wound. One of the burly caravan guards had efficiently popped her shoulder back into place. She still had the concussion but was far better off than she was before.
The caravan finished its route at a large town hidden within the western mountain ranges of Talador. The war hadn’t yet reached this part of Draenor, and the residents were about to start some type of festival. Due to the activity, all lodging within the town was booked save for the one Varian managed to snatch up at the final hotel they’d found.
Now they limped over to the lifts to get to their room.
“I wonder what type of festival they’re having,” Jaina mused tiredly as they stepped onto the lift.
“Whatever it is, it seems popular,” Varian acknowledged as he studied the panel on the interior of the lift. He pressed the proper button that brought them to the second floor. “Seems odd that what they claim to be their biggest, nicest room, is only on the second floor.”
Jaina shrugged as she swayed a little on her feet. “The size and expense of a room being higher up in a building is an Azerothian concept. It could be the reverse here. Or something completely different altogether.”
“True,” he conceded as he reached out a hand to keep her steady as the lift traveled upward. When it halted and the doors opened, they were treated to clean, dark-colored hardwood floors leading down a hallway painted in warm creams and blue accents. They passed several doors as they looked for theirs, the hallway curving to the left as they walked. At the end lay a set of double doors with the script above it in the local Draenic dialect.
“Looks like this is the one,” Varian said as he matched the writing stenciled on the crystal key to part of the writing on the door. “I wonder what the rest of it says?”
Jaina waved her hand towards the writing and her eyes glowed. After a moment she gasped, her cheeks going pink.
“What?” Varian asked, “What does it say?”
Clearing her throat, she answered, “The best translation would be...um… honeymoon suite.”
“Oh,” Varian felt his cheeks warm at the answer. “Do you want me to check out another hotel?”
Jaina grimaced and held her head, as if casting the spell had caused her more pain, “We’ve already tried two others, they were full.” She reached out and weakly tugged the key from his hand. “The likelihood of you finding another with anything open is probably zero.” She tapped the crystal against the sensor pad on the door. There was an audible click, and she opened it without resistance.
Stepping inside, the two studied the suite with apprehension.
“No sofa,” Jaina observed. The room indeed had nothing to sit on save for the two modest chairs tucked into an equally modest table near the door.
The room was carpeted in warm burgundy and painted in dark cream. The majority of the space was taken up by the biggest bed either of them had ever seen. Even taking the draenei's much larger stature into account, four of their biggest men could fit on the bed without touching. Windows flanked both sides of the bed, their curtains drawn and panes open to allow the fresh air to circulate through the room.
“At least there’s elbow room,” Jaina said as she stumbled over to the sliding door of the closet, already half ajar, and dropped what remained of her things inside it. They hit the floor with a dusty thud. She stretched, then swayed as she held her head with a painful moan.
“You should see another healer,” Varian rumbled as he made sure she didn’t fall again.
“All I want is a bath and sleep,” Jaina gritted her teeth, her brow furrowed in pain from her lingering head wound. “You said this room had private bathing chambers, right?”
“Yes, the concierge said it was part of the room's special features,” Varian rolled his eyes at the memory of the Draenei woman going on and on about how unique the room's bathroom was.
Jaina grunted as she peered around before spying the only other door in the room. Varian sighed as he dropped his pack in the closet while Jaina toddled over to the bathroom. He was halfway through unbuckling the straps of his pauldrons when he heard his friend swear loudly in surprise.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as he tried to look over his shoulder, but only succeeded in bashing himself in the face with the cockeyed edge of his pauldron.
“You… need to see this,” was Jaina’s only answer.
Grumbling, Varian struggled out of the straps of his armor, placing them on the table before limping over to the bathroom door.
The sight made his jaw drop.
“It’s a hot spring?!” he gaped.
The bathroom was HUGE. Easily three times the size of the adjoining bedroom. The room itself had been carved into the side of the mountain. Water streamed out of a natural crack in the wall to fall into the massive hot pool in the center of the floor. Steam rose alluringly from the pool of greenish-blue water.
To the far left was a washing area similar to the ones Varian had seen in Pandaria. The floor was paved in grey stone that complimented the natural rock hues, and a luxurious set of showerheads were set into the stone wall high above.
To their immediate left on the wall closest to them was a set of benches and shelves. Towels and robes were folded and hung here, as well as an assortment of bottles that were probably soap.
All of that though, was not what had caused Jaina’s bout of swearing. The subject of that reaction came from the far right wall of the room. Across its entirety was a very large, very detailed mural of a draenic orgy.
“Oh for the love of… ” Varian sputtered, “why…?”
Jaina seemed to find his reaction funny, “Well, it is the honeymoon suite,” she giggled softly.
“I doubt the people who normally stay here need that kind of encouragement!” Varian balked, his tone only making Jaina laugh harder. She groaned and clutched the door jam with one hand while the other held her head.
“You should get some rest first,” he said as he kept her from falling.
“Ughh… no, I’m filthy. There is no way I’m getting into a nice clean bed after stomping around in a cave full of mud and orc sewage,” Jaina groused.
Varian kept his chuckle to himself, but inwardly he realized how uncomfortable she was. Unlike many women, Jaina was not the type to scoff at getting dirty, especially during battle situations. The fact she was making such a fuss about it now meant she was feeling rotten enough that a simple bath would make her feel better.
“You are far too unsteady on your feet to be alone in here,” he observed.
“And what do you recommend?” Jaina asked, her eyes holding a bit of mischief, “Supervision?”
“Wh...I...n...uh…,” Varian stuttered as he flushed.
Jaina continued to find the situation funny, giggling before saying, “You have a point, turning too quickly still has my world spinning and often seeing stars. Tell you what, why don’t you go clean up first, then go lounge in the hot pool. I’ll come shower after that, with you facing away of course. Then you’re near if I fall down.”
Varian worked his jaw for a moment, mulling over the idea. He had also traipsed around in the same filth, so a bath was high on his priority list as well.
He just… wouldn’t look.
“Fine,” he grunted as he marched into the bathroom. He whirled and flushed again when he heard Jaina following him. Giggling, she made a gesture that she was kidding before turning and leaving the bathroom. She left the door ajar just enough to hear him when he was done.
“She sure is giggly for some reason,” Varian muttered to himself as he undressed. Although to give her some leeway, her behavior may have been due to her concussion, or her way of coping with constant head pain. Varian had suffered a few concussions in his time and knew they also came with uncontrollable fatigue, nausea, and confusion.
Varian took his time inspecting the bottles of available bathing products. Scent quickly eliminated most options until he found something that didn’t make him smell like candy or a flower garden. Grabbing a soft cloth and ignoring the poofy bath sponges and loofahs, Varian strolled over to the shower and turned the water on.
A deep groan of pleasure came without warning as hot water rained from the showerheads above. Adjusting the cold water brought it exactly to his preferred temperature, and Varian found himself zoning out as the hot water eased the tension in his head and body.
He grimaced when he saw the color of the water running off of him, then began to wash vigorously to get the rest of the dirt and grime from his body.
A little while later, his skin tingly from scrubbing, Varian shut off the water and walked to the huge hot pool that took up most of the room. Squatting, he dipped his hand in the water to test the temperature. It was wonderfully hot, but not overwhelming. He found the steps with a glance around the edge, and within moments Varian was lounging in hot water up to his collarbone, perched on a convenient shelf that ran around the inner wall of the pool.
“Your turn!” He called loudly.
The door opened a moment later and Jaina stepped inside. She waited politely until Varian adjusted his position in the pool to make sure he faced completely away from the dressing and bathing area. Teasing aside, they both respected each other’s privacy. It wasn’t that either of them was body shy. There had been various occasions where their armor and clothes had been damaged or destroyed to the point of showing off a little extra skin while fighting.
Varian heard the water hiss on, followed immediately by an uncomfortable grunt from his friend.
“All right?” He asked.
“Water hurts my head,” she answered simply.
“Mmm,” Varian frowned as he made a sympathetic noise. He hadn’t considered the soft impact of water would aggravate her concussion. A smile replaced the frown as her uncomfortable grunt slowly morphed into more pleasant tones as the hot spring’s water worked its magic on the rest of her aches and pains.
“How long until you’re well enough to teleport us back to Fort Wrynn?” Varian asked after a while. He’d listened quietly as she’d worked soap through her hair and fought to get out the mud and other debris that was stuck within the snow-colored locks.
“I am hoping I’ll be recovered enough by tomorrow to at least be able to create a portal back,” Jaina answered as she continued to wash.
“Do not push yourself,” Varian said. “This place seems far enough from the battlefield. As long as we lay low we shouldn’t attract any unwanted attention.”
“Attention from the likes of the Horde, or the attention of anyone who would love to find King Wrynn and Grand Magus Proudmoore sharing a hotel room?” Jaina asked cheekily.
