I think I bit off a little more than I can chew when I decided to try to learn Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Greek, Irish, Welsh, and Esperanto all at once on duo lingo.  I wanted to speak the tongues of my ancestry.. I still need to put up half the Germanic languages. 
I’m hard of hearing, this is going to take a while.  
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Before I am old, I want to recreate the art that my forbearers left behind, man this is gorgeous. 
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Frankish Seax with Animal Decorations from Chaouilley, France dated around 600 CE on display at the National Archaeology Museum in Saint-Germain-En-Laye
Photographs taken by myself 2017
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i’ll vote one day when I feel I respect the general populace enough to stop being hypocritical and be a little more thorough. 
we live in the west, like all huge concepts the west absorbed my ancestors cultures and destroyed what it could not absorb (druids, bards, priests, wolf-shaman, the list goes on) 
absorb or destroy; thats really the mantra of the political parties 
why would I think these parties have my back when people aren’t even willing to do the work? where the hell are you in construction, welding, machining, mechanics, masonry, carpentry, farming, anything that is actually backbreakingly difficult.. you sure enjoy that cozy air conditioned job and willing to take a backseat to the heavy lifting
but you think you’re gonna own the labor that you dont share? yeah fuck off. there are many of us who actually tore up our bodies working
why would I party up with pseudo intellectual circle jerk circus to get “educated” when all that shit doesnt mean anything? we’re giving bodies of cults the nod that their pursuits are done with equal importance.. 
my opinion will never be well received, but oh well most people are too self-obsessed and mentally masturbate to their own reflection to give a damn anyway
still haven't voted, no one represents my interests
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its a bit interesting here on tumblr that there are a lot of good looking individuals on this site that perceive themselves a certain way. 
only can wonder what occupies peoples heads when they look good and see themselves poorly. seems like a whole lot of waste energy on silliness occupying headspace rather then important things. 
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Very few people are talking about The Truth now a days, everyone just elaborates on their made up fantasies. 
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If your love comes at the price of hating others
Then you are in lust with yourself. 
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More wolves, their majesty unending. 
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Insecurity Bleeds
Ask for the lessons 
For the history that never was
When insecurity from the table
Create a river 
Carving away the mind
The water comes to the forest
Toxin kills the wood
Insecurity Bleeds
Life from all things
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The Left Leg of the Machine
I once used to listen exclusively to anti-establishment music as I was a youngster as I have grown up though I have only begun to realize that they are simply the left leg of the machine. They are the small cogs and the revitalization of a driving force that keeps this machine going forward.
Ever look at the “artists” who were anti-establishment now? See how cozy and warm they are? Here they are, however, profiting off the sorrow and struggles of others. Writing noise to keep you compromised and distracted. 
If you believe these “artists” care about you, then perhaps you should ask why they have driveways more expensive then all of your debt and belongings combined. 
Here they are though, on your TV saying how much they care about you; how much they identify with your life. 
I’m always amused in a sardonic way how much nationalism will be decried when spitting in the face of authority, but criticizing our past “leaders” as they destabilize entire regions will garner no reaction.
Why do you defend your leadership, when the last two liberal US Presidents are responsible for more bombs dropped on the Middle East and Africa in recent record? Why do you tolerate the loss of sovereignty and genocide of nations when it comes to your power, but you rise against; exclusively when the power only proximal to you is in danger?
Why do you align with those who would damage personal property and cause chaos, hide your threats and your hand then be surprised at its retaliation? 
I am never in awe or shock when a Western feminist of the third wave always covers up their lust for perceived power. How fast you’ll conjure up a story to throw individuals under the bus while decrying their made up “ure”. Saying an entire demographic wields the power when most of the people in that perceived demographic is nothing more than stripping them of their agency. 
It’s amazing when some of us, who would not want to put the last democratic presidential candidate next to the names of Boudica, Lozen, Rosa Parks, Hua Mulan, Joan of Arc (just to name a few). Yet some how a display in that respect is deemed reprehensible. 
The fact some would tarnish such achievements and conduct in themselves in a manner contrary to the greatness of these women is telling. These women did something so extraordinary in a time titled against them some feminists would use it as a rug to walk on. 
Your lust for power is showing, this is not about distributed power, this is about the removal of other groups agency and consolidating it for yourself. 
You’re not for peace, you’re for peace as long as you can ignore your leaders destroying people on the planet.  You’re not for the worker, you’re for the people at the top who will become invisible because you not willing to do your fair share of labor. You’re not for everyone, you couldn’t even name five recent atrocities committed outside your country. 
You’re not anti-gun, you’re just pro-control (power). 
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I’m the Ghost Observing You
Here you are
Tethered to the bull
With your horse armored with your perception
And your morality the deception
Whos golden allure created a venom
Fighting for all
Only rewarding yourself
As you prepare your chips
The way you want to control
Everyone is programmable
In the future individuals will be terminated 
Blinded by your ignorance
And your table wisdom
As everyone will be made to suffer
As only few will benefit 
And the rest of us made to serve
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