hey everyone sorry I've been gone. Took a bit of a hiatus due to way too much going on. But I am back again. Posted a mini starter to get back in the game.
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     He gazed around at the scenery before him with a smile. The world was unfamiliar, but it was nice. "Just where did I land myself this time?" Sora pondered.
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//Hello everyone. Just wanted to say I'm very sorry for being so inactive. My laptop died on me. Then right after that we lost internet for a bit cause our router needed to be replaced so I couldn't use my roommate computer. Well unfortunately still don't have a new computer, but internet is back so I should be more active again :D. Again sooo sorry for not being on much, wasn't expecting so much stuff to go wrong. 
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"Nice to meet ya Serah." He said with a nod. "Yeah, its pretty awesome here." He replied. He remember not long ago when he and his friends had wanted nothing more than to leave Destiny Island and travel to other worlds. However after his last few adventures, nothing made him happier then to be home. "It definatly a relaxing place. How are you liking it?" He asked.
Sora paused for a moment when he noticed someone approaching him. He gave he a friendly smile as she greeted him. “Hey.” He said returning the greeting. “Oh yeah. Lived here my whole life.” Sora responded to her question. “I’m Sora by the way. Welcome to the islands.”
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"Well its a pretty interesting world he sent us to." Sora stated looking around. "Definatly different from any world I've been to." He felt a nudge at his leg. "Oh hey this is Bulbasaur!" Sora said noticing it was his new little friend attempting to gain attention. He scooped up the pokemon to show Riku. "Bulbasaur, this is my best friend Riku." He introduced. He glanced around Riku. "So? What pokemon did you get?" He questioned.
"Hey I thought I was stuck here alooone!" Sora responded to Riku’s teasing. He became thoughtful for a moment. "Why does Xion sound familiar?" He shook it off at the thought of the other name Riku mentioned. "Oh! Clouds here too!" He said happy to know he’d be seeing...
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"Oh right! Ventus!" Sora said blushing a bit embarassed. Roxas had been on his mind and he had forgotten the other boy was staying in the islands. "Sorry about that. Heh, you guys could pass for twins you know." He moved an arm to rub the back of his head. "So how ya liking the islands?" He asked hopeing to brush aside the mistake.
Sora turned to the greeting he heard. “Hey.” He said returning the greeting before he jumped back a bit surprised. He looked the kid up and down. “R-roxas?” He questioned. That wasn’t possible was it. Well the guy certainly looked like his nobody.
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"Hey I thought I was stuck here alooone!" Sora responded to Riku's teasing. He became thoughtful for a moment. "Why does Xion sound familiar?" He shook it off at the thought of the other name Riku mentioned. "Oh! Clouds here too!" He said happy to know he'd be seeing more familiar faces. "I guess the question now is why are we here?" Sora said
Sora made a wide grin as he practically tackled Riku in a hug. “Man I’m soo happy to see you!” He said with excitment. “I thought I was the only one here too. Well from our world anyway. I have ran into a few people who got brought here from other worlds as well.” Sora...
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Sora made a wide grin as he practically tackled Riku in a hug. "Man I'm soo happy to see you!" He said with excitment. "I thought I was the only one here too. Well from our world anyway. I have ran into a few people who got brought here from other worlds as well." Sora explained.
Having finally reached the next town, Sora decided a trip to the Pokemon Center was definitely needed. He had recently caught another of the creatures in this world and both his Pokemon probably needed some medical attention now. Though Bulbasaur seemed to be holding...
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Okay guys, I can't really fix the little things you pointed out (such as not being able to see Sora's head, as that's an issue with your screen resolution, not the image haha) or the title thing (although I might make the font size a little smaller and see if that helps)
So, I think this is Sora's theme for now, unless the mun gets online and decides she doesn't like it.
So!! Woohoo. I'm glad i got that over with.
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Having finally reached the next town, Sora decided a trip to the Pokemon Center was defiantly needed. He had recently caught another of the creatures in this world and both his Pokemon probably needed some medical attention now. Though Bulbasaur seemed to be holding up. After asking around a bit it hadn't to hard to find the large building. He entered the building and began to make his way up to the counter, when someone caught his eye.
He glanced over at a very familiar person. He froze a moment as he registered it was in fact his friend. "RIKU!?" He shouted in shock and excitement as he hurried over to the boy.
Finally getting to a Pokecenter was a relief for both Riku and his Pokemon. It was a fairly simple process, as well— The nurse with bubblegum pink hair was happy to assist him in helping make his Pokemon feel all better. 
He let Cubone out of his pokeball then, as there was no reason to keep him pent up in such a small, cramped space. The Cubone looked up at him with big, round eyes, before letting out a happy chirp and hugging his leg. Blinking, Riku titled his head down at the little guy before reaching a hand down to pat his head.
"Nice to have you on the team, Cubone."
Pulling out his Pokedex, Riku registered the Pokemon’s information for later use.
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Cubone, the lonely pokemon. Cubone wears the skull of its deceased mother. Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody.
Riku looked down at the Pokemon with a new perspective. “I’m..I’m lonely too, little guy.”
I just want to go home.
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A wild Litleo appeared.
Sora had continued moving forward with Bulbasaur faithfully by his side. “Hope we get to the next town soon. I could sure use something to eat. How about you?” Sora asked looking down at his friend. “Bul-Saur!” The pokemon started to agree before being alerted to a sound.
Sora glance in the direction his friend was glaring at and saw what looked like a lion cub leap out. “Woah, what do we have here?” Sora questioned as he pulled out the pokedex. 