Varian rolled his eyes but couldn’t stop a bit of a smirk from forming on his lips, “Yes.”
Jaina’s chuckle echoed softly off the stone walls of the bathroom. After a while, the shower turned off, “I am finished.”
Slipping off the shelf he was sitting on, Varian waded through the deeper parts of the hot pool until he reached the opposite side. Back still turned towards her, Varian focused on the floor instead of the wild scene of fornication scrawled on the wall in front of him while his friend entered the pool.
“You can turn around now,” Jaina’s voice floated over.
What..? The king felt his thoughts grind to a halt. Turn around? Look? But she was naked!
Well… he couldn’t just keep staring at the floor, could he? And the wall ahead of him was worse.
Peering carefully over his right shoulder, Varian found Jaina lounging in the hot pool near where he’d originally been sitting, water coming up to her neck. She’d had the forethought to bring a towel with her, which was rolled up and placed on the floor at the edge of the pool. Her head was tilted back and resting on it like a pillow, eyes closed in relaxation.
“This feels amazing,” she murmured.
Varian grunted in agreement as he allowed himself to relax as well. His attention had been on high alert while she’d been showering and moving over the wet and slippery floor with her head injury. “How are you feeling? Your head I mean.”
“Still hurts, a little better than before,” Jaina answered softly, likely trying to keep her headache from getting worse. “Still unsteady, and I think my stomach would very much like to throw up even though it is empty.”
“May be due in part to its complaining,” Varian pointed out. “I’ll see about getting some food ordered when we’re finished here.” An affirmative noise from his companion was the only answer he received. Smirking, Varian relaxed against the side of the pool, letting his head tilt back to rest against the stone floor. Even without the towel, he found the position extremely comfortable and let his eyes fall closed.
While he never would’ve admitted it out loud, Varian still ached terribly from the injuries he’d sustained in the caverns. The healing he received with the caravan had been mediocre at best. While the bones in his ribs had been fused to stop further damage, they were still bruised, and the surrounding area was swollen and tender. His knee was only a little better.
For how awful he felt, he could only imagine how much worse Jaina was. She had only complained of the dislocated shoulder and the obvious head wound. Knowing her, she was hiding other injuries to keep him from worrying.
I’ll see if I can find another healer after this, Varian decided as he continued to lounge in the pool. The hot water was doing wonders for the moment, and he was loath to rise for anything other than an emergency or if Jaina needed help.
Thinking of her again made him pick his head up to check on her. She hadn’t moved from her spot, head tilted back on her towel. Her breathing pattern said she was still awake, but very relaxed.
Then he noticed something floating directly in front of her. Two somethings. Squinting, Varian studied the shapes bobbing just below the surface of the water before he felt his face heat up.
Oh, he immediately dropped his head back on the edge of the pool to stop looking. In his haste, he misjudged the distance and his head landed hard on the floor with a loud thud, and he grunted in pain.
“You okay?” Jaina asked, completely unaware of what he’d seen.
“Slipped a little,” he lied.
“Have care, Varian,” Jaina murmured, “I don’t think I’m in any condition to save you from drowning.”
“So noted,” Varian lightly rubbed the back of his head before leaning back again. The gentle trickling sound of the water pouring from the rock wall was soothing, as was a light hum he heard from somewhere deeper. Likely a filter or circulation system set up to keep the water clean and avoid any overflowing within the pool. It was far more luxurious than Varian allowed himself to indulge in. The hot water was the same temperature the entire time, a novelty when he was used to a traditional bath in a tub that would cool off over time.
They both lounged there for quite a while before Varian startled himself awake.
“All right?” Jaina asked again.
“Fell asleep,” he answered, this time truthfully. He rubbed his face with his hands to rouse himself further. It wouldn’t do either of them any good to fall asleep in the water. “Getting out,” Varian said as he moved to the steps. Jaina politely raised one arm and laid it over her eyes, blocking her vision completely.
Towel wrapped securely around his waist, Varian turned back to the pool, “Staying longer?”
“I wish I could, but I too am going to fall asleep if I remain,” Jaina lamented softly. Fortunately, she had positioned herself closer to the steps and only had to slide herself over the shelf a little way before she needed to stand. A groan passed her lips as she tried.
“Need help?” Varian asked.
“Probably wise,” she answered.
“Give me a minute,” Varian said as he grabbed another towel and a soft robe. Gaze averted, he knelt at the edge of the stairs and held out his arm for her. A shiver went up his spine at her touch, but he focused on adjusting his balance as she leaned on him for support. With his eyes tightly closed, he stood as she unsteadily stepped from the pool. He felt the towel slide off his other arm and heard the shifting of fabric as she wrapped herself in it.
“I’m decent,” she told him.
Varian peeked one eye open and found she was indeed completely wrapped in her towel. There was a pained expression on her face, along with a weariness he knew she wouldn’t be able to fight much longer. Once they were dry and she was safely away from wet floors, Varian would look into getting another healer for her.
Turning away, he snagged another towel and vigorously rubbed it over his wet hair. When it was no longer dripping, Varian picked up another robe and slipped it on, removing the towel around his waist once he was sufficiently covered.
Leaving the bathroom door open, Varian went back into the bedroom and looked around for a way to contact the front desk. He found a small panel next to the door that seemed to be a summoning tool and pressed the main gem at its base. A chime tinkled through the air before the voice of the woman at the front desk, “Yes, how can I help you?”
“Would it be possible to send a healer up to our room? My friend was injured earlier today and I would like to have her examined.”
“I‘ll have one sent up as soon as possible. Is there anything else I can get you?”
“Is room service available? We would also like a meal,” Varian said.
“I’m so very sorry, but our kitchen is currently in the middle of preparing for the main part of the festival tonight,” the woman said apologetically. “However, the vendors are already set up. I can assure you they will have anything you may wish to have.”
“Thank you, we’ll look into it,” Varian said.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“No, that’s all, thanks,” Varian answered.
“Please let us know if you need anything else,” the woman said before the line of communication cut off.
Heaving a sigh, Varian turned to check on Jaina. She had emerged from the bathing room also adorned in a soft robe, trying to dry her hair. From the pained expression on her face, she was having a hard time turning her head to keep the towel in a useful position.
“Let me,” Varian said gently as he pulled out a chair from the little table and motioned for her to sit. She did so without complaint as he took the towel. “I have a healer on the way,” he said as he carefully tucked her long hair in the towel and squeezed it to pull out excess water. After that, he laid the fabric over the top of her head and softly massaged it with his fingers. She shied away from a few areas he touched, and he paid careful attention to avoid them as he continued to dry the top of her head. Once he was through, he gathered her hair up in the towel and tucked it in a u- shape around her neck. “Hope that helped,” he said as he gently squeezed her right shoulder with his hand.
“Thank you,” Jaina murmured, reaching up to place her hand over his. “I’m grateful for your help.”
Knowing turning her head would hurt, Varian stepped around so he stood in front of her and knelt so he could look her in the eyes, “Hey, if it weren’t for you I’d be dead and lost in that cavern. You saved my life Jaina. The least I can do is help you dry your hair.”
Jaina chuckled softly, eyes half-lidded as she reached out and brushed part of his damp bangs away from his face, “You helped get us out of that maze of tunnels. And besides, even if I hadn’t been there, you’re stubborn and resilient. You would have made it anyways.”
“I think you are greatly overestimating my powers of survival,” Varian chuckled, ignoring the feeling of his cheeks warming at her touch.
A knock at the door ended the quiet moment, and Varian rose to answer it. A tall male Draenei stood in the doorway with a pleasant smile on his face.
“Hello, my name is Vel'anos. You have requested a healer?” He asked with a kind smile.
“Yes, please. We were caught in a cavern collapse earlier today,” Varian said as he stepped aside to allow the healer entry. “The healer who helped us on our way into town was only able to partially heal Jaina’s injuries.”
“You both appear to take such events well,” Vel’anos said as he knelt in front of the chair Jaina was sitting in.
“Jaina is one the most powerful mages alive on Azeroth,” Varian allowed a little pride to slip into his voice. “Her skills kept us alive.”
“A feat indeed then,” Vel’anos said as he regarded Jaina, “Can you tell me where the worst of your pain is?”
“My head,” she answered.
“She had a nasty head wound, “ Varian clarified.
“Perhaps a full examination is in order,” Vel’anos suggested. “May I?”
“Yes,” was the whispered reply.
Vel’anos stood and raised his hands over Jaina. A warm golden glow grew around them, then extended down to envelop the mage. After a few quiet moments, Vel’anos spoke, “Your wife has severe bruising to her skull and subsequent concussion, along with that are several cracked and bruised ribs, muscle damage and bruising to her right shoulder, a minor rupture in her liver, and more bruising throughout the rest of her body.”
