thevoltrongames · 2 years
Y’all never took me off of this account. :)
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thevoltrongames · 4 years
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thevoltrongames · 5 years
Merry Crisis fellow teens
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
whoops this was really late we’re all really sorry but HERE IT IS AT LAST
FINALE SCORES (These are for just this round)
black was in last place with 55 points, may they rest in pieces.
they were followed by blue who had 188 points. Nice!
red is in third with 211 points, which is great, they did really well.
and……..green and yellow tie with 224 points. yikes. i recommend a brawl in a denny’s parking lot to resolve the issue.
drumroll please... this is it y’all...
Black gets last with a total of 295 points.
Blue gets fourth with a total of 556 points.
Red gets third with a total of 579 points.
and for 2nd and 1st,
Green wins second place with a total of 693 points,
and, with one last drumroll,
Yellow WINS a total of 840 points.
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
Hey it's me. After I finally finished my dumb frick juice. #1465 ;)
    Pidge lounged lazily on the couch of her home. The cold night air nipped harshly on her arms and legs, but she laid there without a blanket. Glasses reflecting the Youtube video on the large TV screen. Two voices from the TV were barely heard throughout the quiet house. “Witnesses have described the creature to be manlike, in stature, often seen walking on it’s two hind legs. The Mothman is spotted primarily at night and it’s color is tough to discern. Sometimes it’s described as grey, other times as brown.” One of her legs resting on the coffee table covered in candy wrappers and one of her hands propping her head up. Interest reflecting in her eyes as the minutes rolled by. When the video finally ended she turned off the TV and stayed still for awhile before finally moving to grab her phone from between the cushions where it fell. Brushing some wrappers off onto the floor. Her nimble fingers moving across the screen. Opening up her messages and going to a group chat. 
 Petite P: Hey who’s here rn  Legit Lance: Well yeah, I just got home from trick or treating with my family.  Petite P: Well when everyone is here I wanna ask something  Legit Lance: Seems fair, well Imma eat so many candies I’ll regret it later  Petite P: Have fun             Pidge turned off her phone and tossed it on the couch before stretching. After a few satisfying pops were heard she grabbed a backpack. Putting the rest of whatever candy was left in it. Along with a few energy drinks and water. Popping a lollipop in her mouth she picked up her phone again and saw a few missed messages.   Kranky Keith: What do you need Pidge?  Heroic Hunk: Yeah what’s up Pidge   Petite P: Well wanna hear a regrettable idea I have?  Kranky Keith: No  Heroic Hunk: Depends  Legit Lance: Yeah!!   Petite P: Wanna go to the local cemetery and see if we can summon….   Petite P: Mothman  Legit Lance: Isn’t Mothman real or something?  Kranky Keith: No Mothman isn’t real, he’s just a urban legend.  Heroic Hunk: I’m going to have to agree with Keith on this one   Petite P: I will give you all my halloween candy if you come.   Legit Lance: Let’s go. I’ll meet you there  Krany Keith: Fine, but I’m not going just for the candy  Heroic Hunk: I’m going! See you there! I’ll pack a flashlight and stuff!  Petite P: Alright, meet me there in 20 minutes. 
      After confirmations from the other three Pidge sent the meet up spot and turned off her phone then on legging under her denim shorts. A dark green long sleeve under her thick jacket that warmed her up immediately. With her boots stomping on the ground as she pulled her beanie on she grabbed quickly grabbed her backpack before shooting a quick text to Matt to not wake up their parents in a worry. Finally ready she took in a deep breath before dashing out the front door and was running down the street in excitement and in a candy rush. A grin on her face she thought about her plan. 
      She saw Lance first, nervously shuffling around the gates with a flashlight being tossed between his hands. “Lance,” she called out while waving one arm high in the air. Hearing her voice Lance looked up with a grin of his own to match hers. She walked up to him and they high fived. “Let’s wait here for the others to get here before we go in.” The sun got a bit lower before Hunk arrived with Keith in tow. Both looking like they were in a pleasant conversation before seeing the other two. Hunk waved at them while Keith barely raised his hand and rolled his fingers in a smooth motion.         When they finally got there Pidge grinned mischievously while her hand pushed the gate open. Keith looked straight at her and questioned, “What exactly are we going to do?” Stepping inside the graveyard she glanced back at Keith. “Wait and see. It’s really cool.” Deciding not to question Keith followed right after while Lance and Hunk loitered around the front gate. Gathering the courage to go inside. 