Litleo a lion like pokemon. They set off on their own from their pride and live by themselves to become stronger. These hot-blooded Pokémon are quick to fight.
Sora looked to Bulbasaur. Ready to get in some training and a new friend?” He asked. “Saur! His friend responded.
"Alright then! Use razor leaf!" Sora shouted. Bulbasaur leaped foreword and released several sharp leaves at the cub. Though injured by the leaves, the Litleo leap up and tackled Bulbasaur throwing the other off a bit. "Okay, now vine whip!" Sora called out. Doing as told Bulbasaur wrapped his vines around the Litleo and threw him into a tree. The pokemon staggered about dazed.
Sora decided this was the perfect opportunity to hurl a pokeball at the creature. Doing so, the ball made contact and the Litleo transformed into a ball of red light and went into the ball. Sora watched for a moment as the pokemon struggled to get out. After a moment the ball stood still. “Alright!” Sora shouted hurrying over to retrieve the ball. “Haha welcome to the team!” He said happily. He turned to look at Bulbasaur. “Well guess we better get a move on. We really need to hit up the next town now. You 2 could probably use a trip to the pokemon center.” Sora said.
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Sora had mixed feelings about the guy's responce. It was a relife to know he wasn't the only one caught up in this mess. However, he wasn't happy to hear Xehanort had dragged more people into his plan. Just what was it the man was planning? And how many others were brought here? "Can't say for sure why we are here. I can say however that it isn't good. That Xehanort guy. He's bad news. What ever he's planning he needs us here. Not sure if its to distract us or there's something in this world he needs." Sora explained the best he could. "Oh I'm Sora by the way." He said.
The two of them hadn’t gotten very far before Sora noticed another of these creatures approach and start barking at them. Bulbasaur looked ready to attack. “Now wait a sec.” Sora told his little friend. He didn’t want any necessary fighting just yet. Sora was still...
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It had been’t been long since the gang had returned to their home. And Sora rushed to made his way to the beach. It had been so long since he’d been able to just relax. Or just enjoy being back on his island in general.
As he approach, he noticed quite a few people…
Sora turned to the greeting he heard. “Hey.” He said returning the greeting before he jumped back a bit surprised. He looked the kid up and down. “R-roxas?” He questioned. That wasn’t possible was it. Well the guy certainly looked like his nobody.
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glacialiscalor : ♥~♥~♥ Oh hey! If you’ve gotten this, that means you mean an awful lot to someone! That someone just might be me! (It is me, don’t tell anyone; shh). I’d just like to say it’s a pleasure to have you in my life and I want only the best for you. Keep smiling because it makes me smile too. I love you and I hope you’re day is good! ♥~♥~♥
awwwww Thank you!!!!
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//just a little note real quick. I just wanted to apologize for not being very active just yet in this group. My laptop is completely down at the moment. I am taking it to be looked at Tuesday. Kind of borrowing friend's computers at the moment. Just letting everyone know replies and such will be slow. Sorry again.
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// Soooo sorry anyone that tried messaging me. Completely forgot I have to manually open my ask box and all that fun stuff. Its been a while since I've done a new tumblr account.
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The two of them hadn't gotten very far before Sora noticed another of these creatures approach and start barking at them. Bulbasaur looked ready to attack. "Now wait a sec." Sora told his little friend. He didn't want any necessary fighting just yet. Sora was still familiarizing himself with Bulbasaurs moves.
Sora gave the dog like creature a concerned look before looking up and noticing a man headed their way. When he caught up to the group, he apologised for Jolteon's behavior. 'Jolteon?' Sora questioned in his head for a moment. He'd have to look that one up later. He could take a guess at it being an electric type though.
He looked back up to the man and gave him a smile. "Its fine. Can't blame him for being protective." Sora responded. His smile returned to a look of concern at the mention of Xehanort's name. "Yeah...I met him." Sora said. He wondered if this boy was a resident here who saw Xehanort as nothing more than a professor...or... "You...don't happen to be from another world...do you?" Sora asked. He knew it was random to ask, and he was probably going to look crazy if the guy really did live in this world. However, he had to be sure.
Headed for Cerulean City. // Open
     Sora decided the best approach was to speak to some of the residents of this world. A way of getting an idea where to begin. From what he gathered, being a trainer was exactly what it sounded like. It was his job to train Bulbasaur. Help the little Pokemon to grow and become stronger. And not only his new companion, but any other Pokémon he happened to meet and capture along the way. The ultimate goal of a trainer however, was to become a master. To battle leaders in gym after gym to obtain badges and eventually compete in huge competitions and leagues after obtaining the required amount.
     After speaking with the people of the town and stopping in the market to grab a bit more supplies he turned to look at Bulbasaur. “Ok little guy. What gym you think we should head for?” Sora questioned his friend. “You are ready to take on a Gym right?” He teased a bit. “Saur!” His friend responded nodding excited. “Alright, well you probably need some training first. So lets head down one of these routes and see who we find to battle.” Sora suggested looking over the map he found in his bag.
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"Lets make Cerulean City our destination. Its a water Pokémon gym. You’re strong against water, so it should be a breeze." He continued.
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     It nodded in agreement. “Alright! Lets go!” Sora said and headed down one of the paths. He couldn’t help but wonder if he was the only one Xehanort drew to this world? Or if he managed to send some of his friends here as well? ‘Well guess the only way to find out was to search for them as we go.’ He thought as the headed down the path.
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