Varian sputtered a little at the healer referring to Jaina as his wife, but loathed to interrupt him in the middle of healing. Instead, he held his tongue and watched as Vel’anos quickly and efficiently healed his friend. When he finished, the pained expression Jaina wore was gone. She stretched in her seat, making an amused face as several joints popped loudly.
Vel’anos chuckled, “Better?”
“Much, thank you,” Jaina smiled up at the tall Draenei.
“You’ve severely depleted your mana,” Vel’anos said, “On top of that, many of the magic channels in your body are strained and burnt. I’ve done what healing I can for them, but they need time to relax and strengthen again. I suggest a minimum of two days with absolutely no spell casting unless you want to risk further damage.”
Jaina looked to Varian and raised a delicate brow, silently asking if it would be okay to remain away that long.
Varian raised a hand, “However long it takes for her to recover properly is fine. If it comes to it, we can find another mage who can portal us close to Fort Wrynn.”
Jaina nodded before returning her gaze to the healer, “Will you examine Varian too please?”
“I’m fine,” the king rumbled deeply, “Do not waste your energy on me.”
“I am well rested,” Vel’anos assured him, “And no one should be feeling ill or uncomfortable during the festival. Come, let’s have a look.”
Varian sighed and rolled his eyes, but nodded at the Draenei. Much as with Jaina, Vel’anos cast a golden glow over him, diagnostic healing spells searching for injuries or any other unusual problems.
“Mm, you appeared to have faired a bit better,” Vel’anos observed. “You still have a few cracked ribs, several sprains, and bruising throughout your body.” The healing glow intensified and Varian began to feel the aches and pains fade away. When Vel’anos finished, his pain was gone.
“Thank you,” Varian said.
“My pleasure. Everyone should be in top form for the festival,” Vel’anos chuckled.
“What sort of festival is it anyway?” Jaina asked as she rose from her seat.
“Oh, you were not informed?” Vel’anos raised a brow. “I suppose the hotel staff is quite busy. Due to the… unfortunate circumstances with the orcs, we have decided to celebrate our fertility festival about fifty years earlier than is tradition.”
Varian felt his face heat up as he echoed, “Oh.”
“Early?” Jaina asked, her cheeks also obtaining a dusty pink color even as her curiosity pushed onward.
“Yes, we Draenei are… long lived, therefore we naturally have a lower fertility rate to avoid overpopulation. Usually once a century we have a fertility festival to help families who desire growth but have not been successful on their own.” Vel’anos gestured towards the windows, “I’m sure you’ve noticed a subtle scent in the air. These are special incense we burn during the three days of the festival. They are airborne aphrodisiacs. In a light quantity, it helps everyone to relax. Have you felt a little… giggly or extra observant about certain things since you arrived?”
Varian’s face was burning and he coughed, “Perhaps.”
“This is normal. A heavier quantity will be burned once night falls to further the enjoyment,” Vel’anos smiled. “Any more questions?”
“No,” Jaina answered simply.
“I will take my leave then,” Vel’anos said as he headed for the door. “I will be in the healer’s pavilion tomorrow morning if you need anything.”
“Uh... thanks,” Varian said dumbly as he let the healer out. The click of the door closing thundered in the room as the two of them were left alone together. He turned back to Jaina and they stared at one another in silence for what felt like an eternity. Then her stomach growled loudly and she snorted a laugh, turning away.
Varian found himself chuckling, “Food was next on my list, but there’s a problem.”
“What’s that?” Jaina asked as she walked over to the closet and began to dig through her packs.
“The woman down at the front desk said the kitchen staff is preoccupied with making food for the evening part of the festival,” he explained. “There are plenty of vendors and stalls open down on the festival grounds, we just have to make it down there.”
“In our bathrobes?” Jaina asked.
“No….” Varian muttered, then paused. The only clothing either of them had were the filthy ones they had been wearing when they arrived in town. The thought of putting them back on made his nose wrinkle instinctively. “What are you looking for?”
“These,” Jaina said as she stood and closed the closet. In her hand were two small vials holding an incredibly deep and vivid blue liquid in them.
Mana potions.
“Jaina…” Varian warned as she popped the cork on one and downed it in two swallows.
She made a face when she finished and gave a ragged cough, “Why do these always taste like mint and rancid blueberries?”
“The healer told you not to spell cast,” Varian reminded.
Jaina raised a brow, “As I said, do you want to go out in your bathrobe, looking like yourself?”
“Not particularly, and what do you mean as myself?” Varian asked.
“I can transfigure our bathrobes into the robes I’ve seen most of the other Draenei and tourists wearing so we can blend in a little more,” Jaina said as she touched the hem of her sleeve. “On top of that, I can cloak us both in a light glamor to alter our appearances slightly, so no one will recognize us while we’re out and about.”
“That all sounds wonderful, but it still tells me you’re going to be spellcasting when you shouldn’t be,” Varian folded his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes at her.
“Can you think of a better option?”
Varian frowned at her question. He had been considering requesting clothes from the hotel itself. It seemed well equipped to offer such services. But even with the supplies on hand, they would have to wait an unknown amount of time for clothing to be altered to fit them. In addition, even if they were equipped to handle the request, there was no guarantee that a tailor would be available. They too could be just as busy as the kitchen staff. He gave Jaina a glower as he said, “Fine, but if it hurts too much, stop and we’ll figure something out. I’m sure a runner could be tracked down to fetch food if I offer enough payment.”
“Fair,” Jaina said as she pulled out the cork on the second vial and downed it as fast as she could. One disgusted noise later, she beckoned Varian closer so she could cast her spells. She took a deep breath, then began casting her spell in a whispered voice.
Varian felt a tingling sensation tickle around his body as the robe he wore, along with Jaina’s, began to glow. He felt the fabric shift and pull as it rearranged itself, and a touch similar to when he walked through a spiderweb brushed over his face. It settled a few seconds later, and the glow from their clothes faded away. In place of their bathrobes, they now were an impressive facsimile of the loungewear they’d seen the draenei wearing throughout the town while they had been searching for a suitable hotel.
Jaina made a pained noise and shuddered, her knees buckling beneath her.
“Jaina?” Varian caught her and lowered her to the floor as she buried her face in his chest. “I told you not to do it if it caused you pain!”
“Only hurt...nghh...after I stopped,” she said through gritted teeth.
“Do you need me to get Vel’anos?”
“No,” she said, breathing deeply, “I just need a minute, it’s fading.”
“Alright, take your time,” Varian said, even as he felt his cheeks begin to warm again. It was… nice to hold her, and this close he could brush his cheek over the top of her head. Her scent hit him like a brick, a mix of lavender and a winter storm.
It was <i>intoxicating</i>.
He was suddenly consumed by a strange sensation, similar to the effects of alcohol without the loss of awareness. There was a tingling sensation behind his eyes, and his mouth suddenly felt like it had too much saliva in it, forcing him to swallow. He was startled to almost find himself with his lips on the top of her head and froze. Clenching his teeth, he deftly pulled Jaina a little closer and tucked her head under his chin, glowering darkly at the open windows.
“All right?” Jaina asked.
Varian grunted and affirmative.
“Incense affecting you?”
The question made his eyes widen, then he relaxed a little, “Yes.” He felt her shift and relax against him as well, her head coming to rest on his right shoulder. Her left hand found his right, twinning her fingers through his before gently squeezing it.
“Me too,” Jaina admitted softly as he settled his chin on her right shoulder, his left arm coming up and around her waist. She was warm and soft, and he felt his eyes drift closed as he enjoyed the quiet embrace. Then she took a slow deep breath, and Varian felt every part of her swell against him before letting it out. He became hyper-aware of each move and breath she made. The soft sensation of her skin as his hand held hers, the light weight of her head on his shoulder, the tickle of her hair against his cheek, each rise and fall of her chest against him.
Varian swallowed again, fighting an unexpected urge to devour this woman in every carnal sense of the word. He could feel the stirring in his loins, each breath she drew sending a small pulse of arousal towards his nethers.
Then her stomach growled again, and they both laughed.
“Can you stand?” He asked as he pulled away.
“I think so,” Jaina smiled. “Should we finish cleaning up and pretend we want to be outside for a little bit?”
“Hey, I’m feeding you, then grabbing enough snacks and stuff to last the night and getting back here as quickly as possible,” Varian chuckled. “The last thing either of us needs is to be caught in some sort of spontaneous draeanic orgy.”
Jaina laughed as she headed back towards the bathroom.
Varian watched her go with a predatory gaze, then snorted as he followed.
The hotel stocked enough personal care items that allowed them to get in a state to be presentable around others. Varian, however, startled himself when he looked in one of the full-length mirrors in the bathroom as he tied back his hair to find the person looking back at him as not himself!
