theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
All of my life I have been a very title based person. It very important to me to be the leader of everything I joined not because I cared all that much about the coalition, but in order to look superior and all-knowing. I was the very definition of a nominal leader. Last spring when I began the grassroots organization Humans for Justice, although I threw my entire heart into the cause and it was not at all done in vain, I cannot say that all the admiration and recognition did much to soften my conceit. Nelson Mandela provided the inspiration for the design of the organization. His mindset promoted the equality and collaboration of all people, and the recognition of each persons skills and abilities. After researching Nelson's life, I decided to structure Humans for Justice this way. I allowed each person to attain a leadership role based on their personal skills in order to resemble equality and justice within the club, and to emphasize that each member is a leader for humanity, not just the supporter of a cause. As we have progressed in learning and spreading knowledge on the dangers of human trafficking, I have witnessed my partners allowing passion to be provoked in their hearts, determination to overcome their minds, and a renewed will to learn about the world we live in from the same kids who generally dislike school and could even be classified as lazy in other areas. This has been the most significant learning experience of my life. I have learned that the truth about human trafficking and social injustice can change each person in more ways than merely what they do with their time; but change mindsets, change hearts, change words, change people who cannot find meaning in their lives into full fledged freedom fighters and inspirers. I have never been so amazed and honored to be such a small part of something so huge. I have never been so quick to use the pronoun "ours" instead of "mine". Thank you all for inspiring my and rekindling the fire in my heart every day. Thank you all for giving me humbleness.
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
If this petition gets 3k signatures (online) elected leaders of the US will set out to reach new foreign policy’s in the Philippines and Ghana In regards to human trafficking. *keep in mind human trafficking does not mean sex trafficking. This particular petition is mostly to bring salvation to the young (stating at 4) boys being held as slaves in the fishing industry. Boat masters go to far off villages and buy (150$ each) very young boys, because they are the easiest to control. The boys wearing dirty ragged clothing. Most of them had distended stomachs, skin diseases, hair falling out, and open sores and wounds. Their arms and bodies are left deeply scarred from pulling up massive nets full of fish with sharp teeth or spikes.
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
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So far this month, six traffickers in five different cases have been convicted in Cebu. These have been hard-fought battles. One of those cases started seven years ago, Fiona* (pictured above with her daughter) was one of the first girls the international justice mission ever rescued. Working with undercover police, they rescued 15-year-old Fiona and four others from traffickers planning to sell them for sex. Fiona testified bravely in her case that has dragged on for seven years. It finally ended last week when the court sentenced the two traffickers to 15 years in prison. One of the girls rescued with Fiona said: “We get a chance to have transformed lives because of IJM, and it’s good that the accused gets the same chance too.” I’m inspired by the courage and resilience of survivors like these young women. And I’m grateful for the perseverance of the team that won’t give up until justice is done. Together we can transform lives.
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
The International Justice Mission has just been presented with an extraordinary, unexpected opportunity—an opportunity that many would label “impossible.” A generous group of friends, who wish to remain anonymous, has extended a challenge to all IJM supporters: If we raise $500,000 by June 30, they will match your gifts with an additional $500,000—meaning that IJM will receive $1 million.
They’ve never undertaken a giving journey of this magnitude before. And June is traditionally a low month in terms of gifts to IJM. But traffickers don’t take the summer off—they need these funds to continue their most urgent work in the field. Your help is essential. They can’t get these match funds without you.
Unexpected? Yes. Impossible? We don’t think so. Why? Because we see the impossible become reality every day—every time girls and boys are rescued from sex trafficking, every time a slave walks free, every time justice is extended to the poor.
They need your help. In the month of June, every $50 becomes $100, every $200 becomes $400, and every $500 becomes $1,000 to protect the poor from violence. Will you help them take advantage of this incredible opportunity by sending your gift today?
By giving today, you are joining me in saying, “We can make the impossible possible.”
