hey lil mama lemme whisper in ya ear
Send one of these to my muse and they'll react to having it whispered in their ear. It's a mix of fluff, angst, and nsfw.
"I'm going to kill you."
"You're mine, and mine alone."
"No one's gonna harm you."
"Stay away from me."
"Watch your back."
"Kiss me or kill me, the choice is yours."
"I'm going to make you tremble."
"I love you."
"I hate you."
"By the time I'm done with you the whole block is going to know my name."
"What's that? Cat got your tongue?"
"If you don't leave right now I'm going to kick your ass."
"I want you, now."
"I need you."
"You can't touch me."
"Promise me you'll be gentle."
"You don't make the demands here."
"Stop me if you hate me so much."
"I'm going to tear you inside out."
"Say my name."
"Stay with me, please."
"Don't leave."
"You're the best thing I have."
"Please don't hate me."
"You're all I have left."
"Say that you love me, please I need to hear it."
"Just leave I don't need you."
"Hope is a lie."
"I want to have your babies."
"I want you to have my babies."
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Little Red Riding Hood Has Some Deadly Secrets
❝Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by everyone who looked at her, but most of all by her grandmother, and there was nothing that she would not have given to the child. Once she gave her a little riding hood of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear anything else; so she was always called ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’❞
❝There’s a twist to said story though—-I’m not sure if I should tell —'❞
Re-Blog || Follow || Alice Kang || Bounty Hunter || Murderer || UOAT AU ||
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Hazel took from what the man was saying that he had potential just moved to the area from somewhere abroad therefore had difficulty reading the signs around where they were, she found herself nodding silently while he spoke.  She didn't really have anything in particular that she wanted to get done at the library but she knew she'd find something of interest once arriving there. "Where are you from?---If you don't mind me asking" The woman asked signaling the stranger to follow closely behind her while she begun to lead him, turning to look at him every so often. "I'm Hazel by the way"
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Dark orbs flickered from their intense study of labels and signs posted on the flaxen concrete of a large building to the source of a voice that he could only assume to be directed towards himself. A bit of a bashful smile grew over the man’s features as the image of a female settled into his sights and he shifted the few books in his arms too obtain a more secure grip.
“It’s too obvious I’m lost, isn’t it?" The questions was rhetorical, but rang with a hint of amusement in his tone before turning his gaze back to the female before him. "I’m not from around here and I’m still learning how to read so—” A short laughter suddenly boomed from his chest, realizing the possible misunderstanding that could arise from admitting this fact as well as the complete irony of the situation, but didn’t bother to elaborate on it despite so. “If you could show me, that’d be wonderful.”
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Fix everything that I've got drafted (replies + notes)
Apologize for late replies to a few certain people
Begin new threads and paras with other people.
Post more plot ideas.
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Park Min Young is so adorable in her new drama, “A New Leaf”
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"Even though you're going to be very busy---You won't forget about me right? If you do, I'll kick you" Hazel smiled picking at her fingers while she spoke, it felt nice to be missed and she had genuinely missed him as well. She did in fact have quite a number of people that she looked after but there was something about this man that interested her more; his lifestyle promised adventure and interesting stories. She adjusted her position on the counter as she listened to him speak, nodding along.
"Do you think that I could tag along tomorrow? I won't get in the way and I'll help you get home without getting lost"
“Yeah it’s been a bit busy settling down into the new branch-“ His eyes widened slightly as a small smile spread on his face. “-Wait, you missed me?” Shima couldn’t deny that he was surprised because from what Hazel had told him, she tended to have a lot of people summon her so he hadn’t expected her to even realise that she hadn’t seen him recently, let alone to miss him. “I missed you too.” Shyly, he diverted his gaze to the floor as he listened to her question.
“Nah nothing that interesting happened today, it was mostly just mountains of paperwork and stocking up on some supplies I needed.”
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Park Min Young
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Park Min Young - Selca
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                                 HAPPYVIRUS SHOW !!!!
