thewindian · 6 years
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Maybe God made me a painter for people who aren’t born yet.
At Eternity’s Gate (2018) dir. Julian Schnabel
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thewindian · 6 years
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In January 2019, we will relaunch The Windian as a monthly eZine under the theme “Jamaica 2020” in which we will look at what we want and don’t want for our country by 2020 and in the decade that follows. The idea is to communicate what we envision Jamaica’s future to be culturally, politically and socially.
If there are unaddressed issues you would like to bring to the public’s attention, changes you would like to see made, or promising ventures and people you think deserve more visibility, tell us!  And hey, your views don’t have to be all sunshine and roses. If you think we’re doomed, we want to hear that too. Just tell us how you feel about our country’s future.
How you choose to express your feelings and thoughts under this theme is limitless.  We accept submissions in mediums that are digitally compatible meaning texts, audio, images, and video so send us your poetry, prose, articles, essays, songs, short films and photos. For further information on our submission guidelines, visit https://thewindian.tumblr.com/submit .
 Follow us on
Instagram @thewindian_blog
Twitter @thewindianblog
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thewindian · 6 years
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How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) dir. Ron Howard
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thewindian · 6 years
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Leave No Trace (2018)
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thewindian · 6 years
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La Vie Sur Terre (Life on Earth) 1999.  dir.  Abderrahmane Sissako
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thewindian · 6 years
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Dr. Gillian Scott-Ward will present her documentary film “Back to Natural”  tomorrow in the Multifunctional Room (opposite the Library) at 6:30 pm.
Admission is FREE!!!!
source: Vimeo
see more here
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thewindian · 6 years
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There are so many things out here. And sometimes, it’s scary, but that’s okay, because it’s still just you and me.
Room (2015) dir. Lenny Abrahamson
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thewindian · 6 years
Though her video is seemingly directed towards an American audience, Evelyn From The Internets has some very sound advice on how to make the most of your university experience.
Check it out! 
If you’re a freshman or a returning student, you might find some of these tips quite helpful.
Source: Evelyn From The Internets.
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thewindian · 6 years
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Calls for submissions under the theme:
“Finding Myself”
Being at university presents us with wonderful opportunities for growth in all areas of our lives. For the three to four years we're here, we have a safe space to create ourselves. We try new identities, are introduced to new perspectives, new lifestyles, new cultures and in the end--if we've paid attention--we leave with a better understanding of the world and ourselves.
We want to know where you are in your journey. Tell us what you've learned so far, the mistakes you've made, and where you hope to be by the time you graduate. Submit your poetry, short stories, essays and artwork HERE.
Submission deadline is September 23.
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thewindian · 6 years
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“Astrid, uh… Look out.”
Slice (2018)
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thewindian · 6 years
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Nostalgia (1983)
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thewindian · 6 years
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Eyes Wide Shut (1999) dir; Stanley Kubrick
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thewindian · 6 years
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A Quiet Place (2018) dir. John Krasinski
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thewindian · 6 years
The dark side of being mixed is you do not get to grow up to become your mother. You may share similar facial features, but you will never get the privilege of looking alike. It will feel like losing her.
Soups, “The Dark Side of Being Mixed” (via buttonpoetry)
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thewindian · 6 years
There are days I light myself on fire just to worship something glittering.
Claire Schwartz, from Bound (via buttonpoetry)
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thewindian · 6 years
I did not know then that identities could be lost in translation.
Diksha Bijlani, “Translated Disney”
A runner-up from the 2017 Button Poetry video contest. HELP SUPPORT BUTTON POETRY.
(via buttonpoetry)
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thewindian · 6 years
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The Color of Pomegranates  1969
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