“What the…?” He rubbed his eyes.
“Oh, that’s the glamor,” Jaina said as she stepped up next to him. Her reflection looked back at her, but it was not her. She was blonde again, and while her features were similar to how she looked, her reflection could be compared to a sister or a close cousin in resemblance. Varian was the same way. The scar on his face was gone, and some of his other features had been smoothed and altered so he did not look like himself. Similar, but he was not Varian Wrynn to anyone who saw him.
Varian looked back at Jaina, then at her reflection, then back at her again, “This is somewhat unnerving.”
“Then don’t look in the mirror,” Jaina said as she reached up and turned him away to face her. He was suddenly entranced, the way the light glimmered over her silvery-white hair, her relaxed smile, her lips. She looked…
Varian took a deep breath and looked away, “Come on.”
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theveneratedwolf · 3 years
Taking a bath together :3
Note: This is very long. So long in fact that the rest of it will be posted to Ao3 later. It'll also be full-blown NSFW. This one is toeing the line, but still pretty good.
The late afternoon sun was bright and uncomfortably warm in the draenic town nestled safely within the mountains of Talador. Draenor’s equivalent to the cicada gleefully sang their buzzing tunes to the patrons and tourists as they milled about, setting up for a festival that would be starting later in the evening. A sweet yet pungent aroma clung to the air, a pleasant scent to most who went about their summer afternoon.
All it seemed to be doing for Jaina was making her headache worse.
“Only one?” she asked, staring painfully at him.
“Only one,” Varian answered with a slow nod, a hint of annoyance tinged his voice. “The festival has every other place booked solid.”
“Yes, but only one bed?” Jaina emphasized.
“They said it was the biggest suite they had. I’m sure it has a sofa or something else I can sleep on,” Varian said as he rubbed the back of his sore head. “She said it had its own private bath as well.”
“If it’s what we have, we’ll make it work,” Jaina sighed and turned unsteadily in the direction of the lifts. Varian hurried to her side to make sure she didn’t fall.
Earlier in the day, both of them had been with a troop of soldiers scouting what appeared to be an empty ogre warren for hidden Iron Horde encampments in Talador. They’d found them, and done a decent job of clearing it out before one quick orc had detonated a charge in the ceiling of the main cavern.
Jaina had used every bit of magic she had to protect them from the cave-in, and the subsequent collapse of the floor beneath them. Unfortunately, only she and Varian had survived the fall through the deeper part of the caverns.
It had taken them the better part of a day before they found their way out. Even with Jaina’s protection, both had been injured in the fall. Varian had broken a few of his ribs and sprained his left knee, making walking difficult. Jaina had suffered a head injury, concussion, and a dislocated right shoulder. The concussion and spending most of her resources protecting them from the fall had made her unable to teleport out of the tunnels.
The Light had been kind to them once they’d made it above ground. A paved road was only a twenty-minute walk from the crack in the ground they’d pulled themselves out of. Even better had been the caravan of Draenei that had seen them limping towards them and stopped to wait.
A healer traveling with the caravan, though lacking in the skills and power to fully heal them, had been able to mend Varian’s knee, fuse the cracks in his ribs, and partially heal Jaina’s head wound. One of the burly caravan guards had efficiently popped her shoulder back into place. She still had the concussion but was far better off than she was before.
The caravan finished its route at a large town hidden within the western mountain ranges of Talador. The war hadn’t yet reached this part of Draenor, and the residents were about to start some type of festival. Due to the activity, all lodging within the town was booked save for the one Varian managed to snatch up at the final hotel they’d found.
Now they limped over to the lifts to get to their room.
“I wonder what type of festival they’re having,” Jaina mused tiredly as they stepped onto the lift.
“Whatever it is, it seems popular,” Varian acknowledged as he studied the panel on the interior of the lift. He pressed the proper button that brought them to the second floor. “Seems odd that what they claim to be their biggest, nicest room, is only on the second floor.”
Jaina shrugged as she swayed a little on her feet. “The size and expense of a room being higher up in a building is an Azerothian concept. It could be the reverse here. Or something completely different altogether.”
“True,” he conceded as he reached out a hand to keep her steady as the lift traveled upward. When it halted and the doors opened, they were treated to clean, dark-colored hardwood floors leading down a hallway painted in warm creams and blue accents. They passed several doors as they looked for theirs, the hallway curving to the left as they walked. At the end lay a set of double doors with the script above it in the local Draenic dialect.
“Looks like this is the one,” Varian said as he matched the writing stenciled on the crystal key to part of the writing on the door. “I wonder what the rest of it says?”
Jaina waved her hand towards the writing and her eyes glowed. After a moment she gasped, her cheeks going pink.
“What?” Varian asked, “What does it say?”
Clearing her throat, she answered, “The best translation would be...um… honeymoon suite.”
“Oh,” Varian felt his cheeks warm at the answer. “Do you want me to check out another hotel?”
Jaina grimaced and held her head, as if casting the spell had caused her more pain, “We’ve already tried two others, they were full.” She reached out and weakly tugged the key from his hand. “The likelihood of you finding another with anything open is probably zero.” She tapped the crystal against the sensor pad on the door. There was an audible click, and she opened it without resistance.
Stepping inside, the two studied the suite with apprehension.
“No sofa,” Jaina observed. The room indeed had nothing to sit on save for the two modest chairs tucked into an equally modest table near the door.
The room was carpeted in warm burgundy and painted in dark cream. The majority of the space was taken up by the biggest bed either of them had ever seen. Even taking the draenei's much larger stature into account, four of their biggest men could fit on the bed without touching. Windows flanked both sides of the bed, their curtains drawn and panes open to allow the fresh air to circulate through the room.
“At least there’s elbow room,” Jaina said as she stumbled over to the sliding door of the closet, already half ajar, and dropped what remained of her things inside it. They hit the floor with a dusty thud. She stretched, then swayed as she held her head with a painful moan.
“You should see another healer,” Varian rumbled as he made sure she didn’t fall again.
“All I want is a bath and sleep,” Jaina gritted her teeth, her brow furrowed in pain from her lingering head wound. “You said this room had private bathing chambers, right?”
“Yes, the concierge said it was part of the room's special features,” Varian rolled his eyes at the memory of the Draenei woman going on and on about how unique the room's bathroom was.
Jaina grunted as she peered around before spying the only other door in the room. Varian sighed as he dropped his pack in the closet while Jaina toddled over to the bathroom. He was halfway through unbuckling the straps of his pauldrons when he heard his friend swear loudly in surprise.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as he tried to look over his shoulder, but only succeeded in bashing himself in the face with the cockeyed edge of his pauldron.
“You… need to see this,” was Jaina’s only answer.
Grumbling, Varian struggled out of the straps of his armor, placing them on the table before limping over to the bathroom door.
The sight made his jaw drop.
“It’s a hot spring?!” he gaped.
The bathroom was HUGE. Easily three times the size of the adjoining bedroom. The room itself had been carved into the side of the mountain. Water streamed out of a natural crack in the wall to fall into the massive hot pool in the center of the floor. Steam rose alluringly from the pool of greenish-blue water.
To the far left was a washing area similar to the ones Varian had seen in Pandaria. The floor was paved in grey stone that complimented the natural rock hues, and a luxurious set of showerheads were set into the stone wall high above.
To their immediate left on the wall closest to them was a set of benches and shelves. Towels and robes were folded and hung here, as well as an assortment of bottles that were probably soap.
All of that though, was not what had caused Jaina’s bout of swearing. The subject of that reaction came from the far right wall of the room. Across its entirety was a very large, very detailed mural of a draenic orgy.
“Oh for the love of… ” Varian sputtered, “why…?”
Jaina seemed to find his reaction funny, “Well, it is the honeymoon suite,” she giggled softly.
“I doubt the people who normally stay here need that kind of encouragement!” Varian balked, his tone only making Jaina laugh harder. She groaned and clutched the door jam with one hand while the other held her head.
“You should get some rest first,” he said as he kept her from falling.
“Ughh… no, I’m filthy. There is no way I’m getting into a nice clean bed after stomping around in a cave full of mud and orc sewage,” Jaina groused.
Varian kept his chuckle to himself, but inwardly he realized how uncomfortable she was. Unlike many women, Jaina was not the type to scoff at getting dirty, especially during battle situations. The fact she was making such a fuss about it now meant she was feeling rotten enough that a simple bath would make her feel better.
“You are far too unsteady on your feet to be alone in here,” he observed.
“And what do you recommend?” Jaina asked, her eyes holding a bit of mischief, “Supervision?”
“Wh...I...n...uh…,” Varian stuttered as he flushed.
Jaina continued to find the situation funny, giggling before saying, “You have a point, turning too quickly still has my world spinning and often seeing stars. Tell you what, why don’t you go clean up first, then go lounge in the hot pool. I’ll come shower after that, with you facing away of course. Then you’re near if I fall down.”
