thewidowpazzy · 7 years
Is it wrong that I don’t give the men I would like to be/am involved with names in my phone?
Is this my weird way of not getting attached to them so they can’t hurt me? Or am I just lazy?
Even worse is the ones I really like but don’t think will ever get over their shit and make a move have acquired mythical beast nicknames. One is my white whale, the other Bigfoot. Both physically (due to distance) and somewhat emotionally unobtainable.
Fucking men.
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
and i would have done it too, if it werent for this meddling mental illness!
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
Today has been one of those days when the darkness will periodically reach out and crush my heart until I can't breathe. It's a shame it's so nice outside.
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
Olicity Fic Rec (Part 1)
Hey everybody! I have been wanting to do a fic rec for a while, but I haven’t been able to find the time to do it. Luckily now that school and finals are over, I finally can! I kinda tried to organize this fic rec by categories and stuff and I got really carried away lol, but I hope you enjoy!
SOME OF MY FAVORITE FICS (Not necessarily recent fics, just fics I LOVE (not all of my favorites bc we’d be here for days), and for the recent fics that are also my favorites, I put them in the recent section):
Sportsmanlike Conduct by @mogirl97: Overall one of my favorite sports AU’s! It has both fluff and angst, and I literally couldn’t stop reading it! I originally read it when it first came out, and each update made me so happy! Not to mention, hockey is literally my favorite sport (and I may or may not be a Flyers super fan) so this fic was especially fun to read! It all begins in college, when Felicity meets Oliver Queen, a handsome and talented hockey player! They hit it off immediately, and their relationship is so good, but of course, things get in the way! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND! Such an amazing fic!!
Times Like These by @anthfan: I REREAD THIS EVERY SINGLE NIGHT I’M NOT EVEN KIDDING (i literally just re-read it and finished it before I started making this post)! If you have free time, go read this fic, and if you don’t have free time, drop what you’re doing, make time, and go read this fic! This fic is so good, and all of Oliver and Felicity’s interactions are so well done. I actually only came across this story a few months ago, and I am so mad I didn’t find it sooner, but now that I have read it, I can’t stop reading it over and over! It begins with Felicity’s stalker and cousin, Nate, coming back into her life, and of course, Oliver and Dig doing everything they can to protect her. SO GOOD. SO SO SO SO GOOD. I’m not gonna lie, this fic made me cry, and I rarely ever cry, so that should tell you how AMAZING this fic is!
The Firebird by @supersillyanddorky06: Am I gonna rec every single one of Matty’s fics? Yes. And the Firebird is NO EXCEPTION! This fic was recently finished (ending was super amazing) and if you’re looking for an amazing, riveting fic to read, go READ IT RIGHT NOW! I literally would not put this fic down when I first read it, and everytime I go back and re-read it, I read it from start to finish because its SO GOOD(lol the amount of HW i’ve been able to complete has gone way down since I started reading matty’s fics). This fic is an Al-Sahim story, but has Oliver in Felicity’s house every night, not saying a word, and watching Tv with her, after Felicity finds Oliver about to kill someone one night. Basically, Oliver starts seeking Felicity after that night, and you’ll have to see what happens! Honestly tho, I don’t know how to describe this fic (it’s too amazing to put into words), so just go READ IT!
Forever is Composed of Nows by @dust2dust34 and @so-caffeinated: I’m pretty sure everyone has read this fic, but that’s because it’s only the best thing to ever exist! I read this fic a while ago, but lost it, and when I found it again, not only was it completed, but there was a SEQUEL and I SCREAMED OUT LOUD BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY! Such a good fic, and as a person who doesn’t even like children, I fell in love with Ellie Queen (believe me that is saying a lot, like i hate kids, but this story made me absolutely love Ellie) ! This fic has so much amazing fluff, and good angst, and just a wonderful wonderful plot. I love having the Queen fam in it, and every single chapter is just so good. It begins with Ellie Queen, Oliver and Felicity’s daughter, being brought into the past to escape Zoom, when Felicity and Oliver are not together, and haven’t even accepted their feelings for each other. SO GOOD. Such a great idea for a fic, that was made into a beautiful story, and I love it so much!
With our Backs to the Wall (Darkness will Fall) by @theirhappystory: ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITES LIKE I CAN’T EXPLAIN GUYS ITS SO SO GOOD!! I am the biggest sucker for Army AU’s and age differences and this fic touches upon both of those and does it so well. Every single moment in this fic I absolutely love, and I really can’t put into words how good it is. You have to read it. You just have to. It starts with Oliver returning from war, coming back to a home with Felicity, who is looking much different and more mature then when he lost saw her. Oliver struggles with keeping his feelings and thoughts in check, and it is GLORIOUS! GO READ IT! I LOVE THIS FIC SO SO SO MUCH!