     “You don’t think Mothman is real. Right Lance?” Hunk asked. Nervousness laced in his voice as he watched the other two figures continue to walk on without them. Lance glaced quickly at Hunk, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Uhh, no, probably not,” he answered quietly. Hunk put one foot in and quickly took it back. “What if Mothman is an alien? We’ve dealt with aliens all the time back then. What if he’s half human? Like Keith,” Hunk rambled as he twirled his thumbs around each other and avoiding watching the view in front of him. Lance caught on quickly and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hey Hunk, know that we’re here for you. And maybe he’s not as bad as Keith.” Hunk snorted before repeating Lance. His confidence built up slightly before Lance added, “And you have sharpshooter here with you. If Mothman is mean I’ll give him a lesson or two.” Hunk laughed at that and took a deep breath in. He finally took a step in and jogged forward to catch up with the other two. 
      Lance placed his hands into his pockets to hide their shaking and huffed out a shaky breath before smiling. “Hey wait up! Don’t leave without me,” he complained as he ran to catch up with them. They paused to wait for him before continuing on their journey.
       The dark forest behind the cemetery was now shrouded in the dark night’s blanket as Pidge worked. The other three watching in curiosity as she took electric candles, candy and portable white lights for bedrooms. Small hands placing the lights around in a large circle and placing candy on the inside. Then quickly dashing back and forth spreading the candy in straight lines. She didn’t stop until she made a star inside the circle. Hunk immediately shook his head and frowned. Keith and Lance’s eyes follow him as he stood up from the ground. “Pidge, Pidge, Pidge-” he quickly said aloud as he walked towards her with his hands shaking back and forth “what are you doing?” She started placing electric candles at the stars. “Summoning Mothman.” She looked at him, “Don’t worry it’s safe. Somewhat.” She then grabbed handfuls of leaves and started tossing all of them around the circle and a handful in the circle. For ‘security measurements’.
       It took some convincing and bribery on Pidge’s part to get all of them into the circle and sit at the points of the stars. Leaving one point alone. Hopefully for Mothman. Pidge sat comfortably and spread her hands out to grab Lance’s and Hunk’s hands. They gave her a questioning look before she stated. “Either hold my hands or I can whip out a Ouija board and summon him there.” Quickly they grabbed her hands. With Hunk reaching for Keith’s who sat there uncomfortably. He glanced over at Pidge before she huffed. Reaching into her pocket and tossing a chewy candy at him. He caught it, mumbling a thanks before popping it into his mouth. Grabbing Hunk’s outstretched hand. “Now what,” Lance questioned as he turned his head towards Pidge. She smiled and looked at the boys. “Okay trust me here and close your eyes.” Doubtful glances were spread before they closed their eyes. Hunk’s eyes squeezed shut. “Okay, now repeat after me. Mothman, Mothman. 
Does whatever a moth can. 
Stuck in a web 
Going to bed. 
Now it’s time foooorrr Mothman.” 
        Lance muttered, “Original.” Pidge squeezed his hand tight in retaliation. But the boys muttered it, possibly in to the tune of Spider-Man’s theme song. Only a gentle breeze was heard, brushing against the fallen leaves. Making a slight cronching noise. But the teens were quiet themselves. Holding hands, closed eyes and only source of light at this point is the electric candles. They sat there for a few minutes before a slight cronching noise was heard behind Keith. Everyone but him opened their eyes and gasped in horror. Keith being Keith was slightly irritated. “Mothman isn’t real, nice try guys.” 
