reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a kiss on the forehead and a hug to let them know they did a good job today
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“Ryunnosuke, Ryunnosuke! Come on~!! We’ve still gotta visit all the Taiwanese and American food trucks before the festival ends~!”
The blue-skinned basketball player happily pulled their brooding boyfriend along Mugen’s expansive, tiled courtyard. Uproarious chatter of numerous students flooded the couple’s ears and scintillating aromas from booths, stands, and trucks alike filled their noses.
The scents alone were enough for Hae-Won to maintain a speedy momentum amidst the ocean of a crowd, creating an exceptionally wide berth for herself in the process.
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“H-hang on, Won-Ton! They’re not going anywhere anytime soon. We just finished testing the French and Mexican, you’re gonna give yourself a stomach ache if you keep moving this fast…”
The normally reserved and scrupulous artist called out, struggling to keep up with Hae-Won’s swift stride. Briefly, he cursed his biology giving him short legs and failing to keep his self-promises of routine exercise. But he couldn’t stay annoyed for long, not with a radiant ball of sunshine like his beloved shimmying in front of him~
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“I’d power through any stomachache or inconveniences if it means spending the day with you, Dragon Breath~ Y’know, I’m not stopping you from riding on my butt! It’s the best seat in the house~!”
Hae-Won teased in a sing-song voice, grinding to a halt from her initial dash like a relentless bullet train upon reaching her destination: a Korean food truck with all sorts of traditional and fusion inspired dishes.
An almost childlike joy illuminated the girl’s face. Just gazing upon the menu itself reminded her of her homeland. She hadn’t had a good meal like this in ages~!
“Hmm… All this stuff looks amazing! It’s so hard to choose just one dish or entree… the desserts are scrumptious looking too… We’ll take two of everything!”
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“Fun as that sounds, I’d rather get my steps in- OOMPH-”
Ryunnosuke’s tangent was cut comically short from ramming straight into his girlfriend’s generous, supple rear. A pair of blubbery globes soft and tempting enough to bury your face in between with no intentions of leaving.
He’d quickly dislodge his face from between in time to overhear Hae-Won’s request, retorting before the befuddled chef responded.
“Oi. You heard the lady, two of everything and make it snappy. You’ll put nothing but your best effort forth, lest we tack on another full house order of food.”
A stern glare from the shorter boy while cute, was intimidating enough to dissuade any further comments. The customer was always right… usually.
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“Snrk. You know you didn’t have to do all that for me, dork-a-saurus. Not that I’m being ungrateful. Now who’s worried about little old me suffering some tummy troubles~?”
A loving tease, one Hae-Won casually tossed as she sat upon the nearby bench. Close enough that she didn’t have to waddle too far… and within Ryunnosuke’s sight to make sure everything to the finest, intricate details were perfect with their order.
The poor wooden framed and steel reinforced public seat groaned upon her sitting down, creaking further with each shift of her voluminous hips, leaving a small slither where Ryunnosuke could comfortably sit.
“I wish Maki could join us, but I’m sure she and Himi-Chan are having plenty of fun with the belly-dancing routine~ We should pop by after we finish here.”
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“I’m the one who invited you, right~? It’s only logical if my main focus is making sure you have a great time today, Wonnie~ Not gonna let some moron impede on our truck hopping spree.”
He’d remark with a rare grin, sitting comfortably against Hae-Won’s curvy sides, gently snuggling into them. He’d whip out his phone and slide to the camera function, putting himself and his girlfriend into the panoramic frame.
“If we can’t drop by for an unexpected visit, why don’t we give her some inspiration for the afternoon~? Love you, babe~”
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Midterms were this week
Tired as hell and gonna relax today
Week long spring break coming up so expect some writings and the like popping up here and there after this weekend :3
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reblog to give warm bread to your mutuals
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reblog if you:
no one will ever know which one
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I am so extremely tired but I want to be cute and fed and sit on someone’s face or have someone sit on my face while they feed me and just hhhmmmmm
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If you get too fat for your exercise clothes, that means you beat exercise and don't have to do it anymore if you don't want to. I'll bake you a cake to celebrate.
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Not to sound like a Big Gay or anything but like..I want to kiss a soft girl and feed her cupcakes and make her feel pretty 🥰
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In her fighting days Lottie would absolutely eat a dragon steak
And let out a earth shattering belch as her armor came unbuckled and flew off from the immense pressure of her stomach. She’s still tearing into a large leg in one hand another in the opposite.
She looks smug but you know In the morning her armor will barely fit if not at all.
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A fun design I did for a nice friend to repay them
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Considering moving where I store all my art to somewhere other than DA
Gonna look into that and eventually delete my Deviantart account and put my art storage elsewhere!
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Considering how much fire they breathe, how big they are, how much food they’d need to eat, and how much muscle they’d need to be able to get off the ground
Absolutely a whole heck of a lot
Now time to feed an entire dragon feast to someone!
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An idea I want to work out
How many calories would be in a dragon steak???
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Squishy Saturday
Ask about my character’s soft bits
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reblog to give a trans woman a yummy burger
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Oooooh, Sena's in the Sleepy Bitch Club with us. Nice~
She’s aced the sleepy bitch test
She hath joined the club and is ready to nap!
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