Or Forever Hold Your Peace by @katanabaabe: Such an incredibly angsty and beautiful fic, that you won’t be able to put down! I came across this fic a long time ago, and I am still just as obsessed with it now as I was then. I loved how this story was done, and I loved the way that Oliver and Felicity’s relationship plays out. I LOVE ANGST, and this fic had such well done angst it was impossible to put down. It begins with Oliver comforting Felicity after she is very upset over what happened with her fiancé, Ray Palmer, and things escalate. Such a good fic!
Where There’s Smoak There’s Fire by FelOllie @littlered-sourwolf: THIS IS SUCH AN AMAZING FIC! I have re read this story countless times, and I think it gets better each time. I love, love, love, the way Felicity and Oliver’s friendship plays out, with tons of sexual tension and teasing, and the angst (oh my god the angst is so good guys) all just is written together so beautifully you have to go read it! It begins with Oliver and Felicity, five years after the count took her, being the best of friends. I don’t want to spoil too much, but all I can say is READ IT because you will not regret it! Amazing amazing story!
Keep reading
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
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episode 1x02 (gif made years ago) // episode 5x18
(or: a giftset to prove stephen amell has stayed in shape)
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
Oh man. I know someone like this..
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#hate to see him go but love to watch him leave #🍑
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
Is it weird if I tell you that one of my biggest reasons for stalking (in a good way) your blog is your Amell gifs? It never fails to crack me up that you ALWAYS have a perfect one for every ask and I ❤️ drooling over Stephen! It's a win-win for me!
Why wouldn’t you? I mean…
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Have you seen that face?
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Those eyes
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Those lips (pillow mountains af)
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That tongue (playing peekaboo)
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That scruff (holy shit that scruff… i can write sonnets about that scruff)
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AND that vein on the side of that neck…
That jaw
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(and those eyebrows and that mole at the corner of his lip and that face in profile… it’s a work of art I swear)
Those shoulders 
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Those biceps
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That chest
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And those abs *swallows*
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And that curve of his ass (lemme drool)
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Don’t even get me started on all the stunts and weapons (the guns and the arrows and the sword and the knives and basically every single weapon known to man) and monkey-saluting-gravity-defying actions like this
Or Him in a suit
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Or a t-shirt
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Or a hoodie
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Damn, don’t even get me started on the bike. That’s a whole different level of porn.  
When it comes to this man, anon,
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Because he breathes and 
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Every. Damn. Time. 
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
Okay....I'm all caught up! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT TO SEASON 6!?!
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
Oh thank god it's Oliver Queen.
You've been kidnapped but the main character of the last TV show you watched is coming to rescue you.
Who’s rescuing you?
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
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feeling down? have an oliver
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
You are the first and only writer I have read for this fandom. I love your work so much, I've re read all your Arrow stories twice (even the Firefly one even though I've never watched it). Do you have any favorite Olicity fics to recommend to keep me from going crazy my first hiatus? (I binged the first 4 seasons last year)
This is awesome!! Thank you! I’m super honored. And do I have recs? Oh yes, I have recs. 
First rec isn’t actually a fic, it’s a resource… @theolicitylibrary. If you want recs, they’ve got ‘em. If you want a specific trope or rating or genre, they’ve got that, too. Have a hankering for a fic where Oliver and Felicity are business rivals? There’s a link for that. Where she’s the vigilante instead? There’s a link for that, too. Where one of them is a werewolf? Yup. They’re an amazing resource and you can lose days (and weeks and months) going through lists of alpha/omega tropes and rockstar AUs and friends-to-lovers fics. 
But more specifically… how about I rec some authors, too? I haven’t been reading much lately - I spend all my time writing - so I’m more comfortable reccing authors I know are amazing and whose works I’m looking forward to catching up on. They’re all consistently excellent. This is by no means an all inclusive list.
@dust2dust34 - My co-writer for FiCoN and personal fav (though I admit to no small amount of bias). If you want smut and you want details and mining a scene for feelings, Bre is your girl. She has plenty of oneshots to choose from as well as some multichapter fics.  
@machawicket - Look, I can’t overstate Danielle’s skills as a writer. My husband doesn’t even read my fic but he likes hers. Her writing is funny, sweet, sexy and heartbreaking in turn but it’ll never leave you unsatisfied. She’s a master. 
@anthfan - Nikki is one of those writers that’s so good she makes you forget you’re reading a story, because it’s just something you’re living. It’s an experience. Her characterization is spot-on and her plots are super engaging. She writes both one-shots and longer stories. They’re all worth your time.