Varian worked his jaw for a moment, mulling over the idea. He had also traipsed around in the same filth, so a bath was high on his priority list as well.
He just… wouldn’t look.
“Fine,” he grunted as he marched into the bathroom. He whirled and flushed again when he heard Jaina following him. Giggling, she made a gesture that she was kidding before turning and leaving the bathroom. She left the door ajar just enough to hear him when he was done.
“She sure is giggly for some reason,” Varian muttered to himself as he undressed. Although to give her some leeway, her behavior may have been due to her concussion, or her way of coping with constant head pain. Varian had suffered a few concussions in his time and knew they also came with uncontrollable fatigue, nausea, and confusion.
Varian took his time inspecting the bottles of available bathing products. Scent quickly eliminated most options until he found something that didn’t make him smell like candy or a flower garden. Grabbing a soft cloth and ignoring the poofy bath sponges and loofahs, Varian strolled over to the shower and turned the water on.
A deep groan of pleasure came without warning as hot water rained from the showerheads above. Adjusting the cold water brought it exactly to his preferred temperature, and Varian found himself zoning out as the hot water eased the tension in his head and body.
He grimaced when he saw the color of the water running off of him, then began to wash vigorously to get the rest of the dirt and grime from his body.
A little while later, his skin tingly from scrubbing, Varian shut off the water and walked to the huge hot pool that took up most of the room. Squatting, he dipped his hand in the water to test the temperature. It was wonderfully hot, but not overwhelming. He found the steps with a glance around the edge, and within moments Varian was lounging in hot water up to his collarbone, perched on a convenient shelf that ran around the inner wall of the pool.
“Your turn!” He called loudly.
The door opened a moment later and Jaina stepped inside. She waited politely until Varian adjusted his position in the pool to make sure he faced completely away from the dressing and bathing area. Teasing aside, they both respected each other’s privacy. It wasn’t that either of them was body shy. There had been various occasions where their armor and clothes had been damaged or destroyed to the point of showing off a little extra skin while fighting.
Varian heard the water hiss on, followed immediately by an uncomfortable grunt from his friend.
“All right?” He asked.
“Water hurts my head,” she answered simply.
“Mmm,” Varian frowned as he made a sympathetic noise. He hadn’t considered the soft impact of water would aggravate her concussion. A smile replaced the frown as her uncomfortable grunt slowly morphed into more pleasant tones as the hot spring’s water worked its magic on the rest of her aches and pains.
“How long until you’re well enough to teleport us back to Fort Wrynn?” Varian asked after a while. He’d listened quietly as she’d worked soap through her hair and fought to get out the mud and other debris that was stuck within the snow-colored locks.
“I am hoping I’ll be recovered enough by tomorrow to at least be able to create a portal back,” Jaina answered as she continued to wash.
“Do not push yourself,” Varian said. “This place seems far enough from the battlefield. As long as we lay low we shouldn’t attract any unwanted attention.”
“Attention from the likes of the Horde, or the attention of anyone who would love to find King Wrynn and Grand Magus Proudmoore sharing a hotel room?” Jaina asked cheekily.
Varian rolled his eyes but couldn’t stop a bit of a smirk from forming on his lips, “Yes.”
Jaina’s chuckle echoed softly off the stone walls of the bathroom. After a while, the shower turned off, “I am finished.”
Slipping off the shelf he was sitting on, Varian waded through the deeper parts of the hot pool until he reached the opposite side. Back still turned towards her, Varian focused on the floor instead of the wild scene of fornication scrawled on the wall in front of him while his friend entered the pool.
“You can turn around now,” Jaina’s voice floated over.
What..? The king felt his thoughts grind to a halt. Turn around? Look? But she was naked!
Well… he couldn’t just keep staring at the floor, could he? And the wall ahead of him was worse.
Peering carefully over his right shoulder, Varian found Jaina lounging in the hot pool near where he’d originally been sitting, water coming up to her neck. She’d had the forethought to bring a towel with her, which was rolled up and placed on the floor at the edge of the pool. Her head was tilted back and resting on it like a pillow, eyes closed in relaxation.
“This feels amazing,” she murmured.
Varian grunted in agreement as he allowed himself to relax as well. His attention had been on high alert while she’d been showering and moving over the wet and slippery floor with her head injury. “How are you feeling? Your head I mean.”
“Still hurts, a little better than before,” Jaina answered softly, likely trying to keep her headache from getting worse. “Still unsteady, and I think my stomach would very much like to throw up even though it is empty.”
“May be due in part to its complaining,” Varian pointed out. “I’ll see about getting some food ordered when we’re finished here.” An affirmative noise from his companion was the only answer he received. Smirking, Varian relaxed against the side of the pool, letting his head tilt back to rest against the stone floor. Even without the towel, he found the position extremely comfortable and let his eyes fall closed.
While he never would’ve admitted it out loud, Varian still ached terribly from the injuries he’d sustained in the caverns. The healing he received with the caravan had been mediocre at best. While the bones in his ribs had been fused to stop further damage, they were still bruised, and the surrounding area was swollen and tender. His knee was only a little better.
For how awful he felt, he could only imagine how much worse Jaina was. She had only complained of the dislocated shoulder and the obvious head wound. Knowing her, she was hiding other injuries to keep him from worrying.
I’ll see if I can find another healer after this, Varian decided as he continued to lounge in the pool. The hot water was doing wonders for the moment, and he was loath to rise for anything other than an emergency or if Jaina needed help.
Thinking of her again made him pick his head up to check on her. She hadn’t moved from her spot, head tilted back on her towel. Her breathing pattern said she was still awake, but very relaxed.
Then he noticed something floating directly in front of her. Two somethings. Squinting, Varian studied the shapes bobbing just below the surface of the water before he felt his face heat up.
Oh, he immediately dropped his head back on the edge of the pool to stop looking. In his haste, he misjudged the distance and his head landed hard on the floor with a loud thud, and he grunted in pain.
“You okay?” Jaina asked, completely unaware of what he’d seen.
“Slipped a little,” he lied.
“Have care, Varian,” Jaina murmured, “I don’t think I’m in any condition to save you from drowning.”
“So noted,” Varian lightly rubbed the back of his head before leaning back again. The gentle trickling sound of the water pouring from the rock wall was soothing, as was a light hum he heard from somewhere deeper. Likely a filter or circulation system set up to keep the water clean and avoid any overflowing within the pool. It was far more luxurious than Varian allowed himself to indulge in. The hot water was the same temperature the entire time, a novelty when he was used to a traditional bath in a tub that would cool off over time.
They both lounged there for quite a while before Varian startled himself awake.
“All right?” Jaina asked again.
“Fell asleep,” he answered, this time truthfully. He rubbed his face with his hands to rouse himself further. It wouldn’t do either of them any good to fall asleep in the water. “Getting out,” Varian said as he moved to the steps. Jaina politely raised one arm and laid it over her eyes, blocking her vision completely.
Towel wrapped securely around his waist, Varian turned back to the pool, “Staying longer?”
“I wish I could, but I too am going to fall asleep if I remain,” Jaina lamented softly. Fortunately, she had positioned herself closer to the steps and only had to slide herself over the shelf a little way before she needed to stand. A groan passed her lips as she tried.
“Need help?” Varian asked.
“Probably wise,” she answered.
“Give me a minute,” Varian said as he grabbed another towel and a soft robe. Gaze averted, he knelt at the edge of the stairs and held out his arm for her. A shiver went up his spine at her touch, but he focused on adjusting his balance as she leaned on him for support. With his eyes tightly closed, he stood as she unsteadily stepped from the pool. He felt the towel slide off his other arm and heard the shifting of fabric as she wrapped herself in it.
“I’m decent,” she told him.
Varian peeked one eye open and found she was indeed completely wrapped in her towel. There was a pained expression on her face, along with a weariness he knew she wouldn’t be able to fight much longer. Once they were dry and she was safely away from wet floors, Varian would look into getting another healer for her.
Turning away, he snagged another towel and vigorously rubbed it over his wet hair. When it was no longer dripping, Varian picked up another robe and slipped it on, removing the towel around his waist once he was sufficiently covered.
Leaving the bathroom door open, Varian went back into the bedroom and looked around for a way to contact the front desk. He found a small panel next to the door that seemed to be a summoning tool and pressed the main gem at its base. A chime tinkled through the air before the voice of the woman at the front desk, “Yes, how can I help you?”
“Would it be possible to send a healer up to our room? My friend was injured earlier today and I would like to have her examined.”
“I‘ll have one sent up as soon as possible. Is there anything else I can get you?”
“Is room service available? We would also like a meal,” Varian said.