      It wasn’t until no one responded that he opened his eyes and turned around. Red eyes greeted him, attached to a large humanoid shaped creature covered in grey fur. His head was full on moth. His beady eyes blinked once before whispering in a hoarse voice. “I crave lämps, bröther.” Keith yelled in horror and shock and everyone snapped out of their trance and screamed. Keith jumped up to fight before Lance pulled him with the others and started running. They screeched while Keith yelled at them to go back. When a white blur came across their path on the way to the back cemetary gate Lance nearly lost his voice when he screamed louder than the others as the blur stopped in front of them. Lance let go of Keith and Keith automatically jumped at front to attack before he saw Shiro’s disappointed face. The doctor’s costumes lab coat and white hair gave him the brief illusion of being a ghost. Shiro’s eyes narrowed at Keith who had his fist raised then his gaze went to the other paladins who were now shuffling their feet around and avoiding his gaze. Keith stepped slightly and Lance stepped in front of him slightly as well as Hunk. 
        “You’re all grounded,” Shiro told them. The kids immediately piped up, saying excuses and good points. Shiro put his hands on his hips and stood up to his full height and they quieted. Shiro pointed a finger at Pidge. “You, little missy are in big trouble. It’s dark, Halloween and you decide to go to the woods with your friends. Only say something to Matt. You’re so lucky I got here first instead of your parents. Because when I heard you guys scream like the devil is on your heels I got so worried.” He huffed and saw the faces of the kids before sighing. He shook his head and extended his arm to pat Pidge’s shoulder. “C’mon guys, let’s go home.” With that all of them started walking home, through the cemetery’s back gate, past the graves and past the entrance. 
      As they walked on the sidewalk to get into Shiro’s car somewhere in the forest. A Mothman sat there in the pentagram. Surrounded by lämps. Mothman sat there. 
Content with life.
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
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Romellura witches inspired by Kuto! #blue team #finale Tacky_sock#1808
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
I Ain't 'Fraid Of No Ghosts
Discord: [wheezes in spanish]#5737
Based off of Maria#2761's artwork of Keith in Round 2 for Challenge 5
The door swung shut behind him, seemingly of its own accord.
  Keith regretted going into this haunted house alone. So much. He managed to regret it, even more, when he walked through a cold spot.
  “I wonder who that used to be,” he muttered sarcastically.
  “Uh, the name’s Lance.”
  Keith screamed to high hell, whipping around. “Holy shit! What the fuck?”
  “Hey! Watch your language.” The ghost(?) crossed his arms, lips pressed into a thin line as if he was trying to hold back laughter. He wore a brown jacket with a blue and white long-sleeved shirt and jeans. He wasn’t transparent at all, but he certainly wasn’t there five seconds ago. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?”
  “What the fuck?” Keith whispered again. He attempted to regain his composure. “Sorry, uh, hi? My name’s Keith?”
  “Is that a question?” Lance snickered, managing to look even more amused than before.
  Keith straightened out, grimacing. “No, sorry,” he apologized again. He was tempted to stick his hand out to shake the other teen’s and but is that what you’re supposed to do? Is there a protocol for meeting friendly ghosts? Keith didn’t really think there was something in the house, or else he would’ve done more research.
  “Are you here to get rid of me?” Lance’s voice cut through his thoughts, all pretense of humor gone. “You wouldn’t be the first, and you probably won’t be the last.”
  Keith blinked in surprise, the sudden topic change catching him off guard. “No? I wasn’t even planning on dealing with ghosts today. Not that I plan to on any other day,” he added, slightly bitter. They always seem to appear when he least expects it.
  Lance narrowed his eyes in suspicion. After a second, he shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Alright. So, what are you doing here? You don’t seem like one of those dumb kids who break into haunted houses for kicks. Was it a dare?”
  Keith shook his head. “I was just curious. I heard there was a bunch of strange stuff happening here. I wanted to check it out myself. I try to stay on top of potential threats.”
  “Well, you could stay on top of me all you like.” Lance winked.
  Keith choked. Holy mother of God, an admittedly attractive ghost was flirting with him. “Excuse me?” he managed to squeeze out.
  “Did I stutter?” Lance raised an eyebrow, amused demeanor returning with a vengeance.
  At this point, Keith was going to di before he reached twenty. His heart couldn’t handle this. “No, you did not. I just didn’t expect it.”
  “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.”
  “You know Monty Python? When the hell did you die?”
