thevincentsinclair · 3 years
" Hey Vincent, how're you doing? Any new creations? "
Once I finish this body, I'll be able to work on my own things.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
Hiya Vincent! Got any current art projects you're working on?
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Just some small things, and a body.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
Thanksgiving went better than usual, I only had gravy thrown at me once.I guess Bo was in a good mood.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
This app is shit, ain't nothing to do on here.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
Did you make any pretty sculptures today?
Just a few small ones,wanting to make a little sculpture of a bird I saw.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
I hope you are doing well today, I think about you often!
Im doing okay, thank you.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
I get passionate about my work as well.
Offers him out a flower too..!
“For you..!”
I don't know if it will survive the heat of my work room, i'll put it in the kitchen.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
You’re very handsome
Oh,t-thank you.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
It's alright,I like your enthusiasm.
Offers him out a flower too..!
“For you..!”
I don't know if it will survive the heat of my work room, i'll put it in the kitchen.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
You guess? If you don’t want to, you don’t have to :] We could do something else, can we draw together?
No,it's fine just not used to being around others,drawing would be nice.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
Can I hold your hand
I guess that's okay,
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
My smaller pieces are my favorites, they don't take as long and I can be creative with them.
Offers him out a flower too..!
“For you..!”
I don't know if it will survive the heat of my work room, i'll put it in the kitchen.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
That sounds nice, I guess I have quite a few sketches.
Offers him out a flower too..!
“For you..!”
I don't know if it will survive the heat of my work room, i'll put it in the kitchen.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
Thank you,Im sure your art is wonderful.
Offers him out a flower too..!
“For you..!”
I don't know if it will survive the heat of my work room, i'll put it in the kitchen.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
I suppose my equipment does get as hot as one,but it's not fancy like a kiln.
Offers him out a flower too..!
“For you..!”
I don't know if it will survive the heat of my work room, i'll put it in the kitchen.
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thevincentsinclair · 3 years
do you want a massage?
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4 notes · View notes
thevincentsinclair · 3 years
Offers him out a flower too..!
“For you..!”
I don't know if it will survive the heat of my work room, i'll put it in the kitchen.
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22 notes · View notes