thewolfintruder · 4 years
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Had a bit of fun with this, too good not to post.
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thewolfintruder · 4 years
Absolutely love it. Look at my smug Boi. @jesdenart never ceases to amaze me. Everytime. I've said it before. I'm very blessed to have a friend like Jess. <3
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Cant do a new full ref for Jess without Wes getting one too… @westonshawtheoutlaw / @thewolfintruder
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thewolfintruder · 4 years
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hello! i’m hosting my 2nd art raffle because my art blog hit 10k followers here on tumblr a couple weeks ago, and i want to celebrate! more info and rules under read more!
big thanks everyone, and good luck!!
Keep reading
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
Jingle bells, Weston spells, Jess goes "what the fuck"!
Thank you for this wonderful Christmas gift @jesdenart <3
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It’s been a short while (must be why I struggled so terribly with this) since I drew these partners in crime but @thewolfintruder got his christmas present :)
I can easily see Wes taking tremendous amount of pleasure out of giving Jess cheeky gag gifts like this for Christmas.
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
*covers up real feelings with aggressive sarcasm*
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
Worgen bois are out and about. Is this werewolf heaven?
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
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WHOOP! It’s that time again! 
Rules: -Likes are awesome, but only Reblogs will be counted. Multiple reblogs will count multiple times! Do NOT spam reblog, however. It is annoying to everyone involved. -You must be following this blog at the time of winner selection! -No giveaway blogs! I will be checking! - One winner will be selected via Random.Org on Friday, October 4th
-The winner will get a Full Colored Full Body -I will message the winner as well as announce them on the blog! After 2 days, if I get no response, I will select another! -This prize can be OCs, fan characters, whatever (just not IRL people, please!)
So follow, reblog, and good luck, friendos!
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
The wolf had his hook, and a response was all he needed to slide over a bar stool. A countryside hat and lazy leather adornments on his person tonight. He lifts his head only barely to get a good look down at the man with a the low eternal emissive gaze. A single violet hued eye dead onto the frowning man. Weston didn't lean in closer, but he might as well have with how low he spoke.
His tone tried to come off as soothing, or maybe empathetic, but his words might have made him sound condescending, speaking with a slight purse to his lips; "It doesn't matter. Take solace in it. I mean I ain't know you, but- I've see your look before. I've carried that same weight that brought these jowls to a frown." Weston took a swig of his ordered whiskey, turning the glass with his fingers as he mocks inspection, "Bit of healthy nihilism does wonders for the soul. Joy? Sadness? It's real meaningless. It really is..." He trailed off a bit, going quiet after, his fixed gaze still on the glass he held.
Slaughtered lamb, but more quiet this evening. The wolf would find himself propped up against the bar, his requested order easy and routine as was his stop. He noticed a gaunt man down the end of the bar, with a face that spoke of such vast distress or sadness, he couldn't tell. With his whiskey clutched in one hand, and a grin pulling at his wolfish features, Wes took his place beside the man in a bit of a shuffle. No greeting, just a simple tip of his hat. "Your face permanently long huh?"
It was one of the few nights that he worked up enough mettle to voluntarily be out in the open public, and having a drink seemed like a good idea, at first. Now, though, the beverage glass before him remained partially full and unattended for some time. Slouching over and staring down into the drink seemed to be of more priority than actually finishing it.Amber eyes took a quick glance at this unashamed wolf that joined him at the bar. The man’s curiosity remained challenged by politeness, however, and his attention returned to looking at the drink, once more. Anything to not stare at the wolf, who now was beside him and suddenly asked quite an odd question.“A long face, hm?” He frowned, a little more than previously, after repeating the phrase.He placed his finger on the rim of his glass and began to lightly tap it while he chose his next words. “I have not found reason to be jovial or anything otherwise, to be quite honest.” The laconic response was spoken with an overly formal tone as he slowly rested his hand back next to the glass, still with little intent on finishing it.
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
Ahhhhhhh lookit our babies. They look so good. Thank you so much!
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Great commission for @westonshawtheoutlaw, with @jesdena.
A couple of Worgen in a tavern. Really enjoyed drawing these two!
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
*passionately thinks about story instead of writing it*
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
LMAO yessss, kate harrison!!!
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
Send a “❗” to force the truth out of my muse.
No limits. Ask whatever.
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
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Will we be seeing the Director all dolled up for the brothel opening event tonight? đź‘€
Very, very unlikely.
Nothing against the people running and attending of course, I think they are all wonderful people in the short conversations I’ve had with a few of them in the past. It’s just not the type of scene that interests me and I have a hard time justifying why Kat would even be there anyways. 
Further more, it’s a cross-faction event, another tie that is hard to justify Kat being there. Sure she can behave, but she has a pretty strong distrust for the Horde and it’s races. Kat has a hard time controlling the filter on her mouth. She won’t start a fight, but she will push people’s buttons. From an OOC stand point the opening event just doesn’t seem like the right place for the character and I’d rather not offend a Horde player OOCly with Kat’s unfriendly and ridged demeanor towards their character.
Sorry to disappoint, but you’ll have to attend Alliance side events to see Kat dolled up. Good luck to everyone tonight, though!
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thewolfintruder · 5 years
Hi Everyone Who Still Exists On Tumblr,
I've really fallen out of love with this platform, still hopping on it time to time, but in my case base been difficult keeping all my character information together. SO! I had decided to go off and make a character sheet where I can harbor all of Weston's information and stories and etc.. Please feel free to have a look, it's a living character sheet so I plan very much so on updating it. All future stories I'll be posting it. This is far from what I want as a final draft, but as close to it as I will get for now. I really want to push it out there.
When I make updates I'll also post them here, in case anyone still lurks through my page.
Big thanks to @jesdena for all the character art and roleplay arcs that really give life to my character. I wouldn't be anywhere without you.
And additional thanks to @library-of-the-forgotten and @kat-hawke for supporting Wes along the way.
I've included a contact page on the character sheet for anyone else who'd be interested in creating new stories. I'm excited to see if anything comes of this!
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