We have 30 days. You will receive an update from me on July 2 to let you know if they made their match. Please join us on this incredible journey by giving today.
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
Everybody please look at my last few posts and reblog to help stop human trafficking!! My friend is dedicating her life to stopping it and it would help out a lot theycallmedolly
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
The International Justice Mission has just been presented with an extraordinary, unexpected opportunity—an opportunity that many would label “impossible.” A generous group of friends, who wish to remain anonymous, has extended a challenge to all IJM supporters: If we raise $500,000 by June 30, they will match your gifts with an additional $500,000—meaning that IJM will receive $1 million.
They’ve never undertaken a giving journey of this magnitude before. And June is traditionally a low month in terms of gifts to IJM. But traffickers don’t take the summer off—they need these funds to continue their most urgent work in the field. Your help is essential. They can’t get these match funds without you.
Unexpected? Yes. Impossible? We don’t think so. Why? Because we see the impossible become reality every day—every time girls and boys are rescued from sex trafficking, every time a slave walks free, every time justice is extended to the poor.
They need your help. In the month of June, every $50 becomes $100, every $200 becomes $400, and every $500 becomes $1,000 to protect the poor from violence. Will you help them take advantage of this incredible opportunity by sending your gift today?
By giving today, you are joining me in saying, “We can make the impossible possible.”
We have 30 days. You will receive an update from me on July 2 to let you know if they made their match. Please join us on this incredible journey by giving today.
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
The International Justice Mission has just been presented with an extraordinary, unexpected opportunity—an opportunity that many would label “impossible.” A generous group of friends, who wish to remain anonymous, has extended a challenge to all IJM supporters: If we raise $500,000 by June 30, they will match your gifts with an additional $500,000—meaning that IJM will receive $1 million. They've never undertaken a giving journey of this magnitude before. And June is traditionally a low month in terms of gifts to IJM. But traffickers don't take the summer off—they need these funds to continue their most urgent work in the field. Your help is essential. They can't get these match funds without you. Unexpected? Yes. Impossible? We don't think so. Why? Because we see the impossible become reality every day—every time girls and boys are rescued from sex trafficking, every time a slave walks free, every time justice is extended to the poor. They need your help. In the month of June, every $50 becomes $100, every $200 becomes $400, and every $500 becomes $1,000 to protect the poor from violence. Will you help them take advantage of this incredible opportunity by sending your gift today? By giving today, you are joining me in saying, “We can make the impossible possible.” We have 30 days. You will receive an update from me on July 2 to let you know if they made their match. Please join us on this incredible journey by giving today.
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
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When I was called to work with Human Trafficking I was 16 and knew of very very few people who worked with it. Almost 4 years after receiving that call I see people everywhere joining the #enditmovement and becoming a voice for the voiceless! I’m so excited for our generation of world changers. God definitely has his hands busily working in a generation that wants to seek Him and love others purely as He does! I love it! Thank you to all my sweet friends who send me things like this. I could never thank you enough! #humantrafficking #spoken4 #generationchange
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
Take the freaking water!
