thexxphiles · 6 years
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So I’ve been off tumblr for a long ass time and by chance I was catching up on as much as I could stomach within throwing up. Mostly reading my pal @justholdinghandsok blog. And what a shit show it is around here. Christ fuck almighty. I originally joined tumblr in 2015 on my first blog gillovnyphile. While there have ALWAYS been lunatics here (like the shit bags that STALKED ME IN REAL LIFE AND CALLED MY CLINIC AND MY DADS CLINIC) and fandom factions (the Gillian fans - some who were very nice- and then the subset of complete whack jobs who believe she is a divine goddess not of this earth who has no faults, makes no mistakes, never dates anti feminist men who failed to pay the LEAD ACTRESS on his show the same as her male costar. Oh, wait, wasn’t Gillian incensed when it happened to her in 2015? Well, her memory is spotty, after all. The only thing she can seem to remember is the size of her platonic male friend costars dick.) And she handled press for season 11 just so…professionally. I don’t see anything wrong about talking about your pubescent son’s erection on national TV. I thought it made perfect sense to announce she was done with the show before the season even STARTED because that was sure to drive up ratings. But that’s not all! Then there’s this group of incredibly fucking spooky Duchovny cult that seems to be compromised of old men, lonely women and 12 year olds who are orgasming over their beloved “private concert” with the greatest musician of our time, David “mid life crisis” Duchovny. Who in the actual fuck would pay more than 15 cents to listen to that fool caterwauling through his “brilliant” lyrics. I mean, fuck Prince or Bowie or Beyoncé or Adele. Those guys are/were hacks compared to the musical stylings of a 58 year old guy with a thirsty as fuck barely legal girlfriend. And, look, I always always liked D more than G because G is just so goddamned extra. I met them both at Gillovnycon 2016 with my boo @xfiles9316 and another person…well we won’t go there. Just remember don’t give money to anyone on tumblr even your “friends”. G was pretty cold and unfriendly and sort of scared me. Meanwhile D was totally nice and we had a good chat. We shook hands. After the high of that con (and I met some TRULY Special fans there) we were headed for a fall and it hit in October 2016. I’ll never forget that day because I had my first panic attack. I knew it was true from day one (though I understood people not wanting to believe it.) the only good thing was that I had processed all that grief and had become apathetic by the time the porn pictures showed up the following summer. It was painful to look at. But then this whole sub fandom of (what are they called? Gorgos or something? They should call themselves Reptilian (get it…one’s a reptile and one’s Gillian. I dunno, I think it’s catchy.) who made it their life’s work to shit on and fight with Gillovny fans and post…unflattering, and I’m being kind, pictures of their new obsession. Is PM problematic? Of course he fucking is. But so is she so maybe it is true love (until PM writes the part for her she’s been angling for since before she met him. Career ALWAYS comes first for her. She’s said it. At least she’s practical I guess. At this point you need a goddamned scorecard to figure out who is fighting with who. It’s such an incredible waste of time. Don’t you guys work? I’m at clinic 13 hours a day and work about 65 hours a week. I just remember all the fun we used to have when there were great blogs and awesome pictures and GIF sets and analyzing body language and waiting for the next inappropriate tweet. Was it all a lie? Was it just a game Gillian was playing as she stated once? I’m still not sure. But what I will say is that I believed then and I believe now that those two were involved from 2012-2016 in some way. As someone who could have gotten a PhD in the time, energy, intellectual analysis and research I did from 2015-2016 I will always believe it was real in some way we may never understand. Do I think they’ll get back together? I’m not sure. I’m more hopeful at at least seeing them at SOME con in the future and at the end of the day what I always truly wanted for them is to have a beautiful special friendship- soulmates of some kind - that lasts their whole lives. To the old guard (god knows how you guys do it) I just want to say hi and that I miss you guys and NEVER TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE @campaignofmisinformation, @bird3000, @whoisbillymilesand, of course, @justholdinghandsok. And any of you cunts calling her a liar can eat Peter Morgan’s disgusting hairy ass. Over the years I’ve had numerous numerous conversations with her and she’s a solid, kind, calm, smart truthful woman who doesn’t deserve your vile disgusting bullshit. And because this place is such a cesspool of unstable… people I fully expect to get attacked and get death threats and all the usual sociopathic unhinged behavior you’re famous for. And I give not one shit because I’m smart enough now to know that nothing good ever comes from this place and I check in roughly once a year anyway. Have at it fuckers.