  Lance shrugged. “Dude, I’m not even sure I am dead. I’m pretty sure my body’s still alive somewhere but I,”  he winced, “I can’t remember.”
  “Is it in the house?”
  “No, I checked. I keep ending up back here, though. I have no idea why.”
  “So you’re astral projecting?”
  “What? Like it’s hard?” Lance scoffed. “I’m no hedge witch.”
  Keith paused. “You’re… a witch?”
  “Did I not mention that before? Whoops.” Lance waved him off. “You don’t have to stick around and listen to my woes, you know. I’m not going to ask you to solve my potential murder or anything.”
  Keith hesitated. “What if I want to?”
  That caught Lance off-guard.
  “You… want to? Why?”
  “It wouldn’t feel right just leaving you. We had a bonding moment.”
  “What? Are you going to cradle me in your arms?” Lance teased.
  “Don’t tempt me.” Keith looked around. “Are you bound to the house?”
  “No, I can leave. I’ve tried. This house is, like, in the middle of nowhere, though. I wouldn’t get very far into the woods before I’d get lost.”
  It was understandable. Keith’s drive here was an hour, at least.
  “Do you want to come with me?” Upon seeing Lance’s shocked face, he began to backtrack. “It’s fine if you don’t! I just figured that you wouldn’t want to stay in this house if you had the option to leave. And I know we just met and everything so it’s completely understandable-”
  Lance hugged him. “Thank you.”
  He was surprisingly tangible for a ghost. (Could Keith even call him a ghost if he wasn’t dead?) He returned the hug, awkwardly, never really being one for affection. This was okay, though. “No problem.” He squeezed Lance once before letting go. “My car is just down the road if you want to hitch a ride. Once again, you do not have to if you don’t want to. I would understand completely.”
  “And what if I want to?” Lance repeated Keith’s words from earlier. “The only people that ever come here are rowdy teenagers doing drugs, the occasional hobo, and sometimes a real estate developer. You think I’m going to just let the first nice person I’ve seen in a while walk away? Fat chance.”
  The door swung open, once more seemingly of its own accord.
  “Lead the way.”
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
based off of mars' playlist for part 1: https://open.spotify.com/user/spooky_mars/playlist/4SoBVp2Lsdf9qsmuGXYqGN?si=H4Tcie_LSwmjmttzxtwERw
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
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For the voltron spooky games. Round 3 part 2, the red team. For @tacky-sock vampire allura mood board.
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
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kdhdksjsjs i have no excuse for this inspired by @askoriia’s werewolf shiro chinnychinchin#0718
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
The Wolf and the Witch
Discord: Keith#9970 Idea based off of this post: https://thevoltrongames.tumblr.com/post/179568521119/aaaa-dont-you-love-it-when-your-computer-crashes
Living in a world where magic was prevalent and creatures roamed was always interesting. Myths and stories about these thing – witches, vampires, werewolves – were shared throughout all races, but mostly with the humans. There were those who thought that these people, the ones of myths and stories, were just that – just myths and stories. Others thought they were evil incarnate, condemning those who had any association with them. And others still believed them to be true, and wanted to see them for themselves.
Shiro had encountered all of these people in his life. He’d met the non-believers, they had seen him as someone who dressed up every day. He’d met the ones who thought he was evil, they had run him out of his home. He’d met the ones that believed, one specifically having caught his eye, and whose eye he had caught. He was the first human that he had believed he could trust.
Ironically enough, it had been on Halloween when Shiro had seen him. He’d been walking about, knowing it was safe for him to go out without fear of being attacked or harassed. Shiro had passed several parents and their children, giving them kind smiles, which they had returned. He got many comments on his appearance, many asking how he’d managed to make everything look so real. He’d always laugh as wave them off, saying it took years of practice.
A scent had caught his attention, different from the others he had been smelling the entire night. His ears had perked, swiveling about as he closed his eyes to get a better smell of the scent. It was earthy, spicy, and a bit sweet. It confused him, swirled in his nose. Shiro followed the scent, letting it lead him to the source. He found himself following a path into a nearby forest, one he hadn’t had the chance to explore yet.