@hannasus - Susannah’s writing is the perfect balance of detailed exposition and tight narrative that lets you feel like you’ve experienced the whole setting in just a few lines. Add to that fully in-character characterization and interesting plots that keep you reading and you really can’t go wrong. I recommend reading her Something Like Fate series ASAP as she’s adapted it into the basis for an original novel (which she’s publishing later this year) and it may not be up on AO3 a whole lot longer. 
@rosietwiggs - I can always tell Rosie’s work in just a few lines. Her narrative voice is so very distinctive and so gripping that it pulls me in effortlessly. I don’t believe she’s writing for Arrow anymore, but even her unfinished works are worth a read. I especially recommend The New Normal, Lengths and How The Mighty Fall In Love.
@supersillyanddorky06 - I’d be surprised if you hadn’t heard around about Matty’s writing because she’s right at the core of the Olicity fandom’s best known fanfics. With good reason. She’s prolific, plotty, smutty and evocative. If you have a weakness for Bratva!Oliver, I’d start here. 
@jsevick - I first met Jaimie after reading her Jurassic Park AU (really!) and being both delighted and amazed that she could make it work. I’m extremely lucky to have had her help as my beta pretty much ever since. If you like my writing, she’s a big part of it (along with @alizziebyanyothername). While she hasn’t posted in a while, her stories are just fun and if you like Gilmore Girls, her Arrow AU for Gilmore Girls is a treat!
@realityisoverrated-fic - I have no idea how you would feel about Smoaking Billionaires, Anon (I personally love it), but I’ve got to very highly recommend her Infinite Love series. At 110 parts and counting, it deals extensively with Oliver, Felicity and Tommy’s family longterm, including their kids. It’s alternately hot, sweet, and heartbreaking. But, most of all, it’s just well-written and interesting. If you’re willing to read them as a triad, I cannot recommend this strongly enough.
@geneeste - I would pay for more of Caught a Long Wind. Quite literally. But, that aside, Genie is a top notch writer. Whether her one-shots, WiPs or brilliant, ongoing epic co-written work with @machawicket, everything she writes should be devoured. 
@juliesioux - Julie uses the setting in a story as another character. There’s so much life to the world she puts her characters in that it practically breathes. Above that, she doesn’t shy away from hard topics. She will rush in head-first and dig deep to explore what her characters are going through. When you read her work, take her warnings seriously, but if you’re looking for a rich story to read that challenges you, she’s the perfect option to turn to.
@thatmasquedgirl - One of the most prolific Olicity fic authors (with 110 fics, including the absolute opus Technical Assistance). She’s consistently excellent, creative and she gives us as a fandom a whole lot to read. You can probably spent a huge chunk of hiatus happily buried in her work.
@entersomethingcleverhere - As a rule, I do not read first person stories. Not even when they’re published books sitting on shelves at my bookstore. I will break that rule for her writing. I like it that much. It’s heartfelt, moving, well-paced, and the connections between her characters are both real and evolving as you go. 
@arrow-through-my-writers-block - Shelby is… well, she’s just fun! She’s a solid writer who never disappoints. She’s got quite a few one-shots and a few ongoing multi-chapters. She’s probably best known for Starstruck, but all of her work is worth reading.  
@wagamiller - I just really love wagamiller’s work. Like a lot. There are very few authors I have on alert, but wagamiller is. Stories that make me laugh out loud are few and far between, but the 35B series surely did (as did @machawicket‘s Unbearable Hotness of Being, btw). Strong, sharp, witty writing that will leave you with a grin on your face.
@callistawolf - When I think of Callie’s work, I think of the fanfic version of sitting down with some hot cocoa and curling up with a warm blanket to watch a Hallmark Christmas special. She’s consistently excellent about finishing her work, which is lovely, and you can pretty much always count on a feel-good romantic ending. 
@hopedreamlovepray - Writing one-shots that stick with your reader is hard. Keeping a story to 1-2k and still being impactful is even harder. She absolutely manages it every time. Hope27 (as she’s known on AO3, so you can find her) has something like a hundred Olicity fics. These are, in my opinion, absolutely perfect if you want to lose yourself in a story on the train to work or during your lunch hour. 
@dettiot - Mel has a lot of great stories (like really great). My favorite is probably the “ink in my pen ran dry” series, but that’s a really tough call. Core Curriculum is super hot. The Felicity Stark series (crossover with Avengers-verse) is brilliant and fun and made me giddy while reading it. Beauty in the Breakdown is excellent. Jerry the EA series features one of the best takes on a relative OC I’ve read in fics. Love is Red made me squeal like a teenager with excitement (I’m not ashamed; it was warranted). And Two Men, Same Name (written with @melsanfo) is one of those that I am absolutely dying for the time to catch up on. While I’m at it, let’s rec Mel Sanfo, too. Her Masquerade is another novel-length fic absolutely worth a read. You really can’t go wrong with either of these ladies. 
