thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song.
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
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jude law in wilde (1997) dir. brian gilbert
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
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Luke Evans’ in Dracula Untold: 11/?
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
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MILE PHAKPHUM & APO NATTAWIN as Kinn and Porsche in KinnPorsche: The Series (2022)
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
A body wants another body. / A soul wants another soul and the body as well.
Adélia Prado, from “Poem Begun at the End (POEMA COMEÇADO NO FIM),” trans. Dean Thomas Ellis, The Puritan (Spring 2014)
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
bootstrap bill fell in love with the sea through jack. he couldn’t simply leave piracy and become a privateer or merchant (well he could but he wouldn’t have been completely happy lol). To be with Jack out at sea is the freedom he fell in love with. 
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
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Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
Gonna add Jack Rockham bc @musecraft peer pressured me into it
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
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❛ Witches are not so delicate. ❜
@therelentless​ liked this for a one-liner starter
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
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    ❝ &  YET I NEVER WILL,❞  she purrs, laszlo’s hand imprisoned in her own tight grasp as he drags her through the near-ruined house.  the great staten island manor has fallen into disrepair  &  neglect in her absence  —  her husband has a great many talents, but homemaking is clearly  not one of them.  it is just one of the reasons that he cannot be left alone.  laszlo needs her, that much is obvious.  &  yet, his absence had only reminded nadja how much she needs him, too.  their year apart was the longest of her immortal life thus far, absolutely miserable in spire of her station on the supreme vampiric council, her every long night plagued by loneliness.  ❝ tell me again, won’t you, my great beloved bear, ❞  she implores him, tugging him bodily to a pause in the ruined hallway  &  bringing his hand to her lips to leave a trail of kisses across the back of it.                                              &  perhaps they would stay there for hours, with nadja dragging her tongue adoringly through the grooves between his knuckles, except that not a moment later she is distracted by a rustling in her petticoats.  &  the vampiress gives a loud squeal of surprise, their fingertips only barely remaining linked as she leaps away from the unexpected movement.  only then does she notice that amidst the broken floorboards  &  the leaking pipes,  there swarmed several small furry creatures, grey pelts with striped black tails.  they scurry,  &  nadja pulls herself back against her husband’s side, loathing the space that had come between them, her free hand pointing at the chubby creatures with a flourish.  ❝ my love, are these your new friends ?  they’re rather small  &  hairy, aren’t they ?  &  why are they all wearing those little black masks ? ❞
     HOW HE HAD LONGED FOR HER TOUCH THIS PAST YEAR- THE LONGEST YEAR OF HIS ETERNAL LIFE. They had never been apart for this long. Of course, taking care of the boy had occupied much of his time, distracting him from the impulse to play the piano and wank until her return, or better yet join his darling Nadja in London. However, in the early hours of the evening when there was nothing to do but slumber beside the empty space where her coffin once stood, those were the moments when his aching heart became impossible to ignore. With her return those torturous mornings were all but a distant memory. Laszlo haphazardly kicked rotted debris to the side as they bounded up the stairs hand-in-hand. He only paused once at the sound of her voice, turning to her, and pressing a kiss against the back of her hand. “Every second away from you was a second too long.”
     The feeling of Nadja's tongue against his hand sends goosebumps up his skin. He shuddered, wanting nothing more than to be with her, inside of her. For one's pleasure to become the others--- and then she squealed, pulling away from whatever diabolical creature had temporarily broken the moment. His free hand reached out to steady her as a black and grey miscreant scurried out from under her legs and into one of its many newly made holes. Laszlo squinted at the raccoon. At first, he had tried to get rid of them, but it had been a lost cause. They were roguish creatures that seemed to procreate at an astonishing rate. He simply couldn’t deny the sense of comradery he held for creatures that liked to fuck as much as he did. “ They’re raccoons, my darling. They took up residence in the walls some time ago. That’s Rocket, Toby, and Mozart, ” he said, pointing them out one by one.  
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
Send me ♡ + a word, and I’ll write a headcanon.
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
In the name of getting some things going on this blog, give this post a like and I'll throw out a one-liner starter. Specify muse or I'll choose for you.
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
I know we got a grand total of 3 minutes of shared screentime between Guillermo and Laszlo this season but those three minutes mean the world to me. Out of all the vampires, Laszlo is the most agnostic towards Guillermo and I’ve seen comments about how their relationship hasn’t really progressed beyond that- but I disagree.
Someone pointed out that Lazlo and Guillermo are foils and while I don't know if I that's exactly the way I'd word it there is quite a bit of merit to the thought. Lazlo is a very sensory-oriented person. He reacts to his environment and focuses on sound (music) and touch (sex mostly) to express himself rather than being direct. Guillermo is the complete opposite. He's secretive about his sexuality, very internalized, and prefers to talk things out. Also, to be honest, he's the help and Lazlo comes from an upper-class background so that combined with not having much in common with Guillermo isn't the best combination for a long-lasting relationship.
Yet their dynamic has taken an interesting turn, starting in s3.