I talked on the phone today to my sister who is on a missions trip in Africa. She told me a lot of things about her trip, but one particular story stuck with me. Lindsey (my sister) met a boy with no pants this week. When this boy was told he would have pants bought for him he said "they sell them in the morning at the market, I will wait till tomorrow." You may assume by this statement that pants are only sold in the mornings in Africa-but that is not the case. They are sold at a cheaper price in the morning. So this child being offered pants, ensured that they wait until they were sold cheaper, out of consideration. Later that day, Lindsey met a woman on the street who said to her "give me a cold soda." Lindsey did not have a cold soda, but she did have warm water. Lindsey handed her the water, to which the woman responded "no, I want a cold soda." Lindsey explained to her that she did not have it but did have water to give to her. The woman said "give me money for a cold soda." Lindsey told me that maybe it was the way she specified that the soda be cold, or how she demanded instead of asked, or that she did not accept water, but she found herself feeling angry and thinking "JUST TAKE THE FREAKING WATER!" She said that she walked away confused and wishing the woman could have a heart like the little boy without pants. She wished the woman would be grateful for what she was offered rather than thinking she was owed something more. She wished the woman knew that the water was good for her and would sustain her, yet soda was not. After talking to Lindsey, I kept thinking about this. I asked myself: was I like the boy without pants or like the woman demanding soda? I realized I am like the woman demanding soda. How often does god look at us and think "JUST TAKE THE FREAKING WATER!" I believe very often. As we continue to receive good things, we continue to ask for more. Not only that, but we demand our soda to be cold. We tell god what we want, how we want it, and we think we are owed it. A lot of times we are given what is good for us in the long run, like water, and yet we think we know what is best for us. How often do you think you are content with what you have, asking for nothing, like the little boy without pants? We are not entitled to anything. Everything we are given in life is extra. We must learn to be thankful for every blessing in out life, even things we consider small like pants or water.
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
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This week, lives were forever changed in India. Five girls were rescued from brothels in multiple sex trafficking operations. On Wednesday, the International Justice Mission team in Kolkata helped police locate a teenage girl named Zaria,* trapped in the brothel pictured above. Zaria was set free, and two suspects were arrested. Then on Thursday, the very next day, the IJM team in Mumbai rescued four more girls in a covert operation. Five more trafficking suspects were arrested. This is truly a week to celebrate. We simply could not bring rescue to these dark places without our relentless supporters and committed friends.
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
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The start of step one: grassroots stage
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
Step One
For starters we have to get ALL religious associations involved. They have a good portion of the money in our world, access to a lot of resources and power in the government, and tons of people with generous hearts that would be willing to raise money for rescue groups and provide resources to survivors. We need form a program that trains foster parents to exclusively take in girls that have been rescued. The reason our government and police force is not rescuing the girls is because we have nowhere to put them, and the government hasn't enough resources to take them into custody. Our most important lacking resource is homes, and people willing to take them in. We need to incorporate human trafficking into our education, so the upcoming generation will already be familiar with the topic when it is time to take the movement to the next level. We need a national organization of high school and college students working together throughout their communities on raising money, awareness, and persuading people in higher positions to promote anti human trafficking. We need a large amount of people willing to provide free counseling and medical assistance to victims. Which means we need programs that allow people to get a free or cheap education if they agree to serve against human trafficking for a certain amount of years. All of these things are things that an average high school or college student is capable of starting. We need EVERYONE to help out, or we don't have a chance. [email protected] email me if you want to help with one of these missions. I will provide you with every resource I am able to.
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
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Hate stopping at red lights? Use it as an opportunity today to pray for or remember those still trapped in red light districts around the world.
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing
Edmond Burke
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
Only 4 minutes watch
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
I met the most truly amazing person of my life tonight. Her unshakable strength and bravery was so astonishing to me. She has been in the worst of the worst places, came face to face with the Russian mafia, snuck prostitutes away from their pimps, seen the most insane and unbelievable things. She told me a lot of stories, which I plan to repeat on here once I am able to process all of them in my own head. I felt so unworthy of her time, but she was so welcoming despite all her superiority. I cannot believe I was allowed to take hours of her time tonight, just for myself. She was willing to take time out of her day to come and educate me, and only me, about human trafficking and the indescribable and incomprehensible things that go on in our world. I will not allow for her time to have gone to waste. I will do everything. Everything I can to further this movement and I will use all of my knowledge and experience to my advantage. Every moment that I am alive I am learning more about this cause and becoming more determined than the moment before. So thankful to have met her tonight, never been so astonished.
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theycallmedolly-blog · 10 years
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Never been so passionate about anything. I wasn't very religious all my life but the way I feel about the end it movement is more than I could possibly feel on my own. I am so thankful that god has called on me to recognize this horrific crime and devote every second of my life to fighting for those who can't fend for themselves.
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