“I’m so very sorry, but our kitchen is currently in the middle of preparing for the main part of the festival tonight,” the woman said apologetically. “However, the vendors are already set up. I can assure you they will have anything you may wish to have.”
“Thank you, we’ll look into it,” Varian said.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“No, that’s all, thanks,” Varian answered.
“Please let us know if you need anything else,” the woman said before the line of communication cut off.
Heaving a sigh, Varian turned to check on Jaina. She had emerged from the bathing room also adorned in a soft robe, trying to dry her hair. From the pained expression on her face, she was having a hard time turning her head to keep the towel in a useful position.
“Let me,” Varian said gently as he pulled out a chair from the little table and motioned for her to sit. She did so without complaint as he took the towel. “I have a healer on the way,” he said as he carefully tucked her long hair in the towel and squeezed it to pull out excess water. After that, he laid the fabric over the top of her head and softly massaged it with his fingers. She shied away from a few areas he touched, and he paid careful attention to avoid them as he continued to dry the top of her head. Once he was through, he gathered her hair up in the towel and tucked it in a u- shape around her neck. “Hope that helped,” he said as he gently squeezed her right shoulder with his hand.
“Thank you,” Jaina murmured, reaching up to place her hand over his. “I’m grateful for your help.”
Knowing turning her head would hurt, Varian stepped around so he stood in front of her and knelt so he could look her in the eyes, “Hey, if it weren’t for you I’d be dead and lost in that cavern. You saved my life Jaina. The least I can do is help you dry your hair.”
Jaina chuckled softly, eyes half-lidded as she reached out and brushed part of his damp bangs away from his face, “You helped get us out of that maze of tunnels. And besides, even if I hadn’t been there, you’re stubborn and resilient. You would have made it anyways.”
“I think you are greatly overestimating my powers of survival,” Varian chuckled, ignoring the feeling of his cheeks warming at her touch.
A knock at the door ended the quiet moment, and Varian rose to answer it. A tall male Draenei stood in the doorway with a pleasant smile on his face.
“Hello, my name is Vel'anos. You have requested a healer?” He asked with a kind smile.
“Yes, please. We were caught in a cavern collapse earlier today,” Varian said as he stepped aside to allow the healer entry. “The healer who helped us on our way into town was only able to partially heal Jaina’s injuries.”
“You both appear to take such events well,” Vel’anos said as he knelt in front of the chair Jaina was sitting in.
“Jaina is one the most powerful mages alive on Azeroth,” Varian allowed a little pride to slip into his voice. “Her skills kept us alive.”
“A feat indeed then,” Vel’anos said as he regarded Jaina, “Can you tell me where the worst of your pain is?”
“My head,” she answered.
“She had a nasty head wound, “ Varian clarified.
“Perhaps a full examination is in order,” Vel’anos suggested. “May I?”
“Yes,” was the whispered reply.
Vel’anos stood and raised his hands over Jaina. A warm golden glow grew around them, then extended down to envelop the mage. After a few quiet moments, Vel’anos spoke, “Your wife has severe bruising to her skull and subsequent concussion, along with that are several cracked and bruised ribs, muscle damage and bruising to her right shoulder, a minor rupture in her liver, and more bruising throughout the rest of her body.”
Varian sputtered a little at the healer referring to Jaina as his wife, but loathed to interrupt him in the middle of healing. Instead, he held his tongue and watched as Vel’anos quickly and efficiently healed his friend. When he finished, the pained expression Jaina wore was gone. She stretched in her seat, making an amused face as several joints popped loudly.
Vel’anos chuckled, “Better?”
“Much, thank you,” Jaina smiled up at the tall Draenei.
“You’ve severely depleted your mana,” Vel’anos said, “On top of that, many of the magic channels in your body are strained and burnt. I’ve done what healing I can for them, but they need time to relax and strengthen again. I suggest a minimum of two days with absolutely no spell casting unless you want to risk further damage.”
Jaina looked to Varian and raised a delicate brow, silently asking if it would be okay to remain away that long.
Varian raised a hand, “However long it takes for her to recover properly is fine. If it comes to it, we can find another mage who can portal us close to Fort Wrynn.”
Jaina nodded before returning her gaze to the healer, “Will you examine Varian too please?”
“I’m fine,” the king rumbled deeply, “Do not waste your energy on me.”
“I am well rested,” Vel’anos assured him, “And no one should be feeling ill or uncomfortable during the festival. Come, let’s have a look.”
Varian sighed and rolled his eyes, but nodded at the Draenei. Much as with Jaina, Vel’anos cast a golden glow over him, diagnostic healing spells searching for injuries or any other unusual problems.
“Mm, you appeared to have faired a bit better,” Vel’anos observed. “You still have a few cracked ribs, several sprains, and bruising throughout your body.” The healing glow intensified and Varian began to feel the aches and pains fade away. When Vel’anos finished, his pain was gone.
“Thank you,” Varian said.
“My pleasure. Everyone should be in top form for the festival,” Vel’anos chuckled.
“What sort of festival is it anyway?” Jaina asked as she rose from her seat.
“Oh, you were not informed?” Vel’anos raised a brow. “I suppose the hotel staff is quite busy. Due to the… unfortunate circumstances with the orcs, we have decided to celebrate our fertility festival about fifty years earlier than is tradition.”
Varian felt his face heat up as he echoed, “Oh.”
“Early?” Jaina asked, her cheeks also obtaining a dusty pink color even as her curiosity pushed onward.
“Yes, we Draenei are… long lived, therefore we naturally have a lower fertility rate to avoid overpopulation. Usually once a century we have a fertility festival to help families who desire growth but have not been successful on their own.” Vel’anos gestured towards the windows, “I’m sure you’ve noticed a subtle scent in the air. These are special incense we burn during the three days of the festival. They are airborne aphrodisiacs. In a light quantity, it helps everyone to relax. Have you felt a little… giggly or extra observant about certain things since you arrived?”
Varian’s face was burning and he coughed, “Perhaps.”
“This is normal. A heavier quantity will be burned once night falls to further the enjoyment,” Vel’anos smiled. “Any more questions?”
“No,” Jaina answered simply.
“I will take my leave then,” Vel’anos said as he headed for the door. “I will be in the healer’s pavilion tomorrow morning if you need anything.”
“Uh... thanks,” Varian said dumbly as he let the healer out. The click of the door closing thundered in the room as the two of them were left alone together. He turned back to Jaina and they stared at one another in silence for what felt like an eternity. Then her stomach growled loudly and she snorted a laugh, turning away.
Varian found himself chuckling, “Food was next on my list, but there’s a problem.”
“What’s that?” Jaina asked as she walked over to the closet and began to dig through her packs.
“The woman down at the front desk said the kitchen staff is preoccupied with making food for the evening part of the festival,” he explained. “There are plenty of vendors and stalls open down on the festival grounds, we just have to make it down there.”
“In our bathrobes?” Jaina asked.
“No….” Varian muttered, then paused. The only clothing either of them had were the filthy ones they had been wearing when they arrived in town. The thought of putting them back on made his nose wrinkle instinctively. “What are you looking for?”
“These,” Jaina said as she stood and closed the closet. In her hand were two small vials holding an incredibly deep and vivid blue liquid in them.
Mana potions.
“Jaina…” Varian warned as she popped the cork on one and downed it in two swallows.
She made a face when she finished and gave a ragged cough, “Why do these always taste like mint and rancid blueberries?”
“The healer told you not to spell cast,” Varian reminded.
Jaina raised a brow, “As I said, do you want to go out in your bathrobe, looking like yourself?”
“Not particularly, and what do you mean as myself?” Varian asked.
“I can transfigure our bathrobes into the robes I’ve seen most of the other Draenei and tourists wearing so we can blend in a little more,” Jaina said as she touched the hem of her sleeve. “On top of that, I can cloak us both in a light glamor to alter our appearances slightly, so no one will recognize us while we’re out and about.”
“That all sounds wonderful, but it still tells me you’re going to be spellcasting when you shouldn’t be,” Varian folded his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes at her.
“Can you think of a better option?”
Varian frowned at her question. He had been considering requesting clothes from the hotel itself. It seemed well equipped to offer such services. But even with the supplies on hand, they would have to wait an unknown amount of time for clothing to be altered to fit them. In addition, even if they were equipped to handle the request, there was no guarantee that a tailor would be available. They too could be just as busy as the kitchen staff. He gave Jaina a glower as he said, “Fine, but if it hurts too much, stop and we’ll figure something out. I’m sure a runner could be tracked down to fetch food if I offer enough payment.”
“Fair,” Jaina said as she pulled out the cork on the second vial and downed it as fast as she could. One disgusted noise later, she beckoned Varian closer so she could cast her spells. She took a deep breath, then began casting her spell in a whispered voice.