I could go through every little moment in s3 (who knows, I may in a later post) but ultimately the biggest scene is in the last episode where Laszlo acknowledges Guillermo as a “damn good bodyguard”. He literally entrusted the safety of the love of his life to Guillermo. In Laszlo’s mind, this is the highest praise.
Then in s4 we had Baby Colin added into the mix. The only thing that was ever going to unite them was baby Colin. It's their only other common interest beyond keeping Nadja safe. And at first Laszlo’s not crazy about the idea because Colin is his boy. He raised him. He fed him out of the dog bowl. He made sure he wouldn't be fucking boring. BUT baby Colin likes Guillermo and Guillermo is really good at thinking of ways for baby Colin not to die so slowly they begin spending more time together through baby Colin. I think this was especially true after the Nandor wedding. By the end of it he may not be willing to pretend that he's dating Guillermo (ew, too weird. He's too much of a Helsing) but he's letting Guillermo sit in on parenting talks. He even consults Guillermo about telling Colin he's an energy vampire. 
It may be more subtle than Nandor slowly realizing he’s been crushing on his familiar for the best decade and change, or Nadja who pretended to date him (and then agreed not to kill his family even though they tried to kill her). But it’s there. Laszlo values Guillermo even if he doesn’t fully realize it. He's a good bodyguard, a good familiar, and likely a good human in Lazlo's eyes.
IDK I just think s5 may be leading to an interesting dynamic between the two. Guillermo is on his way to becoming and vampire and Laszlo, someone who has truly embraced vampirism for most of his eternal life, has realized there are true repercussions to his undead curse. 
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
SENTENCE MEME ⟶WILDERMYTH / The Sunswallower’s Wake - Part 2 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
‘i have nightmares that curl my soul. of a place i’ve never been.’
‘and being you, you take those dreams ultra-seriously, i imagine.’
‘i worry death waits for us there.’
‘following a dream is a kind of last resort. for those who can’t go back to sleep.’
‘i’m not going to forgive you if this is how i die.’
‘standing stones are kind of unusual.’
‘i hope this is all you want it to be.’
‘i was meant for this sort of life. more secluded. and with the trees around.’
‘this is the dream that makes you watch the moon all night, isn’t it?’
‘do not worry much, for you will love yourself, lonelier though it may make you.’
‘some dreams are only flights of fancy.’
‘what would you do? if you found your heart racing at the thought… of another?’
‘shh. stop mumbling for a second. you hear that?’
‘my life, i know, has been blessed.’
‘you’re acting different, you know. i’ve been telling the others it’s only stress, but…’
‘are we not big friends?’
‘surely i would tell you if something were wrong. nothing is wrong.’
‘i think it’s time we went on a little… hunting trip.’
‘why do i feel this… this urgency to escape?’
‘this is my body. mine. i claimed it.’
‘wait ‘til you see what’s down here. we’re going to be… um, rich.’
‘i love to have. wealth of course. getting it’s good.’
‘i’m sorry, my friend. if there was a better fate, i would find it.’
‘you’re an awful liar.’
‘we’re walking into an ambush, aren’t we?’
‘oh, don’t mind her. she’s a good girl. they all are. won’t bite unless they’re told to.’
‘you’re good. really good. i might actually be impressed.’
‘i didn’t get where i am today by being a poor judge of flesh!’
‘yeah, you can drop the hero act around me.’
‘i’m not an idiot. do you see this brain?’
‘an arm or a leg will suffice.’
‘dance with my pets, if it pleases you. i’ll still have your bones.’
‘did she operate on herself, i wonder?’
‘not my doing, sadly, or i’d be boasting about it.’
‘i know these people. they’re tough as daisies.’
‘in reverence and dread your name shall be spoken.’
‘daisies and dandelions return year after year.’
‘the woman would stick a sword in her favourite puppy for the right price.’
‘i trust her… to act as humans do.’
‘…but you never speak of that time.’
‘i did not think you would care to hear the maudlin tale of how i passed my bleakest days.’
‘weak. alone. famished. like my innards had been scraped out with a spoon. empty as a hollowed gourd. that’s how it felt.’
‘i spent a century or two languishing in despair.’
‘i did an exceptional job of it, naturally.’
‘almost i believed that i was human. except that i did not die.’
‘you shall never be made to suffer so again.’
‘at the moment, i am more concerned with collecting my debts.’
‘come try it, birdboy!’
‘you don’t all have to die, if you’re smart.’
‘you’re a little young to have a deathwish.’
‘i can play nice until you get back.’
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
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An indie multi-muse sideblog, ft. Laszlo Cravensworth from WWDTS
Carrd. Follow back from thecodekeeper.
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thiievesandbeggars · 2 years
Shit Laszlo refused to believe in despite being a vampire
- Ghosts
- Zombies
- Vampire Slayers
- The power of the sire
- curses
Sir, you are a vampire. Your condition is literally a “curse”. It’s in your opening line. How can you be this obtuse? This dedicated to keeping your head in the dirt like a stubborn ostrich. 
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