His skin tingled where the light from the full moon hit him, causing him to shiver and his fur to stand on end. Shiro was used to this, used to the moon doing this to him. It was unpleasant in the slightest, rather, it was refreshing, indulgent, pleasant. He made his way further into the forest, the moonlight heightening his senses, the scent invading his nose as he got closer to the source of the smell.
He came across a clearing, small but open. The trees surrounding the area formed a perfect circle, as though someone had intentionally cleared this area. The moonlight coloured the scene in whitish blue light, lightening the colours, and yet darkening them at the same time. The thought of it being magical crossed Shiro’s mind, and had it not been for the human he saw sitting in the middle of the clearing, he would’ve thought it was the doing the fae.
The human had his back to Shiro, his head bowed, sitting crossed legged in the middle of the clearing. He couldn’t tell much in way of detail, but it appeared that he was wearing dark jeans and a black long sleeve. He took a few steps forward, that scent seeming to come from the human. He was hesitant. New people weren’t always eager to see him. But something about this one, the calm he had despite Shiro being so close to him, seemed to draw him forward.
He saw the human stiffen a little, having sense Shiro approaching, and he lifted his head, turning it slowly to look at him. He froze, his ears flattening against his hair. He was expecting the human to be smiling. Hadn’t expected him to look Shiro up and down, to stand and walk towards him. He tried to focus on the situation, but that smell was intoxicating, flooding his senses, calming him down. It was then that he realized that this person was human, but that he was a witch. The scent he’d been smelling was some sort of magic, one that seemed to draw people towards them.
Normally being under the influence of magic from a stranger would’ve had Shiro on edge. But this magic, is was different than the spells he was familiar with. It wasn’t like the ones that Keith and Allura used. It was the same spell, that much he could tell, but it was different, the manor of use being comforting, curious… and something else that he couldn’t tell. Something he hadn’t felt before. Being this close to the witch, when he closed his eyes, he could see the tendrils of magic – swirling purples and pinks, intertwining and wrapping around him.
He opened his eyes again, finding the witch much closer, curiosity written in his eyes. Shiro fought the urge to look away, knowing that if he did, he’d be giving in to the witch. There were frozen there, silent, staring. And yet, it wasn’t unpleasant, it wasn’t awkward. It seemed… right. Like it was meant to be like this. Like it was something that they had done before. That thought sent a shiver down Shiro’s back. He knew the stories of reincarnation, but had never thought it applied to those that weren’t human.
“You feel it too, don’t you?” the witch asked softly, his gaze never leaving Shiro’s eyes. He swallowed, biting his lip as he nodded. “I felt something tonight, something drawing me here. Some feeling telling me that coming here tonight would be important.” His eyes flicked over Shiro again. “It was a good thing I followed it.”
The softness of his voice, how genuine he sounded, it washed over Shiro. Maybe it was more magic being used, maybe it really was the truth. He couldn’t tell, magic wasn’t his specialty. But it didn’t stop him from believing the witch, from wanting to believe him. “You’re scent… were you burning something?”
The witch laughed, shaking his head. “No, my magic, I’ve been told it has a certain smell to it. Earthy, spicy, and a bit sweet. Is that what you’re smelling?” Shiro nodded, and the witch tilted his head curiously. “You’re eyes, I’ve only seen ones like them once before. Someone who could see magic. Can you?”
Shiro was hesitant to say anything to this. Seeing magic was dangerous for werewolves. It meant they were true werewolves, and that was dangerous. Those were the ones that were hunted down, killed to keep from more werewolves being made and born. He closed his eyes, seeing hints of blue peeking through the magic, and a calm settled over him. More magic, something Shiro was thankful for.
He steeled himself, opening his eyes to look into the witch’s. “I can, yes.” The witch looked at him, that curiosity still in his eyes. “Why do you ask?” He saw him look back in surprise, as though he hadn’t expected Shiro to ask that question. But he laughed, one that sounded of twinkling glass and birdsong.
“I’ve always wondered what my magic looks like. Witches, we can’t see each other’s magic unless we project it. It’s energy consuming, so we don’t do it often.” His voice softened, quieted. “Would you… would you tell me what my magic looks like?”