Varian felt a tingling sensation tickle around his body as the robe he wore, along with Jaina’s, began to glow. He felt the fabric shift and pull as it rearranged itself, and a touch similar to when he walked through a spiderweb brushed over his face. It settled a few seconds later, and the glow from their clothes faded away. In place of their bathrobes, they now were an impressive facsimile of the loungewear they’d seen the draenei wearing throughout the town while they had been searching for a suitable hotel.
Jaina made a pained noise and shuddered, her knees buckling beneath her.
“Jaina?” Varian caught her and lowered her to the floor as she buried her face in his chest. “I told you not to do it if it caused you pain!”
“Only hurt...nghh...after I stopped,” she said through gritted teeth.
“Do you need me to get Vel’anos?”
“No,” she said, breathing deeply, “I just need a minute, it’s fading.”
“Alright, take your time,” Varian said, even as he felt his cheeks begin to warm again. It was… nice to hold her, and this close he could brush his cheek over the top of her head. Her scent hit him like a brick, a mix of lavender and a winter storm.
It was <i>intoxicating</i>.
He was suddenly consumed by a strange sensation, similar to the effects of alcohol without the loss of awareness. There was a tingling sensation behind his eyes, and his mouth suddenly felt like it had too much saliva in it, forcing him to swallow. He was startled to almost find himself with his lips on the top of her head and froze. Clenching his teeth, he deftly pulled Jaina a little closer and tucked her head under his chin, glowering darkly at the open windows.
“All right?” Jaina asked.
Varian grunted and affirmative.
“Incense affecting you?”
The question made his eyes widen, then he relaxed a little, “Yes.” He felt her shift and relax against him as well, her head coming to rest on his right shoulder. Her left hand found his right, twinning her fingers through his before gently squeezing it.
“Me too,” Jaina admitted softly as he settled his chin on her right shoulder, his left arm coming up and around her waist. She was warm and soft, and he felt his eyes drift closed as he enjoyed the quiet embrace. Then she took a slow deep breath, and Varian felt every part of her swell against him before letting it out. He became hyper-aware of each move and breath she made. The soft sensation of her skin as his hand held hers, the light weight of her head on his shoulder, the tickle of her hair against his cheek, each rise and fall of her chest against him.
Varian swallowed again, fighting an unexpected urge to devour this woman in every carnal sense of the word. He could feel the stirring in his loins, each breath she drew sending a small pulse of arousal towards his nethers.
Then her stomach growled again, and they both laughed.
“Can you stand?” He asked as he pulled away.
“I think so,” Jaina smiled. “Should we finish cleaning up and pretend we want to be outside for a little bit?”
“Hey, I’m feeding you, then grabbing enough snacks and stuff to last the night and getting back here as quickly as possible,” Varian chuckled. “The last thing either of us needs is to be caught in some sort of spontaneous draeanic orgy.”
Jaina laughed as she headed back towards the bathroom.
Varian watched her go with a predatory gaze, then snorted as he followed.
The hotel stocked enough personal care items that allowed them to get in a state to be presentable around others. Varian, however, startled himself when he looked in one of the full-length mirrors in the bathroom as he tied back his hair to find the person looking back at him as not himself!
“What the…?” He rubbed his eyes.
“Oh, that’s the glamor,” Jaina said as she stepped up next to him. Her reflection looked back at her, but it was not her. She was blonde again, and while her features were similar to how she looked, her reflection could be compared to a sister or a close cousin in resemblance. Varian was the same way. The scar on his face was gone, and some of his other features had been smoothed and altered so he did not look like himself. Similar, but he was not Varian Wrynn to anyone who saw him.
Varian looked back at Jaina, then at her reflection, then back at her again, “This is somewhat unnerving.”
“Then don’t look in the mirror,” Jaina said as she reached up and turned him away to face her. He was suddenly entranced, the way the light glimmered over her silvery-white hair, her relaxed smile, her lips. She looked…
Varian took a deep breath and looked away, “Come on.”
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theveneratedwolf · 3 years
The Oh moment
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missed tag from @lady-proudmoore
0 notes
theveneratedwolf · 3 years
⚠ – a kiss before a battle
The shipped rocked gently as it sat a safe distance away from Bladefist Bay. Rather than being topside helping watch for incoming attacks, Varian Wrynn was below deck within the Royal Suite going over reports from the efforts in Pandaria. His most recent set of documents had their troops assaulting the final vault beneath the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. That had been earlier that morning. Now they waited to see what the outcome would be.
The telltale hum and whirling sounds of a portal opening above deck made him look up from his papers. A flurry of footsteps came next, nearly two dozen if he counted correctly. As quickly as he could, Varian packed away the documents and reached for his armor. He was working on the straps to his pauldrons when someone knocked on the door.
“Come in,” he rumbled as he struggled to reach the final strap.
Jaina stepped inside, closing the door wordlessly behind her. She saw his plight, and the hard look she’d worn softened. Still silent, she walked over to him, brushing his hands away from the armor. With finesse he hadn’t expected, Jaina buckled the final straps to his pauldrons. Without prompting, she began inspecting the rest of his armor, loosening some things while straightening and tightening others. A familiar tingle of magic tickled in some spots as she added enchantments and other fortifying spells in less protected areas.
“How did it go in Pandaria?” Varian asked.
“Garrosh’s actions woke the Sha of Pride that lay sleeping within the vaults. Fortunately, troops from both sides were able to bring it down with minimal casualties,” Jaina answered briskly as she focused on a gem on his left bracer. “Lor’themar is gathering his people farther down the coast in an effort to split the blockades attention.”
“Good. The Dragonmaw hold the beach. We’ll need every advantage to bring down their air support and break through,” Varian said as he watched her finish and come to stand before him. “Are you well?”
“No,” the hardness in her gaze returned. “All I want to do is rip down the gates and set the city ablaze.”
Varian knew she was capable of doing just that if given the opportunity. He watched as she averted her gaze, a grimace tugging at her lips while a lock of hair slipped forward to obscure her face.
Reaching out, Varian brushed the hair back behind her ear before tilting her chin up to look at him, “It’s good that we do this together, Jaina. I feel much better knowing I have you by my side when we take the beach.”
The grimace morphed to a small smile as Jaina stepped up closer to him, “Someone needs to be there to watch your back.” Even though armor covered his chest, it didn’t stop her from leaning in and resting her cheek against him, “I have lost so much this year. I could not bear it if I lost you too.”
Varian smiled ruefully as he wrapped his arms around her, “Likewise, my lady.” It was not often they shared quiet moments, and this was indeed the quiet before the storm. They stayed embraced like that for several moments, gleaning every ounce of comfort they could from one another.
When Jaina finally raised her head to look at him, she reached up to let her finger brush over the stubble on his cheek. Her hand wandered until it found the back of his neck, where she tugged lightly towards herself.
Taking the hint, Varian leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly. She let out an equally soft sound that made his knees weak before pressing in harder, clutching him as if it were the last time they would ever see each other.
His heart was pounding by the time they parted. One of her hands still rested on his chest, and he covered it with his own as he heard the horns blare above them, signaling they were ready to go.
“I’ll see you when the storm passes, Jaina.”
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theveneratedwolf · 3 years
⚠ – a kiss before a battle
The ship rocked gently as it sat a safe distance away from Bladefist Bay. Rather than being topside helping watch for incoming attacks, Varian Wrynn was below deck within the Royal Suite going over reports from the efforts in Pandaria. His most recent set of documents had their troops assaulting the final vault beneath the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. That had been earlier that morning. Now they waited to see what the outcome would be.
The telltale hum and whirling sounds of a portal opening above deck made him look up from his papers. A flurry of footsteps came next, nearly two dozen if he counted correctly. As quickly as he could, Varian packed away the documents and reached for his armor. He was working on the straps to his pauldrons when someone knocked on the door.
“Come in,” he rumbled as he struggled to reach the final strap.
Jaina stepped inside, closing the door wordlessly behind her. She saw his plight, and the hard look she’d worn softened. Still silent, she walked over to him, brushing his hands away from the armor. With finesse he hadn’t expected, Jaina buckled the final straps to his pauldrons. Without prompting, she began inspecting the rest of his armor, loosening some things while straightening and tightening others. A familiar tingle of magic tickled in some spots as she added enchantments and other fortifying spells in less protected areas.
“How did it go in Pandaria?” Varian asked.
“Garrosh’s actions woke the Sha of Pride that lay sleeping within the vaults. Fortunately, troops from both sides were able to bring it down with minimal casualties,” Jaina answered briskly as she focused on a gem on his left bracer. “Lor’themar is gathering his people farther down the coast in an effort to split the blockades attention.”
“Good. The Dragonmaw hold the beach. We’ll need every advantage to bring down their air support and break through,” Varian said as he watched her finish and come to stand before him. “Are you well?”
