theweepingvoid · 5 days
i am a very kinky person, well theoretically but still sehat-sehat calon pacar q hehe
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theweepingvoid · 14 days
receiving my communion just after i scrolled through my naughty fyp felt wrong (?) guess the holy spirit left on me still kinda working #blessedwednesday
say no to #loveislove
say yes to #loveisjesus
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theweepingvoid · 5 months
not this "tiktok seller" casually called her buyer BOTI help
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theweepingvoid · 5 months
people pleaser mah gini, driver yang salah titik jemput awak yang jalan kaki ngejumpai 😞💔
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theweepingvoid · 5 months
not complaining but kenapa cyclops characters are always damn fine ya
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theweepingvoid · 5 months
i finally found my first crush facebook account, and dang bjir i tidak bisa menyangkal that i do have a type hehe :3
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theweepingvoid · 5 months
emangnya ada ya tuyul daging ayam, soalnya tadi malem aku ungkep ayam 6 terus pas mau digoreng sisa 5 :( merindings wkkwkwkkw
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theweepingvoid · 6 months
tetiba craving oreo, meow
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theweepingvoid · 6 months
why do they keep going with these "siblings to lover" plot ew ewwwwwwwwww its disgusting, eventho they arent "biological" siblings, but still ewwwwwwwww ewwwwwwwwww
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theweepingvoid · 6 months
im dying over the fact that daniel looks a lot like ari TvT..........
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theweepingvoid · 7 months
sheeshhhhh bisa ga si ga cuma ngelike konten yang ada mukanya doang, kek itu konten jadi konten proses nya panjang ajg, walo keliatan sepele tapi itu kontribusi bejibun unpaid people :)
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theweepingvoid · 8 months
fuck i need a husband
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theweepingvoid · 9 months
tbh i wouldnt even hire me either : )
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theweepingvoid · 9 months
where can i buy this sous-chef jeremy's the mess o.o
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theweepingvoid · 11 months
making people confuse about their sexuality is one of my life goals hehe ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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theweepingvoid · 2 years
August 17, 2022
you want to be loved the way you love, but you don’t even know how to feel and to love.
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theweepingvoid · 2 years
August 9, 2022
you could fall in love with a mind and never recover.
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