Shiro felt something shift in his chest, and felt himself smile a little at the witch in front of him. “When you first walked up to me, it purple and pink, swirling tendrils weaving together and around me. When you asked me if I could see it, blue started to bloom through it, coming in small bursts that lingered, seeming to calm.”
The witch’s eyes widened, a wide smile spreading across his face. “Galaxy coloured magic… are you sure? Is that really what it looked like?” Shiro nodded, biting the inside of his cheek as he saw his face light up. “Do you think… do you think I can do more magic, and you can tell me what it looks like?”
Shiro contemplated this thought. Making friends with a witch, one he had just met, was a curious concept for him. Most witches were afraid of werewolves, scared of something happening to them. But this one, he openly wanted to be around Shiro. Again, that feeling like this was something they were meant to do filled him, and he couldn’t help but nod.
The witch let out a small squeal, one that had Shiro laughing and seeing him blush in embarrassment before turning away from him. Shiro closed his eyes, letting the magic move through the air. It started out with the same purples and pinks, but then greens and yellows popped in existence, quick bursts that faded a few seconds after appearing. Orange danced between them, creating geometric shapes as it wove its way between the others. Red followed the path of orange, fading in and out of the line.
The colours astounded Shiro, he’d never seen something like it. Allura, her magic was blue and pink and red. Keith, his was red and purple and sometimes black. But this, this was like something he had never seen before. Something he felt he had seen before, but couldn’t remember. That feeling, that Deja vu, he finally realized why he had. When he opened his eyes, he saw a knowing look his face.
“You finally realize, didn’t you?” he asked quietly. Shiro nodded, his eyes searching over his face. “I don’t know how many lives it’s been, but you know who I am. Or at least, have a feeling.” He nodded again, his heart racing. He knew what this was – soulmate magic. That’s why it had felt so familiar.
“You’re scent, you’re magic, it was so familiar, but I couldn’t figure it out. This feeling like we had done this before, it’s what made me realize.” Shiro’s voice was just as soft, and he stepped forward. “How long has it been Adam?” The witch, no, Adam, he seemed smile even more at hearing Shiro say his voice.
“It’s been too long Shiro.” He stepped forward, and Shiro wrapped his arms around him. “I knew coming out here tonight was a good idea. But you took your time getting here.” Shiro laughed, and felt Adam laugh against his chest.
“Maybe you should have used a tracking spell to find me sooner. That is, if you actually know how to use one.” He heard Adam make a noise of indignation at the notion that he couldn’t use one.
“I’ll have you know I can perform a perfect tracking spell. How do you think I found the neighborhood you lived in?” Adam said, pulling his head away from his chest. Shiro gave him a skeptical look.
“You’re tracking spell must not be as good as you think if it only led you to the neighborhood. My brother can do a better tracking spell than that, and he’s quite a bit younger than you.” Adam gasped angrily, playfully slapping Shiro’s arm.
“Excuse you, I’m not that old! At least I’m not the one with white hair,” he said back, his scowl quirking up into a smile. Shiro laughed again, crushing Adam in a hug.
“Just you wait, no magic in the world will save you from having white hair. Besides, white hair it perfectly acceptable for a werewolf. You don’t seem to have any issues with it.” He heard Adam laugh, that laugh of tinkling glass and birdsong.
“I guess so, Mr. Wolf. Let’s go home, its well after midnight.” Shiro looked up at the moon, having been oblivious to its movement across the sky. He nodded, letting go of Adam. Their fingers intertwined as they moved to leave the forest. Shiro breathed, smelling that scent again.
“Are you using magic again?” Adam just smiled and nodded, and Shiro felt emotions wash over him – happiness, love, a feeling of completeness. He relaxed into it, let it comfort him, and he smiled, feeling like he was finally truly who he was supposed to be, with the one he was supposed to be with.
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
Ryan and Lance
This is based off of Cheesevore#6034 drawing with background aesthetic in round one!
