theyluvcassiee-blog · 4 years
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These photographs show a comparison of covers of the same man and they were both placed on a news stand but the TIME one caught the audience attention with hate. The editor had dark toned Simpsons face on the right one and clammed it was to give it a dramatic look. The edit had caused an large agurment or people saying he was being rascit because he made him darker than what he was. The new photos edit was suppose to be noticed because the editor specifically said he wanted to give a dark dramatic effect. You can definitely see the difference of how he originally looks and the design of the magazines in general. One word to describe this photo is Aesthetic because as the editor said he wanted to show a difference of both covers in a different way so they don’t look the same. I would’ve or recommended for it to be a different edit isntead of darkening up the photo or him himself. He claims there wasn’t any racial implications but black people already have a alot of hate during those times and now so it wasn’t smart to edit it in that way. Overall this picture was to show a better look than it already was.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 4 years
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In this photo four missiles were launched from an discoloured site in the Iranian dessert. I woudnt say that this photo was meant to be noticed from the new edit. Now that there is cars added and they removed one of the missiles it doesn’t make sense on why they did that. Even though one of them didn’t launche well they could of left it there because they picture attracts better to get a clear understanding of what’s going on. The new edit has cars but it confuses the audience why it’s awkwardly there. The purpose of the photo is aesthetic because they don’t want the photo to show the flaws that’s why they removed the other missiles. Another reason why it’s aesthetic is because they added things in so that it doesn’t seem plain with just missiles flying.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 4 years
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A 20 year old boy Jeffery Miller was shot by Ohino National guardsmen while a 14 year old Marry Ann vecchino screams over his body. This photo wasn’t meant to be noticed now that they removed the pole behide the girls head. I say this because without the pole everything in the backround doesn’t look like it’s apart of seeing somone die wounded on the floor. It’s an open backround or the people just walking around like nothing happening. It kinda shows a lil of depective because of how outside the frame no one looks like there involed or realizing she’s crying over a dead body. If somone was really dead they would be running towards it ,showing face emotions and being engaged. With the pole it kinda divides the area but then again the people near the dead body are doing there own thing. Everyone is just walking around like a young man never died right in front of them. It also shows a little Aesthetic because that pole behide her was a distraction. They move it to make the photo look better and to show the girl screaming over the boy in the middle which is the main focus.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 4 years
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Smoke billows from many buildings because they got destroyed overnight from Israel air raid on Beirut’s suburbs. Buidling were flattened during attack. The photo manipulation was meant to be noticed because it shows there was a lot of damage that happened, especially with the tone of the smoke. It’s more eye catching to see which area then smoke is coming from in the edited one. I feel the edited photo looks better compared to the old one although there isn’t much of a difference, there’s great contrast. This photo shows aesthetic because the photographer used photoshop to darker the smoke to exaggerate bombing damage by Israel warplanes. The edited photo looks better than what it was before this is why aesthetic is the purpose of the photo.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 4 years
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In this picture a young man is pulling everyone on the bike while a girl is watching them in an awkward position. The people on the bikes don’t look like the know her this because no one is looking back at her, there smiling at the camera as the way the picture was taken. This photo was meant to be noticed because he added 2 new people on the bike and a girl at the back of the backround looking towards them. It gives a different perspective on what’s happening in the photo. Before it was edited everything was bright showing colour but it looks better now because it gives a dull effect on the scenery but it goes with how the girl is standing in the back awkwardly. The purpose of this photo is creative because it makes me think of the main idea in a different way now that people are added, the setting is different more dull. It gives you questions on why the added new things going on. The girl does make a difference but it gives you questions on why she’s standing there in that position while no one is looking at her. This is why I say creative fits well with this category.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
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Lastly this photo is suppose to be a still picture of nothing blurry. I tried to zoom in to the cars as much as I can but it still looks far. You can see in slow motion that the man is walking in a still image. I took this photo outside because most of the time pictures outside look better caused by the lighting. I didn’t want a blur effect with the cars moving but Overall I think this is a good look!
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
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This photo was taken in the drama act ,it describes how hes looking for something while he’s on the phone. This a still picture to focus on a pose he’s doing. When I took the picture I was thinking about him being in the middle so he’s the center of attention. It shows what he’s doing clear n it’s focused on him up close. In this case it’s a freezing picture that grabs and instant of a still act.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
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This photo is showing a girl serwin the ball with shutter speed . I put the speed a little to high that it makes the ball really burry then what I wanted also the backround wasn’t focused so it looks kinda bad .The flaw about this is that nothing is really focused so it doesn’t make the ball the main focus of it moving. The attention is to see every step happening but in on picture. Since the picture is moving it has a little blur for it to look stretched.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
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I think this photo is my favourite out of all 4 pictures because I took it close up and I got enough where u can see what other people around are doing. It shows good focus of who’s doing what and in this case, she’s bumping the ball. This picture is showing both still and a little blur of the net moving. It’s clear to see what is going on in the picture and everything is set greatly the lighting, focus and want is going on is clear.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
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This picture I took inspires me because Toronto is an very diverse city and it makes everyone feel welcome without hate. Toronto is where I grew up n would want my kids to be brought up based on there being no discrimination.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
My favourite season is fall they is many reasons why this season puts me to work the most. Fall motives me to get my education with my school work done as soon as it’s brought to me. This season motivates me pushing my self in school at home helping out and even with people I see sturggling in the streets. It inspires me because the wheather, the way the way things are just set gives puts me in a good midset.
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京都もよう KYOTO MOYOU - kyotomoyou on Instagram
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
Baking inspired me since I was a child. I’ve been baking and cooking ever since I was watching Netflix series of baking. Those type of videos make me inspired on opening a bakery of my own. It’s a way you can express you feelings such as putting dark or light colours on whatver your making. I bake something once a week on a weekend which inspires me to keep happening if I want ongoing in my life.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
Leborn games is my number one favourite basketball player. I would say I am inspired by leborn because he’s a hard working man that had made it far for him to be where he is today. He doesn’t only put his career first he’s provides for his family although he has to be travelling for basketball. I never used to like playing basketball but when I used to watch is team play it became my favourite sport. He inspired me to sign up for each team and I’ve been on each team since grade 5.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
The bible has an huge impact on my life and having to do with I believe. I’m Christian and I have to follow the rules it goes by with god,Adam,eve etc. I’ve been inspired to read about 5 pages a night in the bible so I have an great understanding and how god is my number one inspirer.
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Christian beliefs inspires me to most🙌🏽
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
a young female inspirer. Worth all her work🥳
Rihanna inspires me because her childhood was hard on her at the age of 14. Her father struggled with alcohol and crack cocaine. Growing up she had struggled to make herself a a famous singer but now she is known for her music and just inspires me that if I want to do something it’s possible whether or not if something happening during your lifeline.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
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This painting inspires me because it’s a homemade painting that I had since I was young and every place I had moved we brought it with us. This painting has primary colours and it’s very bright so seeing it on my way out gives me a great start off for the day.
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theyluvcassiee-blog · 5 years
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back home is the best!!
I’m inspired by Jamaica because my dad was born there.I actually went there the second week of September for 2 weeks which made me in a great mood to remember how great the vibes were there. I was in Jamaica for 2 and a half years when I was 6. Jamaica inspired me to be the person I am today because of the way I was brought up to make me the person I am today.
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