thevoidcallsyou · 4 years
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thevoidcallsyou · 4 years
Just a reminder in case your mind is playing tricks on you today:
You matter. You’re important. You’re loved. And your presence on this earth makes a difference whether you see it or not.
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thevoidcallsyou · 4 years
Rain on the pond.
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thevoidcallsyou · 4 years
“The very definition of big puppy eyes”
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thevoidcallsyou · 4 years
can we weaponize comfort already? 
a lot of places have a culture that valorizes never sleeping and not eating right and not taking breaks and stuff like that. 
fuck that. I want like
look at how comfortable and well rested I am. I am well-nourished, I take bubble baths, and I have a good work-life balance. 
self-care has made me strong. has running yourself into the ground made you strong?
I will destroy you. and then I will have a pleasant lunch.
can we weaponize that?
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thevoidcallsyou · 4 years
Non-cutesy self-care tips
Have you been eating well? If not, eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts. You need vitamins and protein.
You’re probably not drinking enough water.
When is the last time you showered? Take a cold shower to wake you up or a hot shower if you need to relax.
Do the laundry that’s been piling up. You’ve been wearing that sweatshirt for too long.
Take care of the dishes in the sink that have been there for three days and have started to stress you out.
Did you brush your teeth this morning? How about your hair?
Listen to the messages on your phone that have been there for days.
Go outside for at least a couple of minutes. You don’t even have to do anything; just sit down. Breathe in the fresh air and get some vitamin D.
Open your blinds. Your room is too dark and it’s probably making you tired.
Spend some time with your pet. Pet them, feed them, take them for a walk or clean out their litter box. Caring for them will make you feel useful and responsible and give you something to do.
The self-care posts that tell you to take a bath and eat chocolate and read a book are good but do what needs to be done first. Eating chocolate when you haven’t showered in four days and you can’t remember when the last time you changed your underwear was won’t make you feel better. It will probably make you feel worse. Clean yourself up; clean your surroundings up. Then take care of the little things. Tackle life one thing at a time.
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thevoidcallsyou · 4 years
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thevoidcallsyou · 4 years
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The void exists how you see fit, all one needs to do is seek it.
The void calls to you.
The void will watch over you.
You are alive, it says.
What a wonderful thing to be.
Take care of yourself, it asks.
The void will be there when you are ready to stand again.
It wants to help you stand tall.
You are not alone.
You are loved.
You will find your way.
Seek tomorrow, it will wait for you.
Until then, the void calls.
And it calls to you.
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thevoidcallsyou · 4 years
The void calls to you.
The void will watch over you.
You are alive, it says.
What a wonderful thing to be.
Take care of yourself, it asks.
The void will be there when you are ready to stand again.
It wants to help you stand tall.
You are not alone.
You are loved.
You will find your way.
Seek tomorrow, it will wait for you.
Until then, the void calls.
And it calls to you.
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thevoidcallsyou · 4 years
Your kindness should always include yourself.
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thevoidcallsyou · 4 years
He’s coming to boop you
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thevoidcallsyou · 5 years
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