Wandering witchery
Hello my ghosts and ghouls, while researching last night the paranormal for the podcast my black cat scared the ever living crap out of me by jumping up where i was sitting wanting her dinner  
She is so silly but i do love her dearly she is why i keep moving forward with my passions and trying new things and to become the better human she sees me to be.
I am wondering if i should also add some witchery to the blog and podcast since i am more then just into the paranormal.
Now, i only mention this because this upcoming weekend 9/18/2021 is dayton pagan pride day thats taking place in Fairborn at 691 east dayton yellow springs road. Since the price of admission is one non-perishable food item, which is good in helping those who need it, plus there is going to be 40 vendors, 11 different work shops, one im certainly will be going too and going to the persons vendor booth as well taking the book they wrote with me. Of course there is going to be food, drinks ( of the non-alcoholic kind) and music and there is gonna be some fun for the kids like a water ballon fun. The event starts at 9 am and ends at 6pm with an opening and closing ritual
May go ahead and add it to the podcast and make a YouTube video for it as well and take photos and have everything covered for it as well
Stay spooky my ghosts and ghouls and stay hauntingly beautiful
Forever spooky and forever young and yours always
Your campfire haunter,  Wolfraven
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Welcome to the campfire
Welcome to the campfire.  I’m Wolfraven moonshine, here we will be gathering around the campfire and telling tall tales, ghost stories, legends and folklore from around the United States and from around the world as well
So come sit a spell pull up a log and grab some marshmallows and graham crackers and some hot chocolate and apple cider  and let the spooks start
May the spooks be with you
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Triple small side quest
Welcome to the campfire my ghosts and ghouls ,
just a small post today had three small side quests to do today. well four if you count the last one
One: find batteries for my wireless mouse and Two: find a cord i needed for my digital camera to upload the pictures from it onto my laptop and Three: log into word press on my laptop so i can use the laptop more often then what im using it. And the Fourth : burning incense and lighting the only three candles i have on my altar.
Yes the name of this blog and podcast is more then just a name. I am 100% that witch. Sorry to burst some bubbles but i can not bee this weird for this long and not be one. lol But yes i am a witch as the dayton pagan pride day post didn’t allude to such a realization, and didnt want to assume that it was clear as i thought it was . Not that it matters though im still me the wandering witch podcast and blog and a good person with flaws (that im working on fixing the bad ones ).
My only hope is that we all learn during this adventure together thats my main goal is to learn and maybe spread the joy of learning and that it is ok to be weird because I am ok being weird myself.
Stay spooky
stay safe
stay weird
and most of all stay beautiful
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