“No,” the hardness in her gaze returned. “All I want to do is rip down the gates and set the city ablaze.”
Varian knew she was capable of doing just that if given the opportunity. He watched as she averted her gaze, a grimace tugging at her lips while a lock of hair slipped forward to obscure her face.
Reaching out, Varian brushed the hair back behind her ear before tilting her chin up to look at him, “It’s good that we do this together, Jaina. I feel much better knowing I have you by my side when we take the beach.”
The grimace morphed to a small smile as Jaina stepped up closer to him, “Someone needs to be there to watch your back.” Even though armor covered his chest, it didn’t stop her from leaning in and resting her cheek against him, “I have lost so much this year. I could not bear it if I lost you too.”
Varian smiled ruefully as he wrapped his arms around her, “Likewise, my lady.” It was not often they shared quiet moments, and this was indeed the quiet before the storm. They stayed embraced like that for several moments, gleaning every ounce of comfort they could from one another.
When Jaina finally raised her head to look at him, she reached up to let her finger brush over the stubble on his cheek. Her hand wandered until it found the back of his neck, where she tugged lightly towards herself.
Taking the hint, Varian leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly. She let out an equally soft sound that made his knees weak before pressing in harder, clutching him as if it were the last time they would ever see each other.
His heart was pounding by the time they parted. One of her hands still rested on his chest, and he covered it with his own as he heard the horns blare above them, signaling they were ready to go.
“I’ll see you when the storm passes, Jaina.”
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theveneratedwolf · 3 years
“Will you be sharing details of this mysterious first path sometime before sunrise?” 
Varian caught sight of her tears even as she hurriedly brushed them away, and silently worried he’d said something wrong. But even as Jaina leaned away to look at him directly, her small hands clutched at his shirt like an anchor embedded on the sea floor. There was hope in her gaze, a beautiful desperate  hope that took his breath away for a moment.
The cool sea breeze blew again, lightly tugging at their hair and clothes. The golden forelock that adamantly refused to be part of her braid shimmered in the darkness before settling to obscure Jaina’s face.
Tentatively, Varian raised his right hand and let his fingers brush back the errant lock of hair. His fingers gently trailed over her forehead and down the side of her brow as he tucked it behind her ear. Selfishly, he continued the touch, drawing his fingers down further behind her jaw and beneath, coming forward until her chin perched on his hooked index finger.
“My path is you, Jaina. Whichever road you choose to follow, and whatever adventures await along the way, I would be there at your side to share them with you.”
“Do you know the paths you’d like to explore?”
The nudge had made Varian smile, but he forced himself to remain silent as he watched her in the darkness. She was frowning, something she’d likely forgotten he could see, thank Goldrinn, even at night. In fact, before his death, Jaina had not been this emotionally open. At least not after the loss of Theramore. She’d been… withdrawn. Only anger ever showed. Varian knew that pain, being so torn apart by hatred and loss that anger was the only thing you knew
But she seemed healed now. Better. Stronger.
Tonight she was the opposite of withdrawn or angry. Jaina had been swinging wildly from warm and relaxed in his arms, to stiff and nervous next to him throughout their conversation. He sighed, wondering how he’d get her to be relaxed and open again when he noticed something else float through the darkness
His breath.
Jaina’s light shivers hadn’t all been nerves. It was cold in Kul Tiras. He could feel the deepening chill of night creeping through some of the lighter parts of his clothing and slipping down the back of his neck where his bound hair did not cover.
Well, she had asked him to be a heater earlier.
Reaching out again, Varian wrapped his left arm around her shoulders. Unlike before though, where he’d left the embrace light if she wanted to escape it, this time he held her tightly. Jaina would have to make the desire known if she wished for freedom.
It was selfish. He knew it was. But long had been since Varian held someone like this. The torment and cold loneliness of Torghast had been unbearable. He needed companionship after what he had suffered. Jaina was warm and alive.
When she did not pull away, Varian answered her question, “I’d like to travel.” He paused to chuckle a little, “It’s funny, I was the king of a thriving nation and led my people through many battles. But I’ve never been free to travel Azeroth. Light, I think Anduin has seen more of the world than I have! At least Pandaria.” He peered down at Jaina with knowing eyes, “And I’m sure you took him places without telling me as well.”
“I’ve never been to Hyjal, Un’Goro, the Twilight Highlands, Uldum,” Varian could feel himself grinning, “Is there really a sword stabbed straight through the entirety of Silithus?” The boy in him wanted that sword even if it was physically impossible. “I also want to see how the lands of Lordaeron fare now that the undead are more under control.” Varian gazed out at the darkened sound, “I heard they rebuilt Stromgarde and regularly fight The Horde for power there.” A frown halted his boyish rambling as sorrow crept over him, “And Darkshore, and… Teldrassil.” His shoulders hunched a little, “There are many places I need to pay my respects to as well.”
Straightening, Varian inhaled the crisp night air before sighing deeply, shedding the melancholy at once. “But that is all contingent on the first path I wish to travel.” He felt his heart rate quicken as he readied himself.
@theveneratedwolf​ There was something about Varian’s strong arm wrapping around Jaina with more intent that sent a message to all of her - body, mind and soul - that he was with her. That he was a shield, whether against the cold or anything else she may need him for. Her body seemed to move without permission from her brain and Jaina turned to wrap her arms around him, pressing as much of herself against him as she could with clothes on. Resting her head against his chest, the chill of the night air seemed to no longer exist. He was so warm, so warm. What tension she had carried only moments ago melted away against his warmth as she drew in the scent of him. A faint, clinging smell of earth and pine and every safe place she had as a child. Her fingers clung to the fabric of his shirt a little more forcefully and she closed her eyes.
Safe. She hadn’t been sure the feeling was possible anymore.
Afraid to speak, Jaina simply nodded against his chest when he questioned Silithus. If she spoke, it was over. She was putting everything she had into not crying against him and if she uttered a word, the control was gone. A tear squeezed out of one eye and fell in a wet, warm line down her cheek. Damn.
Varian’s chest rose and fell with a heavy sigh and Jaina felt the gentle, rhythmic thump of his heartbeat quicken against her cheek as he finished speaking. Something about the thought of his nervousness in that moment calmed her and she suddenly wanted to tell him so many things and couldn’t say any of it. Words would shatter her into a million glittering pieces. But they had the time to stick by one another, to heal after opening up the wounds and letting the toxins spill out. She would make the time. For him and herself. Silence fell between them and when Varian said nothing else, Jaina drew back just enough to meet his eyes. Tears spilled down her cheeks and she wiped them away quickly, intent on keeping herself together. She smiled softly.  “Will you be sharing details of this mysterious first path sometime before sunrise?” 
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theveneratedwolf · 3 years
Varian rumbled deep in his throat as he brazenly trailed his thumb over Jaina’s lower lip, “I believe we both have very long lists pertaining to ‘the last things we need right now.’” He leaned down, his mouth hovering so close it threatened to brush against hers. Ocean blue eyes bore into his own, unwavering and unblinking, but he could see the turmoil straining around the edges.
Oh, he knew her initial question had been light hearted and likely a joke, but his bold response seemed to have broken down a wall holding back pent up desire. Varian wouldn’t lie that he had his own desires that revolved around his lovely and powerful friend.
Normally, she seemed uninterested, and Varian had never found the situation appropriate to act on what seemed like ones sided interest.
Alcohol truly was a wonder for the inhibitions.
“I would kiss you, my lady, if you would allow.”
Maybe he was just a selfish jackass.
Varian hid his surprise with a drink from his own wineglass. Only a small smirk remained as he set the glass down on the table once he finished. He was momentarily glad her gaze was averted to the tabletop, and not searching his for an immediate answer.
He had one, of course, but Varian would be the first to admit that conversation such as this was not high on his list of skills. Instead, he busied himself with studying the contents of his wineglass as he considered the best form of response.
Well, he was one to take action over words, but perhaps a bit of both would be fitting here.
Reaching over the little table, Varian caught Jaina’s chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting it upwards until she finally met his gaze.
“How scandalous do you think it would be if I desired the same?”
Her chin trapped between his fingers, Jaina stared into Varian’s eyes as if seeing them for the first time. Slate outer rings with frosted blue all the way to the black told of a lifetime of struggle that had never really been put into words. She suddenly wished to close the distance between them and kiss away the hurt she knew he carried. 
But there was no coming back once that line was crossed, and Jaina felt sure that despite what her heart wanted, stepping over it would just lead to yet another failure.The fingers of her free hand suddenly wrapped around his wrist, holding on as though it were an anchor keeping her from drifting closer. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Her voice was soft and low with a warmth it hadn’t carried moments ago.
“Very..and surely a scandal is the last thing we need right now.”
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theveneratedwolf · 3 years
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