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
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moodboard based on Kuto-Tan's art of witch Allura and Romelle
Discord: Random Fandom trash#3565
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
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inspo from this piece 
discord - bopit #2848   tumblr - flataltea
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
And In Autumn, The Pigeons Aren't That Loud
Pidge loved autumn, she really did. Sure, it didn’t have all the endless fun of summer, or the sense of wonder she got from winter, or the awe of spring, but damn if it didn’t have its own thing. Pidge tried not to take things for granted, but she couldn’t help but feel that she really did take autumn for granted, as amazing as it was.
To Pidge, autumn was a time of change. The green turned to red, something she and Keith had a long-running joke about. It never failed to spark something in Pidge when she saw that the usually green leaves would flip over a new leaf and be red just in time to get her in the mood for the holiday season.
In autumn, Pidge would have to go back to school. She didn’t necessarily dread it, as it gave her an excuse to buy more coffee than she already consumed. School kept her computer skills sharp and kept her armed with metaphors in spades. She got to hang out with Shiro, Allura, Hunk, and Lance more during the school year, and she and Keith would wreak havoc during their astronomy meetings. School was, to put it simply, the place where she was the most open to being herself.
Don’t let the last sentence fool you. She was most definitely herself with her family, especially Matt. There would never be a year where she and Matt didn’t brawl over the last bit of Halloween candy, only to split it in half. (Not really, Pidge would still sneak and take some of Matt’s share.) Pidge would always be up to a movie or game night with her family. Her dad made the best theater-style popcorn, and her mom was always equipped with witty remarks to dialogue in the movies.
Pidge’s favorite thing about autumn, though, was the annual Spooky Gang Roadtrip. Pidge, Keith, Lance, Hunk, Allura, Shiro, and Matt (he could only go because without him, Pidge couldn’t) would all take a road trip together to somewhere random but fun during their Fall Break. Shiro would usually drive with Pidge or Keith as navigator and the rest of the crew would buckle up and enjoy the ride.
They would dare each other, spill secrets, dance at rest-stops, and jostle each other at fast-food restaurants. The destination was always different and always chosen by someone different every year. Last year, Hunk had taken them to a town known for their fall festivals, and luckily their fall break landed on the same week as the festival, so the Spooky Gang had the time of their lives that day. (Matt didn’t, he ate too much pumpkin pie and hurled on the side of the highway, Shiro was not happy.) Pidge’s favorite part of the road trip were the nights the gang stayed up late, sleepily tossing around jokes and slurring out dumb conspiracies while they all leaned on each other. If Pidge stayed up late enough, Shiro would softly play Sleeping At Last until she fell asleep. How he managed to never crash the minivan, Pidge would never know.
So yes, Autumn was a time that Pidge very greatly treasured, though it was sandwiched between two very strong seasons. Autumn was a time that Pidge transitioned from the wildness of summer to the calmness of winter. She settled into school, settled back in with her friends, and settled with not seeing her brother for 8 hours (school is a godsend). Autumn was everything Pidge loved, packed into a tiny season that easily flowed into two extreme seasons. Pidge wouldn’t trade anything for how she spent Autumn (and that’s a big feat, she’s really been wanting that Nintendo Switch for a while now).
 Discord ID- Mars
Post I based this off of: Rain's beautiful moodboard 
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
Double, Double, Toil, and Trouble
A couple of disclaimers first.
This fic is not intended to present any Wiccan beliefs. This is technically (though it can be read as a stand-alone) part of my A Fractured Fairy Tale AU which can perhaps be best described as a Buffy/Stargate/Generic Urban Fantasy Mashup and is known to most people (of the five who know about it) as “The Ghost!Shiro AU”
So all witchcraft has no basis in anything other than my undying love of faerie tales and two decades of exposure to the fantasy genre.
This fic was written for the finale round of the Voltron Spooky Games and is inspired by this lovely art.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
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thevoltrongames · 6 years
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“ restless “ i saw this post where matt was a ghost, and the idea.... intrigued me. I love the angsty idea of Matt dying yet not passing on to stay around Katie longer. give me that good sibling angst or give me death 😤 (also pls excuse the fact that Matt looks like Keith no matter how hard I try all my art comes back to Keith) discord: cheesevore#6034
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