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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“It was kinda magical for us, too, cause… it’s just nice to share this particular aspect of what I’m doing with her, and have her up there.” — David Duchovny
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thexxphiles · 7 years
Remember when this shit happened? When the fucking Washington Post wrote this piece around the time Season 10 premiered? And their sources consisted almost entirely of tumblr blogs? Good times.
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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I love this photoshoot.  
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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The feeling when you're so in love with your significant other despite being in the presence of the orange twitler Trumpito.
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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David and Gillian and Joe and Mika: Because I Love Them All
But whatever else you think of them, you’ve gotta take beauty where you can find it these days, and these are two people who really fucking love each other. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/07/joe-scarborough-mika-brzezinski-engagement-donald-trump.html - NY Magazine on Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski
But the actors seemed downright giddy to be slipping into their old skins during a promotional tour for a new six-episode revival, which starts Sunday, flirting with each other like kids on a prom date.
Either the pair are truly grateful to take a trip down memory lane, or they’re the greatest actors of their generation. - star tribune on David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson 1/2016
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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David and Gillian: the Thirst Files
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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Best of Gillovny (aka former? adult friends): A Retrospective
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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The Best of David and Gillian Being David and Gillian: the Dork Files on Set
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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Times the MSR Broke My Heart: Part I
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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Best of X Files BTS: In honor of Season 11 Shooting
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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Best of the X Files Wardrobe Fails: 90′s edition
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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Times the MSR Broke My Heart: Part I
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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Gillovny: 2012-2016
Philosopher Steven Hales argues that typically one can logically be as confident with the negation of an affirmation. Hales says that if one's standards of certainty leads them to say "there is never 'proof' of non-existence", then they must also say that "there is never 'proof' of existence either". Hales argues that there are many cases where we may be able to prove something does not exist with as much certainty as proving something does exist.
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thexxphiles · 7 years
I get all of you are upset but to slam Gillian now for speaking up about the ridiculous male vs female writers and directors on xfiles which is more than off is just not ok. If someone like Gillian who is in a power position who has many eyes and ears aimed at her shouldn't speak up who should because the bts running of the xfiles is just disgusting. It's not even about men being better writers and directors it's that they get hired based on the fact women are considered to do a shit job.
Oh but I find the fight totally legit. What I dislike is that she did sign for another season of The X-Files. No one forced her. She knew exactly what it would be like, she knows Chris, she knows all the writers, she worships them all, usually.She has played many many roles since the original series ended, pretty much all written by men. She has been plugging other shows (you know which one in particular), written by men. Never she complained about the lack of female writers in The Fall, or American Gods, or even Streetcar. So why now? Why picking XF when she’s about to start filming? She did a pretty bad job so far promoting this season and I’m scared it keeps going this way. I’m also pretty sure Chris would have let her write an episode if she wanted to, but it seems like the less she’s involved in it, the better, and it’s a bummer. XF made who she is now, it made her famous, it made her an icon, she made a lot of money thanks to this show, and even if I don’t have a lot of feelings for Chris Carter, he is the one who pushed for her to be Scully. One of the first strong female character of all time. We owe him that, and so does she.It just seems to me that she’s often unfair and ungrateful towards this show. So I get that it’s not as good as it could be, that the writing doesn’t give her as much material as she would, and that the subject itself don’t interest her much. It’s understandable. But still, I wish she would show a little bit more of enthusiasm for a show who has millions of fans and which will reward her with a few millions dollars. This is a totally personal thing, but I always do have issues with people who publicly and loudly criticize what made them who they are now, as bad as those things are.
In other words, don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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David and Gillian: Old Friends Intimate Since 1993
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thexxphiles · 7 years
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X-Files Meme: [1/7] Scenes I think that… I don’t know, maybe they’re right. Who’s right? The FBI. Maybe what they say is true, though for all the wrong reasons. It’s the personal costs that are too high.
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