            "Hey… Is this thing on…? Oh wait, it is…" Blinks. Blinks, "Hey there everyone! HAPPYVIRUS aka, Jung Eunji tuning in right now!! Well you guys may be wondering where I am? Or can’t you see…” Giggles. “I’m in my car!! Yes guys! I finally got a new car! How awesome is that, right? I get to go around and do whatever I want. And you know the best thing is? That it’s summer vacation! So I get to use my car to go anywhere in Korea! Hopefully i have enough money for gas and food and stuff,” Sniffs and pouts, “But anyway, I would love to hear from new viewers and old viewers alike so don’t forget to leave something in the comments section below or just Tweet me!! Hope to see new faces around!!” Waves before turns off camera.
—- hvr: △ ▽ △ ▽ | About, HAPPYVIRUS, Rules
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Tenzin Hyung   ||   Evolved Human  ||   Memory Manipulation   || 23
Re-Blog  ||   Follow   ||   Heroes Based   || Season 4 || Message
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Once she noticed that he was finished with the container she took it from him, taking it to the sink as well and washing it carefully before returning to where she standing. "I don't have any plans actually---" Hazel tugged on a small patch of his shirt gently, tilting her head to the side with a smile. "Shall we laze?"
[‘he finished off his meal and licked his lips, using a paper towel to wipe off the juices that were drying on his fingers] No plans whatsoever. If you were planning to stay in, I would love to just laze around with you. [‘he flashed you a cheeky smile, his fangs bared]
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"What are your more serious jobs like? Do you get them often or are they something more rare?" She would bring up the fact that technically she wasn't real therefore no one would see her unless he wanted them to since she was in fact a figment of his imagination but didn't. 
thewomanstuckinthemiddle replied to your post:“♥”
"Does that mean you’ll let me tag along with you when you’re doing jobs? I’ve always wanted to come" Hazel admitted with her request.
"Well if that’s what you want, then I don’t see why not." He shrugged his broad shoulders before quickly adding, "Unless it’s one of my more serious jobs then I’m afraid you can’t due to the fact my superiors would probably get pissed."
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Hazel nodded silently not very concerned with what he wanted to order since she pretty much ate anything, tracing random shapes on her knees while she waited for him to be finished on the phone. She wanted to ask his questions about his day and if he saw anything in the city that he considered interesting, but she decided to wait till later. It had been a long day of not really doing much actually, she had wondered about around a few stores close-by and tried a couple different street snacks and that was pretty much it; her days when much faster then they did when she wasn't near the person that thought her up, which was why she usually stuck close to them.
"My day? It was alright, there's some really nice stores across the street that sell cute hair clips" She paused taking a moment to think about them, they were pretty but she wasn't able to buy them unfortunately. "There was a dog in front of another store that I visited and I hung out with him for awhile till their owner picked them up----I missed you, you've been working a lot lately" Hazel admitted with a light shrug looking away while she played with her fingers, not wanting to sound all mushy about the whole thing. "What about your day? Anything interesting?"
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"I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to order pizza because I’ve been craving it for days now-" He stated as he took out his phone and a small business card he had been given earlier when on his way home that night, Shima had stumbled across a 24/7 open pizza place and had taken one of their cards so he could order from them later.
Dialing the number, the tall man leaned back against one of the kitchen counter tops and held the phone up to his ear, his free hand tapping against the counter along to an imaginary beat. It only took him a few minutes to order and he was glad that the other had asked him about food otherwise he probably would’ve just gone to bed hungry.
"How was your day?" He asked after he hung up, crossing his arms across his chest as he tilted his head to the side curiously.
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"Come on, just hit me!"
Hazel couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the way the man was behaving with her that evening, it started off alright but now he was asking her to hit him and she had enough with it. “Clark—-You’re drunk…go home already” The imaginary shook her head at him disapprovingly before sighing quietly.
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"You’re adorable."
“Really? Thank you, it’s not an easy” Hazel joked with the man with a smile fixing her hood carefully, the compliment somehow made up for all the negative thoughts that she had been having lately since she became an imaginary. “I’ll work hard to stay this way, okay?”
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"Who did this to you?"

“Nobody—-I fell” Hazel lied mumbling quietly looking away from the other woman while taking a small step back, it wasn’t like it was the other’s business or anything but more importantly she didn’t want to bother her.
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