@ash818 - Ash is freaking awesome. So, here’s the thing. Her Legacy series is mind-blowingly good. I have to admit, I’ve only read The Man Under The Hood in the series (this is intentional, for a reason you’ll see in a moment, but you need to read all of her work ASAP, okay? You do). This series… you’ve got future, married Olicity with teenage children as they continue their mission. There’s action, plot, heartbreak, angst, love, everything you could want. It’s in first person from their son’s perspective which is something I would probably never have clicked on in the first place had it not come highly recommended, but good lord is it amazing. All of her characters have life. All of them have depth. Her OCs are fully formed and vital to the story without overshadowing characters you already know. I haven’t read the later stories because after I decided to continue on with FiCoN verse, I didn’t want to inadvertently shade my views on Olicity’s growing family and continuing mission with anything she did in her series. If anything I do happens to run parallel to her work, I want to know beyond any doubt that it’s 100% coincidence. But her stories are something I’m absolutely itching to get to read… eventually. Her writing is excellent.  
@tinaday3w - I’m tempted to say “JUST READ IT” but that’s probably not enough… But really, just read it. No one does slow burn like Tina. Victorian era AU with pirate!Oliver? Yes, please. Hello. I’ll take two.
@emmilynestill - She’s just so good. And sooooo hot. I don’t know if you know this, Anon, but writing a good sex scene is hard. You don’t want your reader pulled out of the scene by wondering if a position is actually possible or when underwear came off (or if it did) or how gravity isn’t making them collapse. Like… smut is difficult. But it reads so effortlessly with Emmilyne’s writing. And, beyond that, she weaves it in beautifully with plot that keeps you wondering what’s next and emotion that builds and grows in an organic way. Orgasms and organic feelings. Honestly, what else could anyone really want?
@ruwithmeguys - Jess will gut you and leave you asking her to do it again. Indecent Proposal… just… read the warnings and be ready and read it with a lot of time on your hands and probably in chunks because ouch. But still… read it.
@academyofshipping - Sarah has this dry sense of humor that comes out in her fics that’s as clever as it is fun. Fluffy, funny, smart, cute and rich with feeling, Sarah’s writing is consistently strong. 
@someonesaidcake - Felice is fantastic for completed, multichapter AU fics. She has quite a few and I’m pretty sure every single one included smut at some point (if that’s your thing) as well as plot. 
And… I’ve spent like an hour and a half on this which was a lovely diversion for my day. I know I’m forgetting amazing people but I have to stop here. When in doubt, take the title of a fic you like, google that name in quotes along with “rec list” and find someone’s list where that story was included, then explore the others. Or, check the bookmarks on AO3 of an author you like, that’s a great place to mine for fics, too. And, again, I can’t rec @theolicitylibrary enough. That said… happy reading, Anon! We’ll get through this hiatus together… through fic and sheer force of will. ;-)
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
Dear #hotemt
Gonna say it here: Probably never going to get over you. Especially when you post cute comments on my Instagram.
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
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You guys have probably seen this floating around…
Since this concerns me, and truthfully the whole fandom, I’m posting the screenshots I mentioned I took of the whole thing. Above is ch.2 of the Roses and the forest story, as it was before Kittengirl998 changed it to, supposedly, not resemble Masquerade as much. 
Though the change is welcomed, in my opinion, it’s really not enough. Because if you look at the screenshots above and compare them to Masquerade’s Ch.1 and Ch.2 it is blatantly obvious that this wasn’t done ‘by mistake’. This takes ‘inspiration’ to a whole new level of wrong.
Now, most of you probably don’t know me for posting stuff like this because, for the most part, I am one of those ‘ostrich’ people in the fandoms. You know of my kind, I don’t do drama, I don’t get phased by stuff, I just do my thing, live and let live.
But this? This I cannot just ‘let roll off my back’; I said ostrich, not duck, after all. 
So stand by, love and respect your authors. If you see something that looks highly familiar as part of another story, let the person know; because if it hadn’t been for a good samaritan, I would not have known this was happening until I had read it for myself.
This is not ok and ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t realize’ excuses do not cut it.
Spread the word.
@thatmasquedgirl @quiveringbunny @lynslogic @coal000 @alexiablackbriar13 @almondblossomme @dust2dust34 @dettiot @bitchwithwifii @callistawolf @candykizzes24 @ellefraser17
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
Summoning @alexiablackbriar13
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Keep reading
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
You know that whole moment when your ship finally gets together and then there is angst because "sleeping together changes everything"? Yea, well that shit is real. Now I just need someone to write wtf I'm supposed to do next
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thewidowpazzy · 7 years
You know what I love?
When something happens and you spend the next week overthinking and picking it apart.
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